Escape With Me

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Escape With Me Page 13

by Kristen Proby

  She licks her lips with nervousness.

  They whisk her away for an x-ray, making me out to be a liar because I can’t be with her, but then she’s brought back.

  Her coloring is worse. She looks scared out of her mind.

  Jesus, I don’t know what to do for her. I’ve never felt so helpless in all my life.

  After what feels like hours, I hear my father behind me.

  “I’m here,” he says and hurries over to us. Thank Christ. “I’m here, darlin’. Oh, my love, I’m so sorry. There now, it’s going to be just fine.”

  “Tommy.” Ma clings to my father and finally lets the tears fall. “I’m so scared.”

  “Shh. There now.” He kisses her forehead and looks up at the doctor. “What’s happening?”

  “She’s having a massive heart attack,” he says. “We’re about to wheel her in for an angiogram so we can see where the heart is failing. If need be, we’ll perform surgery. I need permission to do so.”

  “I’m her husband, and you have permission.” He kisses Ma’s cheek. “He’s going to fix you up right as rain, me love.”

  When they wheel her off for surgery, Da and I walk out to the waiting room where everyone sits, waiting.

  Izzy, with eyes full of tears, immediately jumps up and wraps her arms around my stomach, her cheek pressed to my chest, and I’ve never felt so relieved in all my life to see another human being.

  The lump that was in my throat eases a bit.

  “I’m so sorry,” she whispers. “I hate that you had to go through that by yourself.”

  “She’s going to be okay.” I kiss the top of her head and look over at the others. “She’s going in for an angiogram so they can see what’s going on. She’s definitely having a heart attack.”

  “Oh, Da.” Maggie hugs our father, and Maeve joins them, rubbing his back supportively.

  “She’s going to be better than ever,” Da says as he pastes a cheerful smile on his weathered face. I’ve never seen him more worried or look so old. But he’s trying to be optimistic for us.

  “Jace is the surgeon,” Anastasia says. She holds the baby against her shoulder. “He’s going to keep her completely safe. I’d trust no one more than Jace. He saved my father’s life just a couple of years ago.”

  “See?” Maggie says. “She’s going to be just fine.”

  Jace is Anastasia’s brother-in-law. We’ve met him several times at family gatherings. I’ve never taken the time to sit down to talk with him, but if Stasia trusts him, so do I.

  “We should sit.” I urge Da toward a chair. We’re gathered as a family in the corner of a big waiting room.

  “Actually,” a nurse says as she approaches, “if you’d like a more private place for your family to wait, there’s a waiting room over here that might be better.”

  She leads us just around a corner and opens a door. The light comes on to reveal a private waiting area, just the right size for our group.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll let the staff know you’re in here so you won’t miss any news.”

  “Thank you,” I say to her.

  I sit, and Izzy sits next to me. Shawn and Lexi are across from us with Kane and Anastasia. Maeve, Maggie, and Da take up the rest of the seats.

  “Did they say how long it would take?” Maeve asks.


  “This is the worst part,” Shawn says and rubs his face with agitation. “The waiting.”

  “I’ll go get coffees,” Maggie says. “Does everyone want coffee from the cafeteria?”

  “They have an espresso cart not too far from here,” Stasia says. “I drank a lot of coffee from it. I would come help, but—”

  “No, you sit,” Maggie says. She takes orders for three other coffees and then sets off in search of caffeine.

  “Maggie needs to have a task,” Da says. “She’s a doer. If there’s ever a crisis, she’s the one bustling about.”

  “I knew something wasn’t right,” Maeve says softly. “I had a hunch that it wasn’t just a tweaked shoulder, but she kept insisting that she was fine. That stubborn woman.”

  “None of us knew,” I remind her. “It’s not your fault.”

  “It’s my fault,” Da says. “For not making her go to the damn doctor.”

  “It’s nobody’s fault,” Izzy repeats and rubs Da’s arm. She holds my hand tightly with her other hand.

  Anastasia shifts the baby and then frowns at her husband. “Would you please take him for a minute? He’s only eight pounds, but he starts to get heavy.”

  “Of course, love.”

  “May I hold him?” Izzy asks. “I’ve meant to come see you, but something always comes up.”

  “You’re more than welcome to hold him,” Kane says as he brings the baby to Izzy and gently lays him in her arms. “He’s been a little fussy today, so if you need his binky, we have it ready.”

  “Aww, are you fussy, little love?” She kisses Thomas’s head and smiles down at him. “He’s already changed so much in such a short period of time.”

  “I swear, he changes every day,” Stasia agrees. “Yesterday, I thought he looked more like me. This morning, he smiled just like Kane. And about an hour ago, he looked like an alien.”

  “He’s too little to smile,” Kane insists. “It was probably gas.”

  We laugh a little, the mood lightening a bit with talk of the baby.

  “No, you don’t look like an alien,” Izzy says. The baby is awake now and watching Izzy talk to him. “You’re an amazing little man. Yes, you are.”

  He opens his mouth as if searching for a snack. “I think he’s hungry.”

  “I don’t think I can help you with that.” Izzy kisses his forehead again.

  “Here.” Kane pulls a bottle out of the baby bag and shakes up some formula. “You can help.”

  He passes her the bottle, along with a spit rag.

  “I do breastfeed, as well, but I wasn’t producing enough, so we had to supplement with formula.”

  “Nothing wrong with that,” Izzy says, watching the baby as she feeds him.

  My stomach felt tight when I saw her holding him at the hospital before, and it’s even more so now. But before I can say anything, Maggie returns with the coffee orders.

  Not long after, there’s a knock at the door, and Jace walks into the waiting area. He’s in scrubs, a stethoscope around his neck.

  “Hi, everyone. I think we’ve all met, but if not, I’m Jace. Anastasia’s brother-in-law. When she was first presented, we thought Mrs. O’Callaghan was having a major heart attack due to the severity of her symptoms. But once we got in there with an angiogram, we discovered that this was actually a minor cardiac event.”

  He goes on to show us images of Ma’s heart and indicates where an artery was clogged.

  “She’s been having symptoms for a long time,” Maeve admits. “And she blew it off, saying it was a sore shoulder.”

  “That’s pretty common, especially in women. She’s likely been suffering with this for a little while given how blocked that artery was. But we were able to put a little balloon in there to open it up, and I placed a stent in the artery so it can’t get blocked again.”

  “So, no major surgery?” I ask.

  “No, I don’t see the need for that. She’ll be on blood thinners for a while and other medications. She’ll want to eat a more heart-healthy diet. I already told her, no more meat pies for a bit. I’m going to keep her here for a couple of days for observation, and then she’ll be ready to go home. I’ll send a whole list of instructions home with her.”

  “Thank you.” Da stands and shakes Jace’s hand, then pulls him in for a hug. “You just saved her life, and she’s the most important person in the world.”

  “You’re very welcome. That’s what we’re here for. Now, do I get to peek at the baby?”

  Anastasia laughs, and Izzy stands so Jace can get a better view of the little guy.

  “Joy’s going to be jealous.”

y’s seen him,” Stasia says with a laugh. “She told me not to tell you because you’d be jealous.”

  “Joy and I are going to have a little conversation later.” He sounds serious, but he’s laughing when he places the baby back in Izzy’s arms and then kisses Stasia on the cheek. “Good job, Mama.”


  “If you have any questions about Fiona, I’m here all day, and the nursing staff is incredible.”

  “When can I see her?” Da asks.

  “She’s being moved into her room now. Once they have her settled, you can all see her. But because there are so many of you, let’s rotate you through, okay? Tom, you’re welcome to stay with her, but the others will have to take turns.”

  “That’s the story of our lives,” Kane says. “We’ve mastered taking turns. Thank you again.”

  “You’re welcome. Now, go spoil her rotten.”

  “Oh,” I say as Da stands to go see her, “we will.”

  Chapter 14


  This is my first day off in a long while. Keegan gave me strict instructions this morning to stay away from the pub all day, and I’m not exactly sure what to do with myself. Even on the days I don’t have a shift waiting tables, I still go in to help out in some way.

  I’ve turned into somewhat of a workaholic.

  Mostly, I enjoy the atmosphere in the pub—the sounds and laughter. And I like being close to Keegan and his siblings.

  I finally feel accepted by a family.

  But today, I’ve been kicked out. So, I decided to get on the ferry and go to Seattle to see Fiona.

  She’s been in the hospital for three days, and I want to go and check on her. After checking in at the visitors’ desk, I make my way up to Fiona’s room.

  I knock on the door and am surprised to find Fiona alone when I push inside.

  “Hey there,” I say with a smile. “Where’s Tom?”

  She grins over at me like a young girl. Her cheeks are rosy, and her green eyes are bright. “He went to get me some things so I can go home today.”

  “They’re releasing you?” I sit next to her and set my handbag on the floor next to me.

  “They are, and I’m going to surprise the kids. They don’t know. I’m just going to walk into the pub like I own the place.”

  I chuckle with her. “This is exciting. Congratulations. I’m so relieved that you’re healthy, Fiona. We’ve all been worried sick.”

  “I hate that I caused so much worry. It’s a mother’s job to soothe her children, not scare them.”

  “They love you,” I remind her. “They all love you very much. And I have to admit, I’ve grown rather attached to you myself.”

  “What a lovely thing to say.” She reaches over and pats my hand. “And it’s attached that I’ve grown to you, as well, Izzy. You’re a sweet woman.”

  She shifts in the bed, and I can see that she wants to say more. “What is it?”

  “Well, I’m a protective mother, you see. And I guess I’m wondering what you see happening between you and Keegan in the long term.”

  “You’re asking me my intentions with your son?”

  She laughs a little and then shrugs a shoulder. “Indeed, I am.”

  I look down at my hands and then up at her again, letting the words start to tumble out of me. “I’m completely in love with him. When I first met him, I thought he was grouchy, but he’s not. He’s just a thinker. And he’s funny. Incredibly kind. He loves his family so much. And he’s thoughtful. He’s good to me, you know?”

  “He’d better be, or he’d have to answer to me,” she says. “And it’s clear to me that he loves you just as much, my dear. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Keegan this devoted to a woman. But you’re young. Much younger than him.”

  “I guess there’s a bit of an age gap.” I sit back, thinking about it. “About seven years, I suppose. But we’re both adults.”

  “Yes, but are you sure this is what you’re going to want for the long term? Keegan’s life is on that island. In the pub. He loves it, almost as much as he loves you.”

  “I love the pub, too. I was just thinking that when I walked up here. He made me take the day off, and I’m a little lost.”

  “I’m glad you enjoy your job, but is it what you want forever?”

  I frown at Fiona, wondering what I’m missing here.

  “Perhaps I’m not asking this right. I guess what I’m saying is, I know you’ve likely had other dreams for yourself. To have a career, for example.”

  “I can still do that. I’ve applied for a few jobs here in the Northwest. And, yes, I’ll have to commute a bit, but it’s a compromise, right? All relationships have them. And if I don’t get one of those jobs, then it just wasn’t meant to be. I love your family, and I’ve never felt so content or welcomed in my life. I’m not willing to give that up for anything.”

  “You are welcome with us, Izzy.” Fiona smiles softly. “And I think you’re right. You can certainly have both. I’m glad we got to have this conversation.”

  Before I can reply, my phone starts to ring. When I check it, I don’t recognize the number.

  “I’m sorry, Fiona, I should answer this. Hello?”

  “May I speak with Izzy Harris?”

  “This is Izzy.”

  “Hello, this is Roger Johnston at KXLY TV in Seattle. We reviewed your resume and your audition video, and if you’re still looking for a job, we’d like to hire you.”

  I stare at Fiona, blinking slowly. “Without an interview?”

  Roger chuckles on the other end. “I’m going to be honest here. Someone quit unexpectedly, and we need to fill the position immediately. We’d need you on-air on Saturday.”

  “That’s in three days.”

  “Yes, it is. So, we ran a background check and called the references you provided, and we’re comfortable moving forward quickly. If you’re available.”

  I swallow hard. Fiona’s smiling like crazy at me now.


  “I’m sorry, this is such a crazy surprise. Yes, I’m available.”

  “Great. Come into the studio on Friday so I can show you around. I’ll have you sign some paperwork and such. And then we’ll start bright and early on Saturday. This will be a part-time position, with you reporting the weather on-air in the studio on Saturday and Sunday. We will send you out on remote sometimes, as well. You’ll also be filling in during the week whenever our senior meteorologist is on vacation.”

  “This is unexpected and incredible. Thank you for the opportunity, Roger.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m going to send you an email with everything you’ll need to know. I’ll talk to you soon, Izzy.”

  “Okay, thanks again. Goodbye.”

  I hang up and stare at Fiona, and then I do the happiest happy dance anyone has ever seen. Fiona claps and lets out a loud WHOOP!

  “I got a job!”

  “Yes, you did. I’m so proud of you, Izzy.”

  “Oh my gosh, I have so much to do. I have to get some clothes—I don’t have a wardrobe appropriate for TV. And I have to tell Keegan. I’m going to surprise him.”

  “So many surprises today,” she says. “I love it. Surprises keep us young. I won’t say a word to anyone. You go do some shopping and enjoy your day off, and then you can tell everyone else.”

  “Thank you.” I rush over and kiss her cheek. “Thank you for sharing this with me.”

  “It’s an honor and a privilege, and that’s the truth of it.”

  “I can stay until Tom gets back.”

  “Tom is here,” he says as he walks in carrying a small bag full of Fiona’s things.

  “I can’t stay.” I kiss his cheek and then wrap him up in a hug. “I love you, Tom. I love you both. And I’ll see you later.”

  “Well.” Tom blushes like crazy, and Fiona laughs. “Okay, then.”


  “Have fun,” Fiona calls after me as I hurry out of the room.

  Where d
o I go? I don’t know Seattle all that well. I could call Maggie or Maeve, but they’re both helping Keegan at the pub today.

  And then I remember that Samantha Nash gave me her number at Anastasia’s baby shower and extended an open invitation to reach out to her anytime.

  It’s still crazy to me that I have Leo Nash’s wife’s phone number.

  When I get to my car, I pull up the number and shoot her a text.

  Me: Hey! This is Izzy Harris, we met at Anastasia’s baby shower. I don’t know if you were serious about meeting up sometime but I’m currently in Seattle, and if you’re free, I’d like to see you! Ignore if this is weird. LOL

  I take a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  I have a brand-new weather job, doing what I’ve always dreamed of. And I got it on my own merit, without my father making any phone calls.

  And I start in a few days.

  I’m so nervous.

  My phone starts to ring in my hand.

  “Hey, it’s Sam,” she says when I answer. “This is perfect timing. I’m at the downtown studio with Leo today because he’s helping a band with some recording, and I could honestly use a break. We’re across the street from Succulent Sweets. How do you feel about cupcakes?”

  “I’ve never turned down a cupcake in my life.”

  “You’re my kind of girl. Where are you now?”

  “Seattle General hospital.”

  “Okay, you’re about fifteen minutes away. Just plug the bakery into your GPS and you’ll find it no problem.”

  “Awesome, I’ll see you soon. Thanks, Sam.”

  I end the call and do exactly as she suggested. And she’s not wrong. The bakery is easy to find and in a super cute part of downtown, surrounded by a mix of restaurants, shops, and offices. I remember Matt’s wife, Nic, telling me at the shower that she owns this place. I can’t wait to try her cupcakes.

  I find a spot to park and walk into Succulent Sweets. It’s designed similar to an old-fashioned café, with white-tiled floors and little round tables set about. A wide array of gorgeous cupcakes fill the glass counter.

  I see Nic and Sam chatting by the cash register.


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