Escape With Me

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Escape With Me Page 14

by Kristen Proby

  “Hello, ladies.” I grin as I approach them. They greet me with immediate warmth.

  They weren’t lying when they said the Montgomerys are a welcoming family.

  “I’m so glad you texted me,” Sam says. “I love Leo’s music, and I enjoy studio time, but it’s been a long day over there.”

  “Cupcakes usually fix that,” Nic says. “You look wonderful, Izzy.”

  “Thank you, I feel wonderful. I got a job today.” I tell them all about my new job here in Seattle as a meteorologist, and when I’m finished, they each offer me high-fives.

  “That’s so cool,” Sam says.

  “I need to shop,” I admit. “I need a whole new wardrobe for this. And I don’t know where to go.”

  Sam and Nic share a look, and then Sam reaches for her phone. “Don’t worry. We’ve got this covered.” She taps on the screen and then puts the phone on speaker as it rings.


  “Hey, Nat, I’m here with Nic and Izzy. You remember Izzy from Stasia’s party?”

  “Of course! Hi, guys.”

  “Hi,” Nic and I say in unison.

  “Listen,” Sam continues, “we have a wardrobe emergency.”

  “Does this require shopping?” Nat asks.

  “Of course, it does.”

  “I’m your girl,” Nat replies. “I can have a sitter here in thirty minutes.”

  “We’re going to need Jules, too,” Sam adds. “We’ll meet you at her office.”

  “Whoa, this is some emergency,” Nat says.

  “It’s a Defcon One,” Sam agrees. “See you soon.”

  “I can’t go.” Nic sighs sadly. “I have to sell cupcakes.”

  “Your job is important,” Sam assures her. “And I need three of the chocolate. I’ll take a dozen assorted over to the studio, as well.”

  “And for you?” Nic asks. “You have to celebrate with a cupcake.”

  “I want a chocolate, a strawberry, and I want to try the funfetti.”

  “I really like her,” Sam says to Nic with a grin as Nic fills our order. When we’re loaded down with our sweets, we leave the bakery and walk across the street to the studio.

  “Hey,” Sam greets Leo as we walk in. “You’re not recording?”

  “I needed a break. They’re driving me nuts. But you brought me cupcakes.”

  “You have to share with everyone,” Sam warns him.

  “Like hell.” Leo opens the box and bites into a lemon, then smiles at me. “Hey there, Iz.”

  No one has called me Iz since I arrived, and I have to admit, I don’t hate it coming from Leo’s sexy mouth.

  “Hi, Leo.”

  “I have to go help Izzy shop for a wardrobe for her new job. We’re going with Nat and Jules.”

  “What’s the new job?” he asks me.

  “I’ll be reporting the weather for a local news station.”

  His eyes light up. “No shit? That’s fucking awesome. I’m practically related to a weather girl. Good job, Iz.”

  “Thanks.” I feel my cheeks flush. Leo Nash is praising me and looking at me like he’s proud of me, and I feel sixteen all over again.

  But Keegan’s ten-times hotter. Leo’s sexy as all get out, but my man is incredible. And I can’t wait to see him.

  “Okay, we have to run. See you at home later.” Sam forgets to kiss Leo, and he catches her wrist and tugs her into his arms. The kiss he plants on her is hot with a capital H.

  “Have fun, sunshine.”

  She smiles, brushes a piece of hair off her cheek, and we head out.

  “He still gives me butterflies,” she mutters when we’re out the door. “Don’t tell him I said that.”

  “I totally get it. And not because of Leo, but because of Keegan.”

  She turns surprised blue eyes over to me. “Well, that’s awesome.”

  “Yeah, it’s better than awesome.”

  “Good for you. A new man and a new job.”

  “A new life.”


  “Holy shit, you guys can shop.”

  We’ve finished with our shopping spree and are grabbing a glass of wine and a light dinner before we go our separate ways.

  “It’s our best skill,” Jules agrees. “But you have to look your best on Saturday.”

  “Absolutely,” Nat chimes in.

  “I still can’t believe everything I was able to get on my budget.”

  “The Rack and Saks Off Fifth are lifesavers,” Sam says. “You can get so much there for a fraction of the cost. And you look amazing in everything you got. I totally covet your tits.”

  “You have really good boobs,” Natalie agrees.

  “I had to buy mine,” Jules says. “So, I’m jealous, too.”

  I laugh and take a bite of a crab cake. “You guys are good for my ego.”

  “Okay, you’ve told us all about the new job. Tell us more about the man. We’ve all met Keegan several times, and he’s super nice, but also a bit quiet.” Jules sips her wine. “Spill it.”

  “Use all the dirty words,” Nat agrees.

  I can’t stop laughing at these girls. “You guys are fun. Well, he’s hot.”

  “Does he have a big penis?” Sam asks.


  “Right on.” Jules gives me a fist bump.

  “He’s also really nice.” I tell them how he just took me in after I left Troy, and how I didn’t have a choice but to fall in love with him.

  He’s everything.

  “You have balls, girl. It takes some guts to know what you do and don’t want and walk out of a wedding like that.”

  “I felt like a coward,” I admit.

  “No way,” Nat says. “You did what you needed to do to be safe and to stand up for yourself. There is nothing cowardly about that. And I hope my daughters would do the same thing.”

  “And now you have this incredible life that you’ve made for yourself,” Jules adds. “A great guy, a family who’s accepted you and loves you, and this killer new job.”

  “And some awesome new friends,” I remind them all. “Thank you for helping me today. I had a blast.”

  “If you ever want to shop or eat or talk about boys, we’re your girls.” Natalie glances at her phone. “And Luke says hi.”

  “Nate texted, too. Stella’s staying with my parents tonight, and he’s taking me out on a date.”

  “You all landed some hot men yourselves.”

  “Hell yes, we did, honey,” Sam says. “And it’s damn awesome.”

  The only bad thing about living on an island is that it takes so long to get home when you’re anxious to get there.

  I swear, the ferry was extra slow this evening.

  I’m excited to tell everyone the good news, but I want to tell Keegan first.

  When I walk through the back door, I can hear that things are in full swing in the pub. So, I haul all of my bags upstairs and dump them onto the bed. They’re damn heavy.

  And I have no idea where I’m going to hang everything. We’re bursting at the seams as it is.

  But we’ll figure it out.

  I hurry downstairs and slide behind the bar. I walk up behind Keegan and slip my arms around his waist to hug him.

  “You best get out of here. My girlfriend will be back any minute.”

  “Haha, very funny.”

  He turns and offers me a quick kiss. “You look like you had fun today.”

  “I had so much fun, and I have a million things to tell you.”

  “My ma’s home.”

  “I know.” I grin at him. “I went up to see her, and she was waiting to be released.”

  “And you didn’t tell me?”

  “She wanted it to be a surprise. Hey, if it dies down at all, or you’re able to sneak away for a second, will you come upstairs for just a few? I have some fun news, and I want to tell you first.”

  “Sure thing, love.”

  “Awesome.” I kiss his arm and then make my way back upstairs. I’m
standing in the middle of the bedroom, staring at the pile of bags on the bed, when Keegan walks in.

  “Did some shopping today, did you?”

  I laugh and look at him helplessly. “I didn’t realize I bought so much. But there’s a reason. I know you have to get back, but I wanted to tell you right away.”

  “Are you okay, love?”

  “I’m great. Remember when I told you that I applied for some meteorologist positions?”


  “I got one. I got a job. In Seattle. I know it’s going to be a bit of a commute, but it’s only part-time, so it’ll be doable. I needed clothes for television, so I called Samantha Nash, and we ended up spending the day with Natalie and Jules, and they know all the best places to get the good stuff for a fraction of the cost, and oh my God, Keegan, I got a job!”

  He’s grinning from ear to ear, his arms crossed over his chest as he listens to me babble. And finally, when I stop talking, he pulls me to him and spins me around in celebration.

  “I’m so fucking proud of you, Isabella.”

  “Even though I’ll have to cut back on my hours just a little bit here? I’ll be at the station on Saturdays and Sundays, super early in the morning, so—”

  “Baby, this is what you want. This is your dream. I can always find more help here. The important thing is that you got exactly what you wanted.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face against his shirt, breathing him in. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

  “Yes, you could have.” He kisses my cheek. “But it’s happy I am that I’m here to support you through it. Way to go, love.”

  I kiss his neck and bite his earlobe, suddenly wanting him more than I ever have.

  It’s as if he just knows because he props me up against the wall, my legs wrapped around his waist, and kisses me senseless.

  I push against him, rubbing my core against his hardness through two layers of denim.

  Suddenly, he sets me on my feet and pushes my jeans down my hips, then turns me around and urges me to bend over.

  “Grab the wall.”

  I do as he says, and he pushes right inside me, taking me on a fast and hard ride. It’s over as quickly as it began, but I’m sated and humming with satisfied energy.

  “Well, that’s the perfect thing to add to this day,” I say as I pull my jeans back up. “Want me to come down and help?”

  “No.” He kisses me softly this time. “I want you to unpack your beautiful new things and find homes for them. Order something from the kitchen if you like. And relax.”

  “You spoil me.”

  “That’s the goal.”

  Chapter 15


  “Good morning,” Izzy says as she rolls over and smiles up at me with blue eyes heavy with sleep. “You’re dressed.”

  “I am. I have to run over to Kane’s. I’m going to have that chat with Cameron we talked about a while ago. I didn’t want to wake you.”

  “It’s okay. Good luck with your talk.”

  “Do you want me to make you some coffee before I go?”

  She cups my cheek gently. “You’re the sweetest. That’s not necessary but thank you.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you later.” I kiss her, then have to pull away before I say fuck Cameron and get back into bed with her.

  The drive to Kane’s property isn’t far. Cameron’s and Shawn’s cars are already in the driveway when I pull in.

  I walk around the house to the back and enter through the sunporch. Just as I expected, the men are gathered in the kitchen, drinking coffee.

  “I’m going to need some of that.” I walk right to the coffee maker and brew myself a cup of joe, and when I’ve added some milk, I turn to them. “Good morning.”

  “It’s damn early,” Shawn says.

  “I know, and I appreciate you both getting up early. I know you work late at night.” Cameron takes a drink from his mug. “I’ve been meaning to talk with you three for a while, and it seems something always comes up. First, how’s Ma?”

  “She’s going to be fine,” Kane says. “Scared the hell out of us, but she’s fine.”


  Our mother practically raised Cameron through his teenage years. His dad was barely around, and his mom left when he was small. We’re his family.

  “What’s up, Cam?” Shawn inquires.

  “Are you going to ask if you can marry Maggie?” Kane asks.

  “Not today,” Cam replies and drags his hand down his face. The three of us narrow our eyes. “I want to run something by you. I’m ending my government contract, effective in thirty days. Which means, for the first time since I was eighteen, I won’t be tied to Uncle Sam.”

  “What made you decide to do this?” I ask him.

  “I want to come home. Maggie’s right. I’m in and out way too much. I’m on the downslope to forty. I want to set down roots and be here more. Shit, Ma had a heart attack, and I was in Tel Aviv. It’s a little hard to get home from the Middle East in an emergency. It fucking sucked.”

  “You were in Israel?” Shawn asks. “What the hell?”

  “You know I can’t tell you why,” Cam says quietly. “And that’s the other thing that’s getting old. I can’t even confide in you guys about the stuff that goes on. Everything about my life is a fucking secret. In the beginning, that was part of the fun of it. Now, it’s just…old.”

  “What are you going to do?” I ask.

  “I’m going to work as a contractor with some major corporations—and, yes, some big government agencies—on their IT security. So, while the government will still be paying me, they’re not my boss anymore. Also, there’s a lot more money in the private sector.”

  Cam is a genius when it comes to computers. That’s all any of us knows about his job.

  “Are you asking for help with the startup costs?” Kane asks.

  “No, I have the money. I’m just asking for your thoughts on this. Is it the smart thing to do? Am I stupid to walk away from the seniority and stability I have with my current job, even if I’m growing to hate it with each passing day?”

  “We don’t know anything about your job,” Shawn reminds him. “But if it’s making you miserable, and this is where you want to live full-time, it’s not the wrong thing to do.”

  “I agree.”

  “Are you doing this for Mary Margaret?” Kane asks as he watches his best friend thoughtfully.

  “Partially,” Cam admits. “But even if she told me to fuck right off, which she does on the regular, I’d still want this. I’m too old to spend every night in a different country, worried it might be the day I’m assassinated.”

  “Fucking Christ,” I mutter.

  “Then do it,” Kane says. “Coming home is never the wrong answer. If you hate it, you can always go back.”

  “No,” Cam says, shaking his head. “That’s not how it works.”

  “Come home,” Shawn says.

  “This is where you belong, mate” I agree. “Always has been, always will be. We have your back.”

  He nods and then grins. “I’m going to need a place to live.”

  “We have Maeve for that,” Kane says. “If you need a place to crash in the meantime, you can stay here.”

  “With the screaming baby?” Cam asks, just as we hear the baby crying upstairs. “I’m sure I can find a place.”

  “There’s always the cabin,” Shawn says. “I know it’s far away, but it’s there if you want it.”

  “I’ll grab a rental here on the island,” Cam replies. “It won’t be a problem. I’m not going to stay with my dad, that’s for sure. And the hotel I usually use is fucking expensive. Anyway, thank you. I needed to talk it out. To make sure I wasn’t out of my mind.”

  “I don’t think you are. Well, not over this.” I pat him on the shoulder.

  “I have to catch a flight to D.C.,” Cam says and stands up.

  “I have some writing to do while the story is fresh
in my head,” Shawn adds.

  “I’m going to stay behind and talk with Kane.”

  We say our goodbyes to the other two, and then Kane and I take our coffee out to the sunporch.

  “Izzy starts her new job tomorrow,” I say as we stare out at the ocean beyond.

  “And we’re ready,” Kane replies. “It’s going to be a hell of a party.”

  “Izzy has no idea. It’s perfect. Thanks for hosting.”

  “It’s our pleasure. Stasia isn’t feeling up to going out too much yet, so it works out well for us. What’s on your mind, Keegan?”

  I set my coffee aside and run my hand through my hair. “Have you given any more thought to selling the property we looked at?”

  “I have. Have you decided that you want it, then?”

  “I do.” I turn to my brother now, the person I trust most in the world. “I want to build a house on it. I’m going to ask her to marry me.”

  His lips tip up in a smile. “I’m happy for you, brother.”

  “I never expected this turn of events, and that’s the truth. But I can’t see myself without her. And she deserves better than the tiny flat above the pub.”

  “Has she complained?”

  “Not once. But Christ, Kane, I don’t know how our parents raised us all up there for as long as they did. It’s tight with just Izzy and me. And I want to give her a pretty house that she can fuss over.”

  “Of course, you do. Da wanted that for Ma, as well. That’s why he bought her the house as soon as he could. If you can afford to give her more, why would you stay at the pub?”

  “Well, that’s the sticky part. Let’s talk price.”

  “I’m not going to sell the land to you, Keegan. For a couple of reasons. First, you couldn’t afford it. Oceanfront property on this island goes for a million an acre, easy. And secondly, you’re my brother. I love you.”

  “You won’t sell me the land because you love me?”

  “That’s right. I’ll gift two acres to you.”

  “No.” I stand, but Kane stands with me and lays his hand on my shoulder.

  “Hear me out. I’ll gift it to you, and I’ll never buy you another birthday or Christmas gift again, if that’s the way you want it. I won’t pay for the house to be built, that’s on you.”


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