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Fortune's Wheel

Page 62

by Lisanne Norman

  Third meal had finished and while Rhyasha, Taizia, and Carrie sat in the garden enjoying the cool eveningbreeze, Kusac and his father were busy in the study looking up the various Challenge precedentsregarding non-Sholans.

  Kusac froze as the cry for help echoed inside his mind. It was so raw and unfocused that even his fatherhad picked it up.

  "What in all the hells?" Konis exclaimed.

  "It's Vanna," said Kusac, mentally reaching out for her. Knowing the feel of her mind, he was able to lock on to her thoughts only to feel the contact dissolve as she slipped into unconsciousness. "There's something wrong. She needs my help," he said, pushing his chair back and getting up.

  "But Vanna's no telepath," said his father. "How could she possibly send to you?"

  "She certainly is now," said Kusac as he headed for the door.

  "You're not going without me," said Carrie, meeting him in the hallway.

  Kusac stopped, reaching out to touch her gently on the cheek. "Not this time, cub. You stay here," hesaid. "If her Talent has wakened, then your presence will make it harder for her. Remember, she'll knownothing about shielding. It's hard enough for her to have her feelings laid bare without you there to sensethem. I'll be back as soon as I can."

  Carrie nodded slowly. "She's been a good friend to us. I wouldn't hurt her for the world."

  Thank you, he sent, bending to lick her ear. You've noth-ing to fear, cub. I'll give her the help andprivacy she needs, then come back to you as soon as I can .

  Take care, she sent as he held her close, rubbing his face against hers.

  "Meral, get the aircar and meet me at the front of the house," he said, letting her go and turning to the

  waiting Warrior.

  "Do you need any help?" asked Konis.

  "I think not, Father. This is a personal matter."

  As soon as he got into the craft, Kusac took over the con-trols from Meral and within a record fortyminutes was land-ing illegally in the guild grounds opposite the medical facility. During the journey, he'dtried to maintain a light contact with Vanna's mind. He'd felt her return to con-sciousness, but with asudden flare of fear from her, the con-tact had been severed as a psychic inhibitor more powerful thanany he'd come across before cut in.

  He knew exactly where she was, and as he rounded the corner to the aura unit, ahead of him he saw

  Khafsa and a Warrior on guard outside one of the patient treatment rooms.

  "We've been expecting you," said Khafsa as Kusac stopped in front of them.

  "What's going on?" he demanded. "I want to see Vanna." He tried to push them aside, but though Khafsa let himself be moved, the Warrior stood firm, glancing apologetically at Meral where he stood behind Kusac.

  "She's fine, but you can't see her yet. Sorli's with them."

  His reply stopped Kusac in his tracks. "Not Vanna," he said, the shock evident on his face. "At best she'sa latent. You must have made a mistake."

  "Why do you think we've got the room heavily blocked? Working so closely with you two must have catalyzed her latent ability, and believe me, she's not got a minor Talent. It took us several hours to locate who he was paired with be-cause she'd managed to hide herself mentally from us. She's already triggered the gestalt that's worried you so much." He took Kusac by the arm, turning him slightly away from the


  "Look, my office is opposite, why don't you and Meral come and wait with me? There's nothing you can

  do at pres-ent."

  "I'll wait outside, Liegen," said Meral quietly.

  Kusac accompanied Khafsa into his office.

  "Please, take a seat," said Khafsa, indicating the couch as he went over to his desk and picked up a

  thermal jug.

  A familiar smell made Kusac's nostrils twitch. The physi-cian held out a mug toward him.

  "Coffee. I said we were expecting you," said Khafsa with a slight smile before he turned away to pour

  himself a c'shar from the hot plate.

  Cautiously Kusac took a sip. "You've even got it the right strength," he said, the surprise evident in hisvoice as he took a larger mouthful.

  "I should have. Vanna's made me the occasional mug of it when we've been working late in the labs. At this strength it seems to lose most of its intoxicant values." He pulled his chair out and sat opposite Kusac.

  "You said Sorli was with them. What's happened that ne-cessitates his presence?" asked Kusac.

  "She has a human male Leska."

  "That makes four pairs," Kusac said quietly. "We really are looking at the emergence of a new species."

  "I doubt it, Kusac. Even though the Gods give us Leskas to improve our children's talents, it can't be the

  same with you mixed pairs. Our species just isn't that compatible with the humans."

  Kusac said nothing. They'd learn soon enough.

  "Neither of them have taken it well, I'm afraid. We may have trouble with them," Khafsa continued.

  "What sort of trouble?"

  "The Terran is refusing to acknowledge the Link."

  "It's always the humans, isn't it?" said Kusac with a rum-ble of anger. "Why do they always let their

  restrictive sexual code get in the way?"

  "With respect, I heard that was what happened to you." Khafsa's tone was deferential.

  "Then you heard wrong." Kusac's tone was cold. He didn't appreciate the liberty Khafsa had taken. "I no

  longer have a human Leska, you should know that from the aura readings that you took."

  "I think you're splitting hairs, Kusac. Anyway, this time it was Vanna who first refused the Link and we had no in-tention of losing her or her Leska. Master Esken ordered that we were to make sure their Link was completed in the hope that after their initial pairing, there would be no further dif-ficulties."

  In one fluid movement, Kusac had leaped to his feet and taken the older male by the throat. Khafsa'shands came up to clutch at Kusac's forearms, bracing himself to take the pressure off his neck.

  "Just what have you done to her?" Kusac's voice was a menacing growl as he dispassionately watched

  the physi-cian's eyes dilate with fear.

  "In Vartra's name, Kusac, let me go!" gasped Khafsa, his voice strangled as he fought for breath.

  "Tell me what you did to her!"

  "We drugged them." Khafsa's ears were laid flat and his breath was coming in gasps. "We can't afford to lose her, Kusac, you should understand that!" He clutched at Kusac's hands as he dangled helplessly in midair.

  "You took their right to choose away from them! You used them, Khafsa! You let them both be raped! What right do you have to do that?" he demanded, shaking the physi-cian angrily. "We're people, dammit, not animals to be ex-perimented on!" With a final growl of anger, he opened his hand and dropped the other male, turning his back on him in disgust.

  At the door he paused. "You can all thank Vartra you're telepaths, Khafsa," he said, showing his teeth ina snarl, "be-cause if you weren't, I'd kill you for this."

  In the corridor, Meral was waiting for him, his energy pis-tol already drawn.

  "We're going in," said Kusac, striding over to the door opposite. "Stand aside," he ordered the Warrior.

  The guard hesitated, weighing his orders against the fury evident in the set of the Liegen's ears.

  Reluctantly he stepped aside. Kusac slammed the door open, taking the scene in with a single glance.

  Ignoring Sorli, who was bending over the human lying on the bed, he turned to where Vanna sat huddledprotectively against the wall. Now inside the damped zone, he was able to tell instantly that she was stillheavily under the influence of the drugs.

  "Vanna," he said, squatting down beside her and laying a gentle hand on her arm. "I'm here. It's over


  Slowly her head raised and she looked up at him. Her eyes were half covered by the nictitating lids and itwas with an obvious effort that she focused them on him.

  Through the hand that touched her, he could
feel none of the highly charged sensuality nor the compulsionthat ac-companied his Link time. Vanna's drug-induced pairing had at least satisfied the needs of her Linkthis time.

  "Vanna, it's over now," he said quietly. "In a few minutes I'm going to take you somewhere safe. Do you


  She nodded slowly.

  Kusac turned to look at Sorli. "This isn't the end of it, Sorli. My father shall hear of this." His ears werestill flat with anger, and on the ground, his tail flicked rhythmically.

  "I was against this from the start, Kusac," said Sorli, mov-ing away from the bed where the unconscious Terran lay. "I persuaded them to only use a hypnotic to make them more susceptible to their Link, nothing more."

  "You were all so terrified that Carrie or I would corrupt the guild's principles," said Kusac, his voice a

  low snarl. "It seems to me that you're the ones who've corrupted our way of life. If this is how the

  Telepath Guild behaves toward mixed Leskas, then I for one have no further wish to belong to it! What'swrong with the Terran?"

  "He was given a dose sufficient for a Sholan, but it was too high for him. His breathing has become too

  shallow. He needs the antidote to prevent his autonomic reflexes being affected any further."

  The Tutor shook his head worriedly. "I told Khafsa we didn't know enough to do this. The only one whodoes is Vanna, but obviously they weren't about to ask her. This was ill-considered from the start."

  "Meral, get Khafsa and enough of the antidote for both of them," ordered Kusac, turning back to Vanna.

  "She needs to be in shielded quarters, Kusac," said Sorli. "We had to use the maximum damper because

  of her. She triggered the gestalt when she called for you."

  "So it begins again," Kusac sighed. "She's coming back to the estate with me," he said abruptly. "We'll

  see to her there."

  Meral returned with Khafsa who warily squeezed past Kusac to get to Vanna. After giving her theantidote, he went over to the Terran.

  "I'm taking him, too," said Kusac, watching the physi-cian. "Get him ready to travel."

  "He needs to be kept under observation tonight, Kusac," said Khafsa, his voice coming hoarsely from his bruised throat. "If you take him to the estate and he has problems with his breathing, we may not get there in time to treat him."

  Kusac glanced at Sorli who confirmed Khafsa's words with a nod.

  "Then keep him here, but I expect to be kept informed of his progress," Kusac snapped angrily.

  "Remember, Vanna's life depends on his survival."

  "We're not likely to forget that, Kusac," said Sorli.

  Kusac turned back to Vanna, sensing that she was now be-ginning to throw off the effects of the drug. Her inner eye-lids were receding as her mind began to come back into focus. He helped her to her feet,supporting her as she swayed unsteadily.

  Now that she was standing, her distressed condition was more evident. Her fur had become dull andlackluster and every line of her body was slumped in defeat. Kusac reached for the spare blanket on theend of the bed. Unfolding it, he wrapped it around her. It hurt him to see her indomitable spirit so badlydamaged.

  "Get her clothes, Meral," he said, swinging her up into his arms.

  Despite the blanket, the fresh air made Vanna shiver. "I can walk, Kusac," she said, her voice slurred bythe remains of the drug.

  "I know you can."

  "Please. Walking will speed up my circulation and help the antidote rid my system of the hypnotic."

  Kusac stopped and lowered her to the ground.

  "I think I'd be better going to my own home," she said, refusing to look at him.

  "You can't go there, Vanna. You need to be in shielded quarters until you've learned to protect your mind

  from oth-ers. My home is shielded and we can teach you everything you need to know."

  "Please, I don't want to talk about it," she said, closing her eyes.

  "You don't need to, I'm afraid. I can feel it from you," he said gently.

  Her eyes flew open, wide with fear. Kusac wrapped his arms round her, pulling her close and rubbing hisface against hers. "Hush. You've nothing to fear. We've both known how you feel for a long time. Carrieunderstands. It's not a problem for either of us. Even now Carrie and my mother are getting a roomready for you."

  Tears began to spill out of her eyes. "Why this, Kusac? My life is complicated enough without Brynne."

  He continued to hold her close, stroking her head gently as he felt her continue to shiver. "I don't knowwhy, Vanna. We're no nearer an answer either. All any of us can do is look on it as following anunknown and exciting scent."

  "He's a stranger, Kusac! I don't know him at all, yet I know everything about him from the moment he

  was born! He doesn't want me as a Leska. We'll never have what you and Carrie share."

  "What we have grew between us before the Link, Vanna," he said quietly as he broke the gentle rapport with her. "Not all Leskas are lovers, some are merely working partners, you know that. At least he's attracted to you and not prejudiced because you're Sholan."

  "It's not him I want, Kusac," she said, her voice muffled against his tunic.

  "I know, and I'm sorry, Vanna. There's nothing I can do, you know that," he said, letting her go to lead her over to the waiting aircar. He purposely closed his mind, not wanting to sense these emotions and feelings she would normally have kept to herself.

  "Will you let me shield your thoughts for now so you can have mental privacy again? Tomorrow I can

  teach you how to do it for yourself."

  Having left Vanna with Carrie and Taizia in the main bathing area, Kusac headed for his father's study,finding both his parents there.

  Kaid had left Meral and T'Chebbi guarding the three fe-males and followed Kusac. Unremarked, heslipped into the study behind Kusac and concealed himself in one of the darker corners of the room.

  "Well?" said Kusac, crossing over to where his parents sat. "You heard?"

  "I've just spoken to Esken," said his father. "He said he'd told them to only use drugs as a last resort and

  claimed Khafsa and Sorli had liberally interpreted his orders."

  "He would," said Kusac, his tone derisive. "They'll cover for each other because guild interests come first.

  No one wants to admit responsibility. This can't be allowed to hap-pen again, Father."

  "Both of them are complete novices, Kusac. Until today, Vanna didn't even show any strong telepathic abilities. They were only trying to prevent another pair of deaths like Raill's and Lynn's. At least Vanna and Brynne will live long enough to learn what their telepathic Link entails and make a second, informed choice of their own."

  "Are you condoning it? What would you have done if you had discovered that Carrie and I had been

  drugged by the Mentor on board the Khalossa?" he demanded.

  "She'd have lived to regret it," Rhyasha said, her tone a deep growl of menace. "Kusac's right. This must never be allowed to happen again, Konis. Sholan Leskas have never had the right to choose taken from them before. The guild has overstepped itself. This is a matter for Alien Relations."

  Konis moved uncomfortably on his chair, the flicking of his tail tip betraying his mood. "Sholans knowwhat's in-volved: there's never been an incident of a Sholan refusing a Link within living memory. Theguild has naturally as-sumed responsibility for the mixed pairs and made their plans accordingly."

  "Considering there are aliens involved, the matter must include us," said Rhyasha. "We need to intensify our Terran orientation program to deal with the matter of our differing sexual customs once and for all."

  "How?" Kusac demanded. "This time, as far as I can gather, it was Vanna who refused to have anything to do with the Terran. Each case needs to be dealt with individu-ally, not seen automatically as a Terran problem. Even I've been guilty of that. The guild can't be allowed to misuse its power like this. What will happen to our cub? Will the guild
demand that we raise her there, or worse, demand that she be raised by a team of their specialists so they can study her?"

  "Our granddaughter will be raised on the estate." Now Konis' voice was a growl. "The guild wouldn't

  dare inter-fere in that."

  "How can you be so sure?" countered Kusac. "They've dared to drug Vanna and her Leska, something that up until now would have been unthinkable. I've no wish to belong to the guild if it can rule people's lives like that! The Terrans don't belong in the Telepath Guild anyway, and neither do I now. I was within a heartbeat of killing Khafsa for what he'd done to Vanna."

  Stunned silence greeted his statement. "I think you're overreacting," said his father. "You'd never killanyone, it's not in your nature."

  "I've killed several times already on Keiss, Father. I'll do it again to protect Carrie and our child, or our

  friends." His voice was as hard as ice.

  Kaid knew the tone, and could almost feel the threat be-hind the words. He nodded to himself. Eventswere moving as he'd predicted. He ought to get in touch with his own guild. His sub-guild, he correctedhimself. They didn't merit full guild status in the eyes of the guild council. Now he had to decide what todo. His responsibility was clear—inform Ghezu—and let the Brotherhood use them instead of the Telepath Guild. He heard Kusac's next words with a shock of premonition.

  "If I have to, I'll declare our cub En'Shalla," Kusac con-tinued. "Outside the guilds, a child of the Gods."

  "No!" exclaimed his mother. "That's too drastic, Kusac!"

  "And too late," added his father. "The rules governing En'Shalla are specific and rigid. Your daughter wasn't con-ceived in accordance with the old customs, so she's not en-titled to the protection of the Gods. At the moment we have more pressing worries than the guild, namely this Challenge. It may even be that the guild can find a way to stop the fight. If you alienate yourself any further from them, they may be unwilling to intercede for you."

  "Esken wouldn't be so stupid," said Rhyasha. "It's in his interests to see our granddaughter brought safely

  into this world."

  "Is it?" asked Kusac. "I've told you, the guild sees us as a danger to the Sholan power structure, a new


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