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Wicked Liars: A High School Bully Romance (Windsor Academy Book 1)

Page 13

by Laura Lee

  “Good morning, everyone.” Madeline flashes a fake smile and turns to her husband. “Dear, what’s the meaning of this? The girls have to leave soon.”

  “Are you questioning me, dear?” Charles gives his wife a look that erases the smile on her face.

  “No, of course not,” she sputters, redirecting her gaze to the white tablecloth.

  His blue eyes narrow. “I should hope not, considering it’s not your place.”

  “Of course not, dear. I apologize for my indiscretion.” Madeline is still in a subservient position, carefully avoiding his eyes.

  Whoa, what’s that about?

  “Good morning, Daddy,” Peyton says enthusiastically. “Thank you for inviting us to eat with you this morning. Seeing you always brightens my day.”

  Kiss ass.

  Charles smiles at her. “Good morning, Peyton. I’m glad to see at least one of the women in this household has some manners.”

  Peyton beams while I frown. What is going on right now? It’s not like these people are exactly warm by nature, but there seems to be a considerable amount of tension between him and Madeline.

  Natalie, the chef’s assistant, rolls a cart into the room and sets a dish in front of each one of us. Charles’s plate is filled with a giant omelet, hash browns, bacon, and fruit. Damn, that looks good. The rest of us have a scoop of cottage cheese with a few berries on top.

  “Eat up, girls. As my wife so helpfully reminded me, we don’t have much time.” He waits until we each take a bite. “Now, as for the reason I called you here, I wanted to check in with you. I’ve been out of town so much recently, I feel out of the loop. Jasmine, you’ve been here for a couple of weeks now, how are you settling in?”

  “Um... fine.”

  Charles raises an eyebrow. “And school? How’s that going?”

  “Yeah, Jasmine, how’s school going?” Peyton goads.

  I bounce her fake smile right back at her. “It’s just great, thank you for asking.”

  “I’m glad to hear that,” Charles says.

  Madeline lifts her eyes to her daughter. “How is Kingston, dear? Have you two discussed what color theme you’re going with for homecoming?”

  Peyton huffs and jerks her head in my direction. “You should ask the boyfriend thief over there.”

  Madeline turns to me, confusion evident in her expression. “What does that mean?”

  I shrug. “I have no idea. Kingston dumped her, so it seems like she’s looking for someone to blame.”

  Peyton’s face turns red. “He did not dump me! We mutually decided to take a break.”

  I scoff. Sheesh, this girl is delusional. “Sure, let’s go with that.”

  Madeline looks back at Peyton. “You two broke up again? I thought you had settled your... issues.”

  Peyton moves the berries around on her plate. “Just temporarily. I’ve given him permission to sow his oats, or whatever, before we graduate and it’s time to get serious.” She looks me directly in the eye. “You might have his attention now, but that won’t last. You can’t keep him. He always comes back to me.”

  “I don’t want him. How many times do I have to tell you that?”

  She rolls her eyes. “Right. Then why are you hanging out with him?”

  I grind my teeth. “We’re... friends. I’m also friends with his sister. Are you going to accuse me of wanting Ainsley as well?”

  Madeline clears her throat. “Jasmine, I didn’t realize you and Kingston were spending time together. When did that start?”

  “This week.” I shrug. “It’s no big deal. We hung out once. And my seven-year-old sister was with us almost the entire time.”

  Peyton’s jaw drops. “Kingston doesn’t like little kids. Why would he spend time with one?”

  I smirk. “Hmm, that’s weird, because if you ask me, he’s pretty great with ‘em.”

  Madeline looks upset, but for some reason, Charles looks pleased with this bit of information.

  Charles takes a sip of his coffee. “Well, I’m glad to hear you’re making friends, Jasmine. Kingston Davenport is a fine young man. I approve of your association with him.”

  I give him a look that says, Gee, thanks, because your approval makes my life complete.

  “Daddy!” Peyton shouts.

  Charles rolls his eyes. “Oh, don’t be such a poor sport, Peyton. Men aren’t built to be monogamous. If Kingston wants to spend a little time with Jasmine—or any other girl, for that matter—it’s none of your business. Trying to force his hand will accomplish nothing. You know better than to expect otherwise.”

  I bite my tongue to prevent myself from going off on his misogynistic ass.

  Peyton’s nostrils flare before she schools her expression and smiles. “You’re right, Daddy. Of course.”

  He nods. “Of course I’m right.”

  Ms. Williams walks into the room. “Excuse the interruption, but the younger Mr. Davenport just pulled into the driveway.”

  Thank God.

  My fork clinks on my plate when I drop it. “That’s my ride.”

  Madeline and Peyton gasp in unison.

  Sperm Donor smiles. “You may be excused, Jasmine. Have a great day at school.”

  I grab my bag from beneath the table and pull it over my shoulder. “Yeah... thanks.”

  I can’t escape the Twilight Zone fast enough. I step out the front door right as Kingston is pulling up.

  God, I wish I didn’t find his car so sexy, but I do. I really do. I fumble for a minute before I can figure out how to open the door before sliding into the passenger seat.

  “Hey.” Kingston’s eyes are glued to my thighs.

  I yank my plaid skirt back into place. It had ridden up as I was getting into the car. I need to be more cautious—I’m still not used to wearing these damn things every day.

  “Hey. You showed up just in time to save me from the most awkward breakfast ever. I’m pretty sure Peyton was ready to claw my eyes out.”

  Kingston shifts into gear. “Since when do the Callahans have weekday breakfast together?”

  “Since today, apparently.” I shrug. “My sperm donor wanted to ‘check in’ with us.”

  He frowns. “Check in on what, exactly?”

  “He asked me how school was going, how I’m settling in. Stuff like that. Then, you got brought up and the tension quadrupled. Fun times.” I make a funny face. “Not.”

  Kingston raises his brows. “How did I get brought up?”

  “I don’t remember exactly... Madeline asked Peyton something about homecoming. Then Peyton accused me of trying to steal you away from her, which led to Charles spouting off some sexist bullshit about men being incapable of monogamy.”

  He belts out a laugh.

  I narrow my eyes at him. “Don’t tell me you agree with that prick.”

  Kingston’s lips turn up in a grin. “I definitely don’t agree with him. That’s a blanket statement for pretty much everything. Speaking of homecoming... you get a dress yet?”

  “Why would I do that?”

  He looks at me as if I’m dense. “Because that’s what girls do.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m not most girls.”

  “I’ve noticed,” he says matter-of-factly. “But you need to get one anyway.”

  I cross my arms over my chest. “Why is that? I have no intention of going.”

  “Why the hell not?”

  “Why the hell should I?” I challenge.

  “Jesus Christ, woman.” Kingston blows out a breath. “You need to get a dress because I need a date and I want you to be that date.”

  I shake my head. “I’m sorry... I thought I left Bizzarro World back at the house. What in the hell are you talking about?”

  Kingston scrubs a hand down his face in frustration. “Are you going to fight me at every turn? Why are you being so damn difficult?”

  “Uh... because you can’t always get what you want? Why would you want me to be your date anyway? You don’t even like me.”
  He gives me a wry look. “We both know that’s not true.”

  I shake my head. “Fine. Your dick likes me. But the rest of you thinks I’m trash, remember?”

  “Fucking aggravating, stubborn ass woman,” he mutters.

  “Well, if I’m so fucking aggravating, why are we even talking?”

  “Fine. I’ll shut up then.”

  I look out the window. “Great. Then it’s agreed: no talking.”

  Kingston cranks the stereo and we finish the drive to school without saying another word. When we pull into a parking spot, I go to open my door but he manacles my wrists, preventing me from moving.

  “What are you doing, jackass? Let go!”

  “Just fucking hold on a second!” He tightens his grip when I put more effort into my struggle. “Look, I’m sorry, okay? Happy?”

  I stop squirming. “Sorry for what?”

  “For assuming you’d want to go to homecoming with me. For trying to strong-arm you into going.” He heaves out a breath. “I’m not used to working so hard to get a girl’s attention, all right? You’ve gotta give me some room to fuck up.”

  “I don’t need to give you room for anything, Kingston. I never asked for your attention. I don’t want your attention.”

  His jaw clenches. “Don’t lie to yourself, Jazz. We both know your body wants my attention very much. In fact, I’d bet you thought about me all night after I dropped you off. That when you stuck your fingers inside your wet little pussy, you wished they were mine.”

  My mouth gapes. Mostly because he’s right, but I’m not about to admit that.

  “You’re an egotistical asshole.”

  Kingston gives me a wicked grin. “But I’m right. Admit it.”

  I look away. “I’m not admitting shit.”

  He adjusts his grip until both of my wrists are now clenched in one of his hands. With the other hand, he puts pressure on my chin until I turn back to him.

  His hazel eyes twinkle. “Admit it.”


  Kingston laughs. “Fine, then I’ll prove my point another way.”

  In the next moment, he unfastens his seat belt and leans over the console to slam his lips against mine. I’m so shocked, it takes me a second to figure out what’s happening. Once I do, I tell myself to pull away—or punch him in the nuts—but instead, I’m moaning into his mouth, deepening the kiss. When he releases my wrists, I undo my seat belt and take fistfuls of his hair, pulling myself closer.

  He groans when I tug harder as his lips travel down the slope of my neck. “Jasmine...” Kiss. “Will you please...” Kiss. “Go to homecoming with me?” Kiss.

  “No.” I gasp when he bites down, before licking the sting away.

  “Are you saying you need more convincing? Because I’m definitely up for that.” Kingston pulls back and nods to his growing erection, clearly outlined in his black chinos.

  “I am not having sex with you, so you’ll need to take care of your little problem some other way.”

  He grins. “Jazz, as you may recall, there’s nothing little about me. Shit, at Donovan’s party, you couldn’t stop telling me how much you loved my huge dick.”

  I flush in anger. Or maybe arousal. Nope, let’s go with anger. I narrow my eyes at him, irritated at the reminder of the night I still can’t remember. I can’t believe I didn’t think to grill him about it before now.

  “What really happened that night? Don’t bullshit me.”

  He flips down his visor and fixes the mess I made of his hair. “You saw the pictures. And video. I think it’s pretty obvious what happened.”

  “C’mon, Kingston. You say I need to trust you. Well, you need to earn that trust. Tell me the truth. I know I didn’t have sex with either one of you. Why can’t you just admit that?”

  He searches my eyes for a moment. “You’re not ready for the truth.”

  Ugh. Infuriating man!

  “I’m a lot stronger than you seem to think.” I flip my visor and smooth out my hair. “And until you’re ready to provide some answers, I have nothing to say to you.”

  I exit the vehicle and cringe when I see a large crowd gathered around Kingston’s car. Peyton and her squad are up front, trying to murder me with their eyes. I stifle a groan when I realize all these people just saw me and Kingston making out. Crap, why do I lose all sense when he touches me?

  Kingston gets out of the car and barks, “Back the fuck up.”

  I’m still frozen in place as he grabs my hand. The crowd parts like the Red Sea as he pulls me behind him, not releasing me until we’re standing in front of my locker.

  He nods toward my locker. “Hurry up and get whatever shit you need. I’ll walk you to class.”

  “I don’t need you to walk me anywhere. Don’t you think you’ve caused enough trouble this morning? It’s bad enough that you think you can kiss me without my consent, but it’s even worse you did it in front of half the school!”

  “Why do you give a shit what they think?”

  “I don’t give a shit what they think,” I whisper-shout. “But I also don’t want to give them any more fodder. I’m sick of the bullshit. I don’t need any extra drama in my life. I never asked for any of it. All I want is to go to class, get good grades, and be invisible.”

  Kingston stares at me for a moment. “Jazz, one thing you could never be is invisible.”

  I scoff. “I don’t see why—”

  “Yo, Jazzy Jazz,” Bentley interrupts, swinging his arm over my shoulders. “What’s all the fuss about this morning? I heard you were playing tonsil hockey in the parking lot with this asshole.” He jerks his chin toward Kingston, who’s pinning him with a glare. “I was trying to get some morning head behind the gym but all the boujee bitches in the house were too busy gossiping. You two lovebirds are ruining my game.”

  “Fuck off, Fitzgerald,” Kingston snaps.

  Bentley laughs. “Calm down there, big guy. I’m just stating the facts.” He leans down to whisper in my ear. “You know, if you’re looking for someone to make out with, I’d be happy to volunteer as tribute. You don’t need to put up with this broody bastard if you want some lovin’.”

  I push him away with a smile, despite my best intentions to keep a straight face. “Shut up, you idiot.”

  Bentley gasps dramatically. “Ouch, new girl. That hurts.” When the warning bell rings, he places a quick kiss on my cheek. “Gotta go, babe. See you at lunch.”

  Bentley laughs when Kingston flips him off.

  “Get your shit and let’s go,” he growls.

  I narrow my eyes. “Stop bossing me around.”

  “Stop being so fucking stubborn.”

  I punch in the code to open my locker, grab composition notebooks for my first two classes and a calculator. I shove them in my bag and slam the door shut.

  Kingston is glued to my side as I walk to statistics, but I’m so irritated with him, I say nothing. I know pretty much every set of eyes are on us, but I ignore them as well. I’m almost relieved when we get to my class and Kingston takes off, until I step into the room and see that people are no less curious than they were in the hallway. I’m sure they’re all just as dumbfounded as I am, wondering why Kingston went from bullying me one day, to making out with me in the parking lot. Then, you have Bentley, who won’t stop openly flirting with me and pressing his lips to my cheek every chance he gets.

  What was I thinking accepting a ride from Kingston this morning? I should’ve known better after what happened yesterday, but I was riding on such a high from seeing my sister when he mentioned it, I agreed without any regard for consequence. I need to put a stop to this. I need to distance myself from Kingston, no matter how pushy he is or how attracted I am to him. I pull out my phone when I get to my desk and surreptitiously text Ainsley, asking for a ride home. I sigh in relief when she immediately agrees.

  With that settled, I open my Chromebook and notebook, ready to begin class.



  On my way to lunch, I stop in the ladies’ room to relieve my aching bladder. After doing my business and washing my hands, I’m just about to head into the dining hall when three snobby bitches saunter in, claws ready to lash out. No, make that... five... seven... ten. As the last one enters, she locks the door behind her. I recognize a few of them from classes we share, but not some of the younger looking ones.


  No matter how scrappy I can be, ten-to-one odds aren’t good for anyone.

  I paste false bravado on my face as I address Peyton, the obvious ringleader of this little confrontation.

  “What do you want, Peyton?”

  “Hmm, now isn’t that a loaded question?” she muses, tapping her chin in thought. “Well, for starters, I’d like you to drop dead just like your mommy.”

  Her words rob me of breath. It doesn’t surprise me that she would use my mother to hurt me, but it definitely has the intended effect. I can’t let that distract me though—I need to get the hell out of this bathroom.

  I sigh in mock boredom. “Look, Peyton. I’m not really in the mood to deal with you and your merry band of bitches. Why don’t you just say what you came in here to say and we can all be on our way?”

  She smiles coldly. “Now, where’s the fun in that?”

  My phone buzzes from the pocket inside my blazer. I’m sure it’s Ainsley wondering where the hell I am, but I’m not going to risk taking my attention away from Peyton to check.

  “I don’t have time for this.” I roll my eyes and start walking forward, deciding to just push through them.

  “Not so fast, slut,” Peyton sneers. “Too bad your precious kings aren’t here to protect you now, isn’t it?”

  Each girl moves in freakish harmony to form a human wall. On the inside, my nerves are frayed but I do my best to project a cool surface.

  I scoff. “I don’t need them to protect me.”

  “I think you’ll be singing a different tune by the time we’re done with you. Unless...”

  “Unless what?”

  My phone is vibrating like crazy now.

  “Unless you stay away from Kingston,” she replies. “We’ll let you walk out of here if you promise you won’t go near him ever again.”


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