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Dawning Ascent (The Pearson Prophecy Book 1)

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by Jen L. Grey

  My brother has an unreadable expression. “What is the cause of this cheerfulness? I figured you would be tired since you were out until midnight last night?”

  How do I explain this away? “What? I’m always in a good mood.” I cringe. Yeah, I just said that ten octaves louder than I normally speak.

  My mother laughs and nods.

  Logan crosses his arms. “You are never in a good mood in the morning when you have training to attend.”

  Yes, training. I despise having to try to control my growing power and deal with Elizabeth. However, even that can’t dampen my mood. Last night was a miracle. Even if Nick wakes up and realizes it was a mistake, I still have those memories to cherish. My stomach revolts at that, but I’m just a Pearson. Luck is never on our side unless you’re the Savior.

  Every time I've ever dared to hope for something, I leave disappointed. I try to remain objective, and if something good comes my way, I treasure it for the time I have it. This philosophy is hard to live by but I'm still working on it.

  Oh, crap. I’m over here daydreaming while Logan and Mother are watching me. The best way to handle awkward situations is with food so I pile some eggs onto my plate and get to eating. I’m not surprised when there is an external force poking my mind.

  I glare at Logan and motion for him to cut it out. Obviously, my emotions are everywhere, so I focus on calming down instead. I am not ready for him to know about Nick and me.

  Mother winks at me and redirects her attention to Logan. “Your sisters are training today. What are your plans for today? Working in the stables like normal?”

  Logan’s face hardens. “I’m going to train with the guards today. Father informed me last night that I am becoming part of the elite force.”

  “What?” I drop my fork on my plate. This can’t be happening. The guards are the first to go into a battle, trying to protect power wielders like me.

  “I would have told you last night, but you didn’t get home until late. I’m surprised you didn’t come home earlier.”

  Mother is still.

  I’m speechless. I can’t believe this is happening. No wonder he is so irritated with me this morning. I’ve not been there for him, and I deserve every bit of his anger. Tears burn my eyes.

  He reaches out, touching my arm. “I’m sorry, sis. That wasn’t fair. I’m sure you had a good reason.”

  Mother gets up from the table and heads to the door, breathing hard. “I’m going to talk to your father right this instant.”

  “Wait, Mother,” Logan calls out, but she’s already gone.

  He rushes to the door, looking for her in the hallway. “Crap. Why did I even bring it up? This will not go over good.”

  I take a sip of coffee and set the cup down. “Try not to worry. You know she’ll not be able to get to him. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you last night. When did you see him, and how did this get decided?” The king knows, with the Savior in place, war will come, and he’s making sure my brother gets into harm’s way first by making him a guard. I just wish they would leave us alone.

  He walks back to the table and sits down. “At the banquet hall last night.”

  I throw my hands up. “Why in Knova were you at the banquet hall?”

  He sighs. “Well, I was craving a dessert. I should have known I would run into them.”

  “Come on, Logan. Give me something here. Who all was there, and what was said? Don’t make me try to put the pieces of the puzzle together.”

  He snorts. “Yes, we don’t want you trying to figure things out.” He shakes his head. “Well, King Percy, Elizabeth, and Gabe – I mean, Father – saw me. They walked over, and the king told Father to give me the good news.”

  I’m sure they all had a good time delivering the news. “What did the king and Elizabeth say?”

  Logan’s face reddens. “They didn't say anything, but they couldn’t keep the grins off their faces. What have we ever done to deserve such resentment? We aren’t Emerson, but my goodness, we aren’t worthless. We stay out of their way, and we pull our weight. I’m just glad you have strong powers so they can’t do the same to you.”

  I can’t believe Father would do this. Well, I can, but can’t Logan catch a break every now and then? I reach over and give him a huge hug. “I’m so sorry. We will figure something out.”

  He returns the hug. “I don’t know, but unfortunately, we better get going or we’ll both be late to training.”

  I pull away and pat his shoulder. “Be safe. This is just temporary.” I quickly kiss him on the cheek. “I love you.”

  I walk out the door, and right before I hear it shut, I hear Logan say, “I love you, too.”

  As I walk past the dining hall, making my way to class, Nick is in the palace hallway, talking to his Father.

  Crap, I’m not ready to see him yet. What if he regrets last night? What if he doesn’t even want to be friends now? Just when I’m about to avert my eyes downward, Nick notices me and gives me a small smirk.

  My heart sputters at his attention, and I smile back as I pass him.

  I make it to the training room. I hate this room because it’s so bare. It’s in the basement and the walls are ancient-looking, like an old cathedral. The floor is marble, and there is a large chandelier hanging in the center of the room.

  Of course, Elizabeth is already here with her friends, surrounding my sister.

  Emerson looks over and gives me a small grin.

  I give a small smile back.

  Her red hair, like the other girls, is elegantly pulled back into a fancy ponytail. All the girls wear dresses; though they are more informal outfits, compared to their normal fancy gowns.

  Elizabeth snickers while pointing at me. “Emmy, I can’t believe you are related to her. Look at her wearing pants like one of the guards.”

  Really? That’s the best that she has? I want to respond but know better than to engage the beast. I made that mistake once, and the king gave me twenty lashes for the offense.

  My sister doesn’t react to the comment, but all the other girls laugh.

  Wearing common clothes makes me a target, but even if I tried to conform, my hair just wouldn’t allow it. It is black as night, which contrasts with every female in our kingdom. A dark red color is what any female covets. The darker the red, the more powerful the woman.

  My sister’s hair is red as blood, and Elizabeth’s is almost the exact same shade.

  Elizabeth knows my sister will be the Savior. Even though I can’t stand the princess, I’ll admit she is smart to align herself just right, so she can take credit as Emerson’s friend and mentor.

  Just then, our instructor joins us. “Now, girls, please behave yourselves. Let’s stop focusing on differences when we have important things that need all our focus. We must learn how to channel and control your magic with perseverance and determination.”

  Mrs. Holcomb is blunt and well respected in the community. Her hair is just slightly lighter than Elizabeth’s, signifying she’s the third strongest in our kingdom. Just like all the other ladies, she’s wearing a fancy lavender gown and has her hair in a loose ponytail. She’s in her forties, but you would think she was in her twenties. What I love most is her no-nonsense attitude.

  “Now, let’s learn how to channel our energy in such a way that it doesn’t drain us. Our power is made by the surrounding elements: the earth, air, water, and fire. Our body houses the energy, and it is drained from us as we use it. We need to learn how to tap into our surroundings to help aid us, so that we do not drain ourselves. In battle, endurance is everything. The first ones drained are the first ones to fall.”

  She motions for us to spread out and work on connecting with the elements. We are to sync our energy with nature.

  This happens naturally to me, so how in Knova do I pretend to struggle doing this? I move toward the back of the room so I can go more unnoticed.

  However, Elizabeth is watching me.

  My attention slips just for
a second, and a burst of power blazes through me, burning. What in the hell am I supposed to do? It just keeps building. My insides feel raw and my knees buckle, no longer able to support me, causing me to fall on the ground.

  After a few moments, Elizabeth laughs. “It looks like she’s not as powerful as we thought. She struggled so hard tapping into the elements that she drained within minutes.”

  Ugh, I’m so sick and tired of her taking every opportunity to kick me when I’m already down. I take a deep breath. This is a good thing. Now, I’ll be able to go unnoticed for a little while longer.

  Mrs. Holcomb gives me a wary look but focuses her attention on Elizabeth. “Elizabeth, we do not poke fun at any student in my class, no matter who it is. This is a safe place to learn, and it will stay that way. Do you understand?”

  Elizabeth flushes. “Lydia, you will address me as Princess Elizabeth and remember that this is my kingdom. I will not be reprimanded by the likes of you. I'm not sure why you hold this position, but I will get my father, your King, to remove you.”

  It takes everything in my power to not roll my eyes. I should be surprised by Elizabeth’s blatant disregard for people in general, but she is her father’s daughter.

  Mrs. Holcomb laughs. “Go ahead and try. This is my classroom, and if you want to be taught by me, you will have respect for every person in here. I don't have time for politics or drama. You are dismissed, Princess Elizabeth.”

  Did she just kick Elizabeth out? That’s unheard of! Elizabeth stands frozen, her face growing redder every second. Soon, she turns and races out of the room.

  The silence that follows the slammed door is deafening.

  Mrs. Holcomb takes a minute before speaking. “There are rules in this classroom – rules that everyone must follow, regardless if you are the princess, the Savior, or disfavored. Does everyone understand that, in this classroom, we are all to be treated with the utmost respect?”

  Elizabeth’s friends just look at one another, and Emerson nods in agreement.

  After her display, I don’t want to anger her. I’ve heard the rumors of the wrath she’s capable of and just witnessed a tiny show of her anger.

  “Good. I think we have dealt with enough today, and I'm sure the king will be here soon. Everyone is dismissed, except for Ariah.”

  My stomach drops. Maybe I am in trouble after all? Everyone scurries out the door, leaving me alone with the teacher.

  Mrs. Holcomb walks toward to me. “Don't be afraid. I think we need to talk. Some things have come to my attention over the past week and were confirmed today.”

  This can’t be good. She reaches out and touches my hand, and I flinch. The king comes to mind. Last time he beat me, he grabbed my hand to drag me to this very basement to punish me.

  “I'm not going to hurt you.” Worry lines her face, and she takes a step away, giving me space. “You started training when you turned eighteen, which is standard. I’m sure you’re trying to understand why Emerson started around the same time as you. Since she is the future Savior, the king thought it would be best to get her training a year earlier than normal. That way, when she comes into her powers, she will be able to control them, instead of her powers controlling her.”

  Of course, he did. He wants her seasoned as soon as she turns eighteen. I sometimes wonder what it would be like if we grew up to be an actual family.

  Lydia arches an eyebrow. “Since you started this class last week, I've noticed some things. The first is that your energy doesn't seem to drain. It strengthens the more you use it, which is something I have not seen before. If you are that strong, I can imagine the strength that your sister will have.”

  Yes, it all goes back to Emerson. I’m not jealous, but once, I’d like to just be me and not compared to anyone. However, that is not the life I lead.

  After a few seconds of silence, she nods. “Also, I'm going to let you in on one of my secrets. I can see the color and intent of one’s power. People who practice that have good intentions, their magic has a golden hue. People who practice with evil intentions have a black hue reflected.

  “It's surprising, because I've seen two people with different colors than those. And I find both these unusual colors in the same exact class. Elizabeth has a gray hue to her magic, which isn't all that surprising. From my experience, I am confident that means that she isn't evil, but has many negative thoughts and intentions. Of course, we both know,” she motions her finger back and forth between us, “that color could darken any second, and will, as she gets older.”

  Elizabeth doesn’t have good intentions, but evil? She seems to only have a problem with me. And why would Mrs. Holcomb share this with me? I could tell the king and she could be banished. Ha! Like he would believe me, so maybe that’s why. Is she testing me?

  She takes a step in my direction, her eyes fixed on me. “What I find most surprising is that your magic is pure white. Why do you think that is? Your sister’s is gold, although lighter than most, but yours is stark white. Now, you are a year older, and maybe Emerson’s color will lighten to match yours as she approaches her Age of Enlightenment, but you just turned eighteen and I am so intrigued by you.”

  Oh, no. How do I respond? I tap my foot and play with my fingers. Why is she paying so much attention to me? Everyone avoids me except for a select few. Have I not been hiding my powers well? How do I fix this?

  I place my hand on my chest. “Something weird must be going on. I struggle with my power… I mean, I get drained, just like everyone else. After here, I go home and have to sleep because of the toll it takes on my body.”

  She raises an eyebrow. “You have to go to bed from all the exhaustion, huh?”

  I nod. “Oh, yes, and I can barely make it to the room. It's horrible.”

  She smirks and narrows her eyes at me. “Then how come I see you at the gardens on my way home every afternoon? Why didn’t you take the rejuvenating herbs? You didn't mention that because you’re lying. I can see it.”

  Okay, I’m just making this worse. I rub my chin with my thumb. How do I fix this? Can I change the subject somehow?

  She reaches out in a slow manner, almost like I’m a scared mouse, and touches my shoulder. “No worries; I won't tell a soul, just like you won't tell anyone about this conversation.”

  So, there is no getting around this. “Fine, you are right. But going to the gardens does help rejuvenate me after a long and difficult training day.”

  The smile that spreads across her face is majestic. “Now we are getting somewhere. Listen, the king is going to be here soon to discuss what happened today with Elizabeth. I think you and I should train away from the others. I want to see what you can do and also figure out how your magic is so white.”

  She raises her hand, holding it in front of her chest, her face stern. “Just to be clear, this change has nothing to do with the recent disagreement with Elizabeth. You and I both know any special attention is bad for you if the king and Elizabeth take notice. So, let's start meeting at night. I would love to see what you can do during a full moon. This will be our little secret. I’m trusting you, since we both would be in immense trouble for these special lessons.”

  Could I be getting some help? Should I trust her? I don’t think I have an option at this point. “Yes, Mrs. Holcomb. I can meet you at midnight, if that's what you would like. Would we still meet here?”

  She taps her finger to her chin. “Midnight is perfect. Let’s meet at the old Pearson house to practice, so we are a safe distance from anyone discovering us. And let's meet the same days that we train here.” She smiles at me. “Also, you may call me Lydia now that we are... friends, for lack of a better word.”

  There is a loud knock on the door, and then it swings wide open. The king rushes through, and raises an eyebrow when he sees that I’m still here. “I hope she’s getting scolded for getting Elizabeth into trouble. If she hadn't been so pathetic, my daughter wouldn't have laughed and been forced to get reprimanded in front of everyone. And
by a teacher that works for me.”

  Yes, I’m the reason why Elizabeth got in trouble. It has nothing to do with her entitled, belittling attitude.

  “Just calm down.” Lydia bows. “I was telling Ariah she isn't part of the class any longer. I’ve handled the situation.”

  “Ariah, remove your sorry ass from the room. Lydia and I have some things to discuss. You've caused enough of an embarrassment today, along with your almost as pathetic brother.” The king sneers at me.

  Did something happen to Logan? Welcoming any reason to get some distance from him, I jump up and go search for my brother.

  Chapter Three

  I rush to our quarters and yank the door open. “Logan! Logan, are you here?”

  Silence is my answer, but someone is here. I walk into the hallway that leads to our bedroom, and stop because our bathroom door is ajar. I peek through the opening and see him slumped over the sink with the water running. “Logan, are you okay?”

  He tenses. “Ariah, go away right now. I need a minute.”

  Yeah, like that's going to happen. I push my way into the remainder of the small bathroom. There is a decent size shower, but that’s what takes up the most space. The sink has enough room for one person. Something metallic scents the air, and I stumble when he comes into view. My brother is almost unrecognizable. His right eye is swollen shut, with deep cuts running down his cheeks and covering most of his arms. His clothes are drenched in blood, and his shirt is torn to shreds. Blood streams down his arms and face, dripping onto the floor. How in Knova is he still standing up?

  I reach out to help him and then stop. I don’t want to hurt him, and I’m not sure what isn’t injured. “Oh my gosh. Logan, what happened?”

  He leans against the wall. “Let's just say, I got distracted and went down. Of course, King Percy was there, and he let his personal guards educate us on what happens when a guard doesn't pay attention.”


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