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12 Months of Temptation: MFM Menage Romance

Page 16

by Bailey James

  Shit, I suck at lying. “No, just for lunch. I can meet you after, say 2,” I say to Landen.

  “I thought she had a clothing shop outside the city,” says Logan snuggled into my back.

  Shit, have I told them this? “Yes, she does. She has a meeting in town and is going to grab lunch with me.”

  The twins seem to drift off to sleep. Yet now, I’m wide awake and freaking out. I take deep breaths and try to remain calm. Did I get away with it? Do they believe me? I hope they don’t follow me or anything. Why am I so bad at lying? I lay awake for a further hour worrying and fretting until sleep pulls me in.

  It’s my 6th month lawyer’s appointment. I have to be there at 12pm. I can’t miss it, or I lose my house and any money I’m going to get on my 30th, however much that may be. I haven’t thought much about my parents’ tasks in the last 6 months. I have sort of let it drift to the back of my mind, and this appointment is suddenly making me worried and anxious. I’m nervous because I must lie about where I’m heading. Shit, I hate this. I’m just constantly worried that someone would see me enter the lawyer’s office, or I won’t make it and then lose everything. I take a deep breath and manage to have sex, breakfast and go without too much of an issue. I worry that Landen will ask me if he can come to, but luckily that hasn't happened.

  I sit in the waiting room of the lawyer’s office and take a deep breath. I’m here now, at least that part is out of the way.

  I fill Mr Simmons in on having completed becoming a trucker and so have learnt new skills. I’d also ticked many things off my bucket list, but most of them are pure filth, so I don’t tell him that. I also have been invited to a family wedding of Aunt Sally, her 6th one in the bag. But it’s on the same day as my 2-month appointment, and I need to let Mr Simmons know.

  “Miss Winter,” says Mr Simmons, my lawyer, “I heard about the wedding, and I will get back to you while I consider the options.”

  “Okay,” I say, the meeting is short and sweet, which is how I like it. After signing some forms, I quickly bound out of the building hoping no one I know sees me, and into the shopping mall for some light shopping. I phone Sophia and have a quick catch up with her, so I didn’t feel like I’m lying about meeting up with her completely. I browse the shops, and my thoughts turn to the twins. I wonder if I’d be made to go to this wedding, should I take the twins. I really don’t think I could live without them now. Life, for once, felt good and the cat lady I had destined to be, seemed a long time ago. Even the list to avoid temptation seemed utterly pointless, especially now that I’ve got double helpings of everything, I certainly failed on that one. Or achieved ticking every box. I wonder if my parents would think my dirty bucket list is an achievement? Yeah, probably not.

  I really can’t see why more people didn’t do it. I even recommended it to Sophia, but she isn’t convinced a threesome more than once is for her. I do understand, I really don’t know how I do it either. It’s just easy with the twins, like it’s meant to be. Life is good. Carrie has not caused any more problems. The twins have told me she texts them and rings sometimes, but they ignore her, and she seems to have gone away. Maybe she’s set her sights on someone else, a new crush I hope. I wonder why on earth she’d got hooked on the twins. I guess the nice house made them look loaded, when in fact they were on truckers’ wages. I guess a bit like myself, I have a mortgage free house and a nice sports car. From first appearances, I probably look loaded myself. It’s not until you look underneath you realise I’m skint. But Tally said she’d tried to pinch money from them. She must have been disappointed when she realised they didn’t have much. I think she just wants them back because she couldn’t have them. Isn’t it always the way, wanting something that you can’t have, makes you want it more.

  I get a phone call from Mr Simmons half an hour before meeting Landen, which puts me on edge and extra jumpy. But it’s a short call. He has decided that as my mum hated her sister and it’s her sixth wedding, that the 2-month meeting is more important. I’m surprised considering these meetings only last ten minutes. But I’m grateful that I don’t need to book time off work and pay for flights, etc. It’s another relief lifted off me. My thoughts turn to holidays, and I promise myself whatever happens I will book myself a holiday as soon as this is all over. I normally love holidays, but I haven’t been on one this year due to buying my car. Also, Sophia has been skint trying to pay back her wedding debts. I’ve also been so tied up with Landen and Logan that I’d not considered it.

  Arms wrap around me, and I turn to see Landen. “What were you thinking about, baby?”

  “Holidays!” I say, trying to lie as little as possible.

  “Oh yeah, fancy going on one, do you?” says Landen smiling. He looks extra hot today, he’s dressed casually but always manages to look gorgeous. How have I managed to get so fucking lucky, I wonder admiring him.

  “Nah, maybe next year somewhere hot and sunny.” Shit I didn’t want to encourage a holiday, I feel much safer staying here until after my 30th anyhow.

  He nods and smiles, we walk hand in hand through the mall. This feels weird being out in public with Landen, like we were boyfriend and girlfriend. But as much as I enjoy the normality of it all. I’m missing a vital piece, a vital part of my heart. It doesn’t feel right without Logan too. Listen to me sounding like a sappy love-sick teenager.


  I wake up excited as today I’m taking the twins to a track day with my car. Thanks to my parents’ wishes for me to complete things off my bucket list and paying for it.

  “You ready for me to whip your arse. in my baby today,” I say smugly sipping tea.

  “If you don’t, you’re going to let me whip your arse, literally.” Logan laughs.

  “It’s on, but that’s so not happening, I’m going to win by miles,” I say.

  “Be careful what you wish for, baby,” Landen says eyebrows raised.

  “I don’t need to be careful, I’m so winning this. Come on, I’m driving, obviously.” I get up grabbing my keys.

  I notice Logan steams past me suddenly. I wonder what he is doing until I get outside and realise he’s bagged the front seat. Landen follows behind grumbling, which makes me chuckle.

  After safety checks and test laps with personal instructors are out of the way. It is time for the quickest lap. I rub my hands together. “Race is on.” I am looking forward to this.

  I haven’t told the twins, but the personal tutor who helped me learn the track before we raced, said I was a natural, fast, and I was beaming from ear to ear by the time I had to do it alone. This bet is so won.

  Afterwards though, I wish I hadn’t brought the twins with me.

  “Don’t sulk, Becks, all was fair,” Landen says kissing my forehead.

  “It wasn’t fair, the idea of me bringing you two was for you to let me win,” I say grumpily.

  “Baby, you weren’t far behind, it was mere seconds between the lot of us, you should be proud of yourself. The instructors were all very impressed,” Landen says.

  “Not the point,” I grumble under my breath, as we walk back to the car after our debriefing and certificates. The twins suddenly took off running and trying to push each other over like a couple of ten year olds, which makes me laugh and pulls me out of my mood a little. Landen has Logan in a head lock until Logan takes his legs out and jumps in the front seat. Least they don’t fight me about who was driving, that’s an argument they won’t win.

  “Come on, let’s go home and will make it up to you with multiple orgasms where you get to cum first,” says Landen.

  “Deal,” I say cheering up.

  “Let’s not forget the bet either,” says Logan.

  “Bet? What bet was that? I don’t have any recollection of a bet being made?” Shit, I had hoped he would have forgotten about that. I really don’t want to be whipped.

  “It’s okay, Becks, I’ll let you off….”

  Thank fuck for that.

  “For tonight anyway, I have to
go source whips first,” Logan grins from ear to ear thinking he’s hilarious.

  Becks Winter


  It’s a normal Saturday, I’m stood watching rugby on the sidelines, as it has become routine, and I’m talking to Tally. Logan suddenly gets pulled off the pitch as his leg’s hurting him and gets substituted.

  The first aiders, treat his leg as best they can.

  “It’s okay, I just need to rest it,” he says waving them off.

  He’s sitting on the wooden bench that me and Tally regularly sit on. I sit next to him, and he puts his arm around me. I cuddle up to him and watch the match for a bit.

  “I like this,” he says.

  I turn to look at him.

  “I like spending some one on one time with you. Maybe we should do that more often,” he says not looking at me but looking out to the rugby. He suddenly runs his finger through my hair and tucks it behind my ear.

  “Are you happy, Becks?” he says after a while.

  “Yes, of course, why?”

  “I sometimes wonder if I muscled in on you and Landen. I sometimes wonder if you wish I had left you and Landen to it. If I should find someone else.”

  I shake my head. “No, why? Are you not happy?” Shit, I want to tell him that I love him, but I daren’t, and I really need to hang on until September. “I have never thought that Logan, I want you as much as Landen. I might have got to know Landen first, but that’s all it was. I want both of you equally,” I say watching him feeling concerned, I don’t know where this is coming from.

  He smiles. “I’m extremely happy, and you know how me and Landen feel about you, don’t you? We just have a real problem saying it and showing you because of our past, we are finding it really hard to trust again.”

  “Do you trust me?” I say.

  “Yes, but we have moments of paranoia, but that’s our issue. You have never done anything to make us doubt you.”

  “I’m not Carrie, you’re just going to have to keep reminding yourselves of that,” I say looking into his eyes.

  “You’re right and we do daily, the fact you’re here says a lot,” says Logan leaning in to kiss me.

  The whistle goes, and everyone heads into the changing room. Their team has won, and everyone is in good spirits. Logan remains cuddled up with me.

  “I don’t really want to move, Becks, I’m too comfortable here,” Logan says squeezing me. Then begins rubbing circles on my arm. We sit contently watching everyone enter the changing rooms and the girls walk off to the pub.

  “The usual?” says Tally walking past, I nod in thanks. Once everyone has left, and we're sat in the empty field. Logan wraps his hand in my hair, pulls my head back and kisses me hard. I’m panting and out of breath. He leans his forehead to mine. “Becks, I lo-”

  “Logan in here now,” shouts the coach from outside the changing room.

  Logan sighs, waves at the coach and stands up. “I'll see you in the pub, Becks,” says Logan limping off to the coach.

  I get up and head to the pub. I admit I’m practically skipping. I’m sure he was about to say he loves me, and my heart is bursting walking down the country road alone towards the pub. I have a massive grin on my face about what just nearly happened, and right now I couldn’t give a flying fuck about anything, including my parents. It must be true what they say that love is a drug and fuck me if I’m not addicted to it and them.

  I’m about to reach the pub, and I suddenly feel an arm grab me from behind. My immediate thought is Logan or Landen, so I don’t react. I’m expecting a big warm hug or a kiss. Instead, I get a punch in the head and thrown in the brambles at the side of the road. I fall funny, and it takes the breath out of me. I’m so in shock that I can’t work out what’s going on. I spin round to see Carrie. Carrie, fucking great, here we go again. I'm covered in mud and struggling to breathe through winding myself.

  I go to get up but Carrie's standing over me and pushes me down again into the brambles, I can feel them tearing at my skin. I only have a dress on, and it’s cutting right through it. I feel weak.

  "Just sit down and shut up, will you, fucking bitch? Not so mouthy now that you’re on your own, are you?" Carrie bends down and grabs me by the throat, choking me.

  “You don’t seem to take a hint. I need you to get out of my life, Becky or whatever your name is. I appreciate you keeping them warm for me, but now it’s time for you to fuck off.”

  I laugh. Her face goes redder, and she squeezes my throat tighter. Bad move.

  “You have ruined my life. They’re my friends in that pub, they are my men, until you came along they were pining for me. It's my money, my house, you can't just waltz in and take everything from me. Now that I'm pregnant with Logan’s baby, I will have him back.”

  I look at her in shock, and Carrie grins.

  "Ooh yes, that day I saw him at work in February, he fucked me hard, and now I'm having his baby. So, goodbye, Becky, I'll take it all back, thanks. Nice of you to look after it all for me, but you may leave now. If you don't disappear, trust me you will regret it. Oh, by the way, I sent your boss those videos as well, just to make sure you got the message.” She squeezes hard against my neck, I can barely breathe and am feeling dizzy. Then there are loud shouts from far down the road. Carrie looks towards the noise, so I grab her hand and pull it off my neck.

  I twist her arm against her back and stand up punching her in the face again and again while I have the chance. Her nose starts pouring with blood, and she’s screaming at me.

  “Carrie, you can have them, take them, they’re all yours. Marry them, have their babies. I really don't care anymore. You win. In fact, why not go say hello to your friends, they must have missed you so much.” I stand and drag Carrie, who's still screaming like a child and bleeding everywhere, into the pub. I pull her in the door. I see the rugby women all gathered talking, and I push Carrie into the middle of them, and she falls onto the floor. Everyone goes quiet.

  “Carrie, you win!” I shout, I turn and walk out. I run down the road, I hear yelling, but I’m about to crumble and ugly cry, and I really don't want to do it in front of everyone. I escape into the woods and sit by a tree and tears fill my eyes. My neck is painful, and I have cuts and mud all over me from falling in the brambles. How can one day be so good and so bad all at once? I push myself off the floor and try to remember the way back to the twins’ house. I need to grab my car and catch the breeze to clear my head and think. I come out of the woods, and I don’t immediately recognise where I am. I realise I’m further down, and if I crawl through a hedge, I’ll be right in the twins’ garden.

  I jump in my car, luckily, I have the keys on me. I stop to take a breath, I look in the mirror, grab a hair tie, putting my hair up in a ponytail as it’s a mess from the brambles. I turn the engine, let down my roof and turn the music up high. Then I push my foot on the pedal and fly down the twins’ driveway. I’m about to reach the end when a person is standing in the driveway right in the middle legs apart. I know it’s Logan and have to brake hard. The car stops about an inch from him, and I’m breathing hard. I’m staring at him in shock, what the fuck. He smiles at me with his boyish grin, and I want to fuck his pants off.

  “Wherever you’re going, I’m coming with you,” he says as a fact and then jumps in the car.

  I shake my head, say nothing, and stick my foot down flying out the driveway. I drive hard and fast for miles, music pumping, roof down, neither of us say a word to each other. I pull in to a small secluded spot I know about with a trickling stream. I stop the car, I stick my head back on the headrest and close my eyes and sigh. Reminding myself that I wasn’t with Logan at the time he’d fucked Carrie.

  “Becks,” says Logan gently taking my hand. “I promise you, I never touched her.”

  I turn my head to look at him. But I’m still leaning back. I shrug.

  “Carrie might well be pregnant, but I tell you this now. There is no way in hell that’s my baby, it’s not possible. Did
she hurt you? What did she say to you?” he says running his hand down my cheek.

  I nod, I don’t know why but I do believe him, I know she'd say anything to get me to go. She wanted me to fight with them, she wanted to put doubt in my mind. In her head, I’m what’s standing in the way of her and the twins being together.

  I jump up and leap into Logan’s lap straddling him. I look into his eyes and stroke his face. He gasps at seeing my neck and lifts my chin up to take a better look.

  “Is this what she did?” he says pulling me close and gently kissing my throat. Working up my neck to my mouth.

  “I’m so sorry. What did she say to you?”

  “Logan, I just need to know if you still want her. Because she believes if I disappear she will get you back.” I explain everything she’d said.

  Logan’s still kissing me as I speak and then shakes his head. He pulls my head back, so he’s looking at me.

  “Becks, she is delusional if she thinks we would ever get back with her. No matter what happens with you.”

  “Well, at the moment everything that’s happening to her is all my fault,” I say beginning to kiss him harder.

  “She’s one crazy bitch, but nothing will ever stop me from wanting you, baby, she can try what she likes.”

  “Mmmh mmh,” I say as our kissing is getting frantic, I push his zip down and take out his large cock, and I pull my knickers to the side. Then I begin to slide down onto him. We’re both still kissing and groaning. We both gasp as I’m fully sitting on his cock. His lips get lower, he kisses my chest, pulls my breasts out and takes them into his mouth.

  “You are all I want, baby,” he says.

  We are both heavily panting, beginning to move.

  “You are all I will ever need, Becks, you…” he stops to groan as I ride him faster. “You give me and Landen hope for the future, hope that a three-way can work, with you it just feels…”

  “Easy!” I say giving him a word that I felt many times.

  “Yes, easy, like it’s normal, like everyone lives like this. Like it’s just meant to be.”


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