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Revenge of the Witch

Page 2

by J. M. Davies

  “Marcus—it’s not you they want,” Ella said. “I forbid either of you to surrender. We need every member of Orion to tackle the Elusti. We must show a united front and discover who murdered Robert.”

  When Ella discovered what he had done, she wouldn’t care what happened to him, mate or not. Someone needed to step up and be a willing sacrifice.

  “I’m still the boss around here, and my decision is final. I’m not debating over this with either of you. Look, Ella, I called you back to work because we need an effective team to manage this crisis. Now, we don’t have time to wait for a proper investigation to be carried out. I will go. It provides an immediate solution, but it had better be a temporary one. The Assembly wants a decision within the hour and this will placate them. Someone wants this alliance to fail, which means they are more than likely working for the Elusti,” Steel said.

  Alexander pushed away from the window and strode toward Marcus. This meeting was the first time he met the man who didn’t look as if he had worked a day in his life. His bespoke suit conveyed money and privilege, which bugged the shit out of him. He suspected the man would be better suited as a pen pusher than field agent.

  “I admire you stepping up to take the fall, Drayton, but why? You see, trust isn’t easy for any of us right now, and I don’t know anyone here apart from Steel. During the meeting, I couldn’t fail but see your interest directed elsewhere, like the vampire. In there you defended your actions, which makes me wonder why you’re so eager to leave now?”

  Marcus glared at the clean-cut man and he rubbed his hand over the whiskers sprouting on his jaw. He fucking suspects me. He thinks I killed the shifter? He shook off the irritation and folded his arms.

  “As far as trust goes—the feeling’s mutual. I offered myself because I have certain skills which enable me to withstand pain and torture. Steel is human. I’m not. He also hasn’t been in the field for some time. But he’s my boss, and I trust his judgment in all matters, including your character. If Steel does surrender himself, I will insist that he isn’t harmed in any way. But as we haven’t dealt with the Assembly personally before, this is new territory. They may have other means to extract information we aren’t aware of. It leaves him and Orion vulnerable.”

  Alexander seemed to weigh his words and didn’t offer anything back.

  “I’m not asking you to trust each other, but you must work together to ensure the success of this alliance,” Steel commanded.

  Marcus dipped his head and rubbed his callused hand over his face. In offering his reasons for wanting to take Steel’s place, he spoke the truth. Even if there were other reasons, too. It made sense for Steel to give in to their demands—for the moment—but still, he pushed to go in his place.

  “Steel—I still believe you are the better option to make the alliance happen. My job is to safeguard you as our leader. You’re a better man than me. One who brings people together, and that’s what we need right now.”

  Marcus faced Ella as she gripped his shirt, her nails clutching the material, and twisted it. Shock rippled off her in waves, and he claimed her hand from his chest, tucking her in close.

  “No…” She twisted as he held her. Her sweet perfume of vanilla and rose strengthened his resolve. “Shh…” Her blonde waves, the color of wheat in summer, fell over her flushed cheek as she wriggled free and he tucked a stray strand behind her ear.

  “Sweetheart, I can go with the Assembly and find out what is really at play here. They cannot hurt me like they can Steel. Don’t you see—this is the best solution. Although Steel is trained to withstand torture, we do not have intel on how they extract information or inflict pain.”

  Marcus raked his hands through his hair, the hurt mirrored in Ella’s eyes unbearable. Knowing his mate hurt because of him twisted his gut. He reeled her against his chest, holding her tight as her heartbeat raced with his. They were husband and wife, mated through blood, and their love spanned centuries. Their invisible connection eternal. He kissed the top of her head as she trembled in his arms. In the lives they had shared, only in this one did he get to fully declare and save his love. The trust he had earned would be shattered if Ella discovered how he had removed her memory and taken control. Sacrificing himself would be a way to restore the balance. A way to make amends.

  “No—Marcus…” She smoothed her palms on either side of his face and lifted his head to meet her gaze. “I won’t let you do this—I need you. Whatever you’re hiding or dealing with, you can share with me. You can trust me. There’s nothing you could say that would make me turn away from you. I love you. You’re in my veins, my heart and soul. If you’re a disease, I don’t want the cure. Do you hear me?”

  Guilt swirled inside. Was it possible Ella would forgive him? Removing her hand from his cheek, he brought it to his mouth and kissed her fingertips as he drank in her clear blue eyes. For a moment, no one else existed except the two of them. When she closed her eyes, giving in to his ministrations, his confession lay on the tip of his tongue. But a sudden chill made him remember where they were. Dropping her hand, he stepped away and pivoted around.

  “Ella—what have you done?” Steel and Alexander were no longer in the room. Twisting around, he stared down at her, but she didn’t move. “You tricked me.”

  “True, but for a very good reason. I’m worried about you. I don’t know what’s going on, but you’re up half the night and it isn’t due to Nate. You’re shutting me out when you promised you would be more open. Anyway, the fact is, Steel’s our boss. The Assembly won’t accept you in his place. It’s not an option, and like he said, we need to find the killer and get those signatures.”

  Marcus studied the closed door of Steel’s office and tried not to laugh at how his wife had played him. Had Steel known he would object? Possibly? When Ella wanted something, she didn’t give up—ever. She didn’t back down or give an inch. Her fire and determination made falling in love with her too damn easy.

  “Well, you haven’t given me a choice, sweetheart. Letting Steel go gives the Assembly what it wants, but I need to speak with Lady Tenille to ensure we are all on the same page. I need to see the terms of his surrender.” He took her delicate hand and squeezed it. “As for keeping secrets, it isn’t easy for me to share my concerns with you. But we will talk. Now, I need to speak with the leaders of the Assembly.”

  He led the way out of the office, holding Ella’s hand. They strolled down the narrow corridor, taking several twists and turns, neither speaking until they stepped inside the spacious living room. After the travesty in the dining room this morning, it seemed the best place to corral everyone after the murder. A need to confess to Ella burned like acid in his belly, but he pushed it aside. Explaining why he had acted the way he had wouldn’t be a five-minute conversation. The fact he had acted out of a desperation to protect her from herself wouldn’t help. At this moment their attention needed to be on unmasking the murderer. At the open double doors, he listened to the heated arguments and shouts volleying back and forth from within, noting the increasing tension. What he had to say would only increase their impatience.

  “We must have answers, and we will not tolerate being kept here like prisoners,” King Zayn shouted as his enormous body dwarfed the room.

  “I’m leaving. Steel broke his promise. We’re not safe here, and I cannot stand by the treaty any longer.” Trent Le Var Bastian stood from the gray couch.

  Hearing the angry voices, which all seemed to agree, he wondered who killed the shifter. Dispatching the annoying man, right in front of everyone, took cunning. The murderer wanted the alliance to fail, the message loud and clear. Observing each face, Marcus strode farther in to the room until he stood just outside of the circle that gathered around the blazing fire as it crackled and popped.

  “If I can have your attention—everyone, please,” he said. The voices hushed and everyone stopped what they were doing to face him. When he had their full attention, he continued.

  “Steel has relin
quished himself to Lady Tenille’s guard, as she is head of the Assembly. We are merely following the protocol—do not perceive this action as an admission of guilt. I do not believe for one second that Steel is responsible for Robert Marsh’s death. However, he has surrendered himself for the sake of this alliance. I’m here to implore you to sign the agreement here and now. To pledge assistance to safeguard the future for us all. We will discover who is behind the shifter’s death, and when we do, vengeance will be swift and just.”

  Raine, who sat on the gray tufted couch next to her sisters, stood and marched over to Marcus, reaching for the pen he held in his hand, ready to sign the document on the table.

  “I know without a doubt Steel didn’t kill the shifter—because he is a man of honor, and whoever did this is a coward, hiding in the shadows,” she bit out as she scrawled her signature. “My coven of the White Star guarantees allegiance. It is the only way to stop the evil that is rising,” she added.

  Roman, the vampire prince, walked over next, and he took the pen offered by Raine.

  “I am engaged to Isabella, sister of Raine and Zephra. Therefore, it makes no political or practical sense to oppose. As such, I follow suit, but, if given cause, I will rescind my agreement.” His intense gaze rested on Isabella. Thankfully, as soon as Marcus entered the room, Jake made his way to his side. After the vampire, King Zayn followed, with Trent Le Var Bastian, leader of the werewolves, to sign. The last non-human signature belonged to a beautiful young woman with copper curls and an enchanting, flawless face. Her eyes were the color of a stormy sea, with full pink lips that promised sweet kisses.

  Dear God, she’s captivating. Marcus shook his head, aware he hadn’t spoken but couldn’t stop admiring the young woman, whose long hair fell to her waist. She raised her hand in greeting, and he accepted it, smiling. At the woman’s touch, a cold tightness squeezed his heart, but he kissed her knuckles while focused on her emotionless face.

  “I am Princess Undine, but please call me Dina. I am the keeper of the lake, and I, too, will sign,” she said.

  Before he could stop himself, the words slipped out. “What are you?”

  One minute, the thought charged through his mind and the next, it became words slipping through his lips. “Forgive me, I’m being rude.” Again, he couldn’t prevent the words escaping. “But what are you?”

  A pull on his arm made him slide his glance sideways to find Ella scowling at him. It couldn’t be jealousy he saw in her eyes, but rather distrust, and not aimed at him. He pressed his lips together, and realizing he still held the woman’s hand, instantly let go and stepped back. More questions hovered on his lips, but before he said anything more, she spoke.

  “It’s all right, I understand. My gaze is hard to resist—so I’m told. I am a water nymph, an elemental, and although this is not our war, the balance must be maintained.”

  Her flat voice drew his attention and for a moment no one else existed. Marcus studied her heart-shaped faced displaying no discernible emotion—no smile or evidence of any warmth. Even her eyes didn’t blink. He stumbled back, needing to distance himself from the rising tide of cold that emanated far beyond the hand of the princess. She added her signature to the list and strolled away. Curious about the woman, he kept his eyes fastened upon her, not having paid her any mind before this moment. As if aware of his intense scrutiny, she twisted around and met his observation with a forced smile.

  “Well, if that is all, Drayton, I have other matters to attend, and I will require some alone time with Isabella,” Roman said, breaking his trance.

  “What?” Marcus adjusted his position to confront the vampire, but glanced back after Dina, who had slid back near the fire. He scratched his beard, lost for a moment in thought.

  “Drayton—you can’t seem to keep your eyes off that woman. Isn’t your wife enough? Or does your race allow you to fool around with others? I’m interested if you’re into sharing?”

  Hearing the blasted vampire’s last few words, he spun around, forgetting his concerns, and shoved his face right into the vampire’s.

  “Let’s not fight, Roman. Soul-shifters are monogamous, and believe me when I say Ella is more than enough. Now, what’s your issue?”

  The vampire’s goons stepped in, but Roman flicked them away with a wave. Marcus stepped back, but brushed the man’s shoulder, as if clearing away dust.

  The vampire peered at him. “If I were your enemy, you just revealed your weakness. Everyone has one.”

  Shifting his gaze to Ella as she swanned around the room greeting and chatting with the others, he admitted—if only to himself—the vampire was right. He returned to examine Roman; the vampire glared over at Jake and Isabella, who were chatting. In turn, he had discovered Roman’s. But this game had to stop. He had enough to deal with without starting a war with the vampires.

  “Fine—Isabella is yours for this evening,” Marcus announced before he strode away. Standing at the head of the room, he called for everyone’s attention. “Before any of you leave, you will be interviewed, by a member of the Assembly guards or myself. You will be searched, and we will be making a request to obtain a sample of your DNA. This is not up for negotiation. A doctor will be coming around, and you will be called in alphabetical order shortly. Once you have complied, you are free to return to your room, or remain here. In the morning, we will reconvene and by then we should have the preliminary results of the autopsy.”

  Steel orchestrated the gathering to be held over two days to brainstorm how collectively they could expunge the Elusti and stop the murders. He hoped it would provide enough time to build trust and gain their cooperation. Knowing that among this group hid a traitor made revealing any plans pointless until they discovered their identity.

  “Are you included, Drayton, in this investigation?” Trent slipped his jacket off and folded it on the chair, sitting back down.

  “Of course. In the meantime, help yourselves to the refreshments provided.”

  The sooner they made a start and figured out the culprit, the better it would be for everyone. He about-faced to head out of the room, but a clap of hands made him stop and swivel around.

  “Congratulations, Drayton. That’s the best suggestion yet! The shifter died after drinking water. I’m not likely to touch anything you offer, and I suggest that no one else does either.” Roman paced around behind Isabella.

  Drayton sighed. “We don’t know that for sure until toxicology comes through. It’s also unlikely that whoever is behind this would strike again.”

  Ella shifted restlessly next to him and he turned to look at her raised eyebrows.

  He has a point, Drayton. If they want to cause maximum disruption, they could be trying to get rid of all the leaders from the Assembly. They could pick them off one by one. You cannot assume that the food and drink are okay. We need to have it all checked.

  Having all the Assembly members together in one place gave an open opportunity for any enemy to strike at them fast and hard. He stared at his smart wife before he faced the others.

  “Okay—on reflection, I have changed my mind,” Marcus announced.

  “About letting us leave?” King Zayn sat forward as he raised a dark brow.

  “No…until I can establish that the food and drinks are indeed safe, no one is to touch them. I will run some tests, which shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours. Then you can eat. For now, until your name is called, you sit tight. After the interview and blood tests, you’re free to go to your room, but do not attempt to leave the grounds.”

  He swept his vision around the room to ensure he had everyone’s cooperation. His eyes narrowed as he searched for the princess, but caught sight of Lady Tenille, Alex, and Henry strolling in through the main door.

  “That’s fine by me, but you will have to allow me to satisfy my craving or risk me feasting on a human. Hence, why I need Isabella.”

  Marcus met the blatant stare of the vampire prince, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Is
abella flinch and Jake turn away.

  “I wondered—if the others agree, I can have fresh food and drink delivered right here. You forget we are not human but—” Raine said.

  Marcus interrupted, “I doubt anyone in this room is starving enough to trust you casting a spell. Everyone here is a suspect in a possible poisoning.”

  “I’m not using magic, for heaven’s sake. I was going to phone and order food to be delivered. I meant to add that although we are not human, at times we enjoy their comforts. As the food would be from outside, surely that would be considered safe?”

  As a leader in the SEALs, being in charge came second nature to him, but discussing the simple matters of food and drink drove him crazy. He went days without food, but realizing it may add to the rising agitation, he agreed.

  “Okay, order several pizzas and whatever drinks are needed.”

  “I have already stated my requirements,” Roman added.

  “I will take a Hawaiian and some Diet Coke,” King Zayn said.

  Before long, the rest added their preferences, which reduced the anxiety somewhat. Marcus wiped his mouth and caught Ella engaged in conversation with Raine. He nodded at the witch, who stepped away, and he slipped his hand around his wife’s shoulder. Leaning down, he whispered into her ear.

  “Look, I’m going to be holed up here all night. I have arranged for you to give your statement first. Huron, the Assembly guard, will interview you. As soon as you’re done, grab Nate and go home. One of us should get some rest.”

  Ella nodded and pressed her palm on his chest. “Isabella doesn’t look happy at Roman’s request. What are you going to do?”

  He gave his wife a pointed look before running his gaze over at the witch in question. Keeping his voice quiet so no one else could hear him, he responded. “Jake and Isabella’s love life isn’t a priority right now, sweetheart—besides, I have enough issues with my own to meddle in theirs.” Marcus removed her hand from his shirt and kissed it.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Nothing—I’m teasing. Give me ten minutes. I need to speak with Henry, and I will call you through.”


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