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A Medium's Thanksgiving Table

Page 7

by Chariss K. Walker

  “Help me,” Becky said as she tried to stand. “Help me get closer to the mirror.”

  Irene stood and then assisted Becky as she struggled to her feet. The effort set her side on fire but she persevered until she could slowly walk to the great mirror across the room.

  “Matt, are you there?” Irene called.

  Suddenly, a man’s haggard image appeared. He was medium height and build with strawberry blond hair and piercing green eyes. He looked to be close to forty years old and tired, but when he saw his mother he smiled weakly. “I’m here, Mama.”

  Irene could not hear Matt’s response, but he could hear his mother say, “I’ve brought someone who might be able to help you, son. This is Becky Tibbs. At least that’s my fervent hope and prayer. If she can’t help you, I’m in a world of trouble because I literally kidnapped her to get her here.”

  “Mama, you didn’t!”

  Irene could tell by his reaction that he wasn’t pleased by that information. She added, “There’s not much I wouldn’t do to see you happy, Matt.”

  Chapter 22

  While Zetmeh remained by Becky’s side, Jacob encouraged Bobby. It had been well over two hours now without any word. Bobby still sat in Becky’s closed store feeling dumbfounded and helpless. He stubbornly refused to leave until Barbara arrived and he ignored any shoppers who tapped on the door to see if Becky was inside and had forgotten to open the store.

  Meanwhile, Marty was true to his word. He’d put Patrick Burns, a new detective, on the street cams to search for Becky’s truck. After some time, Patrick spotted the tan 2001 Ford pickup heading north on Riverside Drive and out towards West Haywood Street, but he lost the vehicle when it took I-26 West. Whoever took her, headed out of town.

  Patrick immediately reported what he’d discovered to Sgt. Marty Smith. The younger man felt anxious and upset. He’d clearly seen Becky Tibbs’s frightened, pale face, and even though he couldn’t explain it, he felt drawn to her. There was something about her that pulled and tugged at his psyche. He felt compelled to help her.

  “I found the truck and it headed out I-26 West. They could be going to Weaverville, Mars Hill, Marshall, Bernardsville, or anyone of a dozen other places. Maybe even Hot Springs. This is proof that she was taken against her will. Can we track the GPS on her phone now?”

  “I admit that Becky Tibbs is awesome,” Marty replied, recognizing the fervor of Patrick’s words, “but, we still don’t know that she was kidnapped. She might’ve left willingly. You’re new to Asheville. You have to understand that Becky has a unique calling. She has an unusual ability and she’s often called to various other cities to help them when they have a problem. We don’t have any witnesses that saw her taken by force.”

  “That might be true, Sergeant, but why did they take her in her own vehicle? If this was merely a meeting, why didn’t she follow them or meet them somewhere? Do you understand where I’m coming from?” Patrick persisted.

  “Yes, I do, and I hadn’t considered that,” Marty admitted.

  “Let me go to the location of her store. I can check if any store cameras in the area caught the action. I could also check to see if there is an abandoned vehicle in the parking lot. I mean, think about it. How did they get there to take her and her truck? I want to help find her. I’ll even canvass the area if that will help.”

  “All right. You do any and all of that, Patrick. Let me know if you find anything that shows what we suspect but clearly do not yet know.”

  Patrick left and Marty phoned Bobby at the very moment Barbara arrived.

  “Hold on, Marty. Barbara just got here and I need a minute to make sure she’s all right. After a tearful greeting and hugs, they listened to Marty’s call on speaker. “I’m back,” Bobby acknowledged.

  “I’m sending over Patrick Burns, a new detective in our police department. I have several reasons for that,” Marty advised. “First, he found Becky’s truck heading out of town. Second, he believes that perhaps one of the local businesses might have security cameras that could’ve recorded the incident. Third, he hopes that maybe there is an abandoned vehicle in your parking lot that was left there by the two women who took Becky. Last, but not least, he saw Becky in the truck and I think the little son-of-a-gun is smitten with her. He really wants to help.”

  While Marty succinctly gave the particulars on all that he had learned, Bobby wondered if the sergeant was attempting to impress Barbara. Marty certainly seemed to be more helpful whenever his older sister was around. Bobby hoped Marty’s efforts would continue until Becky was found.

  “Thanks for the update, Marty. I’ll help him look at the cars outside to see if any are from out of town. We really appreciate what you’re doing.”

  “Can I talk to Barbara?” Marty asked.

  Barbara shook her head and mouthed, “Just not up to it, Bobby.” She wiped tears off her cheeks with the sleeve of her right arm and turned away.

  “She’s not up to it at the moment, Marty. Give her a bit of time. This is our baby sister that’s missing and God only knows what’s going on. Just give her some time and perhaps some good news. Then, I’m sure she’ll be ready to talk to you.”

  Chapter 23

  Bobby’s call with Marty ended just as a police cruiser drove up. Bobby was out the door in a heartbeat ready to help Detective Patrick Burns. But Barbara was devastated. Knowing that the worst can happen to anyone, she stared out the window at her brother as he introduced himself to the newest detective on Asheville’s police force.

  Patrick Burns was as tall as Bobby and almost as strong. He had dark brown hair and, although she couldn’t make out the color of his eyes from that distance, she was certain that Becky would like his looks and the easy smile displayed as he shook Bobby’s hand.

  Becky, oh my sweet little sister. What have you gotten yourself into this time? Barbara fearfully thought. Will I ever see you again? Will I have the opportunity to take your side the next time Mother pits us against each other. Oh, how I regret that I let her talk me into spoiling your delightful dinner the other night. I’m sorry, Sis. I’m so sorry. You’re too young to die; you haven’t even lived. You’ve never fallen in love or had your heart broken which is such a huge part of life. And, you simply can’t die a virgin. You simply can’t! I won’t allow it. Come back to us, Becky. Please, God, let her come back to us!

  Of course Justin and Joyce were also standing by, but Barbara ignored their presence. If Becky died, Barbara wasn’t sure she could forgive her mother for spoiling the last meal she’d had with her sister. She sat down on one of the shop’s antique chairs and cried for herself and her little sister.

  Barbara didn’t have Becky’s strength or fortitude. She didn’t have Becky’s faith or courage either. If she had, she wouldn’t be so numbed by medication that she couldn’t see the regular ghosts who worriedly stood around the cash register. Barbara felt totally alone and as despairing as she’d ever felt in her life.

  Then, she grew angry.

  “Why didn’t any of you stupid ghosts warn her?” she yelled. “You’re around her all the time. She helps each of you. Why, oh why, didn’t you see the danger and help her?”

  Bobby and Patrick Burns searched the parking lot together. There were only a few cars parked there and only one with a tag from outside of Buncombe County – a white 2007 Honda CRV with a Madison County license plate.

  “This has to be it,” Bobby said, hoping that it was true.

  “I’m going to run the plates even though I should probably canvas the stores to see if it belongs to anyone,” Patrick said.

  “I’ll check on that,” Bobby offered. “Please, just run the plates in the meantime. I think Becky’s injured and we might not have a lot of time to do things according to protocol.”

  “You got it,” Patrick replied, already feeling an urgency he couldn’t explain and a real comradery with Becky’s brother.

  By the time Bobby got back, Patrick had the information he needed. The car was registere
d to Irene Johnson. Irene lived in Hot Springs, North Carolina on a small farm. It was now clear to Patrick that they’d driven Becky’s truck to I-26 West past Weaverville before they took I-25 north to Hot Springs.

  “We have an address and the photo ID matches the description of one of the women I saw in the truck with Becky. I need Marty to sign off on this before I can go up there,” Patrick advised.

  “Hold on; I have an idea,” Bobby said as he led Patrick to the antique store and inside. “Barbara, this is Detective Patrick Burns and this is what we know…,” Bobby began as he gave his sister the update. “I need you to use your powers of persuasion on Marty so Patrick and I can head out there. Jacob says Becky needs medical attention and she needs it now.

  “Wait a minute,” Patrick interrupted. “We have an eyewitness?”

  “It’s complicated,” Barbara advised Patrick before returning her attention to her brother. “I’ll do what I can, Bobby. You know that.”

  “Just convince Marty so he’ll sign off on this and also send an ambulance to this address.” He handed over the information on Irene Johnson and then looked back at Patrick, “I really appreciate all your help, Patrick. And, I’m sorry, buddy, but I can’t wait for Marty to get on board with this. I need to get out there and save my sister. You come on as quick as you can. Barbara can fill you in on the rest of it if she’s got a mind to do so.”

  Chapter 24

  Back at the farmhouse, even though it was a painful effort to do so, Becky talked with both Matt and Irene.

  “Matt, why do you think you’re trapped in that mirror?” Becky asked.

  “He’s trapped because of that witch, Anika!” Irene heatedly emphasized.

  “Irene, I need you to let Matt talk,” Becky quietly encouraged. “This is about him and his perceptions so if I’m going to help him, I need to know what he thinks.”

  “I’m sorry,” Irene mumbled.

  “So, Matt, can you answer my question?” Becky asked again.

  “Anika is powerful. She’s the most powerful witch I’ve ever met. She’s got me trapped here for sure. Her magic is dark and strong!” Matt exclaimed.

  “I understand that you feel that way, but didn’t your ego assassination come from someone else?” Becky gently reminded. Even though she hadn’t yet grasped the concept, she knew that both Irene and Matt believed it had come from one of the members of Anika’s coven.

  “It did. I think it was José who actually did the magic of that. Technically, he practices Brujería, He’s a brujo.”

  “I’ve never heard that expression,” Becky admitted, “but you believe it was strong magic don’t you?”

  “It was,” Matt agreed.

  “Too strong for Anika.”

  “What’s he saying,” Irene interrupted, but Becky held up her hand to halt her interference.

  “Yeah, well José uses stuff like Day of the Dead magic, while Anika uses some kind of voodoo witchcraft. But, I see your point. She wouldn’t know a lot of stuff that José knows.”

  “Matt, you understand that whatever we believe makes that belief real, right? I mean now that you are on the other side, you can see that can’t you?”

  “I’ve had time to think about all this, to reflect on the things I’ve done in my life…,” he hesitated and grew silent.

  “That’s good, Matt. That’s really good,” Becky encouraged. “Mirrors are supposed to reflect our truth and our lies. What did you discover?”

  “It’s not at all like I thought it would be. I can see the other side, but I can’t get there. Something is holding me here in this place, but it’s not like I’m really in a mirror. It’s more like I’m in a dream. Every so often I hear something. Almost like I’m waking up from a nap and I come look out the window, which is a mirror on your side, and find my Mama all worried about me. Other than that, it isn’t painful and it doesn’t feel like jail or anything.”

  “I need you to concentrate, Matt. I need you to think about why you are there, trapped and alone in a dream,” Becky urged, feeling her strength ebbing.

  “I think this is somehow of my own making. I think I’m shamed into staying here. While I was tripping, it was like a giant spider web, everything was connected to everything else. I clearly saw my connection to everything in the universe. I saw God and I knew I was loved. Everything loved me and made me feel very much a part of everything else that was there.

  “After I came down from the high, I fell back into my old ways and the rage I’d felt about her loving someone else. I started hating on Anika and José again. I felt a murderous rage that they were together and happy. I really screwed up big time. I can see it as clear as day now, but I sure couldn’t see it in time to do anything about it while I was alive.”

  Becky understood that, from his perspective in death, Matt was overwhelmed and humbled by the many mistakes he’d made with Anika and others. It was common to do a personal assessment before crossing into the light. It was a necessary step for all those who transitioned from this plane to the next.

  Some referred to it as ‘seeing their life pass before their eyes.’ Others with religious backgrounds referred to it as judgement. Regardless of what one chose to call it, Becky knew that the next step was to help Matt see that he wasn’t trapped by those beliefs or mistakes.

  “Matt, I don’t have much time. I was injured when your Mother and Henrietta brought me here. I really need a doctor. So, please, know that the things you’ve just told me also free your spirit. You are free. You said yourself that you saw God and felt His love for you, that you can see the other side. Nothing can keep you from crossing over except your beliefs that you failed in life. You didn’t fail. It might surprise you to know that we all walk a unique path. And on that path, nothing is either right or wrong. It is simply our path and what is. Can you see that, Matt?”

  “I think so,” Matt faltered, “but I also believe that I have to be out of this mirror before I can cross over. Can you get me out of this mirror, Becky?”

  “I am a medium, Matt. I see ghosts and help the recent dead with their unfinished business. I don’t know the first thing about witchcraft. I do know that you’re trapped by your beliefs on the subject. Go deep inside yourself and find your beliefs. Question them, examine them, and make a thorough inventory of what matters most. Recall the reality you witnessed from the universe and feel its love. That is my best and only advice to you at this time.”

  The effort was too great and Becky had to sit down. Deprived of oxygen, she nodded off again, but this time it was different. It was a heavy, drugged kind of sleep from which she feared she would never awaken.

  You must hold on, dear child. Help is on its way. Even now your brother races to your side to save you. Trust that this will all be over soon, Zetmeh softly encouraged.

  Chapter 25

  Meanwhile, terrified of losing his sister, Bobby broke all speed limits. He drove like the wind in order to get to Becky as fast as humanly possible. And now, that they had an address, Jacob was able to find Becky again. However, he couldn’t enter the house where she was kept prisoner and quickly returned to Bobby.

  “There is a dark spell over the house, Bobby. I can’t get inside. The other large woman I told you about sits on the porch guarding the front door.”

  “That’s all right,” Bobby confidently avowed. “I’m ready for anything now that I have a destination. That bitch better get out of my way!”

  Moments later, Bobby pulled into the driveway of the farmhouse owned by Irene Johnson. Becky’s truck, the truck their father had left her, was parked near the front of the house. Bobby had never understood why Becky loved that old truck so much, but he was so relieved to see it that he could’ve kissed it.

  Bobby slammed his vehicle into park and jumped out before it came to a complete stop. He ran full force towards Henrietta Johnson, the big woman on the porch.

  Henrietta stood up to bar his way, firmly planted her feet shoulder width apart, and hunched forward slightly. She l
ooked like a bull ready to charge. For a brief moment, Bobby realized that she probably outweighed him by fifty pounds. But, he couldn’t allow her size to intimidate him and he didn’t let the fact that she was a woman slow him down either.

  Bobby kept his back straight and his eyes focused on the door. Using his left forearm he blocked Henriette’s advancement towards the door and plowed his left shoulder directly into her ample chest. It was a great play; Bobby had treated the situation as if she was a fullback protecting the quarterback. Henrietta landed flat on her back and the air rushed out of her lungs with a loud whoosh.

  With his opposition out of the way, Bobby bellowed with all his might. “Becky! Becky, are you in there?”

  Her brother’s angry roar pulled Becky back to the present moment and she tried to answer, but her feeble ‘Bobby?’ sounded more like a mewing kitten. She tried to stand, but she was simply too weak.

  That’s when she saw a dozen spirits, much like Zetmeh, crowded around her. Becky thought for a moment that she had crossed over, but she didn’t recognize any of them as ancestors.

  Am I dead? She wondered.

  She could hear police and ambulance sirens blaring in the distance, drawing closer and closer to the farmhouse and the sound of rescue gave her hope… Will they get here in time, Becky wondered as she drifted again.

  Chapter 26

  Irene grew frantic. She realized that the kidnapping of Becky Tibbs was drawing to an end, but she couldn’t give up. Not now, especially when they were so close to freeing Matt. If she could just get Matt out of the mirror and on his way to the afterlife, it would all be worth it. Even if she faced prison it would be worth saving her only son.


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