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12 Months of Temptation: MFM Menage Romance

Page 3

by Bailey James

  “I didn’t realise you needed a list, you only ever see and fuck a man once,” I say.

  “I know, but you never know, this might help me get a better fuck. Always look out for a 7 inch or bigger, I’m going to remember that one.”

  I tread carefully. I knew we were in dodgy territory, and Sophia is still hurting, which is why she would only fuck a man once. She’d got left at the altar on her wedding day. The groom whose name we never mention, never showed up. It turns out he got cold feet, stripped their joint savings account and legged it to Majorca on their honeymoon alone. She never heard from him again. Which is a good thing because if I ever got my hands on him, he'd be dead.

  What makes it worse is her parents are blaming her. Even though they were the ones that insisted on a big wedding. They now expect her to pay for it all, and Sophia now has a massive debt paying off all the bills, including the honeymoon he went on. I only wish I have some cash to help her out, it angers me and frustrates me. I have to remember the anniversary of that day, and get her out to keep her busy.

  “Okay, I’ll send the list to you.”

  “Good, I’m just glad to hear you're putting yourself out there again, Becks.”

  “I’m not, I told you it’s in case I run into temptation, and then I can quickly get out of there as they won’t meet my standards, it’s a safeguard.”

  “Makes sense, I need a safeguard,” she says quietly.

  “Hey, you have a safeguard in place already, you only fuck them once.”

  She chirps up, “You’re right, I do. Haven’t thought of that. I guess neither of us wants to get hurt again, hey, Becks. Right, I’m at work I’ll speak to you soon.”

  Landen Johnson


  I tug at my collar as I’m driving my truck. These uniforms weren’t the most comfortable. No more uncomfortable than a suit, I thought. I blow out a breath as my mind wanders over the past.

  I admit, I’m feeling down. It has been four months since we ended things with Carrie. Since Logan and I lost everything. Admittingly we have done well from selling to Carrie’s father behind her back, but we have still lost our business and all the hard work we had put in. Maybe it wasn’t the right thing to do. Perhaps we should have kept in there. The idea of seeing Carrie every single day, however, I don’t think I would have been able to handle it. Without killing her and hiding the body, that is. I chuckle to myself at that thought.

  We sold up and started fresh. But we knew that the next eight months were going to be a hard slog until we got what we wanted, and there has never been any certainty that any of this was going to pay off. To say it’s easy is an understatement. This life is very different, but I don’t think I hate it. It’s just different to what we were used to. We have swapped one life for another practically over-night, and all our hard work we have managed over the years has gone. Now we're regular workers, working as truckers. It’s tiring work, but I’m enjoying it more than I thought I would. We have quickly become friends with the boys in the yard, too. Ed has a good team working for him, there is good camaraderie amongst the men.

  I call Logan on the hands-free. It’s his day off, but I’m not going to let the fucker sleep in, no way. Especially, not after last night.

  “Get up, you lazy fucker,” I say to him as soon as the phone picks up.

  He huffs at me gruffly. “Landen, let me sleep.”

  “Oh no, I want details, boobs size, hair colour, spill it.”

  “Well, you were invited, not my fault you’re a frigid little bitch lately. You really need to be getting some pussy, mate.”

  “Spill,” I say irritated, ignoring his comments.

  “You didn’t miss much, Landen. To be honest, perhaps I shouldn’t have gone there.”

  I laugh. “That bad?”


  “Did you follow the rules, Logan.”

  “Always… She rang too, while I was in the middle of fucking pussy.”

  He’s talking about Carrie. “Bitch, we need to switch mobiles again, least that gives us a few months, at least until she manages to get the new number.”

  “Do you think if she suddenly disappeared anyone would notice?” he asks.

  Fuck we are so alike. I laugh. “Yeah, her father!”

  “Yeah, good point. How’s work?”

  “Same old. The truck is making funny noises,” I say suddenly noticing.

  “They seriously need some new trucks,” says Logan.

  “They need a lot of new things, Logan. Shit, look I’ve got to go, trucks about to break down on me.”

  “Okay, see you later. Oh, the painter has finished the upstairs spare room. Are we redecorating the living room?”

  “No, I like it,” I say defensively.

  “Yeah, me too,” he says. “We’ll talk later.”

  I plan on rolling the truck into the nearby services, with luck there is one close because the truck has just started steaming from the bonnet. I’m not going any further in this thing. Pile of old junk.

  I try to fix it, but it’s no good. Great, just what I need, to spend the day with another truck driver. Driving alone I could handle, driving with somebody else, I didn’t enjoy so much. I know it won’t be someone I know well because Logan is off, and Cooper and Hunter were on long haul.

  I ring Ed to let him know, then head into the truck services to grab a huge breakfast and wait. At least I get to feed myself, I thought. I thought about Logan and the woman from last night. I hadn’t been interested, I went home, he went to hers. I usually liked to share with Logan, I normally like a one-night stand. Well, before Carrie, anyhow. But I’m just not interested lately. I don’t know if it’s Carrie still fucking with my head or what. My hand just seemed a better option. Logan didn’t seem to be having the same problem, he’s into fucking anything with a hole. I guess he is still getting over Carrie too, just handling it differently. I know he wants to get back to how we were before Carrie and our fucked-up relationship. I know he would have loved to share that woman last night and to have had a three-way. But, I just feel it’s time to start realising it’s not normal to want that. I’m annoyed at myself. Carrie has sucked all the fun out of me, and I feel older than my years, which put me in a bad mood with myself for allowing that to happen.

  Becks Winter

  I'm driving and looking out for the services with the broken-down truck, I’m feeling nervous. I haven't communicated with any of my colleagues yet. I hope he isn't a typical sexist arsehole trucker. However, maybe I'm stereotyping truck drivers just as much as they stereotype me when they see a woman. Be open-minded, I tell myself.

  I pull in and see the company’s truck. I park my truck and jump out grabbing the truck part. There is no one about, but I see the bonnet is already open, so I look inside.

  I’m not an expert, I knew a few basic things to check, but I could immediately see it’s over-heating. I couldn't quite understand how the spare part is going to help, but…

  "Well, well, well," says a deep husky voice behind me. I turn, and the low winter sun blinds me. I see a tall man, with light brown hair approach me, the sun is right in my eyes, so I couldn't see him.

  "Hi, you overheated, they sent me with this, but I can’t see how that will help?” I say holding up the box for him. He takes it, and I turn back round to consider the truck again.

  He sighs. "No, this is pointless. But, more importantly, who are you?" he says with a mischievous sound in his voice.

  "Erm, I'm Becks, just passing through, have been told to come and help."

  "Pleasure to meet you, Becks.” I turn and smile at him holding my hand up to stop the sun blinding me, but still couldn’t see him.

  "When they said they'd send someone to help, I was expecting a shit built truck driver, but you…” He looks me up and down. “You are a pleasant surprise. I don't think I've seen you around."

  "Probably not, I've only been working here four months."

  "What," he says in surprise, "4 months? You
mean a female driver has been working here for four months, and not one of them randy, dirty truck drivers have ever mentioned it. I can't believe that. Where have you been hiding?"

  I shrug, apparently not that noticeable. "What's your name?" I say turning to look at him

  "Landen," He comes around out of the sun to stand by the bonnet and looks in. I look up at him, holy shit, I think. Now I can see him clearly, I just realised how utterly gorgeous he is. Light hair sweeps over his forehead, his eyes look dark, but I only get a quick glance as he looks in the bonnet. I can’t help myself, I scan him as he’s not looking. The muscles in his arm catch my attention as he fiddles with something in the truck. Shit, what I would do to lick those arms. Fucking weirdo, I think as I catch myself licking my lips.

  “I can't do anything with this, looks like I'm coming with you," Landen says smiling.

  His smile pulls my eyes to his lips, and I feel my insides turn to jelly as he looks at me. Eye candy, this man is sweet, delicious eye candy. My mouth is still slightly open, and I shake myself out of it. Oh, bugger, I forgot that part. How am I going to concentrate with this beautiful creature sitting next to me? It’s going to be a very long day.

  I force a smile. He runs his fingers through his hair and smiles the most gorgeous smile back. Oh fuck, I turn quickly and walk back to the truck taking deep breaths. Oh my, sex god in my truck, I'm going to be having sex dreams for months about this one.

  "Come on then,” I call trying to calm my breathing.

  "Want me to drive?" he asks walking fast after me.

  "No!" I say slightly abruptly. I couldn't help it, why did men always want to drive?

  I head off onto the road and decide if I don’t talk to him, or look at him then it would be for the best.


  A two-hour drive up the road for the delivery, and I discover that Landen’s a talker, he is so easy to talk to. Apart from the whole sex god look going on. Focusing on driving and not looking at him, I manage to relax and enjoy his company. I have discovered lots about him already, and he is easy going. He talks about his family, his brother, his job. I found myself telling him stuff about myself that I wouldn't usually have said to a complete stranger. I didn't want to admit it to myself, but I have quickly found a connection with him in such a short amount of time. I like his voice too, so I kept encouraging him to chat.

  “So, are you married, girlfriend, children?” I ask.

  "No, I just came out of a hellish relationship. Well, it’s been four months, but I’m still recovering.” He smiles, but I can almost see the pain in his eyes. I quickly look back at the road. “I live with my brother over by Caramel Meadow,” he says.

  I nod knowing the place. Nice village out of the city.

  “So, is your brother single too?”

  “Yes, and just out of a relationship, so we are living the bachelor life again. How about you?”

  I laugh. "Single, and I think I've just about accepted I'm going to be a crazy cat lady."

  He laughs. "A what, a cat lady?"

  "Yes, you know, single old woman living on her own with cats. Trouble is, my cat just died, so I’m even failing at that. But anyway, I have sworn off all men unless… well, never mind.” I feel I’m saying far too much, this man is far too easy to talk to.

  "No, go on, unless what?" questioned Landen.

  "Nothing, it's silly," I say waving him off hoping we would switch subjects. Luckily, we arrive at our drop off point.

  We drop my delivery off and are driving back to Landen’s truck to collect his delivery.

  Landen is telling me about his relationship failures and the disasters he has experienced with women, it is making me laugh.

  "You're making me feel so much better about my failures, thank you.” I laugh.

  "So, come on, what about yours?”

  “Well, let's just say." I wiggle my little finger at him.

  He choked on the bottle of water he’s drinking. "Oh, dear that bad?"

  I nod. “Lazy and selfish, too, and my last ex cheated on me. I found him getting a blowjob by the local hooker," I say shaking my head.

  “Arsehole,” says Landen in support, which I appreciated.

  "I should have dumped him. Thinking about it, I wasn’t too heartbroken when it happened. The sex was never great with the amount of satisfaction I got from that little thing. They say it’s not the size, it’s what you do with it, but I’m not so sure… Or maybe I just have a rather loose pussy?” I say as an afterthought again sending my thoughts into a downward spiral of self-loathing. “So, no more men, no more temptation, unless they meet minimum standards, have at least seven inches and know what to do with it." I laugh, then turn to him shocked. “Shit, sorry, I forgot who I was talking to, my mouth is working without my filter.”

  He’s looking at me laughing and shaking his head. "No, you carry on, I want to know more about it."

  My thoughts immediately turn to his package and if he has a small cock. "Well, I'm raising my minimum standards, so I don’t fall for arseholes, a safeguard against temptation. I’ve made a mental list."

  “Good for you, so what is on this list?" he asks.

  "I don't think I should tell you this.” Shit, why am I talking to this gorgeous creature about my failed relationship and shit sex. Why am I embarrassing myself with what a failure I am? Did I need to point it out to him? You’re an idiot Becks, an utter idiot.

  "Go on, I want to know now!" He pouts, I glance over at him, and my insides melt, I shake my head. “Come on, we’re friends now, you can tell me anything,” he says. I look over at him again, why did he have to be so lovely and hot, fucking hot like sex on fucking legs?

  Reluctantly I begin to tell him knowing this is a bad idea. "It is an impossible wish list, so I’m doomed to be a cat lady forever. I wouldn’t worry about it. I only made it a few hours ago,” I say trying to downplay it.

  “Beck’s, what’s on the list?” he says.

  "Well. Mmmh.” Feeling embarrassed I really should shut up. Start with the nice qualities before the superficial, I think to myself. I begin to make them up, so I don’t look so superficial. “Erm, honest, open-minded, adventurous, mmh, can make me laugh and has at least a 7-inch cock,” I whisper feeling embarrassed.”

  “Ahh. Now we’re getting to the true list, tell me more?” he asks smiling.

  “Ripped abs, tattoo, and knows how to fuck good and hard, and if we are going for ultimate temptation, then I'll be really greedy and have two of them.” I giggle. “See, cat woman forever. Only one flaw with that, I haven’t got a cat!”

  He laughs loudly. I look over at him laughing, I look him up and down smiling. Shit, this man could actually tick that list. I bet he's got a small cock or doesn't know what to do with it. He must have some flaws, surely. He is damn sexy, mind, especially with that laugh. I clench my legs together thinking about what I would like to do to him. My knickers are soaked just sitting next to him. How am I going to survive today feeling so wet? Images flash across my mind, and I can hear he is talking, but I’m completely not listening. My lust has taken over, four months with no sex has taken its toll more than I realise. If he even said my name in a sexy way, I think I would cum. I laugh to myself.

  "Becks, Becks!" Landen is calling my name. Shit I think I just missed a big chunk of the conversation.


  "Where did you go?"

  I grin at him and laugh. "Best not say." I flush red. There is silence for a while after that, both in our own thoughts. I resist the urge to keep looking at him and concentrate on the road. I then decide I should switch the focus to him.

  "So, what’s on your wish list for the woman of your dreams. Or are you a predictable man? Skinny, fake big tits?" I say in a ruff voice.

  He laughs. "Says the woman who’s demanding 7 inches.” He looks at me with his eyebrows raised.

  I laugh. “Fair play.”

  “Okay, mmh.” He looks like he is seriously thinking about this question. “Brea
sts, yep,” he says smiling, making me laugh. “Fun, honest, works hard, long hair, not too clingy, independent, open-minded, likes sex, blow jobs and swallowing."

  “Ahh, I think the last ones were your true list,” I say. “Have you known women that don't like sex, blow jobs and don’t swallow?" I continue surprised.

  He nods.

  "Oooh!" I say not knowing what to say to that. What women in their right mind would not want to fuck or give a blowjob to this hunk of a man. “So, do you and your brother go for the same type or are you complete opposites?" I ask.

  "Oh, normally the same type, we have had many a fight over a woman. But I'm oldest, so I get first dibs."

  “Really, could you not just share them together," I joke.

  He looks shocked at my statement an emotion crosses his face that I can't quite read, and he gulps then looks worried. So, I change the subject.

  Maybe Landen the sex god is tame in bed, I wonder. The idea of a threesome obviously shocks or embarrasses him, I couldn’t quite tell. There we go, a flaw, halleluiah the man is human after all.

  "I had this one ex a good few years ago now, after the first date he asked me to marry him every day, for a month. He couldn't understand why I kept saying no, he was so clingy and needy," I say.

  "So, what happened," asks Landen.

  "I broke up with him, I couldn’t handle the nagging. Then he stalked me for another month until I threaten to punch his head in one night," I say laughing. “He is another one with a little cock and no clue how to make a woman cum. I mean, where do I keep finding them? Where are all the big cocked men? I don't think they exist, you know, other than in porn. Maybe they're right, maybe porn does give you unrealistic ideas of how big men’s cocks are? It's why I keep my head down and avoid men, they’re just a constant disappointment. I mean, I can get over a small cock, but when they have nothing else going for them either.” I laugh and look at him. "Shit, sorry filter again."

  He shakes his head laughing.


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