Wicked Liars: A High School Bully Romance (Windsor Academy Book 1)

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Wicked Liars: A High School Bully Romance (Windsor Academy Book 1) Page 8

by Laura Lee

  My fists clench at the thought of Bentley’s hands and lips all over her. I don’t know what the fuck my problem is—we’ve shared a few women in the past—but with Jasmine, it’s different. She’s different. There’s an obvious spark between the two of them which turned into an inferno tonight. It makes the beast inside of me want to destroy everything in its path.

  “I was about to step in and remind you what we were really here for,” Reed grumbles. “You fucking idiots let your dicks take charge of that.”

  I flip him off. “Fuck off, man. I would’ve stopped it before it got any further.”

  “Right.” He scoffs and holds up his phone. “When you see the video, you may change your mind.”

  Bentley adjusts himself with a wince. “My boner won’t go down. Do I have time for a quick jerk-off sesh?”

  I give him a wry look as I move my own dick into a more comfortable position. “Deal with it, asshole. We need to get out of here.”

  Bentley quickly glances as Jasmine. “What do we do now?”

  I motion to the sleeping beauty on the couch. “Let’s move to the bedroom. Strip her jeans off and then grab a few pictures to go with the video. We need to hurry in case my sister comes looking for her.”

  Jasmine stirs slightly as I remove her pants, but she remains asleep. My dick jerks when I catch sight of her red lacy panties and the obvious wet spot on them. Shit. Focus on the task at hand, asshole.

  Reed snaps some strategically posed pictures of me and Bentley in bed with Jasmine before we cover her with the blanket. Before we leave, I pull Jasmine’s phone out. She has an older model that doesn’t have facial recognition. Lucky for me, I spied her passcode when she unlocked it the other day in class. I shoot off a quick text to Ainsley so she knows where to find Jasmine before setting it on the nightstand.

  “Let’s go.”

  I let Reed and Bentley go ahead of me before I lock the door and exit the pool house myself. At least a dozen people all watch as we leave with knowing smiles on their faces. They assume we were in there fucking her, and when these pictures get leaked, it will be confirmed. Jasmine Callahan is going to loathe the day she ever set foot on Windsor property.



  “Jazz, wake up.”

  I groan as someone shakes me.

  “Jazz, c’mon.”

  I peel my eyes open and squint at the offending sunlight seeping in through the window. Where the hell am I?


  I turn my head and find Ainsley standing beside the bed I’m in. “Where am I?”

  Her brows pinch together. “Donovan’s pool house. You don’t remember?”

  I rub my temples, willing my headache to go away. Ugh, I feel like shit. “I don’t remember much of anything.” My bare skin rubs against the sheets, startling me. I look under the covers and sure enough, I’m only wearing panties. “Why am I practically naked?”

  Ainsley’s still frowning. “You seriously don’t remember anything? How much did you drink?”

  I gingerly sit up, clutching the comforter to my chest. “Only two, but that second one must’ve been really strong. I remember talking to some guy after you went off with Donovan and not much else.”

  She picks my phone off the nightstand. “You texted me around one in the morning that you were locking yourself in the pool house to sleep off the liquor.”

  I grab my phone from her outstretched hand and pull up my messages. Yep, I definitely did that. “Huh. I don’t remember any of that.”

  Her eyes widen. “Did you hook up with someone?”

  “What? No!” I would feel it if I had sex, right? I shake my head, internally assessing my body. Nope, I’m definitely not sore down there and my panties are still on, so that’s a good sign. Heat floods my core when I remember kissing someone... but that was probably a dream. Hopefully.

  Ainsley sighs. “Well, thank God you had the sense to lock the door before you passed out. You can never be too careful.”

  I smooth down my unruly hair. “How did you get in here?”

  She dangles a key chain from her hand. “Donovan gave it to me.”

  I look around the room and spot my clothes hanging off the chair in the corner. “Would you mind giving me a minute to get dressed?”

  Ainsley nods. “Take your time. I’ll be up front waiting.”

  While I’m getting dressed, I glance around the room, trying to jog my memory somehow, but nothing comes. I’ve never been blackout drunk before, especially after only two drinks. Did that guy I was talking to spike my drink? Ainsley was right; thank God I had the sense to lock myself in here. Who knows what could’ve happened?

  I check the time on my phone as I meet up with Ainsley and see that it’s quarter after seven. Shit, how am I going to explain being out all night? Sperm Donor is out of town, but surely Ms. Williams would’ve tried reaching me. They never set any kind of curfew—or rules in general that don’t have to do with appearances—but still. My mom trusted my judgment; if I wanted to stay out late, I did, but she always demanded to know where I was and who I was with. She said it helped ease her mind, knowing she can get to me at any time. Does Charles really not care what happens to me? I guess I’ll find out when I get home.

  WHEN I WALK THROUGH the front door after Ainsley dropped me off, there’s no one in sight.

  “Hello? Is anyone here?”

  I startle when Ms. Williams appears out of seemingly nowhere. She eyes me with her usual disgust as she takes in my wrinkled clothes and last night’s makeup. “Miss Jasmine. Good morning.”

  “Good morning,” I repeat hesitantly. “Is Charles back in town yet?”

  She shakes her head. “No. He’s expected to return tomorrow evening.”

  “Isn’t he an attorney? Why is he always out of town? That seems odd to me.”

  “It’s not my job to question Mr. Callahan’s whereabouts.” Ms. Williams narrows her eyes. “Nor is it yours. Considering you spent the entire night doing God knows what with God knows who, I hardly think you’re one to place judgment.”

  “Wow,” I scoff. “I wasn’t placing judgment; I was just curious. But you definitely were.”

  Ms. Williams huffs. “If you didn’t come home looking like you’ve been working the streets all night, maybe I wouldn’t have. Your father will not be pleased when he hears how you’re conducting yourself in such a sleazy manner.”

  “Well, then he can take it up with me when he gets back.” I roll my eyes as I march up the stairs.

  When I get to my room, I dial Jerome’s number again, but he still won’t answer. I’d really like to see my sister sometime this weekend, but he’s making that rather difficult. Why he’s making it so difficult is a mystery. I pull up my social worker, Davina’s, contact info and press the call button.

  She answers right away. “Jasmine, how are things going? I had you on my check-in calendar today but you beat me to it.”

  “Hey, Davina.” I take a deep breath. “Things are okay. Pretty non-eventful for the most part.”

  “Well, non-eventful is good, I would think, all things considered.” I can hear the smile in her voice. “How are you fitting in with your new family? Any concerns?”

  “Nope,” I lie. “Everyone’s been... nice, I guess. We’re all still trying to get to know one another.”

  There’s no way I’m telling her about how I’m being bullied at school or how cold Charles has been to me. As much as I don’t like my birth father, or that school, I will admit it’s the best place for me to meet my goals of getting custody of Belle.

  “I’m glad to hear it, Jazz. Now, since you called me, I’m guessing you’ve got something on your mind? Talk to me, honey.”

  “I was hoping you could give me Belle’s address. I’ve tried calling her dad several times. He answered once and said it’d be okay if I stopped by, but he’s been ghosting me since. I need to see her with my own eyes. Make sure she’s okay.”

  Davina sighs. “Hon
ey, you know I can’t do that.”


  “Hold on, now. I wasn’t done. Like I was saying, I can’t give you her address, but I can try to coordinate a sibling visit. My placement check-in with her is scheduled for next week. I can ask then.”

  “Thank you, Davina. I really appreciate it. I miss her so much.”

  “I’m sure she misses you too, honey. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can, okay?”

  I nod. “Okay. I’ll talk to you later.”

  I end the call, discouraged I didn’t get Belle’s address, but I know Davina will do her best. I suppose that’s all I can hope for right now.



  By Monday morning, I’m on emotional overload. Every one of my attempts to contact Belle went unanswered. When Charles returned from his trip, I was expecting another scolding, but what I got instead was complete avoidance, confirming my suspicion he doesn’t really give a fuck about me.

  I’m getting to the point where I’ve accepted this is my new reality—a world without my mom or my sister. Living in a mansion filled with the most frigid, superficial people I’ve ever met. I’m surrounded by more people than I ever have been, yet I’ve never felt so lonely.

  “Hey, you okay?” Ainsley asks, sliding into her regular parking spot at school. “You’ve been really quiet.”

  Since our houses are in the same gated community, she’s been driving me to school every morning. Frank still picks me up most afternoons since she goes straight to ballet, but it’s nice to see her friendly face at the beginning of each day. I especially need it today.

  I stare out the window, sucking in my emotions. “I’m good. Just tired. I didn’t sleep very well last night.” At least that last part wasn’t a lie.

  We exit her Lamborghini Huracan and meet at the back. Our first classes are in different buildings, so this is where we usually part.

  She pulls me into a hug. “You look like you needed one of these.”

  I squeeze her back, trying my damnedest not to cry. “I do. Thank you.”

  She smiles. “I’ll see you at lunch, okay?”

  I nod. “Yep. See you then.”

  If I wasn’t so inside my head, maybe I would’ve noticed the looks I was getting when I stepped inside Lincoln Hall. Heard the increased chatter and snickering at my expense. Peyton—who came back home yesterday—steps in front of me, blocking my path.

  I raise my eyebrows. “Excuse me.”

  She laughs mockingly as Whitney and Imogen flank her. “There’s no excuse for you. What you did was unforgivable.”

  Breaking her nose is unforgivable? After she started it? Dramatic much?

  I try to step around them, but they shift their bodies, blocking my path. I hitch my backpack higher on my shoulder and cross my arms over my chest. Knowing what a stickler Headmaster Davis is for violence around here, I’m not afraid she’ll try to hit me, but she can make me late for class if she doesn’t move her ass.

  “Move, Peyton. You’ve made your point.”

  Her icy blue eyes narrow into slits. “I don’t think I have, but I will. Just give me time.”

  Before I can say another word, all three girls step aside to allow me through. I walk to my locker, wondering why the hell everyone is still standing around. Shouldn’t they be getting to class? A few people make pathetic attempts to trip me, others fling insults. One guy even grabbed my ass, asking how much I charged for a hand job. I ignore them for the most part, until I reach the crowd gathered around my locker, waiting to witness my humiliation. They part as I approach, and that’s when I see it.

  In bright white spray paint, the word whore is written vertically, covering the entire length of the wooden door. I can tell from the shine and strong fumes that it’s still wet which means someone must have just done this. I do my best not to react as I enter my combination and open it. As I’m grabbing my calculator off the top shelf, my hand brushes against a sheet of paper. My jaw drops as I pull it out and see the photo that’s printed on it. Two guys and one girl are engaging in a threesome—or the prelude to it, anyway. My phone dings a moment later, so I dig it out of my bag and see that I have an Instagram alert.

  Waiting in my DMs is a video clip and several photos from an obviously fake account. As I read the message that came with it, I feel like I’m going to vomit.

  This went out to the entire student body ten minutes ago. Now they all know what a whore you truly are.

  I turn around, scanning the area for the people I know are responsible for this. I don’t think once I spot them; I simply charge over there and slam the piece of paper into Kingston’s chest.

  “What the fuck is this?” I seethe.

  Kingston glances at the photo and flicks it to the ground. “It seems pretty self-explanatory to me.”

  “How did this happen? Who took these pictures?”

  Bentley and Reed are standing on either side of him, their expressions not revealing anything.

  Kingston shrugs. “Your guess is as good as mine. It seems as if Donovan Bradshaw’s pool house has hidden security cameras. Someone must’ve leaked the footage.”

  “I don’t believe you.” I shake my head. “I don’t even remember this. When did this happen?”

  “Oh, new girl, you wound me.” Bentley flattens his palm over his heart. “How can you forget the best dicking of your life?”

  I glare at him. “I did not—” I lower my voice. “There was no dicking. I would remember if I had sex with you. Especially both of you.”

  Bentley raises an eyebrow. “Those photos indicate otherwise. Are you denying you’re the girl in the video, telling us to take our shirts off? You couldn’t get on our jocks fast enough, sweetheart.”

  I bite my tongue. There’s definitely no denying that it’s me in that video.

  Kingston leans into my ear. “You know what I remember? I remember how fucking hot you looked choking on my cock.” He pulls back and smirks. “Look, princess, I don’t like having these pictures floating around any more than you do, but what’s done is done. And as we told you Friday night, that was a one-time thing. You’re not nearly a good enough lay to warrant a repeat.”

  A chorus of “oooohs” and “burn” roll through the crowd.

  My eyes are filling with tears, but I refuse to let these assholes see me cry. “Fuck. You.”

  Kingston shakes his head. “Didn’t I just say that wasn’t going to happen?”

  I raise my clenched fist, but Kingston sees it coming from a mile away and pushes me away. The laughter increases tenfold as I stumble backward and fall on my ass. I know I’m about to break down, so I get up, duck into the nearest bathroom, and lock myself in a stall. However many minutes later, the door to the girls’ room opens and several people shuffle in. I hold my breath, not wanting to alert them to my presence.

  “Oh my God, did you see her face?” A girl laughs. “Priceless!” She sounds like Peyton, but I’m not positive.

  “The truth hurts,” a second girl says. “I heard she wanted Reed to join in too, but he shot her down and just watched. I don’t even know why Bentley or Kingston fucked her when they could’ve had us. She’s not even that pretty and she’s a total slut. Obviously.”

  “Oh, Whit, don’t pretend you wouldn’t fuck all three of them if given the chance,” the first girl says. “I know I would.” Yep, that’s definitely Peyton.

  “She’s still a whore,” Whitney huffs.

  A third girl says, “She’ll learn real fast not to fuck with us. If that cunt thinks she can break Peyton’s nose, steal our men, and get away with it, she has another thing coming.”

  I try looking through the crack in the stall, wanting to identify the other girl, but like everything in this building, they’re not your standard cheap metal. These are thick wood and go down to the floor. The gap around the edges is almost nonexistent. It has to be Imogen. Those three always seem to travel together.

  “Anyway,” Peyton continues. “At l
east the kings formally admitted to their mistake and shunned her. Now, no one will touch that reject. And by the time the royals are done messing with her, she’ll wish she never met any of us. If I’m lucky, she’ll run away back to the streets and live with her pimp or something.”

  I already do regret meeting you assholes.

  “I can’t wait to see it all unfold. She won’t even see us coming.” I believe it was Whitney who said that.

  That’s what you dumb fucks think. A little harassment and spray paint won’t scare me away. Not when I have so much on the line.

  AINSLEY AND I ARE EATING lunch in the library. My last two classes were so awful, I just needed a break from it all. Especially considering I have to sit by the three dickheads next period.

  “Okay, walk me through this again.” Ainsley takes a bite of her sandwich. Thankfully, the library has a little café, so we won’t be hungry for the rest of the afternoon.

  “I’ve already told you everything. You saw the pictures.”

  She shakes her head. “I’m so sorry I didn’t see the alert before you went inside the building. I could’ve saved you all that embarrassment if my phone wasn’t on silent.”

  “It’s not your fault. I had to go to my locker eventually. I’m sure those vultures would’ve waited as long as they had to.” I take a bite of my own sandwich, despite the fact that my gut is still churning.

  Ainsley stares at me, biting her bottom lip in concentration. “Okay... I’m just going to say it. Those pictures—and especially the video—are pretty damning, Jazz. There’s no way of denying that you’re the girl they’re with.”

  I thunk my head on the table with a groan. “I know.”

  “So you did have sex with them—Bentley and my brother at the same time. And you seriously don’t remember any of it?”


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