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A Witch's Quest

Page 21

by Leigh Ann Edwards

  The small boat rocked back and forth in the now calm sea, as the spirit-god spoke on and Danhoul now instinctively worked at Alainn’s wound, as he listened intently to Ardal’s tale.

  “All the while as I was given more powers, I only wanted one thing on this earth; it was the love of Diadra McColm. And she did love me, but she was nearly a decade younger than me, so I barely dared to cast my eyes upon her. But she was a bold young woman and one day she came to me. She kissed me and I knew I was done for. She wanted for us to run away together. I feared should Odhran discover I cared for her, he would want her, for always his jealousy and envy caused him to want whatever I had. I left for a considerable time thinking it would be best for her. I did not know at the time, her father feared Odhran and he had secretly promised her to him, though I could never ever tell her that part of the agreement. I knew it would cause her further heartache to think her beloved father would offer her to him in hopes of appeasing his dark nature. She believed Odhran decided of his own accord he wanted her as his wife.

  “She did not love Odhran. She would never have agreed to marry the likes of him for he often enlisted dark magic. He was a cruel man to the people. When I learned he intended to force the marriage, I came back and managed to do battle with him and banished him to a prison on a far-away island. He somehow learned Diadra and I were in love and that we planned to be married. He escaped, sent a hideous beast to kill her parents, and steal her away the night before we were to wed. He called to many dark demons and foul beings to assist him. With so many aiding him, I could not fight them all. I was captured, beaten and chained. He intended to make her his bride though Diadra wanted no part of him or of the accursed wedding. I tried to break free, to get to her to prevent the marriage. But they held me in darkly charmed chains guarded by any number of unsavory beasts while they were wed. I was filled with shame and fury I could not prevent the wedding. But because my brother was unusually cruel, on the wedding night I was brought to his castle. Apparently he intended to cause us both further misery and vexation, for he wanted me there to witness the consummation of their marriage. He was so dark and depraved he even had the decomposing heads of her parents on stakes to further agonize and torment her.

  “Odhran underestimated my powers, and until then Diadra had kept her own magic concealed. When our eyes met the very moment my despicable brother was about to claim her, our magic was unleashed and combined. It was a force so magical, so uncommonly powerful it filled the room with radiant light, beams of incandescent brilliance so bright, it summoned all those with benevolent powers from many realms. God, humans, fairies, magical beings I had not known even existed till that day.

  “Odhran was furious and in turn, he called upon many evil demons and beasts to fight against us. A mighty battle was fought and it destroyed Odhran’s castle, but for the ruins left standing to this day. Yet, the tower stood after the battle was waged. Diadra and I were both wounded, but many met their death that day. The council of the gods were furious that several gods had been killed in the human realm when they had not given permission for them to be part of the battle. As our punishment, even though we had unwittingly called them to aid us, I was made to watch over Odhran who lived through the battle, supposedly for all eternity. Because Diadra was a human who possessed magical abilities, she was enlisted as a searcher for the gods to go to other realms and times to rectify wrongdoings.”

  Ardal had stopped talking and stared out across the sea. It was obvious his heart was heavy and the memories were clear even after all these centuries.

  “How did Diadra come to be held within the round tower?”

  “Ah, yes, well the tale isn’t yet concluded, lad. During this time, they allowed us one small favor, one gratitude perhaps in knowing we had also saved many lives, by seeing Odhran’s evil terminated. They gave me brief leave from the tedious task of watching over Odhran, and Diadra from her responsibility as a searcher. We were allowed to spend one week together in my castle, every other year, although with our magical abilities of stilling time, we were often able to spend more time together. We were overjoyed when we learned she carried our child, but our joy was tainted for always Diadra feared what might happen should Odhran learn of it.

  “When it was near her term, the unthinkable happened and Odhran escaped during one of the times I was with her. He could not be located even by the gods. It caused both of us much trepidation. She was kept within this magically charmed tower protected from dark magic until our child was to arrive. When she gave birth to our babe she was afflicted with many maladies soon after. She suffered much loss of blood and even with my many magical abilities I was unable to save her for she was fading fast. She held our child only for a short while before she died within the tower, but not before she called to the gods to grant her a request, not to save herself, but to take our child away somewhere where Odhran could never find the babe. Because of her loyal servitude to them, they agreed. They confined her spirit to the tower so she would not be tempted to travel through time or to different realms in search of our child. They surely knew the depth of a mother’s love. They also said it was best I never know where the child was taken for then Odhran would not be capable of discovering the truth from me should he seek to do so by means of deciphering my thoughts or by torture. However, I met my end soon afterwards due to an ailment of the heart. In truth I believe I died of a broken heart.”

  Danhoul stared at the spirit-god with empathy at how deeply he cared for Diadra.

  “I know you have met my Diadra whose spirit is confined to the tower. You needn’t be aggrieved by our lot for we continue to rejoice in the one week every other year when we return to human form and we are allowed to spend together. We are waiting for the day when Odhran is finally found, for the gods have sent out many searchers in hope of finding where he is located. It is feared he has discovered the means to journey to other times, that he is perhaps in a long ago past or the far off future, for he has not been seen in these thirteen centuries. However, it is believed all that time he has employed many a dark demon to do his bidding.”

  “You and the gods believe the demon who has been after Alainn has been sent by Odhran?”

  “It is believed to be so. The gods keep close watch on that demon and many others for it has been surmised they will one day lead to discovering Odhran’s whereabouts. It has been determined, when Odhran is found, yet another great battle will be fought in the same location as the first. And this powerful witch, young Alainn, and you, young lad, will be needed as well. But many other events must happen before that time. Other witches and magical beings will be needed to ensure the side of white magic will prevail.

  For the time being I simply needed to see you both saved this night and to assist you in seeing her well, for Alainn is the first and the most powerful. She is greatly needed to set the universe right in many regards. When Odhran and his many demons are finally destroyed, then Diadra and I will be permitted to spend eternity together and to finally be reunited with our child.”

  Danhoul had been listening intently to the tale and he noticed Alainn’s wound was now barely visible. The darkness had faded and only a soft pink wound remained.

  “Now use your blood to heal her once more and she will be free of peril for the time being.”

  “You seem most familiar to me, yet I have never seen you in all my times in the realm of the gods!” Danhoul commented as he glanced at the muscular spirit of the god.

  “Ah well I am a spirit and not ever-welcome in the realm of the gods for I’ve not always been willing to bend to their will and do their bidding. Besides, all beings with power are somehow connected and familiar with each other, lad!”

  “But have we met before?” the young man quizzed.

  “Perhaps in another life!” The spirit grinned widely as he looked into Alainn’s unusual blue eyes as she finally opened them.

  “You are well!” He smiled and noticed how Danhoul was looking at her with unhidden love.
br />   “I am much improved!” she admitted and she turned her head in attempt to observe her wound.

  “It is all but gone, Alainn,” Danhoul smiled a relieved smile.

  “The overwhelming sense of horrid evil has passed as well. I owe both of you a great gratitude for I thought this was sure to be my last day upon this earth!”

  “No lass, you will be much needed in the future. The gods could not risk you and your many powers turning to the dark side and my only love, Diadra, would have never forgiven me if I had allowed such an event to happen. She cares deeply for you as she would have if she’d lived to be a mother to our child!”

  Alainn had heard the tale before when she had spent so many weeks with Diadra in the round tower. She smiled at the spirit of the god.

  “How is it you were able to be killed? Diadra did not mention that you were a god. Are gods not mostly all immortal?”

  “Aye, but I was half human as well and in love with a human, for although Diadra possessed an uncommon magic and was an unusually powerful witch, she was human and mortal, and so I asked the gods to be given no immortality so we could live and die together. And one day we will be together always in the great beyond. And on that day the two of us will be able to confide to our child of all of this.”

  “Aye and I will assist with that when the time comes!” Alainn smiled in deep appreciation of the man’s ability to rescue her with his wisdom of how to treat her wound.

  “Is it that Odhran was immortal; is that why he was able to live through the battle?”

  “The Celtic gods feared Odhran’s evil and thought the entire world might be at risk, when I asked to become mortal, they aligned our souls so that if I met with actual death, he died as well. So he is actually alive only as a spirit as well. Although it is believed he may seek a way to live once more and gain immortality again.”

  “Is Odhran in control of the demon who seeks me?” Alainn needed to know.

  “Aye, he is in need of your powers to gain advantage in the battle we will one day fight, and the powers of the two other witches in the future. All three of you will be in grave danger for he wants your powers for his own to sway the odds in the favor of evil.”

  “But if your souls are united when he is sent to hell for all eternity; will yours not meet the same fate?”

  “No, the gods have smiled upon Diadra and me and have assured us one day we will be allowed to be together always, and so I carry on for that day!”

  Alainn winced as she attempted to move and the wound stung her.

  “It will be tender for some time, but it should cause you no further ill effects.”

  “I thank you once more for ensuring Danhoul knew what might be done to save me.”

  Ardal O’Doole bowed his head to her, and his dark blue eyes twinkled as surely as if he were still alive.

  The spirit-god then instructed them on the words they must recite together to ensure the spell was truly ended and she would no longer be affected by the cursed blade. They recited the incantation and Alainn felt her body being released from the traces of evil that had remained. She smiled in relief and gratefulness at the two males in the small boat with her. She was startled at Ardal’s next statement.

  “You must seek out your father, Alainn! Your father will be necessary for the final battle as well. He is a druid with many uncommon powers.”

  “My father; you know of my father?” she whispered once more. “How is that possible if you lived so long ago?”

  “Aye, well he was capable of traveling through time to the future and the past as are you, and you already possess the knowledge of where to find him. You learned through your journey to the past!”

  “Aye, I do know the country is Scotland, but I do not know the exact location.”

  “You will soon enough,” the spirit assured her.

  She only nodded once more and then he simply disappeared entirely.

  She looked up into the confused face of the young man with her.

  “He seems remarkably familiar to me!” Danhoul spoke in a weary voice. “Though I don’t actually recall ever meeting him before.”

  Alainn tried to employ her powers to learn more, but seemed unable in her present state.

  “I do so long to go home to Ireland, Danhoul. Do you think we will be capable of managing that with our combined magic?”

  “It is unlikely when you have been through so much, Alainn, and I am weakened as well with having used my powers in an attempt to stop the vileness from spreading throughout your body, and the time in the waters weakened me I must admit.”

  “’Tis rough water, and I sense perhaps Mac Lir caused the mighty storm for he may have seen a great opportunity to seek revenge on me when I was at his mercy in the waters. I am most thankful the twin mermaids showed me their gratitude for uniting them by saving us from the waters until Ardal was able to come to our aid. But at the moment I feel so cold, Danhoul, entirely chilled to my very bones, and I cannot seem to even summon a warm wind or a break in this dark gloomy sky.”

  Danhoul looked toward the skies and summoned Alainn’s godly guardian.

  “Lugh, you negligent bastard, get yourself down here and explain why you could not have lent a hand earlier this night!”

  The figure of Lugh appeared within seconds.

  “You have bitterness within you lad; I see that plain enough, but what makes you so infuriated this night?”

  “What makes me infuriated; you did not come to assist Alainn when she was almost overcome with the evil from the damnable cursed dagger, and we were both nearly drowned in the sea!”

  “I did not come because this ever-demanding witch asked me to assist with another matter.”

  “I did?” Alainn weakly asked.

  “Aye, within your mind you called to me and told me of a vision you had of your husband’s ship being tossed upon the rocks and all aboard lost to the sea. You informed me young Danhoul would be capable of savin’ you, and that I needed to save your husband or you would see me sent to another realm once more.”

  “I remember none of that!” Alainn admitted.

  “And the gods also needed to know you would not easily be overcome by evil!”

  “So it was purposeful that you allowed Alainn to simply be stabbed with a cursed blade and filled with evil?” Danhoul raged in accusation.

  “Her husband asked the same question. He wondered why I was there assisting him when I might have saved you.”

  “Killian is well then; you truly kept him and the others from peril?”

  “He is well.”

  “And does he know I am safe from danger as well?” She moaned once more as she moved.

  “No, I thought you would want the honor of tellin’ him that yourself.”

  “Well by the use of your godly powers can you get me to him so I can soon alleviate his fears?”

  “It would not be wise to simply appear on board the ship when so many are present,” Danhoul offered his opinion.

  “No, I suppose not!” Alainn sounded disheartened by the fact she would need to wait to see Killian.

  “But sure you could be waitin’ for him on shore when the ship docks in Ireland!” Lugh suggested with a wide grin on his face.

  “Aye, that would do very nicely!” She weakly smiled back at him.

  “On one condition,” the god began. “You agree never to attempt to vanquish me to another realm or even threaten to do so again!”

  “Then do not attempt to mate with me again, and we shall have a solid agreement.”

  She smiled once more, but when she tried to move she cried out in pain.

  “Why is she still so affected by this wound?” Danhoul needed to know.

  “It was a venomous evil the cursed dagger possessed. Most humans and even some gods would either die a horridly painful death in a matter of minutes or be driven to unmanageable levels of evil in even lesser time. The fact she is a strong witch with numerous powers helped prevent her death, and because she has little
darkness within her, that surely saved her soul. But the pain will remain there for a time and the scar even longer, perhaps permanently. Your blood was an immense factor as well, for your own powers grow nearly as quickly as the woman’s.”

  “Will you see us safe in Ireland then, so that I might sleep awhile?” Alainn asked in a feeble weary voice nearing exhaustion.

  “Aye, back to Ireland with you, then.”

  The god waved his hand and soon the sea swirled and the skies grew darker. Alainn worried for a moment that the small boat they were in might be overturned and they would meet with a watery grave after all, but soon enough after a dizziness and haziness enveloped them, they found themselves upon a shore. Because it was full dark by then it was difficult to see where they were. But when they looked around, Danhoul seemed to recognize the port.

  “This is not Dublin?” Alainn surmised.

  “No, but it isn’t likely Killian’s ship would dock in Dublin after all the trouble with the English when so many English are present there, and he would be livid if he should meet up with Brendan O’Leary until all the dubiousness connected to the man is sorted.”

  “Aye, sure you’re correct. I fear I need to sleep, Danhoul. We must find an inn for in truth, I feel as though I might collapse. In the morning, I must ask that you go to find Killian’s ship, for I feel as weak as a newborn foal.”

  “Aye, I’ll see you to an inn, Alainn.”

  She was walking with his assistance, but he noticed how she seemed barely able to move one foot in front of the other. He finally picked her up in his arms and carried her to the nearest inn and then saw her safely within the room. He would stand guard outside the door and in the morning do what would make her happiest; he would find her husband and bring him to her.


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