Wicked Liars: A High School Bully Romance (Windsor Academy Book 1)

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Wicked Liars: A High School Bully Romance (Windsor Academy Book 1) Page 9

by Laura Lee

  I sit back up and shake my head. “I don’t remember a damn thing. Do you think it’s possible someone put something in my drink?”

  Her eyes widen. “Like a roofie?”

  I nod. “Yeah, or something like it.”

  Ainsley shakes her head. “I don’t know, Jazz. I mean, it’s possible, because there were so many people there, but I know my brother or Bentley wouldn’t have done that. They don’t need to drug a girl to get laid.”

  I sigh. “It just doesn’t make sense. I know the pictures look bad, but I don’t feel like I had sex that night. It’s been awhile since I’ve done it. Don’t you think I would’ve been sore, at least a little bit?”

  Ainsley shrugs. “I have no idea. Have you ever done it with multiple guys at the same time? I mean, besides the other night?”

  “No. No judgment, but that kind of thing just isn’t my style.”

  She raises her eyebrows. “You seemed really into it.”

  “I blame the alcohol and my weakness for bad boys.” My shoulders lift. “With those two in particular... I don’t know. There’s just something about them. They’re both assholes, and I can’t stand them, but you’d have to be blind not to recognize how extraordinarily attractive they are. Kingston’s dark and broody thing does it for me and Bentley can be really charming when he’s not being an ass.”

  “When is Bentley not an ass?” Ainsley laughs. “What about Reed? Are you attracted to him?”

  I shake my head. “He’s hot, sure, but I don’t feel any sort of chemistry with him like I do with the other two.”

  She takes that in for a moment. “Well... I don’t think he’ll give up any information, but I’ll work on Kingston to see if I can find out what really happened. As for the rest of the assholes around here, you just have to give it time. This is high school—there’s always some sort of drama waiting around the corner. As soon as some new scandal surfaces, they’ll forget this whole thing ever happened.”

  As much as I’d like to believe her, I don’t think it’s going to be that easy. I suppose time will tell.



  “What the hell were you thinking?” Peyton screams.

  I’ve been blowing her off all day, but she followed me home after school so I couldn’t ignore her anymore. I’m sure as fuck not about to let her inside, so we’re having this argument in my garage.

  I give her a dry look. “We are not actually together so I don’t understand what your problem is.”

  She glares at me. “We had an agreement that you would be discreet. First, I have to hear about you fooling around with Ariana Romero in a hot tub and the same night you have a threesome with that piece of trash?”

  “You wanna talk about being discreet? You’re not exactly keeping the fact that you’re fucking Lucas Gale on the regular a secret. How do you think that makes me look?”

  She folds her arms over her chest. “There isn’t any evidence of it floating around cyberspace. And you have no relation to him, so it’s a completely different situation.”

  I wave my hand dismissively. “The pictures are gone—the account they came from was deleted.”

  Peyton rolls her eyes. “Yeah, after the entire student body saw it. Who knows how many screenshots are out there?”

  I raise my eyebrows. “Your point?”

  “Why can’t it be me?” She throws her hands up. “If you want to fuck, fuck me!”

  I’ve had enough of this bitch. I pin her to the side of my Range Rover with my hand on her neck. Peyton’s spine bows, and her nipples harden beneath her uniform shirt. Fucking Christ, of course this would turn her on.

  I squeeze harder. “Maybe if you weren’t screwing around behind my back we would’ve never broken up in the first place.”

  Peyton and I were together for almost two years. I didn’t love her, but I enjoyed fucking her and she didn’t annoy me nearly as much as she does now. After I found out she’d been spreading her legs for half the football team during the last six months of our relationship, I cut her off. No bitch is going to fuck around behind my back and get away with it.

  When I agreed to reconcile—at least as far as the general public was concerned—I made it clear I would not be a one-woman man this time around. She didn’t like it, but she did accept it with one caveat. Once we got engaged, neither one of us would fuck someone else. Hopefully for me, that day will never come.

  Peyton claws at my hand, panic now starting to set in. “I’m sorry!” She takes a deep breath when I loosen my grip. “If I truly thought you’d get as mad as you did, I would’ve never done it.”

  Yeah, right.

  “I believe that just as much as I believe your tits grew three cup sizes during your summer in France.”

  She glares. “I didn’t hear you complaining when you were fucking them.”

  I step back and pinch the bridge of my nose. “Peyton, can we not do this right now? Bentley and Reed will be here any minute. You need to leave.”

  Peyton pastes a smile on her face, as if the last five minutes never happened. “Sure, baby. I’m meeting the girls to go shopping anyway. Maybe I can suck you off later? You don’t even need to touch me.”

  My jaw tics. If she thinks I’ll allow her to mark her supposed territory, she’s even dumber than I thought. “Not happening, Peyton. It’s never happening.”

  She stomps her foot, all traces of a smile gone. “Well, if you think I’m going to just stand by and let you fuck my slutty stepsister, you’re wrong!”

  I scoff. “And why exactly do you think you have any say in the matter?”

  “Because if you touch Jasmine again, our deal is off.” Peyton looks pleased with herself, thinking she’s backed me into a corner. Little does she know I’m working on a backup plan where I won’t need her anymore.

  “Oh yeah?” I taunt. “Don’t forget, you need me for something, too.”

  Peyton clenches her fists at her side. “Don’t you dare dip your dick into that skank again, Kingston. If you do, we’re going to have a big problem.”

  I fist her hair and pull back until she winces in pain. “You know I don’t respond kindly to threats, so I’d recommend thinking twice before you start throwing any around. Are we clear?”

  Tears prick at her eyes. “Yes.”

  I release her and give her a little shove. “Get the fuck out, Peyton, before I get really pissed. Who knows what I’ll do to you if that happens.”

  She can’t get away from me fast enough. Peyton knows what I’m capable of. A couple years back, I went through a self-destructive phase after discovering what my father and Callahan were up to. Before I decided to channel that rage into taking them down, I was an angry motherfucker. Scare tactics aside, I would never intentionally hurt a woman—I watched my father do it too many times in my life—but I did beat dozens of guys to a bloody pulp in an underground fighting ring.

  As Peyton’s Ferrari peels out of the driveway, Bent and Reed pull up.

  I nod as they exit Reed’s new DB 11. “’Sup?”

  Both guys offer up a fist bump before we cut through the house to get to the back.

  “Daddy Davenport around?” Bentley asks.

  “Nah.” I gesture for them to follow me. The pool house is off-limits to the staff unless I’m in school, so it’s one of the only places I feel comfortable having this discussion.

  When we get there, Reed switches on the big screen, tuning it to the NFL Network while Bent hooks his phone up to the speakers and starts blasting some Post Malone bullshit.

  I open the fridge and toss a beer to each of them.

  “Why was Little Miss Priss here?” Bentley asks. “I thought you shut that shit down a while ago.”

  “I did.” I take a few gulps of beer. “That doesn’t stop her from yapping my ear off every chance she gets though.”

  Reed barks out a laugh. “What’s her problem now?”

  “One guess.” I flop on the couch and kick my feet up on the coffee

  “Ah, jealous of Jazzy Jazz, is she?” He throws his head back and groans. “Goddamn, I cannot get that girl out of my mind.”

  Me neither.

  I smack him upside the head. “Stop thinking with your dick, dumbass.”

  Reed laughs. “Oh, fuck off, Davenport. You’re just as obsessed. Anyone who saw that video can plainly see how badly you both want her. That’s why Peyton’s freaking out so much. Unfortunately for you assholes, painting that target on Jazz’s back was a surefire way of ensuring that never happens.”

  I point to him. “You’re not exactly an innocent party here.”

  He smirks. “Maybe not... but I don’t want to fuck her.”

  “Only because you want to make sweet looove to her new bestie,” Bentley taunts.

  I punch his arm this time. “Shut the fuck up.”

  Bentley rubs his bicep. “What’d you do that for? It’s not like it’s not true!” He turns toward Reed. “Tell him, dude.”

  Reed holds his palms up. “I’m not saying shit.” He nods to me. “So what’s the deal with your dad and Callahan? Your guy get anything?”

  I release a heavy breath. I hired a PI to dig around a little and so far, Charles and my dad look squeaky clean. They’ve been very careful not to leave a trail.

  “Nothing useful. I need to get into Callahan’s office. He has to be keeping records in there. I couldn’t find shit at my house.”

  “How are you supposed to do that?” Bentley asks. “Whenever you’re at Casa Callahan, Peyton’s on your ass the entire time. Your only viable excuse to be in that house is to see her.”

  I smile when an idea springs to mind. “Not the only excuse.”

  Reed raises his brows. “Jazz?”

  “Exactly. Before Peyton left, she mentioned she was going shopping, so she’ll probably be gone for hours.” I grab my keys off the table and stand. “No time like the present.”


  I shift my car into park and pull the e-brake. My dad’s car is parked in Callahan’s circular driveway right in front of mine. I won’t be able to sneak into his office, but since I’m already here, I might as well do some recon.

  The house manager, Ms. Williams, answers the door when I ring the bell. “Mr. Davenport, I’m afraid Miss Peyton is out at the moment. Your father is in with Mr. Callahan. Are you here to see him?”

  “No, I’m actually here to see Jasmine if she’s available.” I smile, laying on the charm. “We’re in the same literature class and I wanted to talk to her about an assignment.”

  She steps aside, allowing me to enter. “Oh, please come in. I believe she’s still in the gym. Do you know where that is?”

  “I do. Thank you, Ms. Williams.”

  She nods. “Very well. Please let me know if you need anything.”

  Their gym is on the basement level, so I head downstairs, passing a theater room, the main game room, and another living room, before reaching my destination. I pause in the doorway as I spot Jasmine running on a treadmill. Goddamn. Her back is turned to me, so I have a perfect view of her heart-shaped ass running in tiny workout shorts. She has a set of Beats on her head, so she hasn’t heard me enter the room. I take advantage of that and watch her for a while as she maintains an impressive pace. The back of her sports bra is drenched with sweat, so she must have been running for a while. Jasmine’s caramel skin shines from the exertion, little beads dripping down her exposed spine. Her dark ponytail swings from side to side as she pumps her arms. Fuck, I’d love to wrap that hair around my fist as I fucked her from behind.

  When my dick can’t take it anymore, I step farther into the room so she can see me out of her peripheral.

  Jasmine stumbles backward when she sees me. “Jesus shit!” She yanks the emergency stop button and steps off the belt. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  I don’t bother hiding the fact that I’m checking her out from head to toe. “I came to see you.”

  Her chest heaves while she tries regulating her breaths. My eyes are drawn to her perky little tits, remembering how those light brown nipples felt on the tip of my tongue.

  She parks a hand on her hip. “I have nothing to say to you, so you can get the fuck out.”

  “You sure about that?” I step closer, smiling when she retreats. I continue walking until she’s pressed against the arm of the treadmill she just hopped off of.

  “Yes, I’m sure!” Her chocolate eyes bounce between my lips and my eyes. “Leave, Kingston.”

  I reach out and tug her bottom lip from her teeth. “Is that what you really want?”

  I press the full length of my body against hers so she can feel the hard-on I’m sporting. Fuck, what is it about this girl that makes my dick take the lead?

  Her breath hitches. “Yes, that’s what I really want.” Jasmine’s eyelids flutter when I run the bridge of my nose along her neck. She smells like vanilla and clean sweat and it makes me want to fucking devour her. “I can’t believe you’d even have the nerve to show your face after what you did to me earlier today.”

  She shivers when I taste her salty skin. “I told you, I’m not the one who leaked it.”

  Jasmine flattens her palms on my chest and pushes me away. “And I told you, I don’t believe you. Besides, what happened to, ‘That was a one-time thing,’?” She lowers her voice on the last sentence, mocking me.

  My lips curve. “That may not be exactly true. I’d be down for a repeat if you promise to keep quiet about it.”

  If I thought she was pissed before, that was nothing compared to the look she’s giving me now.

  “Keep quiet?” Jasmine shouts. If we weren’t so far into the bowels of this giant house, I’d be concerned her volume would gain attention. “Are you fucking serious?” She pushes me again, which I allow. Let’s be real; I easily have a hundred pounds on her—if I didn’t want to move, I wouldn’t be going anywhere. “Who the fuck do you think you are? You’re delusional! You’re so used to someone catering to your every whim, you have no idea what it’s like to live in the real world! You can’t just treat someone like shit and expect them to be okay with it! There are consequences for your actions! Where I come from, people could get murdered for disrespecting someone like you did to me. The world isn’t always pretty or accommodating, but you have no fucking clue, because live in Fantasy Land.”

  “You have no fucking clue what my life is like, princess,” I snap. “Trust me, I am well aware how ugly and unfair this world can be. I fucking live with the consequences every goddamn day.” I cuff both of her wrists in my hand when she tries hitting me.

  We’re both panting. Seething. I feel like I’m going to implode if I don’t find an outlet for this aggression. I release her wrists and take a step back, not trusting myself, but Jasmine fists the fabric of my shirt and pulls me back into her.

  I frown. “What are you—”

  “Shut. Up.” Jasmine presses up on her toes, grips the back of my neck, and slams her lips against mine.

  Our teeth clash and our tongues tangle in a frenzy of barely leashed violence. My cock jerks as she bites my bottom lip hard enough to draw blood before sucking the sting away. I lift her tiny body, hitching her legs around my waist, before backing her into the nearest wall.

  “Fuck,” I groan, grinding my dick into her core. “You drive me crazy.”

  Jasmine moans when I bite the fleshy part of her neck. “Likewise.”

  I hiss when she presses into me harder. I can feel the warmth from her pussy through my slacks as she slides her body up and down, stroking me.

  “You keep that up, sweetheart, and you’re going to get fucked.”

  She looks like she’s actually considering it. Christ.

  After a moment, Jazz slowly peels my hands off her thighs and drops to the ground. “Get out.”

  My body wars with my head. I know she wants me just as much as I want her. Her skin has the telltale flush of arousal, her nipples are hard, and her lips are slightly parted.
  Jasmine’s eyes narrow. “I mean it, Kingston. Get. The. Fuck. Out.”

  I hold up my hands. “Chill the fuck out. I’m leaving.”

  I duck into the theater room and throw myself into one of the plush recliners, waiting for my dick to calm down. I groan as I adjust myself. What the fuck was that? I’ve never—and I do mean never—let my dick control me before I met Jasmine. Thank fuck she had the sense to stop that train wreck before it had gone any further.

  Because I sure as shit didn’t.



  I run a towel through my hair as I head into my closet to get dressed. As soon as I got home from school, I had so much pent up frustration from the day, I needed something to release it. Running has always been an outlet for me and since I’m not too familiar with the area yet, I figured I’d make use of the expansive home gym. Of course Charles Callahan has nothing but the best equipment. It took me a while to figure how to even turn the damn treadmill on, but once I did, it was pretty easy to select a pre-programmed course.

  About four miles into my run, I reached that place in my head where all I focused on was the burn in my muscles. What my body was capable of. It’s a blissful space where whatever you have going on in your life, doesn’t matter. Right as I was feeling a sense of much needed peace, Kingston showed up, making me instantly irate. And aroused.

  What is it about him I can’t resist?

  Yeah, he’s probably the hottest guy I’ve ever met, but he’s also an elitist asshole. A bully. Something inside of me tells me there’s more though. That if I looked hard enough, I’d find the real reason he acts this way. I saw a flicker of pain when he was going off on me about living with consequences. Consequences of what, is what I’d like to know. Ainsley mentioned their mom died when they were eight. Is he still hurting from that, almost ten years later, or is it something more recent?

  I shouldn’t give a rat’s ass about him, but I want to know what makes him tick. I feel like I need to know. As I’m braiding my wet hair, I catch sight of something outside my bedroom window.


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