Book Read Free

Escape With Me

Page 10

by Kristen Proby

  “I had work,” the other man says with a smug grin.

  “Is anyone going to tell us if it’s a boy or a girl?” Izzy asks the room.

  “It’s a boy,” Kane says proudly. “Thomas Edward O’Callaghan.”

  Named for our father, and for Anastasia’s. “That’s a fine name if ever I heard one.”

  “Come.” My mother gestures to Izzy. “Give him a cuddle.”

  “Oh, Keegan should hold him first.”

  I shake my head. “You go ahead. Really.”

  Izzy doesn’t so much as look my way as my mother gently lays the baby in Izzy’s arms and then gestures for her to sit in the rocking chair.

  The baby doesn’t even make a peep as Izzy slowly rocks back and forth and gazes down at him as if in awe.

  “Well, aren’t you a tiny one?” She drags her finger down his little cheek. “You’d make a woman’s ovaries explode.”

  We all laugh, and the girls nod in agreement.

  “He’s the sweetest baby,” Ma says. “Just content to sleep away.”

  “He’s already eaten, too,” Stasia adds.

  “Yes, you’re a healthy little fella,” Izzy coos and pushes his hat back so she can see his hair. “And you have your daddy’s dark hair. You’re already a heartbreaker.”

  “What happened this morning?” I ask as Izzy rocks the baby.

  “My water broke, and everything seemed fine, but when we got here, they said he was turned awkwardly, and I’d never be able to push him out. So, they had to rush us back for surgery.”

  “Thank goodness you’re both safe now,” Maggie says.

  “Okay, it’s your turn.” Izzy turns to me, but I shake my head.

  I’m terrified of him.

  “I think I’ll wait until he’s not so fragile.” But I squat next to them and rub his small fingers. He wraps his hand around my finger, and that’s all it takes to send me head over heels in love with him. “Well, hello there, sweet Tommy. I’m your uncle Keegan. I’ll be your favorite.”

  I hear laughter around me, and when I glance up, I find my mother smiling softly down at me.

  I know what she’s thinking.

  And for the first time in my life, I’d say she’s not wrong.

  “Okay, stop hogging the baby,” Maeve says as she approaches. “I’ve only held him for a second, and then I had to call everyone in the world.”

  “Go snuggle your auntie Maeve,” Izzy singsongs before kissing his little forehead, which wrinkles at her touch. “Oh, my goodness, I love it when babies wrinkle their tiny brows like that.”

  “I just want to eat him up,” Maeve says as she gently takes him from Izzy.

  “You baked a beautiful baby,” I say to Stasia. She smiles, but her eyes are droopy. “And now we’re going to leave you be so you can rest.”

  “You don’t have to go,” she insists, but I see the fatigue, and I don’t want to overwhelm her.

  “We’ll be back,” I assure her. I step to my brother and bring him in for another hug. “Congratulations, Kane.”

  “Thank you.” He smiles. “He’s something, isn’t he?”

  “He’s the best. Going to be pampered and loved more than anyone I know.”

  He grins. “As it should be. I’ll see you later?”

  “You couldn’t keep us away. I think Izzy might be obsessed.”

  “It’s a baby,” she says. “Of course, I’m obsessed.”

  We say our goodbyes and head out of the room.

  “He’s adorable.” Izzy grins. “And so tiny.”

  “I take it you like babies, then?”

  “What’s not to like? I would say I’m a maternal person. I always begged for a baby brother or sister, but my mom wouldn’t do it. Now, I need to get home so I can cook.”

  “What are you cooking, love?”

  “I need to make some meals for them. She just had major abdominal surgery, Keegan, she can’t be cooking.”

  I want to pull her to me and kiss the hell out of her. I want to propose to her, right here and now.

  Jesus, I have it bad.

  “I think my ma will have the meals down. Well, her, along with Stasia’s family.”

  “Oh. You’re right. I wasn’t thinking. But I want to do something for them. I’m so excited. Then again, it’s not really my place to butt in and do anything at all, of course. I’m being silly.”

  “You’re being sweet, and there’s nothing wrong with that at all, Isabella. If you’d like to help out, I’m sure there’s plenty they’ll need. Everyone will want to jump in and help this week. But after the newness wears off, they’ll still need some help. Maybe we can do something then?”

  “That’s a good idea.” She smiles as we exit the hospital and walk toward the truck. “What now?”

  “Well, we were supposed to spend the day in bed, but we got a little sidetracked.”

  “I’m hungry,” she announces. “Feed me, and then bed.”

  “I can work with that.”

  “I left my lucky lipstick up in your apartment,” Izzy announces as she hurries into the bar. It’s been a few days since wee Thomas was born, and we’ve gone back to our usual routine of work, sex, and enjoying each other.

  I can’t say that it’s a bad life we’re living.

  “You can go on up and fetch it, then,” I say, but she’s already gone, clomping up the steps to the flat above. When she returns, she’s in no less of a hurry. “What are you all dressed up for?”

  “Oh, I’m doing my audition videos today.” She smooths the lipstick on her lips and rubs them together. “Your sisters are helping me.”

  “What audition videos?”

  She blinks up at me. “I didn’t tell you?”

  “No. You didn’t.”

  “I’m sorry, I must have forgotten. Maeve and Maggie talked me into applying for some meteorologist jobs at networks, and part of the application packet is a video of me reporting the weather.”

  “That’s wonderful. I hope it’s Seattle that you’re applying for.”

  She checks the time. “Of course, Seattle. Okay, gotta run.”

  “Don’t be so nervous. You’re going to be great.”

  She takes a deep breath and grins at me. “Thank you. I needed that. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  I wave her off, and just as she opens the door, she almost runs right into Archer.

  “Excuse me, Archer.”

  “My fault,” he replies and holds the door for her, then wanders into the pub. “Where’s the fire?”

  I laugh and wipe down the bar with my rag. “She’s meeting up with my sisters this afternoon. What are you doing on the island today, Archer?”

  “I came over to see my sister and the baby.” He sits on a stool and leans on his forearms. “Thought I’d stop in and see how you’re doing.”

  “I’m doing better than I have in a long while. Are you here to get drunk again?”

  Archer laughs and then shakes his head. “Hell, no, that was a one-night deal.”

  “How’s Elena?”

  His face lights up at the mention of his new bride. Archer and Elena were high school sweethearts and recently reconnected and married.

  I can see by the look on his face that things are going well.

  “She’s beautiful. Amazing. Perfect.”

  “So fine, then, I take it.”

  He chuckles and then nods. “You could say that, yes. I’m still getting used to her crazy family, but we all have crazy families, right?”

  “I can’t say that we’re all married into the mafia,” I say thoughtfully. “But there is a level of insanity in all families, yes.”

  “Well, so far, everything has been good. Now, enough about me.” He gestures with his thumb toward the front door. “She seems nice. Elena said she enjoyed her a lot at Stasia’s shower.”

  “Izzy’s nice, yes.”

  The other man’s eyes narrow. “Cut the bullshit with me, Keegan. We’re better friends than that.”

She’s beautiful. Amazing. Perfect.”

  He nods in satisfaction. “That’s what I thought. And when are you going to marry her?”

  My hand stops moving on the bar, and I stare at him as if he’s crazy. “I’ve known her for seven minutes, Archer.”

  “You and I are similar men. We’re not the kind to fuck around with women just for the sake of fucking around. Not at this stage in our lives. I see the way you look at Izzy. What does it matter if you’ve known her for seven minutes or seven years?”

  “She has a past.”

  “We all do.”

  “I think we’re both content with where we’re at for now.”

  “And where are you, exactly?”

  “Mutual admiration, lust, and still learning each other.”

  He nods and raps his knuckles on the bar. “That’s not a bad place to be. For what it’s worth, the family likes her. The little bit I’ve heard has all been good.”

  “It’s worth a lot. You know how much the family means to me.”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “How is the baby today?”

  “The most adorable thing I’ve ever seen in my life.” He grins. “Your brother is completely enamored with both of them. He has a goofy smile on his face and dotes like a little old lady. It’s hilarious to watch.”

  “I can honestly say I never thought I’d see the day that Kane would become a family man. He’s so fucking grouchy, I didn’t think anyone would put up with him for long.”

  Archer laughs and nods in agreement. “But Stasia puts him in his place easily enough.”

  “And only she can. I love her like my own sisters.”

  “I know you do. She’s easy to love. I’m glad they brought our families together.”

  “Me, too. Are you sure I can’t interest you in a pint?”

  “Nah. I have to head back. I’m looking at some properties today, and I promised Elena I’d take her out to her favorite place for dinner. But I’m sure I’ll see you soon.”

  “I look forward to it.”

  It’s the busiest Friday night we’ve had in a long time, even with it being the shoulder season—the time between the tourism highs and lows. I called in Maeve to help Maggie and Izzy buzz around the pub, taking and delivering orders.

  The band is lively and barely covers the sound of the patrons, all laughing and talking.

  It’s a sight that reminds me of the pub in our little village in Ireland. The sights and sounds, and even the scents coming from the kitchen, are the same.

  I’ve been homesick more and more over the past few months, which is unlike me.

  It seems a lot is changing in me lately.

  “I need four pints of Guinness and a shot of whiskey,” Maeve says as she sets her empty tray on the bar. “And I might need a security guard in a minute.”

  “Who’s bothering you?”

  My eyes narrow as I scan my pub.

  “Far back right corner.” She jerks her chin and rolls her eyes. “They’re good and pissed and think it’s okay to put their hands where they’re not wanted.”

  “Cut them off now and tell them to leave.”

  “It’s been pretty harmless until my last trip over.”

  “We have no tolerance for this, Maeve. I’ll escort them out if you’d rather.”

  She blows out a breath and shakes her head, her red hair swishing in its ponytail. “No, I’ll tell them.”

  She loads up her drinks and delivers them to a nearby table before making her way to the back corner. I keep watch to make sure the men leave quietly.

  Maeve smiles as she gestures to the door.

  Two of the men’s faces sober, and they look at the other two, who scowl. The biggest one stands.

  And gets in my sister’s face.

  I hurry around the bar, and just as I reach them, Maeve pours a drink over the man’s head.

  “That should cool you off, you misogynistic ass,” she says. “Now, take your goons and get the hell out of my pub.”

  “Maybe someone needs to teach you your fucking place,” the man growls, but I step up and move Maeve behind me.

  “Why don’t you teach me?”

  I tower over the piece of shit by at least six inches. He looks up and swallows hard. “This isn’t any of your fucking business.”

  “As I’m the owner here, and this is my sister, it’s absolutely my business. She asked you to leave. You won’t be asked nicely again.”

  “Are you gonna try to throw us out of here? There’s four of us, asshole.”

  “And there’s four of us,” Will Montgomery says from behind me. I glance back to see that he has his brothers, Matt and Caleb, with him.

  The four of us look formidable, and the four of them swallow hard in response.

  “That’s Will Montgomery,” one of them observes.

  “And he’s going to kick your ass if you don’t fucking leave,” Will says.

  They scoot out of the booth and hurry out of the bar, and then the band picks back up, and everyone goes back to their drinks.

  Squabbles aren’t unheard of in an Irish pub.

  “What are you all doing here?” I ask as I turn to shake their hands. “Wait, let me guess. You went to see the baby.”

  “We did,” Matt agrees. “We had some time and decided to come to the island for a few hours.”

  “The girls are going to be pissed that we didn’t bring them,” Caleb adds, but then shrugs. “They thought we were just having a boring guys’ night.”

  “We’ll bring them back in a couple of days,” Will says, unconcerned. “I’ve always wanted to swing in here and see what it’s like. It’s damn awesome, Keegan.”

  “That it is. Let me pour you each a pint.”

  “I’ll take a Coke,” Matt interrupts. “I’ll drive these two home.”

  “Deal,” Caleb agrees, and the three of them sit at the bar.

  Izzy’s been in and out of the kitchen and didn’t miss a step seeing to her tables during the exchange with the assholes. She grins and waves at the guys as she hurries into the kitchen.

  “I’m hungry,” Will says. “I’ll take everything on the appetizer menu.”

  “We’re going to be here all fucking night.” Caleb groans.

  “I’m hungry,” Will repeats.

  “Okay, make it two,” Caleb says.

  “I’ll just eat some of theirs,” Matt adds but earns glares from his brothers. “Fine, I’ll have the nachos. And the wings. And bring some fries, too.”

  “Three orders of the appetizer menu, it is.”

  Chapter 11


  “Fucking Christ, you’ll end up killing me,” Keegan pants, his weight on me, still inside of me. This is the very best way to wake up every morning.

  I don’t remember the last time I slept at Maggie’s house. The thought of being away from Keegan at night isn’t one I want to entertain.

  It’s just too good to be with him. To feel him next to me.

  To wake up to this.

  I drag my fingers up and down his back, and he kisses my cheek before rolling to the side.

  “Good morning.” I kiss his chin.

  “And a good morning to you.” He drags his hand through his dark, messy hair. “I need to shave this morning.”

  “I like the scruff.” I rub the tip of my nose over the stubble on his chin. “It’s sexy.”

  “There will be no more shaving, ever again, by order of the queen.”

  I laugh and shake my head at him. “Well, we don’t want you to look like Santa or anything.”

  “You have something against beards, then?”

  “No.” I let my eyes roam over his face, taking him in. “You’d look good with a short beard. Just don’t let it go and get dirty and full of food and stuff.”

  “That’s disgusting.” He swats my ass playfully and then rolls away. “Let’s get in the shower.”

  “I’m spent.” I pull the covers up over my nakedness. “I can’t do shower sex rig
ht now, Keegan, no matter how fun it sounds.”

  He laughs again and reaches for my hand. “It’s not my intention to ravage you in the shower. We’ll save that for another day. But I’m hungry, and I need to clean up before I can take you out to breakfast.”

  “Well, why didn’t you say so?” I climb out of bed and hurry to the bathroom, where Keegan starts the water.

  He takes his time washing my hair, rubbing my scalp so thoroughly that I swear I could fall asleep standing up.

  Once I’m rinsed, I help him wash up, then we climb out and dry off.

  “Getting ready in the morning goes fast when I don’t have to shave,” he says with a grin as he slips a black T-shirt over his head and reaches for his jeans. His eyes haven’t left me as I get dressed in denim shorts and a loose tank top.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, I can hardly stand it, Isabella.”

  Those words coming from any man have the power to make a woman smile. Coming from this man, in that incredible accent, it melts my insides.

  “Thank you.”

  “Why do you get flustered when I compliment you?”

  “Because it’s unexpected and hot as hell, honestly.”

  With a cocky grin, he steps to me and plants those magical lips on mine for a long, slow kiss. “Let’s go eat.”

  “Good idea.”

  But when we’re in the truck headed into town, he doesn’t park in front of the diner.

  “No oatmeal this morning?”

  “This is a date,” he says. “I’m taking you somewhere new. Well, new to you. There’s a deli just around the corner here that has good breakfast.”

  He helps me out of the truck and then holds the door of the deli. Once inside, we order breakfast burritos and sit in the corner to eat.

  One bite in, and I know this is not as good as the diner.

  Keegan and I look up at each other.

  “So, should we go to the diner for oatmeal?” I ask.

  “Yeah. We should.” We stand and take the burritos with us, and Keegan stashes them in the backseat of his truck. “I don’t want to throw them away. Shawn’s the one who said this place was great. I’ll see if he wants them.”

  “Good idea.”

  Before he can pull away from the deli, my phone rings.


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