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Facing the Music (A Broken Lives Short Story Book 1)

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by Marita A. Hansen


  (A Broken Lives Short Story)

  Marita A. Hansen


  Facing the Music

  (A Broken Lives Short Story)

  Kindle Edition

  Copyright 2018 © Marita A. Hansen

  Editor: John Hudspith

  Cover design © Marita A. Hansen

  Cover Photography by janossygergely

  and sourced from

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means whatsoever without the written permission of the author, nor circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. For subsidiary rights inquiries email:

  All characters, names, places, and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual events, locales, or real persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Copyright Page

  Dante’s Short Story

  About the Author

  More Books by Marita A. Hansen

  UK English is used due to the New Zealand setting.

  All other variations are also due to where the short story is set, as well as the characters’ cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. This is why some characters use different speech patterns from others.

  This short story is set just over a week after the epilogue from Love Drunk (Broken Lives #4).


  Leaving my bodyguard at the door, I entered the auditorium, ready to film another video, just with a new director. My manager had fired the last one after the slimy bastard had backed my guitarist into a corner, groping and kissing L without permission. Thank Christ Jade had walked in on them, stopping the bastard from taking it further, because there was no way L could’ve defended herself, the chick way too small and timid.

  I headed down the aisle towards her. She was up on the stage with Jade, strumming her black and white guitar softly as the two of them chatted. As usual, she looked hot as fuck, even more so with the getup she was wearing for the video. Her leather pants were so tight they looked painted on, caressing her slim limbs and tiny arse like a lover’s kiss. They were also hanging so low that I could see her hip bones, the lines teasingly pointing to whatever goodies she had inside her pants. And right now, the cameraman looked like he wanted to plant his face in her pussy—that’s if she even had one, because I wasn’t sure what she had down below. She was intersex, both male and female, although she looked all female to me, especially with her tits on display. All she was wearing up top were layers of black pearls over a black bra, the beads reaching her navel, her stomach toned as fuck.

  Man, that chick was a right little pocket fuck. Regardless, my cock didn’t even twitch in my leathers because it belonged—balls and all—to my girl. Clara was the only woman I wanted, no one even coming close to her. L could bend over right in front of me and I wouldn’t even be tempted, not even the slightest bit, because I loved Clara. True love, not the type I had with my exes, which was a cracked veneer of intense like that I’d mistaken for something more. What I had with Clara was much deeper, my feelings for her growing stronger by the day, showing no sign of weakening. She was also my baby’s mamma, my boy now two-and-a-half months old. Although Clara wanted to be here with me, she’d decided to stay at home with Tyson since he had an amazing pair of lungs on him when he was unhappy. He would probably turn the heavy metal video into a screamo one. Still, I was stoked that I had a loving woman and son waiting for me at home, something I never thought I’d get. Yeah, I was one lucky motherfucker. I smirked, definitely a motherfucker, fucking Clara one of my favourite pastimes.

  I caught Jade’s attention as I drew closer to the stage, along with the dancers standing a few feet away from him. He’d hired a dance crew for the video, which was the only thing I wasn’t happy about. I’d rather just jam on stage, singing for the cameras like it was an audience. But nope, my manager had insisted on having dancers hanging off me as though I was single. He wanted my fans to think they had a chance with me, using my sex appeal as a drawcard. I’d complained about it, but he’d gotten all high and mighty, saying I was ‘technically’ single since I wasn’t married to Clara. He’d gone pale when I’d stated that I could fix that. He’d done some pretty fast backtracking, begging me not to get married, going on and on about how it could damage my career. In the end I’d agreed to wait a bit, plus it wasn’t as though I’d proposed to Clara yet, just had been thinking about it.

  I grabbed the edge of the stage and pulled myself up onto it, everyone’s eyes now on me. Ignoring the dance crew, I nodded a hello at my manager and L, who flicked her long ginger and golden mane over her shoulder. She gave me a curt nod, then walked over to the drummer, making me wonder whether she was pissed off with me or something.

  “What have I done now?” I asked Jade, having no clue.

  “I don’t think it’s you. I think he’s still upset over what happened with the director,” my manager answered, referring to L as a male. Jade was constantly trying to get me to call L a he or him, since my guitarist preferred people thinking of her as a dude. Well, this dude sure as fuck looked like a lady to me. I didn’t care whether she had both male and female parts, she not only looked like a chick, she dressed and acted like one. Three ticks and you’re a chick! That scumbag director had clearly thought so too. I just wished I could’ve gotten my hands on the bastard for what he’d done to her, but he’d hightailed it out of New Zealand, jetting back to New York on his private plane. Well, at least Jade had taught the scumbag a lesson. Even though my manager was a short Korean dude with a pretty boy face, he definitely wasn’t a coward, the man more than capable of defending L.

  “Do you mind if I give L a bodyguard?” he asked, his Texan accent stronger than my drummer’s BO after a heavy set. Jade’s parents had shifted from South Korea to Texas when he was three, bringing him and his brother up as Americans. His brother still lived in Texas, though was due to visit Jade in a few weeks.

  “Why would I mind ’bout L having a bodyguard?” I asked. “I think the whole band needs one each. Our fans are insane.”

  “I understand that, but I have to stick to the budget, which is why I want to give her your bodyguard.”

  I scowled at him. “If it’s a budget issue then stop blowing all your cash on my dad,” I said, Jade paying my old man for more than a bit of slap and tickle, which I knew since the loud bastards used to fuck in the room next to mine. Although my dad preferred to whore himself out to women, he wasn’t opposed to fucking men as long as they paid more.

  I continued, “My safety is more important than your dick.”

  Jade’s eyes widened. “Keep your voice down,” he hissed. “I don’t use business money for private matters, so don’t ever say that in front of anyone again.”

  “No one heard.”

  “Regardless,” he said glancing around, probably checking if anyone was listening in, “don’t mention my personal life at work again, especially not something like this.”

  “Fine, just calm yo shit down.”

  He grunted and pushed his fingers through his styled black hair, messing it up, what I’d said clearly stressing him out. “Good,” he said, “because we’re talking about L here, not me. And I think he needs a bodyguard more than you. He’s started locking himself away in his apartment, refusing to go out unless it’s for work. He also can’t stand up for himself, li
ke you can.”

  “It’s not ’bout standing up for myself, it’s ’bout keeping the thirsty bitches at bay. I don’t know how many times I’ve been attacked by women tryna get a piece of me. Not only that, my fan mail is freaking insane. Both chicks and dudes tell me they wanna do all kinds of fucked-up shit to me. I’ve lost track of how many have said they wanna tie me to their beds.”

  A smile pulled at his lips, his admiring gaze sweeping over my body. “I’m not surprised at all. I want to tie you to my bed with the way you look, especially today.” He made an appreciative sound at the back of his throat. “You look like sex on two legs.”

  I grimaced, not appreciating his pervy comment, especially since it was his fault I was wearing the skin-tight leathers. “You’re a cunt for making me wear this shit,” I said, adjusting my crotch, the outline of my cock and balls probably going to get the video banned.

  “Your fans will appreciate it.” His gaze shifted to my stomach, which could be seen through the chainmail singlet he’d also insisted on. “Very much.”

  I sneered at him. “It’s fuckin’ tacky if ya ask me.” I adjusted my package again. I was going to burn the leathers as soon as I got home. Or maybe I could sell them on eBay, make a quick buck—or ten grand. There were people out there willing to buy anything I touched, especially something that smelled of cock and balls. They should’ve known me as a teenager. My room would’ve knocked them clean out. Either way, it was the last time I was wearing the leathers, that was for sure.

  “It looks like I’ve raided Killer’s wardrobe,” I said.

  Jade grimaced at the mention of my dad’s boyfriend, my manager a jealous li’l bitch, who not only wanted me, but also my dad. Though, right now he probably would’ve chosen my dad over me, because I was pretty damn sure he’d fallen in love with my old man. Poor bastard.

  L returned to us, her expression concerned. “What’s wrong, Jade?” she asked.

  “Nuthin’,” I answered for him. “But there’s plenty wrong for me,” I said, indicating to my clothes. “I feel like I’m ’bout to film a porno, not a music vid.” I lifted my chin at L. “You too, babe. All you needa do is bend over and those pants will split for a cock.”

  L’s eyes widened. “You didn’t just say that!” she gasped.

  “You bet I did.” I indicated to the cameraman behind her. “And that dude will be right in there, dicking you out in a second.”

  L looked over her shoulder at the cameraman, who instantly looked away, pretending he hadn’t been perving at her tiny arse. She returned her attention to me. “I’m here to work, not put up with your foul mouth, so zip it, Dante. I won’t stand for it.”

  “Chill, love, I didn’t say it to insult ya, just thought you needa be more aware of what’s around you. You’re totally oblivious at times. That’s a dangerous thing in our line of work.” I nodded at Jade, not happy about losing my bodyguard, especially since I’d only just gotten him, but knowing L needed him more. “Give her Nike, I can deal with the bitches touching me as long as L’s safe.”

  “You’re the sweetest man,” Jade replied, giving me a radiant smile, as though God had shone his light down on me. He turned to L. “Isn’t he the sweetest?”

  “The sweetest,” L said so dryly I chuckled. She seemed to be the only chick who was immune to my ‘charms’, but then again, she was totally head over heels in love with my bro. Pity for her, Ash wasn’t interested, though fuck knew why with the way L looked. Or maybe he was bothered by the whole intersex thing. Didn’t know, never thought to ask.

  Jade placed a hand on my arm, his skin looking pale against my colourful tattoos. “Anyway, enough talk,” he said. “I’ll go see where the director is, because time is money.”

  “As long as it’s not my money, li’l man,” I replied.

  His smile disappeared, Jade clearly not pleased with being called little. But he was little. He was almost as short as L, slim too, something that my dad had commented on. He’d also commented on other things about Jade, half of it disgusting, the other half to do with money. My old man would fuck anyone for a quick buck. Just this time he was walking a fine line between getting paid and getting killed, since his boyfriend didn’t approve of him doing Jade. Killer’s other personalities didn’t like Jade either. Murderer had threatened to shoot him if he went near my dad again, which made me nervous, because Murderer would do it. I really needed to tell my dad to back off for good this time, because he wasn’t just fucking Jade, he was fucking with his life.

  Jade lifted a finger, looking like he was going to give me a lecture. “Please be polite to the new director, I was extremely lucky to get her. No condescending remarks, and don’t call her love or darling, she won’t appreciate it.”

  “What’s wrong with love and darling? It’s not insulting like cunt.”

  “Dante,” he growled. “No swearing either.”

  “Shit, man, if she’s a Kiwi,” I said, using the nickname for a New Zealander, “she’ll be used to it. Cunt is a national treasure, Yankee doodle dandy.”

  “Stop calling me that,” he snapped. “And I know damn well how much Kiwis use that word, but it’s not usually in the context you use it, Dante. So, watch your mouth.”

  I smirked at him. “I’m sure you’ll do that for me, you horny bastard.”

  He shook his head at me. “You’re impossible.”

  “Just do as you’re told,” L butted in before I could reply, looking like she wanted to push me off the stage.

  “Shit, girl, you sure as hell got outta the wrong side of bed today. Never heard you bite so hard.”

  She grimaced. “Because I’m sick of putting up with you Ratas. You’re all cavemen, who treat women poorly.”

  I blinked at her, never having heard that before. I was used to her complaining about me and my dad, but not tossing my bro into the cesspit we’d crawled out of. She usually gushed about how wonderful Ash was, as though he could do no wrong. She’d even written songs about him, just refused to admit he was her muse. Regardless, I wasn’t going to let her get away with slagging me off just because she was in a shit mood with my bro.

  I pointed a finger at her. “Don’t make out like I treat women any differently from men, I treat everyone the same. And what did Ash do for you to slate him? Cos your bad mood clearly has got nuthin’ to do with me. I’ve said a helluva lot worse and you haven’t said boo.”

  She sealed her lips together, looking like she was regretting opening her mouth.

  “Fine, don’t tell me, but don’t be a bitch to me just cos you can’t get my bro’s cock.”


  “Don’t Dante me, L. I’ve tried to help you get him, tried to talk him around to you, but it’s not my fault he has no interest.”

  “He does have interest!” she blurted. Her face fell a second later, her hazel-green eyes going anime round.

  “What do ya mean by that? Did sumpthin’ go down between you two?”

  “No,” she said softly, ducking her head, causing her hair to fall in front of her face.

  “If you’re gonna lie convincingly look the person in the eye. Don’t mumble and drop your head, it’s a dead giveaway.”

  “I’m not lying,” she murmured, plucking a string on her guitar.

  “Whatever,” I said, not believing a word, “just stop bein’ a bitch, it doesn’t suit you.”

  She bit her lip, looking like she was going to cry, making me feel like a right cunt for getting on her case. I went to apologise, but stopped at the sound of approaching footsteps. I looked towards the seating, spotting a woman walking down the aisle. She ascended the steps like some sort of avenging angel, a Tilda Swinton with black hair. She came to a standstill next to L, her androgynous clothes matching her short, boyish locks. The only thing bright on her was the giant neon sign on her forehead screaming I love pussy! because she didn’t even look at me, her eyes firmly planted on L. Little did she know L probably didn’t have one.

  “It’s so lovely to
finally meet you, L,” she said, holding out a hand, all but drooling over my guitarist.

  “Everyone can see that,” I replied.

  Her amber gaze shifted to me. “And hello to you, Dante.”

  “Kia ora back at cha, honeybuns.”

  Jade groaned at the last word.

  I looked at him. “What? I didn’t say love or darling.”

  The director waved her hand in front of my face, pulling my attention back to her. “Please don’t use words like that around me. My name is Monica. Respect me and I’ll respect you back.”

  I grinned at her. “You don’t needa respect me.”

  She shook her head. “Your arsehole charms won’t work on me, honeybuns. I have no interest in you, other than filming this video.”

  “That’s pretty obvious with the way you were eye-fucking L. Pity for you, I don’t think she has a clit for you to lick, and you defo ain’t into dicks.”

  The director’s eyes widened at my words.

  “Dante!” Jade snapped. “You promised to act professional.”

  “Chill, it ain’t news. Everyone knows L’s intersex.”

  “What L is, is none of your business, Dante,” he growled. “And what you said was not only highly inappropriate, it was quite frankly a horrid thing to say.”

  “No, it wuzn’t.”

  “Yes, it was,” he growled. “Sometimes I really don’t understand how your brain works, because it seems to work on a totally different wavelength from everyone else’s. Regardless, you can’t get away with this bad behaviour anymore, not only with your colleagues, but on the world stage. I understand rock stars feel like they can do whatever they want, but there are always consequences, Dante. After that very inexcusable interview you gave in Australia, we now have mothers up in arms. They’re trying to get you banned from YouTube and other sites, so you need to think before you open your mouth.”

  I went to reply that those bitches were probably just sour they couldn’t fuck me, but he thrust a finger at me, cutting me off. “Don’t say another word!” he barked.


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