Wicked Liars: A High School Bully Romance (Windsor Academy Book 1)

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Wicked Liars: A High School Bully Romance (Windsor Academy Book 1) Page 17

by Laura Lee



  “You get a homecoming dress yet?” Kingston asks.

  I roll my eyes. He won’t stop bugging me about this stupid dance.

  “I’m not going. I’m not sure which part of that statement is so confusing for you.”

  Ainsley gasps. “What? Jazz! You have to go to homecoming! It’s our senior year! Homecoming is one of the only things I actually enjoy in this school. It’s fun getting all dressed up for the night.”

  “I don’t think it’s fun getting dressed up for the night.” Bentley winks at me. “But I would for you, babe. Then after the dance, we can get undressed together.”

  I don’t miss the way Kingston’s eyes narrow in disapproval at his best friend. It’s been a week since Reed’s party and Bentley hasn’t backed off on the flirting one bit. I swear he’s doing it to fuck with Kingston, who is still being a complete Neanderthal. With the exception of our outing with my sister last weekend, I’ve been avoiding alone time with him. Ainsley’s been driving me to school and Frank takes me home, despite Kingston’s protests, so we only see each other during lunch, like right now, and in Lit class. I know it’s only a matter of time before he bulldozes me, but I’m enjoying the reprieve.

  I give Bentley a wry look. “As sweet as the offer is, Bentley, I’m still gonna pass.”

  “That doesn’t work for me,” Ainsley whines. “C’mon, Jazz, you have to go—it’s the best part of the week. You need to say yes and then we need to bust ass to find you the perfect dress. I’m sure the racks are practically empty by now since we have just over two weeks until homecoming.”

  “What about the lake house?” Reed asks. “Now, that’s the best part.”

  She giggles. “Well, that’s a given. But I want to wear a pretty dress and dance before that.”

  My brows pinch together. “What lake house?”

  Bentley lays his arm over my shoulders. “There’s a tiny little mountain town about ninety minutes away. It has a big lake and badass log cabins. We party it up until the next day. Lots of booze, weed, and general debauchery. Three of my favorite things.”

  “For fuck’s sake.” I stash his comment about debauchery in the back of my mind. “Who’s we?”

  Kingston pushes Bentley’s arm away and hooks his foot under my chair, pulling me closer to him. “Ains, Reed, Bent, and I always stay in my family’s cabin.”

  “That’s it?” I ask. “Just you guys?”

  Ainsley speaks up when her brother remains silent. “Give her the whole story, dickwad.”

  He flips her off. “Your dad also owns a cabin up there; it’s right next to ours.”

  “So, Peyton will be there,” I surmise.

  Kingston nods. “Yes, but so will a lot of other people. And she knows not to fuck with you.”

  “We’ll see how long that lasts,” I mutter.

  He jerks his head toward Peyton’s table. “See? She’s not even looking over here. She’s probably pretending you don’t exist. If Peyton knows what’s good for her, she’ll keep it that way.”

  She has been doing that. I’ve run into her a few times at the house this week and every time, she heads in the opposite direction the moment she sees me. It doesn’t stop her from sending scathing looks my way or muttering insults under her breath, but she is physically staying away. Something tells me she’s just biding her time though. A girl like her doesn’t give up that easily. Unless...

  I tilt my head to the side. “Did you hurt her?”

  “No, I didn’t hurt her.” Kingston scoffs. “Jesus, thanks for your vote of confidence. I didn’t do anything. I just reminded her that if she or any of her minions fucked with you, I’d take that as a personal attack on me. Peyton may act obtuse sometimes, but she’s not stupid. None of them are.”

  I chew on that for a moment. “I don’t have money to spend on a dress and I’m sure as shit not about to ask Daddy Warbucks. I’ll go to the lake but not the dance.”

  “I’ll cover the dress,” Kingston grumbles. “And whatever the fuck else you need. Consider it a birthday present.”

  My mouth gapes. “How do you know about that?”

  Kingston gives me a look that says, Really?

  “Wait,” Ainsley interjects. “When’s your birthday?”

  “The day of the dance,” Kingston answers.

  “September twenty-fifth,” I reply at the same time.

  Ainsley’s eyes widen. “We’ll celebrate your birthday at the lake! I’ll get you a cake and everything.”

  Kingston speaks quietly against my ear. “We have a standing date with your sister—every Sunday unless you say otherwise. We can come back from the lake early, pick her up, and spend the day in Santa Monica if you want.”

  Tears prick at my eyes. I was expecting to spend my birthday weekend alone, being consumed by grief. Now, I had two people offering to make my mom’s absence a little less painful. How can I say no to that?

  I sigh. “Okay, I’m in.”

  Ainsley claps her hands excitedly. “We should all go to the dance together!”

  “I’m good with that.” Reed takes a bite of his pizza.

  “Me too. But only if Jazzy Jazz saves lots of room for me on her dance card.” Bentley glances at Kingston and smirks. “We all know how much she loves dancing with me.”

  I throw a fry at Bentley’s face. “Asshat.”

  He blows me a kiss in response.

  “Fine,” Kingston grumbles.

  “Awesome!” Ainsley says. “It’s settled then. Jazz, I don’t have rehearsal on Fridays, so we’ll go shopping after school.”

  Okay then. I guess I’m going to homecoming.

  WELL, TODAY’S THE DAY. Homecoming. Also, the day I’m officially considered a legal adult.

  Sperm Donor is out of town again—no surprise there—but he did shock me by having Ms. Williams deliver a birthday gift. Normally, I wouldn’t feel comfortable accepting anything from him, especially knowing he’s not the man he’d like the general public to believe he is. I still don’t know exactly what’s going on there, but Kingston promised he’d tell me everything soon.

  That said, Charles’ gift is actually something useful and as much as I hate to admit... thoughtful. He paid for driving lessons so I can get my license. A brand new black Audi SUV is sitting in the garage with my name on it—booster seat included—just waiting for me to pass the test. I already called them and set up my first lesson. The sooner I get my license, the sooner I’ll be able to get to Belle without relying on someone else.

  A month ago, I would’ve been plotting my escape from the Callahan estate. But now... now I don’t think it’s all that bad. Don’t get me wrong, that house is colder than the arctic. Charles is never around, Peyton is... well, Peyton. And ever since Madeline found out that Kingston and I have been hanging out, she’s not nearly as friendly as she was initially. I’m perfectly okay with their lack of warmth though. I have no need for fake or selfish people in my life.

  Belle, Ainsley, and even the guys, are enough. Over the last two weeks, things have been... good. Peaceful. Not a single attempt to harass me has been made. After school, sometimes I watch Ainsley rehearse, but other times, I hang out with the guys. They may come across as irredeemable assholes, but when they’re together outside of school, they’re really just normal teenage guys. They eat all the time, play video games, watch sports, party, or just chill. There’s a brotherhood between them that’s endearing—they’re fiercely loyal to one another. All three of them have an obvious soft spot for Ainsley and somehow, that’s extended to me as well, especially with Kingston.

  He and I have taken Belle out four different times now and each time, he weasels his way into my heart a little farther. He makes it easy to forget the way he treated me when we first met or the secrets he’s still keeping.

  Watching Kingston with Belle is truly a thing of beauty. He’s so sweet to her and she absolutely adores him. Kingston finally admitted that he pays Jerome for
our weekly visits. While I’m annoyed at Belle’s dad for being such a selfish ass, I’m thankful Kingston thought of it. Kingston says there’s not much money can’t buy and I’m beginning to see the truth in that.

  “Holy shit, chica, you look fucking hot!” Ainsley wiggles her eyebrows for effect. “My brother and Bentley are going to have major boners all night.”

  I shake my head. “Thanks... I think.”

  I take in my reflection and smile. I couldn’t have imagined a more perfect dress. The satin bodice has a heart-shaped neckline with spaghetti straps and a lace overlay. The chiffon skirt is flirty and flouncy, hitting me about mid-thigh. The eggplant color complements my bronzed skin beautifully and the gold sparkly sandals I’m wearing completes the look. Ainsley styled my hair in a half updo with the long pieces curled down my back. She topped it off with the smoky eye, pink lip makeup combo, giving the whole thing a sultry, but classy vibe.

  I mimic her eyebrow movements. “You’re looking pretty fine yourself, lady.”

  Ainsley’s dress is similar in style to mine but hers is bright red and backless. Reed is going to be speechless. She looks absolutely stunning.

  She loops her arm through my elbow. “We should ditch the guys and just go together. We’d make a hot couple. I’d totally bang you. You know, if I was into chicks.”

  I laugh. “Ditto.”

  A quick knock sounds on her bedroom door before it opens. “Ains, the limo’s here. You re—”

  Kingston stands in the doorway, swallowing hard as his eyes travel the length of my body. Mine do the same to him. Twice. Goddamn, he looks good in a well fitted suit. Like, unfairly so. I don’t miss the fact that his tie happens to match my dress. He hasn’t seen it before now, so Ainsley must’ve told him what color to wear.

  “Fuck,” he mutters under his breath.

  My brows crinkle. “Is that a good ‘fuck’ or a bad ‘fuck’?”

  “I’m fairly certain there’s no such thing as a bad fuck where you’re concerned, Jazz.” Kingston’s eyes darken as he rubs a hand over his jaw. “Care to test out my theory?”

  Shit. It’s been weeks since he’s touched me sexually and my lady bits are pretty salty about that. There’s only so many times I can give myself a mediocre orgasm before it’s just not worth the effort. If Kingston didn’t look like he wanted to devour me at all times, I’d be concerned he’s lost interest. That’s clearly not the case but part of me wonders why he hasn’t even attempted to touch me since that night in Reed’s bathroom. Granted, we haven’t been alone often but there’s definitely been opportunity. I almost made a move several times but then I wondered if he was getting it from someone else. Maybe he’s not touching me because someone else is keeping him satisfied. I can’t lie to myself anymore and say the thought of that doesn’t bother me.

  “God, you guys, get a room and just get it over with. I can’t handle being around the world’s longest eye fuck anymore.”

  Kingston ignores his sister, crossing the room until he’s standing right before me. Leaning into my ear, he says, “You look fucking incredible in this dress but fair warning: I plan on ripping it off your body as soon as possible.”

  I’d like to say his words don’t affect me, but sadly, I cannot. I’m pretty sure I whimper as chills scatter down my spine.

  “You wish.” My words come out breathy.

  Kingston pulls back, lips curling in amusement. “Don’t pretend I’m the only one, princess.”

  “Ugh!” Ainsley whines. “Seriously, guys. Gross. I don’t need to witness your foreplay.”

  He crosses the room again, stopping just outside the doorway. “Get a move on. The guys are downstairs and the limo’s waiting out front.”

  It takes me a few seconds to gather my wits before I’m following him and Ainsley down the curved staircase. When we reach the ground level, Bentley and Reed are standing there smiling, looking sexier than ever. Reed only has eyes for Ainsley, but Bentley makes no effort to conceal the fact that he’s drinking me in real slowly.

  Bentley whistles. “Damn, baby girl. You look good.”

  He’s also wearing a dark suit and looks just as delicious as Kingston in his. I bite my lip when Kingston stands next to Bentley, and now I have both of their gazes drilling into me. Dear Lord, the pheromones, or whatever they’re giving off, are potent.

  Ainsley slips her hand through Reed’s crooked elbow as I join Kingston and Bentley.

  I finger the lapel to Bentley’s suit jacket. “Looking pretty dapper there, Bent. You clean up well.”

  He bends his elbow, but Kingston pulls me back before I can take Bentley’s proffered arm.

  “Hey!” I gripe.

  Bentley laughs and holds his palms out in the universal sign for chill the fuck out, dude.

  Kingston leans into my ear and growls, “Don’t fucking test me right now. I’m already having a hard enough time knowing every asshole at that dance will be checking you out.”

  I roll my eyes. “Stop being such a damn alphahole.”

  Kingston runs the bridge of his nose up my neck, making my breath hitch. “Stop being so fucking stubborn and just do what I say.”

  Well, now I want to do the exact opposite. You’d think he’d know by now how little I appreciate being bossed around.

  I push off of Kingston and grab Bentley’s arm. “C’mon, handsome. Let’s get to that dance so you can spin me around the floor a few times.”

  Bentley’s smile takes over his face. “Anything you say, baby girl.”



  The homecoming dance is being held at a fancy hotel in downtown Los Angeles. Bentley and I walk into the ballroom arm-in-arm, much to Kingston’s annoyance. Screw him. If he wants to sulk like a child, I’m not going to let him ruin my night. It’s not only my birthday but this is also my first high school dance and now that I’m here, I plan on making the most of it.

  My old school didn’t have money for things like this. There was no homecoming dance and prom wasn’t a big event because not many people had enough money to buy formal wear. It would’ve never been held in a five-star hotel like this. Hell, they barely had enough funding to decorate the school’s outdated gym. Spending the evening in a room that smelled like sweaty feet while dressed in clothing you couldn’t afford wasn’t all that appealing.

  My eyes widen as I take in the space. The lighting is low with fairy lights on every available surface, glinting off the chandeliers up above. A large dance floor is surrounded by round tables adorned with white tablecloths and tall floral centerpieces. Along the side wall, there’re refreshments, and the back wall has a stage and DJ booth. It’s really pretty; the whole place has sort of an ethereal glow to it.

  “C’mon, baby girl. Let’s dance.” Bentley drags me to the dance floor, not waiting for a response.

  The tempo is fast, so we remain a respectable distance apart as we dance from one song to the next. Out of the corner of my eye, I occasionally spot Kingston leaning against the wall scowling, but I refuse to let him ruin this for me. Ainsley and Reed join in at one point and we switch partners for a bit until the DJ finally announces he’s slowly things down. Bentley pulls me close as Rihanna’s “Love on the Brain” begins belting through the speakers.

  “You having fun, birthday girl?”

  I nod. “I am.”

  Bentley looks over my shoulder before sliding his hands perilously close to my ass. “Have I told you how fucking beautiful you look tonight?”

  “You have.” I smile shyly. “More than once.”

  Bentley leans down and nuzzles his nose against my cheek. “I meant it, and as fun as this has been, it looks like my dawg’s patience has snapped.”

  Before I can ask any follow-up questions, I’m pulled out of Bentley’s arms into a solid chest. My body instantly recognizes who it’s up against. I have to stifle a moan at the feeling of his hard body pressed against mine. Bentley winks before walking away, leaving me at Kingston’s mercy. As Ri
hanna sings about fist fighting with fire just to get close to someone, his hands bracket my hips.

  Kingston presses his mouth against my ear. “I’m done playing bullshit games with you, Jazz.”

  My breath catches as he starts grinding into me from behind. “Who said I’m playing games?”

  His teeth clamp down on the spot where my neck meets my shoulder, making me simultaneously gasp and wince. He never answers my question and, instead, grabs my hand, pulling me out of the ballroom.

  “What are you doing?” I try jerking away from him, but it’s no use.

  Kingston’s head snaps back. “Just shut the fuck up before I throw you over my shoulder.”

  I’m too shocked—and turned on by that image—to do anything but follow. He turns the handle on a few different doors before finding one that’s unlocked. Kingston whips the door open and shoves me into a darkened room.

  My eyes don’t even have time to adjust before he’s on me, crashing his lips against mine. A palpable need consumes us as our tongues battle for supremacy. Kingston rips his mouth away, leaving a trail of kisses down my neck as he kneads my breast. My hands find the zipper of his pants, sliding it down while his are pawing the back of my dress.

  “Where the fuck is the zipper on this thing?”

  “Left side,” I pant.

  He finds the hidden zipper, yanking it down before pushing the straps off my shoulders. My bra is off in a flash, and his tongue immediately finds my nipple, circling the tightened bud before sucking it into his mouth.

  My head falls back. “Oh, shit.”

  I push Kingston’s suit jacket off while his nimble fingers work the buttons of his shirt. Once his bare chest is exposed, I slide my nails down the ridges of his chest and abdomen before pulling his dick out of his pants and pumping my fist up and down.

  Kingston releases a strangled groan. “Fuck.”


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