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Dawning Ascent (The Pearson Prophecy Book 1)

Page 18

by Jen L. Grey

  Claire grabs my hand. “You don’t have to hide your feelings from everyone. You and Logan have learned to control your emotions and keep them hidden, but it’s okay to be broken.”

  At that, wetness comes into my eyes, but I brush them away with my fingers.

  There is a knock on my door, and Claire opens it after looking at me for permission.

  Mother is standing there, looking at me with a sympathetic expression. “Come on out here. Let’s visit for a minute before going to bed.”

  We walk out to the living area, and Logan is already sitting on the couch. He pats the spot beside him, looking at Claire.

  Needing no additional encouragement, she runs over and snuggles into his side.

  Mother smiles at their interaction, and I’m glad everyone approves of their relationship.

  “As we know, tomorrow morning, Emerson will become the future Queen of Agrolon, and the Queen over all of Knova. This may be a sad day for some,” she looks at me, “but we must push past our feelings and note how this is our destiny. We will appear happy and supportive, and no one must see how disconnected our family is. Let’s get some sleep because we will have to wake up early in order to get prepared for the day.”

  We all murmur our agreements, and I head back to my room.

  Mother follows behind and folds me in her arms. “One day, Ariah, you will get your happy ever after. It may not seem like it today, but I feel it in my bones. I love you, and I am so proud at how strong you’ve become.”

  I kiss my mother’s cheek and say goodnight.

  Mother leaves for her room, giving Logan and Claire an opportunity to be alone.

  I lay on my bed, just trying to sort through everything.

  Some time passes, and Claire walks into my room with a happy smile on her face. “Sorry we took so long. You wanted to get out, but Logan wanted to talk to me for a second.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m so happy for you both! I know you need time together.”

  She is brimming with excitement, and not another second passes before Claire can't hold it in any longer. “He asked me to marry him!” She holds her hand out so I can see the ring.

  It was our grandmother’s ring that my mother promised him. So that’s the real reason she wanted us to come out a little while ago.

  I jump up and give her a big hug. “I’m so excited. We will officially be sisters.”

  Her blue eyes sparkle. “I never thought I would find someone like him. That’s why my parents were acting weird and brought up me spending the night here. Logan must have talked to them.”

  I’m so happy that Logan did this the right way, but I wouldn’t expect anything less from him.

  I grin, and she is just glowing with her joy.

  Claire changes her clothes then crawls into bed. “This was the best night of my life. I’m so sorry that it hasn’t been the same for you.”

  I touch her arm. “You don’t let my problems dampen your happiness. I am ecstatic for you.”

  She grins back and looks off dreamily.

  I lay back down and stare at the ceiling. I wait a while and figure it is safe to head out to the garden.

  Claire is passed out, and by now, everyone else must be, too.

  I grab a blanket and head out to my usual spot.

  I lay down and concentrate on the elements around me. It is soothing to connect with them now that my body has acclimated to my powers. The thunder is louder now, and the air is misty ahead of the rain. To my chagrin, someone sits beside me. I take a deep breath, steadying myself for who it could be. I open my eyes.

  Sam is looking down at me with a smirk.

  I’m so glad it’s him and not Nick. I grin back at him.

  He sits down beside me. “Hey, pretty girl. What a surprise to find you here.”

  I hate it when he does that and return my gaze to the sky.

  He lays next to me then grabs my hand.

  We remain silent, enjoying each other’s company, trying not to think about how this will be our last time like this for at least a while.

  The sensation from before comes back with a vengeance. Right after, Nick comes into view and explodes. “Where the hell have you been? You better stay away from her.” He points to Sam.

  Sam looks at him. “Don’t talk to her that way! You’re marrying Emerson, so why are you so interested in who Ariah is spending her time with?”

  Nick looks devastated, and a series of emotions flash across his face before settling into one of determination.

  He crosses his arms. “It is my business because I’m not marrying Emerson.”

  Sam walks right up to Nick, getting in his face. “You keep saying that, yet your wedding is planned for less than twelve hours from now. We were just at your wedding rehearsal, where you practiced your vows to Emerson. You’re in too deep, so stop messing with her head.”

  “I’m not messing with her head.” He stretches his arms out. “I just don’t know how to go about this… but you’re right.”

  Why does this keep happening? My special spot in the garden is turning into a place that is associated with drama. I turn to Sam.

  He understands without words, and gets up while releasing my hand. He lets out a deep breath. “You know what? The two of you need to talk without me hovering. I’m sure that I will regret this decision, but goodnight, Ariah. I will see you in the morning.”

  He bends down and gives me a hug, kissing the top of my head.

  The displeasure rolls off Nick in waves, but he holds his tongue as we watch Sam walk away.

  “Gosh, I’m so sorry, Ariah. I’ve let this go too far.” He turns and looks at me. “Do you still want me? Do you still love me, even though I’ve been a coward?”

  His uncertainty breaks my heart, but my feelings for him have changed. I care for Sam, but Nick is my first love. “I don’t know. I used to love you unconditionally, but this whole marriage situation has changed our relationship. How in the world is it supposed to work out? You are to be married to my sister tomorrow.”

  He steps toward me. “But do you still love me?”

  Do I still love him? I look into his eyes and our time together surfaces in my mind. We’ve been best friends forever. He is my first love. “Yes, I still love you.”

  At my declaration, he smiles. In that moment, it seems like forever since I've seen him happy. “I’m so happy to hear you say that. I’ve been worried that maybe you have feelings for Prince Samuel and I’d lost my chance. I’m going to go talk to my father now and put this whole debacle to rest.”

  He pulls me into his arms. Despite the sensation that still is hovering in my mind, I believe he is going to stand up for us this time, and I'm content.

  “May I kiss you, please?” He cups my face with his hand. “It’s been so long,”

  I nod, and he kisses my lips. “Goodnight, my love. I will see you in the morning.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Even though Nick and I made up, and he’s left to go talk to his father, I don’t know what to expect. It doesn’t help that the key that I wear around my neck is getting hotter. The storm is rolling across our kingdom now. Between the loud thunder and my discomfort, I toss and turn. I kick off the covers, giving up, and get out of the bed so I don't bother Claire.

  I head to the kitchen and pour a cup of coffee, trying to get my bearings. Even when I connect with the elements, the uneasy lump in my stomach will not disappear. I almost drop my cup when there is a knock on the door. Who would be at our door this early? Maybe it’s Nick. My heart soars at that thought.

  I open the door and find Hazel standing there. Now, I'm freaking out. Why is she here? She looks at me with sad, wise eyes. “How are you doing, dear?”

  “Um, I’m fine.”

  She tilts her head, examining me. “No, you’re not, nor should you be. Remember to trust your instincts. Your power has become one with you, and it will keep evolving. Your instincts are a reflection of what the surroundings know. Trust them, fo
r you will need them soon.”

  What the hell. Does she talk in riddles all the time? I don't have the patience to deal with this. “Uh, is Lydia around?”

  She frowns. “Yes, she is, for the king has called her. Just know it will be fine, even when it seems like it’s not. Remember, trust your instincts, because you are now one with your surroundings. I must go and prepare.”

  She turns and walks away, leaving me bewildered by the exchange. I shake my head, shut the door quietly, and go back to the table.

  A little while later, my mother walks in, concern lining her face. “Hey, you going to be okay?”

  She doesn't realize that Nick promised me the wedding would be called off, and I don't want to be the one to break the news to her. I just stay quiet as she sits beside me. I turn toward her, my voice soft. “What if the wedding doesn’t happen this morning?”

  She glances at me, a frown lining her face. “Ariah, it will happen today. King Percy will make sure of that. Please, don’t let the prince give you false hope. He will always obey his father, even if he acts out from time to time. Don’t get disillusioned.”

  I suck in a deep breath at her words.

  She wraps her arms around me. “Please, don’t think I’m being mean. I’m just trying to keep you grounded. Even though Prince Nicholas doesn’t act it, his childhood hasn’t been the best. Not as bad as yours and Logan’s, but it wasn’t always pleasant.”

  My eyes cut up to meet hers. How can she compare his childhood to mine?

  She runs her fingers through my hair. “Don’t think I don’t know. However, you at least had a loving mother to come home to. Prince Nicholas and Princess Elizabeth didn’t have that, since their mother passed when they were so young. They didn’t have anyone to protect them from their father’s wrath. Just remember, no matter what, I will be here for you.”

  I close my eyes, enjoying the moment between us. We don’t get alone time often.

  However, there is another knock at the door. Mother looks a little alarmed and stands to answer the door.

  She is startled when she sees Princess Elizabeth on the other side. “Princess, is there something we can help with?”

  She smirks. “No, I just want Ariah to join me for a walk, since we are soon to be sisters and all.”

  The nagging sensation increases even more, and I reflect back on the weird exchange with Hazel just a little while ago.

  Mother turns to look at me with fear in her eyes, but there is no way I can reject Elizabeth’s offer without it turning into an ordeal.

  I stand and walk to the door.

  Elizabeth holds her hand out, stopping me. “Please, go put on a dress. I don’t want to be seen walking around with the future queen’s sister dressed in common clothes.”

  I want to say no but bite my tongue. I hurry to my room, wanting to get this over with. I grab a red dress from the closet and put it on then also brush and pull my hair up into a twist before applying some mascara and blush. I’m about to leave my room when Claire wakes up.

  Her eyes are partially closed from sleep and looks confused. “Uh, why are you wearing a dress and already have your hair and makeup done?”

  “Elizabeth has requested my presence with a stroll around the palace.”

  Claire sits up and looks at the clock. “This early? Be careful.”

  I nod and leave, not wanting to cause Elizabeth to wait any longer than necessary.

  When she sees me, she frowns at my appearance.

  Even if I wore a fancier dress than her, she would still not approve of me. But I’m able to hide my necklace in my dress again. Even though it is burning hot through the fabric, I ignore it because there isn't another option.

  I walk out the door beside Elizabeth, and my mother kisses me on the cheek.

  I have an intense, strange need to give her a big hug, but I steel myself and, instead, give her a quick hug before walking away.

  Elizabeth and I walk in silence for a little while.

  We are heading toward the royal family’s quarters.

  I’m not allowed in there. My internal alarm is sounding even louder, now all-encompassing. When we reach their quarters, I am pushed onto the balcony at the backside of the palace, while Elizabeth remains inside. The rain is now pouring down, and I am getting drenched.

  Elizabeth turns and snarls at me.

  This is the first time I have seen her look ugly.

  “Did you not think we knew what you were trying to do?”

  Her quick transformation is startling, and I take a step back, deeper into the balcony, without thinking.

  She spits toward me. “Did you really think we wouldn’t know you were trying to seduce my brother and Prince Samuel? It almost worked, which I don’t understand at all. But we are smarter than everyone else.”

  I’m speechless at her accusations. “I did not try to seduce them. Sam and I are just friends, and Nick...”

  “Do not address them so informally,” she interrupts. “They are princes, and you wouldn’t be anything if it weren’t for your sister. Don’t act so innocent. Dave told me everything. He told me that the princes were fighting over you in front of him and Logan, in your own quarters, in broad daylight.”

  My heart drops. “Dave told you that? I don’t believe you.”

  Elizabeth laughs. “Why do you think he acted interested in you? He was keeping tabs on you for me. I found it odd that my clueless brother was taking up for you more and more. I told Dave I wanted him to date you, and to act interested, because I was worried that my brother was focusing too much attention on you. Much to my displeasure, I was right. And to make matters worse, Prince Samuel fell into the same trap.

  “When he had confirmation, the day when the princes acted like pathetic commoners, he came to me.”

  “No, he wouldn’t.” I shake my head. “We are friends. He is friends with my brother.”

  “See, Dave didn’t want to be a guard. He didn’t want to put his life on the line since a war will be coming soon. So, now, he gets to be higher up on the food chain. He’ll help with strategy instead of actual combat.” She raises her head and looks down at me. “I help those who prove their worth.”

  There is shouting in a nearby room, followed by a loud crash. Elizabeth looks completely disgusted. “My brother is in there demanding not to marry Emerson. He has to marry her. That’s the most secure way for our family to come out on top.”

  All of a sudden, the king storms into the doorway. He looks at me with hatred. “YOU! YOU! How dare you try to come in between me and my destiny of ruling the entire country! You will not ruin this for me!”

  He comes toward me.

  I retreat further, until my back is plastered against the balcony wall.

  The king mirrors my steps, coming out into the rain, and slaps me hard across my face.

  My vision clouds and there is loud ringing in ears. The nagging feeling is all encompassing at this point, and the key is burning through the fabric and into my skin.

  “Father, stop! Don’t hurt her! I love her!” Nick stumbles onto the balcony, pulling his father off me.

  King Percy shoves Nick off him. Nick falls to the floor, and the king kicks him in the ribs. “You disgust me. You will marry Emerson, or you will wish that you were dead.”

  Nick rolls away, trying to reach me.

  The king picks me up and dangles me off the balcony. “One move, Nick, and I will drop her.”

  Nick stops.

  I’m going to die, right here and now. What was I thinking?

  The king drops me back onto the stone balcony and pushes me toward Elizabeth. “I need to talk to your brother. Please, take Ariah into your room and keep her there.”

  Elizabeth blows something all over my body and grabs my arm, hauling me into her room.

  I try using my power, but it is somehow blocked and I can't access it.

  Her room is entirely made of gold and gaudy, tarnished jewels. She has rope and a chair already set up in the middle of
her room. Oh, no.

  Does she think I will just cower? I’m so tired of her pushing me around. There is no way I’m going to get stuck in here. She’s crazy if she thinks I’m just going to let her tie me up.

  She shoves me into the seat and reaches for the rope.

  I kick her, making her stumble across the room. I don’t stop to think as I jump up, running for the door.

  But I’m stopped by her powers. She’s causing a hell of a windstorm in the room. Her things are flying around me. I have to dodge the furniture that’s caught in the small tornado. I’m slammed against the wall, and my breath is knocked out of me.

  She takes the opportunity to grab my hair and yank my head back, then she ties up my arms, dragging me to the chair. Once she’s satisfied I can’t get loose, she heads toward her door. “Don’t worry.” She turns back, looking at me one last time. “You won’t be able to leave. We had this powder on hand that blocks power, in case an incident ever arose.” Then she leaves me alone, trapped.

  I have to get out of here. I focus on connecting with the elements and untying the ropes around me. The storm has picked up outside, and thunder rolls across the sky. The storm makes my powers stronger, and I am able to counteract whatever the powder is supposed to do. It takes me a very long time because she bound them tight and the powder did interfere with my powers. I loosen the ropes and rush to the window. I’m in the highest part of the palace, and it is a long way down. Now, I’m panicking. I won't be able to lower myself with how my powers are impacted, but I don't see another way out.

  The doorknob turns and, to my great relief, Nick walks in.

  He must have gotten away and is now saving me.

  He is leaning against the wall, and his shirt is ripped. Deep bruises are scattered across his chest, and I’m not able to read the expression on his face. Joy filters through me, though, because he must have convinced his father that we are meant to be together.

  I almost smile, but there is an odd look on his face.

  I take a step towards him. “Nick, are you okay?”


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