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Seasons Between Us

Page 41

by Alan Dean Foster

  Rich Larson was born in Galmi, Niger, has lived in Canada, USA, and Spain, and is now based in Prague, Czech Republic. He is the author of the novels Annex (Orbit Books, 2018) and Cypher (Orbit Books, 2020), and the collection Tomorrow Factory (Talos Press, 2018), which contains some of the best of his +150 published stories. His work has been translated into Polish, Czech, French, Italian, Vietnamese and Chinese. Find free fiction and support his work via

  Karin Lowachee was born in South America, grew up in Canada, and worked in the Arctic. Her first novel Warchild won the 2001 Warner Aspect First Novel Contest. Both Warchild (2002) and her third novel Cagebird (2005) were finalists for the Philip K. Dick Award. Her books have been translated into

  French, Hebrew, and Japanese, and her stories have appeared in anthologies edited by Nalo Hopkinson, John Joseph Adams, and Ann VanderMeer.

  Brent Nichols is a fantasy and science fiction writer, book cover designer, bon vivant, and man about town. He likes good beer, bad puns, high adventure and low comedy. He’s never been seen in the same room as Batman, but that’s probably just a coincidence. He has two novels with Bundoran Press, and self-publishes military science fiction under the pen name Jake Elwood.

  Heather Osborne is an English instructor at the University of Calgary, where she works on science fiction, fantasy, and digital literatures. She is the associate editor for Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction. She has worked as the Assistant Program Director at the Alexandra Writers’ Centre Society, a Calgary arts non-profit, and as assistant editor for dANDelion, a literary arts and experimental poetry magazine.

  Y.M. Pang spent her childhood pacing around her grandfather’s bedroom, telling him stories of magic, swords, and bears. Her fiction has appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Escape Pod, and Strange Horizons, among other venues. She dabbles in photography and often contemplates the merits of hermitism. Despite this, you can find her online at and on Twitter as @YMPangWriter.

  Karina Sumner-Smith is the author of the Towers Trilogy from Talos Press: Radiant, Defiant, and Towers Fall. In addition to novel-length work, Karina has published a range of science fiction, fantasy, and horror short stories that have been nominated for the Nebula Award, reprinted in several Year’s Best anthologies, and translated into Spanish and Czech. She lives in Toronto with her husband and a small dog. Visit her at

  Amanda Sun is a YA and Fantasy writer, and author of The Paper Gods, a series set in Japan about dangerous drawings coming to life. She also wrote Heir to the Sky, about floating continents and monster hunters, and has contributed to several award-winning anthologies. Many of her novels and short fiction have been Aurora Award nominees and Junior Library Guild selections, as well as Indigo Top Teen Picks and USA Today features. Her recent story “The Travellers” was long-listed for the Sunburst Award. When not reading or writing, Sun keeps busy as a mother, cosplayer, and geeky stitcher.

  Patrick Swenson edited Talebones magazine for 14 years, and he still runs Fairwood Press, a book line. He was nominated for a World Fantasy Award for his work with the press. His first novel The Ultra Thin Man appeared from Tor, followed by sequel The Ultra Big Sleep. His new novel Rain Music is now available. He has sold stories to the anthologies Unfettered III and Like Water for Quarks, and to various magazines. He runs the Rainforest Writers Village retreat every spring at Lake Quinault, Washington. A high school teacher for 35 years, Patrick lives in Bonney Lake, Washington with his son Orion.

  Bogi Takács is a Hungarian Jewish agender trans person (e/em/eir/emself or they pronouns) and an immigrant to the United States. E is a winner of the Lambda award for editing Transcendent 2: The Year’s Best Transgender Speculative Fiction, and a finalist for the Hugo and Locus Awards. Eir debut poetry collection Algorithmic Shapeshifting was published by Aqueduct Press, and eir debut short story collection The Trans Space Octopus Congregation was published by Lethe, both in 2019. You can find Bogi talking about books at, and on various social media as bogiperson. Bogi lives in Kansas with eir spouse (writer R.B. Lemberg), child, and an assembly of books.

  Hayden Trenholm is an award-winning editor, playwright, novelist and short story writer. His first novel, A Circle of Birds, won the 3-Day Novel Writing competition; it was translated and published in French. His trilogy, The Steele Chronicles, were each nominated for an Aurora Award. Stealing Home, the third book, was a finalist for the Sunburst Award. Hayden has won five Aurora Awards—thrice for short fiction and twice for editing. He purchased Bundoran Press in 2012 and is its managing editor. He lives in Ottawa with his wife and fellow writer, Liz Westbrook-Trenholm.

  Liz Westbrook-Trenholm has published or aired mainstream and speculative short fiction, most recently in Shades Within Us (Laksa Media), Over the Rainbow (Exile Press), Tesseracts 22 (Edge) and Amazing Stories. She won the Aurora Award for short fiction for Gone Flying in 2018 and was nominated in 2019 for her story Critical Mass. She is a long-distance, founding member of Imaginative Fiction Writers Association in Calgary, and of East Block Irregulars writing group in Ottawa, where she now lives with her husband, writer, editor, publisher and inspiration, Hayden Trenholm.

  Jane Yolen, often called “the Hans Christian Andersen of America,” is the author of over 382 books, including Owl Moon, The Devil’s Arithmetic, and How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight. The books range from rhymed picture books and baby board books, through middle grade fiction, poetry collections, nonfiction, and up to novels and story collections for young adults and adults. She is a Grandmaster of SFWA, SFPA, and the World Fantasy Association. Six New England colleges and universities have given her honorary doctorates for her body of work. One of her awards set her good coat on fire.

  Alvaro Zinos-Amaro is a Hugo and Locus award finalist who has published some forty stories and over one hundred reviews, essays and interviews in venues like Clarkesworld, Asimov’s, Analog, Lightspeed,, Locus, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Nature, Strange Horizons, Galaxy’s Edge, Lackington’s, The Los Angeles Review of Books, and anthologies such as The Year’s Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 2016, Cyber World, Humanity 2.0, This Way to the End Times, 18 Wheels of Science Fiction, Shades Within Us, The Unquiet Dreamer, and Nox Pareidolia.

  About the Editors

  Susan Forest is an award-winning author and editor of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Her novel, Bursts of Fire was released in 2019, to be followed by Flights of Marigold (2020) and Scents of Slavery (2021). She has published over 25 short stories, contributes to When Words Collide, and has appeared at many international writing conventions. With Lucas K. Law, she co-edited Strangers Among Us, The Sum of Us, Shades Within Us, and Seasons Between Us. Susan loves travel and has been known to dictate novels from the back of her husband’s motorcycle. Visit her online at Follow the Addicted to Heaven series online at

  Lucas K. Law is a Malaysian-born award-winning editor and author who divides his time and heart between Calgary and Qualicum Beach. With Susan Forest, he co-edited Strangers Among Us, The Sum of Us, Shades Within Us, and Seasons Between Us. Lucas is the co-editor of Where the Stars Rise with Derwin Mak. When he isn’t editing, writing, or reading, he is a corporate and non-profit organization consultant in business planning and development.



  Foreword ©2021 by Lucas K. Law

  Introduction ©2021 by Candas Jane Dorsey

  Clear Waters ©2021 by Calvin D. Jim

  Groven ©2021 by Heather Osborne

  Robocare ©2021 by Rich Larson

  Dress of Ash ©2021 by Y.M. Pang

  Hope to See the Ghost Tonight ©2021 by Patrick Swenson

  Lay Down Your Heart ©2021 by Elizabeth Westbrook-Trenholm & Hayden Trenh

  The Veil Between ©2021 by Karin Lowachee

  Sympathétique ©2021 by Alvaro Zinos-Amaro

  The Selkie’s Skin ©2021 by Bev Geddes

  Messages Left in Transit, Devices Out of Sync ©2021 by Divya Srinivasan Breed

  Joe ©2021 by Karen Vanessa Farkas-Brahmakshatriya

  Summer of Our Discontent ©2021 by Tyler Keevil

  A Grave Between Them ©2021 by Karina Sumner-Smith

  Blue Kueh ©2021 by Joyce Chng

  Second Thoughts ©2021 by Eric Choi

  The Sabhu My Destination ©2021 by Maurice Broaddus

  The Hidden Knowledge Society ©2021 by Bogi Takács

  The Light of Stars ©2021 by Amanda Sun

  The Hollow Oath ©2021 by Brent Nichols

  When Resin Burns to Tar ©2021 by Maria Haskins

  Exchange of Perspective ©2021 by Alan Dean Foster

  The Astronaut’s Four Seasons ©2021 by Jane Yolen

  Afterword ©2021 by Susan Forest

  Paying Forward, Giving Back





  Laksa Media Groups Inc. publishes issues-related general audience and literary experimental fiction, and narrative non-fiction books. Our mission is to create opportunities to “pay forward” and “give back” through our publishing program. Our tag line is Read for a Cause, Write for a Cause, Help a Cause.

  A portion of our net revenue from each book project goes to support a charitable organization, project or event. We do not deal with any charity that promotes politics, religion, discrimination, crime, hate or inequality.

  The charitable causes dear to our hearts are literacy, education, public libraries, elder care, mental health, affordable housing, and prevention of abuse or bullying.







  Because of the dynamic nature of the internet, any telephone numbers, web addresses or links provided in this section may have changed since the publication of this book and may no longer be valid.

  A listing in theAppendix doesn’t mean it is an endorsement from Laksa Media Groups Inc., publisher, editors, authors and/or those involved in this series project. Its listing here is a means to disseminate information to the readers to get additional materials for further investigation or knowledge.



  How is your Mental Health? Do you think you have experienced one or more of the following recently?

  More Stress than Before


  Separation and Divorce

  Feelings of Violence

  Suicidal Thoughts

  Self Injury

  Excessive or Unexplained Anxiety

  Obsession or Compulsion

  Paranoia, Phobias or Panics

  Post-Traumatic Stress



  Postpartum Depression

  Eating Disorders



  Mood Disorders

  Personality Disorders

  Learning Disabilities


  More information:

  The Depression Screen is most appropriate for individuals who are feeling overwhelming sadness.

  The Anxiety Screen will help if you feel that worry and fear affect your day-to-day life.

  The Bipolar Screen is intended to support individuals who have mood swings or unusual shifts in mood and energy.

  The PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Screen is best taken by those who are bothered by a traumatic life event.

  The Alcohol or Substance Use Screen will help determine if your use of alcohol or drugs is an area to address.

  The Youth Screen is for young people (age 11-17) who are concerned that their emotions, attention, or behaviours might be signs of a problem.

  The Parent Screen is for parents of young people to determine if their child’s emotions, attention, or behaviours might be signs of a problem.

  The Psychosis Screen is for young people (age12-35) who feel like their brain is playing tricks on them (seeing, hearing, or believing things that don’t seem real or quite right).

  Eating Disorder Test is to explore eating-related concerns which may impact your physical health and overall well-being.

  Work Health Survey is for exploring how healthy or unhealthy your work environment is.

  Worried about Your Child—Symptom Checker:

  10 Ways to Look after Your Mental Health


  Connect with Others

  Stay Positive

  Get Physically Active

  Help Others

  Get Enough Sleep

  Create Joy and Satisfaction

  Eat Well

  Take Care of Your Spirit

  Deal Better with Hard Times

  Get Professional Help if You Need It


  If you or someone you know is struggling with mental illness, please consult a doctor or a healthcare professional in your community.

  Below is not a comprehensive information listing, but it is a good start to get more information on mental health/illness.

  Emergency Phone Number

  If you or someone is in crisis or may be at risk of harming himself/ herself or someone else, please call your national Emergency Phone Number immediately.



  United States


  United Kingdom

  999 or 112


  999 or 112







  New Zealand



  To locate your local Canadian Mental Health Association:

  Specifically for children and young people (aged 5-20), call Kids Help Phone’s 24-hour confidential phone line at 1-800-668-6868 English or French. More information online:

  There are a number of resource materials and list of organizations that you can reach out to on the Bell Let’s Talk website:

  Mental Health & Addiction Information A-Z (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health):

  Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health:

  List of local crisis centres (Canadian Centre for Suicide Prevention):

  The Alex—Changing Health, Changing Lives:

  United States

  National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK or 1-800-273-8255

  (More resources at:

  For more mental health information:

United Kingdom

  The Samaritans ( offers emotional support 24 hours a day—get in touch with them:116-123.

  A to Z of MentalHealth:

  Free Mental HealthPodcasts:


  The Samaritans ( offers emotional support 24 hours a day—get in touch with them: 116-123.

  Childline Helpline ( Confidential for young people (under 18). Phone: 1-800-66-66-66

  For more mental health information:


  Helplines, websites, and government mental health services for Australia:

  Kids Helpline: Confidential and anonymous, telephone and online counselling service specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25. Phone: 1800-55-1800 or visit

  Lifeline: 24-hour telephone counselling service. Phone:

  13-11-14 or visit

  New Zealand

  Helplines, websites and government mental health services for New Zealand:

  Youthline (for young people under 25): 0800-376-633. More information online:

  Lifeline: 0800-543-354

  Suicide Crisis Helpline: 0508-828-865 (0508-TAUTOKO)


  Mental Health & Psychosocial Support: International Medical Corps (


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