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Revenge of the Witch

Page 10

by J. M. Davies

She shook her head as her mouth was full with the dessert, and she pointed at the doctor with her spoon. “No, stay there. I’m fine. Your dessert—oh my God, it’s delicious.”

  “It’s so good,” said Jake.

  The others nodded in approval as they all tucked in. Once Ella finished hers, she placed the empty white dish on the side table and lifted her glass to swig her wine. Marcus kept his eyes trained on her but she continued.

  “I thought as we’re all here, we could play a game. What do you think?”

  Elizabeth giggled and sipped her wine. “Oh, I love games.”

  “As long as it’s not a drinking game. You wouldn’t stand a chance against me and the boss, princess,” Jake said with his wide smile.

  Henry leaned forward. “Yeah, sure.”

  “Isabella?” Ella studied the witch, who knew what would happen and the part she would play.

  The pretty redhead crossed her legs. “Sure, why not.” Isabella reached for her glass of wine.


  He sat with his elbow resting on the arm of the chair as he stroked his beard, deep in thought.

  Her heart beat fast. He couldn’t possibly know what she intended, and yet he was on guard.

  “I’m not a fan of games, but if you insist.”

  A heat pooled in her belly, but she pushed on. “Okay, well, it’s a simple game of truth or dare. We’ll go around in a circle. When it’s your turn, you can choose someone from the group and ask them a question, which they have to answer truthfully, or you can give them a dare to perform.”

  The room hushed and she refused to look at Marcus despite his burning gaze upon her.

  Is there a reason behind this game, Ella?

  Hearing Marcus inside her head made her clutch the slim arms on the leather slingback. She needed an answer.

  It’s just a game, Marcus. Don’t you want to play?

  Not particularly.

  “Okay, I will start the game off. Henry, I dare you to kiss Jake and Isabella.”

  Ella knew her choice would cause an explosive reaction, but her friends would take it in a lighthearted way. She also didn’t want Marcus to suspect her true intentions. Not yet anyway.

  “What?” screeched Jake as he sprang away from the young man on his left.

  “What are you freaked out about, Jake? Is it because he has to kiss you or Isabella?” Ella asked.

  “Both. You’re cheating. I thought we only choose one person at a time.”

  “I’m the hostess—I get to make the rules.” Ella laughed as Jake raised his eyebrows at her.

  “Remember, I get a turn too. Turnabout is fair play. Well, get it over with.” Jake glared at Henry, who smirked and pushed forward, landing a quick kiss on Jake’s cheek. Everyone burst out laughing.

  “Hey, that’s not a proper kiss.” Elizabeth laughed.

  Henry stood and walked to stand in front of Isabella. He offered her his hand and she stood, with a quick sideways look at Jake. Henry held her shoulders in alignment with his body before pressing his lips over hers. She didn’t resist. In fact, the gentle kiss lasted longer than the one with Jake, who jumped up, ready to intercede. But the two pulled apart.

  “Wow, what a kiss.” Isabella smiled broadly at Jake.

  “I’ll give you a great kiss.” He elbowed Henry out of the way and grabbed Isabella, hugging her tight with one arm around her waist while he cupped her neck with his other one. He nudged her lips softly several times until she responded in kind and clutched his jaw, drawing him as close as possible. The kiss went on as coughs sounded out, as well as muffled laughter. Everyone watched the couple kissing except Elizabeth, Ella noticed, and she cringed. Now aware that her secret crush was in fact Jake, she sighed. Love never ran smoothly.

  “Okay, you two. Perhaps you should carry on when no one else is around,” she said.

  Jake pulled away. “You started it, princess.” He flopped down and tugged Isabella into his arms.

  “Your turn, Jake,” Ella said.

  He smiled at her and she wondered whether he would pick her in retaliation. He tilted his head to the side and rubbed his freshly shaved jaw, but rather than choose her, he stared over at the doctor.

  “Doc, tell us…”

  Not again! Ella heard her heart thump and thump. She knew the doctor liked Jake, even if no one else suspected. If he asked her outright who she fancied, would she admit the truth?

  “Tell us, what’s the worst injury you have seen?”

  Ella clutched her chest and sighed with relief as the doctor answered. Isabella cringed with the doctor’s answer and the game moved on as each person took a turn. When it came to Marcus, she froze, wondering who he would choose and what he would ask. She bit her lower lip and again avoided making eye contact.

  “I choose you, sweetheart,” he said.

  “Of course you would, boss, but enough with the displays of affection for one night. It only makes me horny.”

  “Shut up, Jake.” Isabella slapped his chest. The doctor giggled. Ella studied her friend, who smiled and swayed to the music in the background, drinking her third glass of wine.

  “Okay, truth or dare?” Ella asked in a cool manner.

  “Now, that’s a tricky one. There are so many things I would like to ask my beautiful wife right now. At times, she is still such a mystery to me and full of surprises, but I’m going to go with this. I dare you to do the splits. I know you’re athletic, training as you do, but I wonder if you are flexible enough to perform that move?” He smiled wolfishly.

  Ella slowly inhaled and as she tilted her head to study Marcus. “I’m in a dress.”

  “So—be discreet.”

  She could pull the silky dress up, but the last time she performed this maneuver must be well over a year ago, when sparring with the professor. Taking a deep breath, she stood and pushed her chair back.

  “You go, girl,” shouted Elizabeth.

  Ella stared around the room and removed her high heels before pushing away a wooden side table and moving the rug to give her enough space. Happy that the area allowed enough room, she stretched and flexed her back. Turning her head from side to side, she stared at Marcus, whose dark eyes ran the length of her frame.

  “You don’t have to do it, Ella—a kiss will suffice.”

  “Aw, he’s so sweet, Ella. I want a man like him.” Elizabeth clapped her hands in delight.

  Ella shook her head, half believing Elizabeth a little in love with Marcus as well as having a crush on Jake. She would show him, and she wouldn’t bow down or give up.

  Standing still, she zoned out from the group, and flexed her hips. In one fluid motion, she dropped and let her legs open in a scissor shape: one stretched out in front, the other behind. As she met the ground in a full split, she bounced right back up, standing with a triumphant grin.

  “Wow, how hot was that,” Jake said.

  Ella curtsied and sat back down.

  “Watch yourself, Gateway. That’s my wife.”

  “Shit, that’s cool,” Henry added as he sat forward.

  “I’m impressed. You’re not hurt, are you? Only I can see two of you?” Elizabeth said.

  Everyone laughed.

  “No, I’m fine. But I think you’re going to have one hell of a headache in the morning. Would you like some coffee or tea?” Ella marched over barefoot to the coffee table to collect empty glasses.

  “Tea please.”

  “Okay, you carry on and I will bring in some drinks and snacks.”

  “Do you need a hand?” Marcus asked.

  “No, you stay and play the game.”

  He nodded and the others continued to play. She left the cozy room as peals of laughter burst out. Her stomach dropped and a cold lead weight stopped her dead. Perhaps she should stop now. Tonight proved to be fun. Normal—something they rarely did. She pressed her hand to her temple. She loved Marcus. Perhaps they could fix the broken part of their relationship? She strolled into the kitchen, deep in thought, and quickly p
ut together drinks and snacks, bringing the tea through first, followed by beers and nachos with dip. When she sat back down, it was Isabella’s second turn, and right on cue, the witch sat forward and faced Marcus. Her bright-green eyes enlarged and glowed brighter, so much so Ella removed her gaze.

  “Marcus, tell us, why did you call for The Book of Blood?”

  A tortured moan ripped from Marcus as he tried to press his mouth shut, but he couldn’t. His mouth opened and an angry cry rent out.

  “What the fuck? What is The Book of Blood, Sparkles?” Jake looked over at Marcus as the man struggled to remain silent.

  The witch didn’t answer Jake; she dipped her head and repeated her words. “Tell us why you called for the book.”

  Marcus’s face blanched white and Ella teetered on the point of putting an end to the game she started, but his deep voice broke.

  “Damn it—I called—I called for the book—to gain control over Ella—to stop her leaving for Wales with Nate.”

  Elizabeth gasped. Marcus glared daggers at Ella and his face rippled with strain, his face red and the veins in his neck engorged.

  Stop this, Ella. Stop it now.

  Why? It seems you’ve been playing a game with me for months. Now it’s payback.

  Isabella glanced over at her and she nodded to continue, knowing that the witch had control over Marcus, making him speak the truth even if he didn’t wish to. She needed to know it all.

  “Why was Ella leaving for Wales?” Isabella asked as Jake studied the witch and then Ella.

  “What the hell kind of game are you two playing? I’ve seen this before, Sparkles, and I didn’t like it.”

  Isabella didn’t flinch or look at Jake, and Ella didn’t respond, glued to Marcus. She waited for him to answer the question, confused as to why she would leave him and head for Wales with their son. She sipped her wine and swallowed. Marcus glanced and spoke, his voice this time quiet and resigned.

  “The professor told Ella she has a brother. One who is able to detect soul-shifters. A brother who is helping the Padre. She wanted to go chasing after a ghost. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t let that bastard destroy my family. After everything he put us through—kidnapping Ella, inducing her labor, dumping her in the woods with a dead baby we believed ours—fuck fate. We barely survived that. I needed her where I could see her. I didn’t want her to take off with our son, who damn well deserved more after everything that happened.”

  “What did you do?” Isabella asked, focused on Marcus.

  “I willed her to forget about her brother and to look after Nate.”

  When he finished, he spun away. The room grew silent. Only the crackle and spit from the wood as it splintered in the fireplace sounded. Marcus shook his head and strode to the liquor cabinet, pouring a large measure of whisky. He flung back around and Ella stood up on shaky legs, dazed at his admission.

  She didn’t quite know what to make of it. To run off to Wales with Nate didn’t seem a rational plan, but Marcus had deceived her. He had forced her to bend to his will. Had she backed away from Orion to look after Nate because he had made her? Something he promised he would never do. She marched over, and pressed her lips tight. Standing inches away from him, she studied the stern, glacial features of her husband, from his dark-coffee eyes to his straight nose and square jaw, standing a head taller than her. He dipped his head down.

  I was trying to protect you and …

  Smack. The crisp slap of her hand contacted his cheek, and the sound echoed around. She saw him flinch with the sting of her attack, and she pummeled his chest until she was empty.

  “Shit! Are you crazy, Ella? I would have done the same if you were mine and about to embark on some harebrained scheme. The professor is full of shit,” Jake shouted, standing.

  “Jake—don’t. This is between me and Ella,” Marcus added.

  “The hell it is. Ella brought us here for this charade. She wanted us to see you spill your guts. And you, Isabella—you. I’ve seen you perform this crazy mumbo jumbo, and it nearly killed that man. You are just as bad. You push every fucking button, Ella. He’s only a man fool enough to worship the ground you walk on.”

  “Jake, for Christ’s sake—shut the fuck up.”

  Tears fell down Ella’s cheeks. “Marcus betrayed me. I begged him not to manipulate control between the two of us, but he didn’t listen. He always thinks he knows what’s best for me. I’m not a possession, Jake, one to be manipulated. Marcus doesn’t own me. I needed a partner, one who would treat me as an equal, not someone who would deceive me.”

  She wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand. Marcus reached his hand out to offer comfort, but she smacked it away.

  “Don’t. We are immortal soul-shifters, Marcus. I learned what that entails, and it’s not what you think. We can die. I also learned that by shifting the balance of power as mates like you have, you have weakened our bond. I cannot think straight anymore. You need to leave—right now. You didn’t trust me enough to resolve the issues by talking. You asserted your will, stole my memory. How could you?” She choked out her words. “I—cannot forgive you for that.”

  Her voice elevated and Henry rose out of his chair. “I think we should leave you two alone. It sounds like you have a lot to talk about.”

  “No. We don’t. Not now.” She walked over to the closet, pulled out a large black duffel bag she had filled with his clothes, and stepped back into the room. Ella shoved it at him. “Leave!”

  Marcus gripped the bag, staring long and hard at her.

  Is this really what you want?

  You betrayed me. The one person who is meant to have my back, no matter what.

  Ella covered her mouth with her hand and stood there, shaking at the significance of this moment and what it meant. She was throwing him out. The only man she loved. Her mate. An empty hole opened inside her gut and she shivered, but she turned her back on him. Heavy booted thuds sounded out behind her.

  “Elizabeth, shall I walk you back?” Henry asked softly.

  The doctor had been quiet in the shouting. “Um, no, thank you. I think I will stay, if that’s all right, Ella?”

  Ella swiped her hand over her damp cheeks again and spun around, surprised her friend would want to stay after all the shouting. She nodded at the doctor, not risking her voice. She didn’t think she could manage any words.

  Marcus charged toward the front door with Jake close on his heels. He stopped as he held the handle and looked back at her. “This is temporary, Ella. I’m giving in to you right now because I made a huge mistake, but don’t think for a second I will not do whatever it takes to make this right between us.”

  She didn’t respond.

  Jake peered at her, shock and hurt obvious on his pinched face. “I expected better from you, princess.”

  His sharp words hit her right in the heart and she all but collapsed right there, fearing she had made the biggest mistake of her life.

  Marcus twisted around and his hand shot out, grabbing Jake’s arm and tugging him out the door.

  “Well, good night, ladies. Thanks for dinner. It was—entertaining.” Henry offered his hand and she shook it. He was being polite, and in the circumstances, she appreciated his silence on the evening’s proceedings.

  “Thank you, Henry. Take care,” she said as he nodded and left the house.

  No one spoke for a moment. The doctor fell back into the couch, obviously having trouble staying awake and shocked by the proceedings. Isabella turned and walked toward her.

  “Did you get what you wanted?” Isabella asked, rather subdued.

  “Yes or no, depending on which way you look at it. I thought I would feel better, but instead I feel sick,” she said.

  “I’m sorry for the part I played. I didn’t know what Marcus would do—honestly. He swore me to secrecy. I didn’t know about your brother. You did say you were taking time off, but I presumed after what happened with Nate, you merely wanted to spend time with him. It seemed understa
ndable. I’m sorry. Marcus made a mistake, but he loves you, Ella, and I guess the thought of losing you terrified him.”

  Ella blinked. A tiredness weighed her down and she couldn’t think straight. “Well, he has lost me anyway. I realize I was hasty in wanting to search for a man the professor said is my brother. I wouldn’t trust anything that man says, and I understand how Marcus must have felt. But rather than discussing it, he took over. Could you remain in a relationship like that?”

  Isabella rubbed her hands. Her emerald eyes were back to their normal bright shade. “No. I want an equal relationship, built on mutual love and respect. Of course, I also want someone who will put up with my peculiar quirks, give me space to be who I am, who has a wicked sense of humor, a gorgeous body, and one who knows exactly how to give me pleasure.”

  “An easy list of requirements then.” Ella’s shoulders relaxed and she patted Isabella’s arm. “I know you didn’t want to take part tonight, but thanks. I just don’t know what to think anymore. I feel empty right now,” she said, teary-eyed again.

  Isabella stepped closer and hugged her. Ella couldn’t help but rest her head on her friend’s shoulder. The strain of the last couple of days was catching up.

  “I’m sorry. I won’t let you down again, Ella. I’m not used to having friends. Not that that is an excuse, but it’s true. My sisters and I are different, but I promise, I will always be loyal to you,” the witch said.

  Ella stepped back and examined her friend, who yawned and pushed her long hair off her shoulders. “I hope so, because I will not forgive you again.”

  “I understand. Look, I need to go. I feel exhausted. But what about the doctor?”

  Ella glanced over at the couch, where Elizabeth lay fast asleep, snoring. She moved away to open the door to the cream-painted cupboard and withdrew a fluffy woolen blanket.

  “I’ll let her sleep.” She covered her in the gray blanket as the doctor continued to make small snorting noises. Both women looked at each other, smiling. She opened the front door and let Isabella go, wondering whether anything would ever be the same again.


  Marcus sipped his strong coffee and eyed Jake over the mug as he chatted with Henry in the ops room. He had gathered the team to discuss the insertion of the secretary into the Padre’s world, but another task pressed on his mind—Ella’s brother. After a sleepless night, he decided he needed to seek out and discover all he could about this ghost of a man. A soul-shifter who betrayed his own kind. But that meant talking to the professor, a man he could kill with his bare hands, and feel nothing but relief.


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