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Second Chance With Me: A With Me in Seattle Universe Novel

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by S. Moose

  Second Chance With Me

  S. Moose


  Second Chance With Me

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  The With Me in Seattle Universe


  Also By S. Moose

  Second Chance With Me

  A With Me in Seattle Universe Novel

  By: S. Moose


  A With Me in Seattle Universe Novel

  S. Moose

  Copyright © 2020 by S. Moose

  All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. All characters and storylines are the property of the author and your support and respect are appreciated. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Cover Design: Kari March

  Published by Lady Boss Press, Inc.

  “Two damaged people, trying to heal each other, is love.”

  -RH Shin

  Chapter 1


  The Past

  A wave of nausea rolls through me. I’m sitting in my car, looking myself in the mirror and chanting, I can do this.

  Have you ever been in a situation when you know you should take a leap of faith? You know it needs to be done because something is pushing you, guiding you, to make that decision. That’s where I’m at right now.

  My nervousness is making butterflies flutter in my stomach and my palms sweaty. I check my phone and see the message from him.

  Clayton: I’m sorry I didn’t go to the right place. Thanks for understanding. I’m inside, and I can’t wait to meet you.


  His name is different. Not the typical everyday name you hear. It flows nicely from my lips.

  I scroll through the conversation we’ve had for the past week. He’s made me laugh, and he’s sincere from the way he asks me about my day and genuinely wants to get to know me. Some other guys I’ve talked to immediately ask for selfies or nudes and it escalates to something sexual from there.

  Not with Clayton.

  When I wake up, I have a good morning text from him, and every night I have a sweet dreams text. He seems way too good to be true. I did a little stalking because who wouldn’t in today’s society?

  I had to be sure this wasn’t a game, and I wasn’t being catfished. I found him on a few social media sites, and everything he told me was legit. The pictures he posted matched what he sent me, so that was a check yes in the safe column.

  I blow out a breath and touch up my infra rose colored lipstick one last time before stepping out of my car and making my way to the coffee shop. I’m standing in front of the door, but I can’t bring myself to walk inside. It shouldn’t be a big deal.

  Rebound date.

  That’s what this is—a little distraction from the ugliness of my breakup. The reality that my ten-year relationship is over.

  It’s hard to imagine the future without the person you’ve experienced life with. From our young teenage years to welcoming adulthood and starting a new stage of our lives.

  Six months of missing him.

  Six months of crying myself to sleep.

  After having a woe is me party for one, I realized I was worth it. I had a lot to offer someone, and I wasn’t going to stay sad. The last few years of our relationship, he started blaming me for his stress and he wasn’t supporting my dreams of becoming a nurse. We were both in college, but when he needed help studying, I was supposed to drop everything and help him. If I was working late or studying at the library, he texted me over and over until I answered. It was usually asking me if I was going to bring home dinner or if I could do the laundry. I was turning into his maid rather than his girlfriend.

  Sometimes, relationships run their course, and you learn how to pick yourself up and let go. You tell yourself you’re going to make it through the day, the week, the month, and the year. Reading quotes and listening to music helped me get to where I’m at.

  I was always going to love him, and he was always going to hold a piece of my heart, but I wasn’t going to lay around and mope. Life was passing me by, and it was time I took it back into my hands.

  I’ve given myself time to go through the stages of grief. A part of me is happy, and the other part of me is scared. I’m a fresh twenty-three-year-old, and my life is only beginning. I have everything in order: a wonderful family, great friends, a degree in the field of nursing, a letter saying I passed the exam, and soon, an interview with one of the top hospitals in the world. It’s still hard to believe. I didn’t think my life would have brought me to this spot. Then again, I didn’t think I’d be single again.

  Dear life,

  How do you expect me to figure out how to date again? Any advice?


  Honestly, I don’t remember how to date and the rules that need to be followed. Are there still rules? Is that a thing?

  I don’t have experience in the field of dating since I’ve only had one boyfriend. Everything I knew was before of being with him and watching romance movies and reading books.

  I’m taking a chance by being here tonight. The horror stories about online dating are creeping into my head. My best friend, Gina, knows where I am, so if I go missing, she’ll alert the police or find the guy and demand answers. Sometimes I think she’s better at finding information than the FBI. The girl can be scary when she’s determined.

  I take out my phone and pull up the conversations I’ve had with Clayton again. I’m going into this date with an open mind, and I have my pepper spray ready if he tries anything. My “stalking” of Clayton Turner didn’t bring up anything indicating he’s a serial killer. He seems like a sweet guy by the pictures he’s posted of his family and friends on his social media sites and he seems to be popular with the amount of likes and comments on his posts.

  I take a deep breath and walk inside. My heart is racing, and I rub my hand against my thigh a few times to wipe off the sweat. Blind dates are supposed to be fun, and fun is the word I’m looking for tonight.

  To be honest, I’m not sure if I remember how to have fun. That’s what’s holding me back. A part of me thinks I should turn around and head back to my apartment—my very lonely and ridiculously expensive one-bedroom apartment. It was something I needed, and it was available.

  I nearly stop in my tracks when I see him. Dear Lord in heaven, he’s taller and cuter in person than in hi
s pictures. The pictures he sent me don’t do this man justice. There’s an instant pull to him, and I can’t shake off this feeling. We’re like magnets, and I’m being drawn to him. When he smiles and his chocolate brown eyes shine, it’s almost perfection.

  Maybe fun has a different meaning, and he’s going to be more than that.

  “Hi, Ashley.” His deep voice snaps me out of my daydreaming. He steps forward and pulls me in for a hug. I could melt in his arms. Stop it, Ashley. You’re just now meeting him. Don’t show him any crazy or clinginess. Baby steps. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Hi, Clayton,” I barely whisper. “So nice meeting you too.”

  With his hand on the small part of my back, he leads me to a table in the corner and motions for me to have a seat. My heartbeat picks up, and I start sweating again. He’s even sexier up close.

  “Did you want anything? I wasn’t sure what you liked, and I didn’t want to look like a fool if I got it wrong. I guess I never asked you what you liked to have at a coffee shop.” He taps the side of his head. “When you tell me, I’ll be sure to remember going forward.”

  Going forward.

  I blush. I literally feel the warmth in my cheeks, and I can’t help but smile. This man is quite perfect.

  I wave my hand. “No worries. What I crave all depends on my mood. When I’m tired, I need a triple shot of espresso. When I’m going to work, a large coffee with a shot of espresso works. On Sunday’s or when I’m out with friends, I usually get something fun like a latte. You would never look like a fool to me. Can you get me a chocolate croissant with a lavender latte?”

  “Of course. I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay.” I watch Clayton get in line, then I pull out my phone and text Gina.

  Ashley: I’m here.

  Gina: Good! How’s everything going?

  Ashley: He’s getting our order. G, I’m going to be honest with you.

  Gina: Yeah?

  Ashley: He’s perfect. Beyond perfect. I know it’s only been 5 minutes of us meeting and talking, I’m pretty sure I’m in love. I know it’s crazy, but I don’t know how else to explain it. As soon as I saw him, something came alive inside me.

  Gina: Shut up. You just met him.

  Ashley: Trust me, I know! He’s coming back. Talk to you soon!

  I put my phone away as Clayton slides me my coffee and croissant. It’s toasted and still warm. My favorite.

  “What’d you get?”

  “Caramel frappe. I didn’t know what else to get. I’m not a big coffee drinker.”

  “I live on coffee and it has been black. I don’t like all the sugar and cream. When I get a latte, I make sure it’s skinny. I’m sure it’s bad, but I can’t function without it. People who know me know not to talk to me until I’ve had one cup of coffee. If they try to interact with me … well, let’s just say it doesn’t end well for them.”

  Clayton laughs. “Noted.”

  “We didn’t have to come here if you don’t drink coffee.”

  “No worries. I like to try new things, and since you suggested we come here, I wanted to make you happy and thought it would be fun.”

  “That’s really sweet of you.” The butterflies are back. Clayton Turner has to be the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen. He has a shy part to him that’s alluring. There’s no cockiness to him. “Tell me more about yourself.”

  “Let’s see. Well, you know I’m twenty-three, and I didn’t get a chance to tell you this before, but I started working for the Seattle football team as a physical therapist.”

  “Shut up. You help Will Montgomery?” My jaw drops. “Please say yes. I love Seattle. My dad, bless his heart, always wanted a boy. He ended up with three girls, so for some reason, I was the one he handled as a boy. We used to go to all the games.”

  Losing a parent is never easy. I’m not naïve to the fact our parents live forever. I know death is part of life. I wish I said more to him the last time we were together. More than a simple goodbye.

  I lost my way and my faith when he passed away. There were evil people God could’ve taken, but He chose my father. My father who worked hard every day of his life and lived for his family. He was the backbone and loved us with his whole heart.

  Sometimes, I still feel lost without him. When I get good news, I want to call him and tell him what’s going on so I can hear how proud he is of me.

  “Yeah, he’s a great guy. Used to? You don’t go anymore?”

  I clear my throat and play with the napkin, trying to keep my emotions in check. “My dad passed away last year. It’s hard. My family, we’re managing, but he held our family together. He was the glue.” Don’t cry. Don’t cry. “Massive heart attack.”

  Clayton reaches over for my hand and covers it with his. “I am so sorry for your loss.” I’m not sure how it happened, but he’s next to me, and my head’s resting on his shoulder. “Let it out,” he whispers, and I do.

  Chapter 2


  There’s no way she’s this into me.

  I’m a good looking guy and I’m confident in myself, but seeing her is making me question all of my moves and what I know about women. She’s the rare type of beautiful.

  When she walked into the coffee shop, I stopped dead in my tracks. She took my breath away. Something about her pulled me in. I’ve never felt this way before. I’ve been in some relationships here and there, and one time I even thought I was in love, but this instant gravitational pull to her has me needing to know more about her.

  As soon as I saw the tears forming in her eyes when she talked about her dad, I really wanted to hug her. I wanted to take her pain away.

  “I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not, Clayton. I haven’t talked about my dad in a while, and I feel like the wounds are still raw. My mom’s a mess, and my sisters avoid any show of emotion altogether. They work all the time, and my mom tries to keep busy with whatever hobby she can find. Then there’s me.”

  “What about you?”

  She lets out a breath and holds my hand tighter. “I escaped Portland and moved here.”

  “I get it. Okay, let’s change the topic. If there’s anywhere in the world you could go, where would it be?”

  She has a wistful smile, and I’d love to see her smile every day. “Paris. Something about the city makes me feel like I’m in a fairy tale. I went during my senior year of high school. It was a gift from my parents. They worked so hard to pay for that trip. I remember my dad worked overtime for over three months just so I could experience Paris. Eleven days. It was transcendent. I’d go back in an instant. What about you?”

  Growing up, I’ve had the best of life. My parents had my little brother and me, and we experienced life in a different way. My mom was a stay-at-home wife and made sure we were taken care of. My dad was a CFO for one of the top tech companies in the world. He wanted me to work alongside him, but my passion was helping people. I never saw myself working in an office. My brother followed in my father’s footsteps, and I picked something I knew would make me happy.

  “Honestly. Here. This is home to me. I love everything about Seattle.”

  “Wow. That’s surprising.”

  “Why’s that?”

  She shrugs and sips on her latte before answering. “I thought you’d say someplace expensive and nice.”

  “Nope. Seattle’s where I want to be. Let me ask you something. What made you want to become a nurse?”

  Her body’s vibrating with excitement. Light illuminates her beautiful face, and there’s that smile again.

  “I love helping people. Ever since I was little, I always took good care of my dolls and would play nurse with my mom and sisters. I wasn’t the greatest in school, but I worked hard and studied every day.”

  “I’m glad you found something you love to do.” She’s beyond perfect for me. We have the same interests and want to help people. “Do you have anything lined up for a job?”

  She nods with excitement. “My second i
nterview is next week. I don’t want to sound cocky, but I think the job’s mine.”

  “That’s great, Ashley. I’m happy for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  There’s that blush again. I don’t know why, but I love that she gets nervous around me and becomes shy. My cock pulses at the thought of what else makes her blush. Since we’re only talking, I wonder how a night with me would make her feel. I didn’t expect any instant feelings to come from meeting her, but once I set my eyes on her, I knew it was game over. Whenever I see something I want, I work hard to get it. I don’t take no for an answer.

  “I don’t want tonight to end. Do you want to stay here or head out somewhere else?” I want her to keep talking and for our date to not end.

  “Let’s stay here for now and keep talking.”

  “Sure. Whatever you want.”

  Chapter 3


  A few hours later, Clayton’s walking me to my car. The night has gone by in a blur. I don’t want it to end, and I sure hope I know what I’m getting myself into. A nudge inside me keeps poking and telling me it’ll be okay and to take the chance. I’m not very good at taking chances. From the second our eyes met, I’ve been captivated by his smile. His eyes. Everything about him. It’s unsettling how in less than a few hours, someone can mean so much to me. I could easily fall head over heels in love with Clayton Turner. He’s giving me the butterflies again with just one touch.


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