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Wicked Liars: A High School Bully Romance (Windsor Academy Book 1)

Page 7

by Laura Lee

  Kingston has wedged himself between me and Ainsley, looking far too good for my comfort. His navy t-shirt is molded to the muscles that lay beneath and his dark fitted jeans hang low off his hips. He’s wearing a pair of white Jordans that don’t have a scuff on them. I wouldn’t be surprised if he just pulled them out of the box.

  Kyle straightens his spine and clears his throat. “What can I get you, man?”

  “Macallan.” Kingston levels Kyle with a glare. “And make it fucking snappy.”

  “Stop being a dick!” Ainsley smacks her brother’s arm. “What the hell are you doing here anyway?”

  Kingston ignores her and scowls at the bartender while he’s fixing his drink. When Kyle passes the scotch over to him, Kingston doesn’t even acknowledge him. Just downs the shot and slams the cup back down.

  Kingston grabs both me and Ainsley by the elbow, leading us away.

  “Hey!” I shout.

  “What the hell?” Ainsley gripes at the same time.

  He releases us once we’re a good twenty feet away. “The better question is, what the hell are you two doing here?”

  Ainsley crosses her arms over her chest. “We were invited.”

  Kingston’s lips curl as his attention turns to me. “Well, look at that; the trash is playing dress up.”

  Insult aside, he’s right in one respect—I definitely don’t look like myself right now. By the time Ainsley was finished with me, my eye makeup was all smoky sex kitten, my long hair was pin-straight, and my clothes were... well, they’re kind of toeing the line between skanky and sexy. But if I’m being honest, I like the idea of getting out of my own skin for a night. I thought maybe if I didn’t look like myself, I could temporarily forget about all the depressing shit in my life.

  My eyes narrow into slits. “Fuck you.”

  His face lights up in a mocking grin. “Not if yours was the last pussy on Earth, sweetheart.”

  Really? my eyes say. It didn’t seem that way the other night.

  I didn’t hear you complaining, his eyes retort.

  I have to remind myself not to shrivel under his scrutiny as his gaze leisurely runs the length of my body. I have no doubt he’s doing it to make me uncomfortable, and I refuse to give him that satisfaction. When he pauses on my chest, I look down to make sure nothing is popping out. My boobs aren’t big—slightly less than a handful—but the tight black tank Ainsley convinced me to wear has a low neckline and cut outs which expose a little side boob.

  The muscles in his neck tighten. “Was your little pet project also invited?”

  Ainsley rolls her eyes. “Lay off, Kingston.”

  “I’ll lay off when you stop being a stubborn—”

  We’re interrupted when some guy joins us, obviously checking Ainsley out. “You made it!”

  Every trace of irritation from fighting with her brother vanishes. “Donovan!” She nods to me. “This is my friend, Jazz. I hope it’s okay I brought her along.”

  He flashes a toothy smile. “Of course it’s okay. Beautiful women are always welcome in my house.” Donovan nods to Kingston. “You come with your sister, too?”

  Kingston shakes his head. “Nah, Reed and Bent are around here somewhere.”

  Donovan swings his heavy arms over both mine and Ainsley’s shoulders. “Well, then you won’t mind if I steal these beauties, will ya?”

  Kingston’s jaw tics. “Knock yourself out, man.”

  Donovan leads us toward the wall of sliding glass doors. “Let’s head out back. It’s much more chill out there.”

  “Sounds good to me.” Ainsley giggles.

  I slip out of his hold—which he doesn’t even seem to notice—and follow them outside. We make our way to a large firepit surrounded by long, wooden benches. Donovan pulls Ainsley onto his lap, burying his nose in her neck. I smile when I see how positively gleeful my friend is right now. This guy is definitely into her, and he’s making a pretty public statement about it.

  A different guy takes a seat on my left. “You’re new around here. I would’ve remembered seeing someone as beautiful as you.”

  I take a sip of my drink before replying. This guy’s good looking, in a preppy kind of way. Tall, brown hair, green eyes, nice smile.

  “I am. You a friend of Donovan’s?”

  “I am.” His smile widens, which makes two dimples pop, adding to his all-American boy appeal. “I’m Lawson. And you are...?”

  I grin. “Jazz.”

  Lawson takes my hand and places a kiss on top. “It’s very nice to meet you, Jazz. So, where are you from?”

  “LA. Watts area, to be more specific.”

  Lawson lifts his eyebrows in surprise. “Quite the upgrade.”

  “Depends who you ask, I suppose.” I shrug. Thinking about home makes me think about my mom, so I quickly change the subject. “Do you go to UCLA?”

  He nods. “I do—freshman year. What about you?”

  “Uh... I’m at Windsor Academy right now. Senior year.”

  “I know Windsor well. Graduated last year.” He scoots a little closer. “How do you like it so far?”

  “The school seems all right. Most of the student body, not so much.”

  Lawson laughs. “That good, huh? I can’t imagine a pretty girl like you has any trouble fitting in.”

  “Well, then you’d be surprised.”

  Lawson and I make small talk for a while before he jerks his head to the right. “You interested in taking a dip in the hot tub?”

  On the other end of the deck, there’s a huge hot tub sitting under a pergola lined with mini Edison bulbs. There’s only one couple in it, but they’re going at it pretty hot and heavy.

  I point to them. “I don’t know if they’d enjoy the company.”

  He follows my gaze and laughs. “I’m pretty sure they won’t even notice we’re there.”

  I raise my brows when the girl pulls back and I catch a glimpse of their faces. She’s grinding on top of the guy beneath her—God only knows if either one of them are wearing anything under the waterline. Couples having sex at a party wouldn’t normally faze me, but in this case, when the guy is Kingston Davenport and the girl is most definitely not Peyton, it gets my attention. I’m not deluding myself into thinking what happened in my closet the other day meant anything to him, but damn, how many girls does he hook up with?

  Right before I’m about to look away, our gazes meet. I can see the muscles in his arms flexing, the same way they did when he had his hand under my towel. The brunette writhing on his lap is moaning loudly now, leaving no question as to what his hand is doing under the water. My face flushes in rage, and maybe a little bit of arousal, as my body remembers exactly how talented his fingers are.

  Kingston’s lips form into a wicked grin as my eyes narrow on him. I could swear he’s challenging me right now—that for some reason he’s doing this to make a point. Why the hell would I care who he hooks up with? He’s not my boyfriend nor do I ever want him to be my boyfriend. So, why do I feel like walking over there and dragging her off of him by her hair?

  I take the final sip of my drink and set the cup on the bench. Turning to Lawson, I say, “You know what? I think I’d like to get another drink instead. Do you want to head up to the bar with me?”

  Lawson stands up and offers his hand. “That’s a great idea, beautiful.”

  I go to tell Ainsley where I’m going, but she’s too busy making out with Donovan.

  Lawson leads me back inside, still holding onto my hand. Kyle, the bartender’s face falls when he sees us approaching him together.

  “Jazz, back so soon. Another screwdriver?”

  I smile. “Yes, please.”

  Kyle nods to Lawson. “And you, buddy?”

  “Another beer would be great.”

  I can’t seem to get the image of Kingston and his mystery girl out of my mind. I think I need a quick breather to gather my wits.

  I tap Lawson’s shoulder. “Hey, would you mind grabbing my drink when it’s re
ady? I’m going to find a bathroom.”

  “No problem.” He points down the long hallway off to the right. “The closest bathroom is down that hall, second door on your left.”

  I nod. “Thanks. I’ll be right back.”

  There’re a few people waiting in line, so I stand with my back pressed against the wall, taking deep breaths. Once my turn is finally up, I lock the door behind me and run my wrists under cold water.

  I look at my reflection in the mirror. “Don’t let that asshole get to you, Jazz. He’s trying to get a reaction out of you. Don’t let him win.”

  Pep talk over, I quickly pee and wash my hands before exiting the room. Lawson is waiting for me right outside the door, two drinks in hand.

  “Your drink, milady.” He winks as he hands the cup over.

  “Thanks.” I take a small sip. “You wanna head back outside?”

  He crooks his elbow, offering it to me. “I’d be happy to.”

  When we step through the doors, I make a conscious effort not to turn my head in the direction of the hot tub. Lawson and I head back over to the firepit, but Ainsley and Donovan are nowhere to be found.

  “They’re upstairs in Donovan’s room,” Lawson offers. “Your friend asked me to tell you on her behalf.”

  I bite my lip, slightly irritated that Ainsley would just leave like that without talking to me directly. Then I remember, I did the same to her because I didn’t want to interrupt her make-out session. She had no way of knowing I planned on only being gone for a few minutes.

  “Right.” I release a sigh.

  We both take a seat and nurse our drinks while we chat.

  After I finish my second drink, he nudges me. “Hey, you want to dance?”


  When I start walking toward the house, Lawson grabs my hand to steady me. Damn, I’m really feeling the alcohol. Normally it takes at least three or four before I feel this buzzed. Kyle must’ve made the second round a bit stronger.

  “I was hoping we could have our own little dance party.” When I hesitate, he adds, “Just over by the pool house. We’ll still be able to hear the music; it just won’t be as loud.”

  I look around and see partygoers spread out. I know better than to be alone with some guy I just met, but we definitely wouldn’t be alone if we headed over there.


  Lawson leads me to a little patch of garden off to the side of the pool house. The song switches to a slow, sensuous beat right as he pulls me into his arms.

  His mouth presses against my ear. “Hi.”

  I shiver as his hot breath causes goosebumps to scatter across my skin. “Hi.”

  One song bleeds into a few as Lawson and I dance together. When he spins me around, pressing his front to my back, I can feel his erection digging into my spine. His big hands bracket my hips, which actually helps because my legs are starting to feel like Jell-O.

  I whimper when his tongue snakes out and trails down the nape of my neck. “Why don’t we take this some place more private?”

  I don’t think I said yes but Lawson starts leading me to the pool house anyway. When I stumble, he steadies me with a firm hand at my elbow.

  “Hold on, baby, we’re almost there.”

  “Lawson, I’m not feeling so hot. I don’t think we should—”

  He turns the door handle. “It’s cool, Jazz. You can just lay down in here until it passes.”

  I shake my head. “I don’t know. I—”

  Before I can finish my sentence, another guy comes up beside him.

  “Thanks, man.” Bentley gives Lawson a fist bump. “I can take it from here.”

  Lawson winks at me. “She’s all yours, Fitzgerald.”

  What the hell is going on?

  “Bentley, what’s happening?”

  My head suddenly feels too heavy, so I flop it to the side.

  He crouches down and brushes some hair away from my face. “Come on, pretty girl, let’s get you inside. You’re wasted.”

  I shake my head. “Am not.”

  He chuckles. “How many drinks have you had?”

  I try holding up two fingers, but it takes me a moment to get it. “Just two, but I’m not a lightweight. I think Kyle made my second drink too strong.”

  His eyebrows pinch together. “Who the fuck is Kyle?”

  “The bartender.” Why am I slurring?

  Bentley picks me up bridal style. “Come on, princess. Let’s have a little fun.”

  I wrap my arms around him and bury my nose into his neck. “Mmm, you smell good.” My tongue darts out, tasting his skin. It’s salty from a light sheen of sweat, but not unpleasant. “Tastes good, too.”

  He groans as he shoulders the door open and sets me down. He doesn’t let me go though, which is a good thing considering I’m having trouble standing. It’s then that I see we’re not alone. Kingston and Reed are both standing in the living area.

  I glare at Kingston. “Why are you here?”

  He’s dressed now, but his hair is damp and he looks way too good if you ask me.

  Kingston gives me a wicked grin. “I’m here to party. Why else would I be here? This is a party, isn’t it?”

  I turn back to Bentley. “What’s this idiot talking about?”

  Bentley starts massaging my shoulders, forcing a groan out of me. “Like he said, we’re having a party. Our own little private party.”

  My jaw drops as I comprehend the meaning behind his statement. “You’re all fucking crazy if you think that’s gonna happen.”

  Bentley brushes my hair aside as his thumbs knead between my shoulder blades. “C’mon, Jazzy, don’t be shy now. Kingston told us how hot you were for him. How drenched. How tightly your pretty pink pussy gripped his fingers.” His erection digs into my back as he presses into me from behind. “We wanna see how well that pussy can grip our dicks.” Bentley’s tongue traces a path down the nape of my neck. “How pretty you’d look with all three holes filled.”

  Oh, God. The image he just planted in my brain is so hot, my entire body flushes. But there’s no way in hell I could actually go through with that. Right?


  “I don’t...” I shake my head, trying to clear the fog. “I think...”

  Bentley moves to my front as someone else takes his place in the back. I know it’s Kingston the moment his strong hands grip my hips before making their way up my abdomen.

  Bentley frames my face in his hands. “Don’t think, Jazzy. Just focus on how good we’re gonna make you feel.”

  Bentley seals his lips over mine right as Kingston’s hands cover my breasts. I gasp when Kingston pinches my nipples through the thin fabric of my top, which Bentley takes advantage of by slipping his tongue into my mouth. With the cutouts, my shirt wouldn’t allow for a bra, so it’s the only thing standing between Kingston’s fingers and my skin.

  Bentley feasts on my mouth like a man starved, and I give as good as I get. My hands glide under his t-shirt, tracing the muscular planes of his chest. The erection pressed into my stomach jerks when my fingernails rake over his nipple. Behind me, Kingston’s hands are everywhere, ratcheting my desire to an almost unbearable level. He lifts my arms straight above my head. My kiss with Bentley is broken as my tank top is pulled over my head and tossed aside.

  Bentley groans as he looks at my naked torso. “Fuck, Jazz.”

  Kingston’s large hands cover my breasts and squeeze, rolling my nipples between his index and middle fingers.

  My head falls back into his chest. “Oh, God.”

  “Switch,” Kingston demands before coming around to my front while Bentley positions himself in back. Kingston’s lids are hooded with lust as he circles my nipple with his finger. My breath hitches as he runs his thumb along my lower lip. He stares at my mouth as my tongue darts out, swirling around the tip. “Fuck.”

  Kingston grabs my face and without thinking twice, our lips collide. Bentley’s tongue is trailing down my neck while my tongue is tangling
with Kingston’s. Kingston swallows my moan when Bentley bites down, sucking my skin in his retreat. I’m naked from the waist up but they’re both still fully clothed. There’s something strangely erotic about that but I want more. I’m burning with the need to feel their skin against mine.

  I tug on the hem of Kingston’s t-shirt. “Take this off.” I twist until I’m facing Bentley. “You too. Lose the shirt.”

  Bentley winks. “You don’t need to tell me twice.”

  Two more shirts join the floor before I’m grabbing the back of Kingston’s neck, pulling him into a kiss. As we rub against each other, skin to skin, we’re a tornado of sloppy kisses, moans, and deep intakes of breath. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Reed holding his phone up in our direction, but I’m too consumed with lust to question it.

  “God, you’re so fucking hot.” Bentley massages my breasts while licking the shell of my ear.

  Kingston breaks away from my mouth and pushes Bentley’s hand away before kissing a path down to my left breast. I shudder as his tongue swirls around the pointed tip before sucking it into his mouth. My knees buckle as a wave of dizziness washes over me.

  Kingston catches me by the hips as he pulls away. “You okay?”

  I shake my head, trying to clear the fog of lust. “Yeah... uh...” Now the room is spinning. “Maybe I should sit down for a minute.”

  Kingston and Bentley exchange a loaded glance over my shoulder before guiding me to the nearby couch. Man, why am I so sleepy all of a sudden? As my back hits the soft cushions, I curl onto my side.

  My lids drift closed. “Just give me a minute and I’ll—”

  That’s the last thing I remember before blacking out.



  “She’s out,” Bentley says. “Fuck. That got way out of control. I never would’ve guessed she’d be that responsive.”

  I rake my hands through my hair. “Me neither.”

  I pace the room, needing to distance myself from Jasmine. When we came up with this little plan of ours, Lawson was supposed to deliver her as she was on the verge of passing out. We thought she’d fall asleep, we’d get the pictures we needed, and leave. It seemed that way when she first walked through the door, but she got a second wind when Bent started kissing her. I never intended to take it that far, but once I saw how into it she was, logic took a flying fucking leap out the window.


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