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12 Months of Temptation: MFM Menage Romance

Page 22

by Bailey James

  "Sorry, it really is out of my control, please trust me, please, I love you both so so much, it's so not about that."

  I feel deflated, and the anger pulses through me. I say nothing, I don’t want to even look at her. I let Logan do the talking as it’s for the best. He’s right, I wouldn’t be able to contain it once it came out. I don’t want to say things that would break us forever.

  "Becks," says Logan in his calm voice. "We know something is going on with you. Do you not want to be with us anymore, is that it?"

  The knife twists further in, I dare to look at her, her eyes were filling with tears, but she wasn’t crying.

  “I..I..really love you both, I just need more time. I don’t want to lose you. You are both my world. I love you both so much, I want this, I seriously do. I just can't do business with you right now. Does that make sense, can you understand that?”

  "No, it doesn't," I reply harshly. "Becks, if you love us, then why won't you commit to us, move in with us, show us? At the minute it feels like false words. Sod the business, I don't care about that."

  "I'll move in with you, I’ll spend 24/7 there, but you need to understand I can't sell the house."

  "But why?" says Logan. "It feels like an excuse to not commit. It feels like your pretending to much."

  "Because it has links to my parents, and I'm not ready to say goodbye yet. Give me another six months, and I might be able to sell it, I just can't yet, give me more time, please. I'm really really sorry. It has nothing to do with my commitment to you two, I promise you," she says as tears beginning to fall.

  My heart drops for her, I love this woman, I would do anything for her, but why can’t I give her more time?

  "Becks, we are trying to understand, but it also feels like you’re not telling us something, and that's triggering us both," says Logan.

  She suddenly rushes off to the kitchen, and it sounds like she throws up in the sink. Logan looks at me, and we both follow. Logan goes over to her and holds her hair up.

  "Becks, you’re not pregnant, are you?" I say suddenly realising what she’s doing.

  Becks looks at me and smiles for the first time since we arrived.

  "No, I'm not pregnant, stop panicking, Landen.”

  Logan laughs, well that made her smile at least.

  She drinks a few glassfuls of water. “I’m just so fucking nervous that I’m going to lose you both over some fucking business deal,” she says.

  Logan then goes over and hugs her, and I realise then I want that too.

  I realised kissing the top of her head, I want this woman and just because she didn’t go along with my little game plan, I don’t want to lose her over it. She says she’d live with us, but she just won’t sell the house yet. I guess that’s getting what I want, in a way.

  I relax, allowing myself to enjoy the cuddle with all three of us without worrying about what if’s.

  “Becks, I love you,” I say.

  “Me too,” says Logan.

  “This isn’t ending over a silly business plan. You’re far too important to me. But please come stay with us, live with us, now?” I’m not prepared to wait a moment longer, she’s coming home with us tonight.

  “Make our house your home, please, Becks,” says Logan.

  “Okay, okay, I would kiss you, but let me go clean my teeth first,” she says drinking another glass of water.

  Logan grabs her cheeks and sticks his tongue in her mouth anyway.

  “Eww,” she says coming up.

  Logan laughs. “Becks, I know where your tongue has been, you taste fine.”

  I laugh out loud at his memory of her sticking her tongue up his arse. I only wish she’d do it to me. I shake that out of my head as Becks kisses me on the cheek and rushes off upstairs.

  I smile at Logan, and I know it will be okay. This will be okay.

  Becks heads back downstairs with a bag, hands Logan his tablet back. “Take this or I’ll forget to give it to you.”

  We all jump in the car, Gavin says hello to Becks, and we head back to our house.

  Becks Winter


  It’s the morning of my meeting at the lawyer’s, and I am home alone at the twins. After promising I would move in with them full time, it feels strange being here alone, and I’m dreading Carrie turning up. But even she seems to have given up on her little quest to get the twins back. Or get Logan back, at least. We haven’t seen or heard from her in months. I have the day off as I normally do when my meetings occur. I always make sure I have plenty of time to get there. I did not want to lose my house just because I have broken down or something has happened, but I’m always on edge. The twins had offered to have the day off too, but I again told them it’s a girlie day with Sophia. It’s a beautiful summer day, and I have decided to wear a light summer dress and stroll into town. It’s a beautiful walk along the river.

  I am considering grabbing a coffee before my meeting as I still have an hour to kill, but I stay close to the area to make sure I’m not late. In fact, I’m half considering grabbing a coffee then waiting in the waiting room just to make sure I am there. I am walking up the hill to the lawyer’s office when a large black van pulls up beside me. Before I know it, I’m being grabbed and thrown into the van. I don’t even have time to scream. I look up and see two of the largest men I’ve ever seen sitting next to me, holding me down.

  “Hey, what the fuck,” I scream as loud as I can, then I kick at them. Until I feel pain at the back of my head which makes me feel dizzy.

  “Ow!” I complain.

  “Have you finished?” says one of the huge men.

  I nod my head and rub my bump.

  “We have a message for you from a Miss Hartweigh,”

  “Who?” I say not recognising the name.


  I groan, seriously. I quickly remember where I’m going, and I realise I need to get out of this as soon as I possibly can.

  “Carrie wants to make you an offer. She promises to make you a large payment if you dump the twins and get out of their life. She will provide you with enough money to set you up for life.”

  “What? Why?” I say confused. She still thinks that if I disappear the twins will go back to her. She seriously does believe I’m only after their money. She seems serious, however with the muscles she’s hired. I take in their appearance and realise they're both in black and have a polo shirt on with a logo of Hartweigh Security on their tops. She’s hired her father's security men to do this, I wonder if he knows.

  “We need your answer now, however?”

  “Okay, and what happens if I refuse?” I ask.

  “We dump your body in a lake,” says the other large man.

  My eyes widen, and I look at him in shock.

  He laughs. “Sorry, always wanted to say that, not really. Carrie says if you refuse you wouldn’t like the consequences, and you might find yourself in a bit of a situation. You’d have to come with us. If you agree now, then you’re free to go after a quick phone call from her.”

  This woman has serious mental issues, and I’m about to play right into her hands, but I need to get to this appointment.

  “Okay, tell her I agree; can I go now?”

  “You do?” they sound surprised.

  “Yes, I agree,” I say trying to hurry the process.

  “Well, that was quick,” says the other.

  “So, can I go now?” I say.

  “First, you have to tell Carrie on the phone that you will take the money and leave.”

  She’s going to pay me to fuck off, I don’t really care I just need to get out of this van and get to the solicitor. The big man pulls out his mobile.

  “Now, you need to confirm to Carrie the agreement, Becky. You say nothing else other than the agreement. Whatever she says, you say yes.”

  “Becks,” I say as he hands me the phone.

  I hear Carrie answer in her sickly-sweet tone,

  “Becky, how lovely to hear from you.�

  The muscle nudges me to reply.

  “Carrie, I’ll take the money, I’ll dump the twins.”

  There’s a long pause, and I don’t say anything.

  “You just want them for the money, you bitch,” Carrie's voice mumbles.

  “Yes,” I say trying just to do as she asks to get out of here.

  “You never loved them, you're just a scam artist, gold-digging bitch, were you trying to… kill my…” The phone crackles, and I don’t hear what she says.

  “What,” I say. The muscle nudges me, mouthing ‘yes.’

  “Yes,” I say sounding annoyed, not having a clue what she’s on about. “I’ll take the money then dump them.”

  “Okay,” says Carrie seeming very happy now. “You need to text the twins, now to tell them. Becks. But you break up with them right now, understand. If they call you, you don’t answer.”

  “Yes,” I say annoyed.

  There’s a long pause in which I think she’s gone then she says, “I always knew you were a money grabbing whore. I hope to never see you again, you leave the twins alone, understand.”



  I hand the phone back to the muscle.

  “Now, account number so we can transfer the money. You also need to text the twins, Becks.”

  I nod and quickly pull my phone out and text the twins in a group message that I couldn’t do it anymore, and it’s over.

  I know they would read that and ring me, this was well and truly going to set their insecurities off. I would explain everything later, but for now, I turned off my phone and need to get to my appointment.

  I jump out and run straight into the lawyer’s office. The meeting is a blur, and I’m a mess. I’m barely listening to a word the lawyer says, but I nod and smile in all the right places. I’m just desperate to get out of here and sort out my other problems, like Carrie. She really thinks offering me money will get me to dump them and leave them alone. She really is a nut job, this one. I need advice on what to do. I decide, as soon as I can I’ll get out of here and go and see Sophia, hopefully, she’ll help me work through this.

  Now, I just have to work out what I’m going to do with the agreement I just made. How I’m going to let the twins know their ex really is a fruitcake, and she needs sorting once and for all. I know they need to keep close to her father, for business contacts. But she really needs to be put in her place now because this constant interference is ridiculous. I’ll just ring them right after this meeting. I’m sure she’s not got their phones tapped?

  Landen Johnson

  It’s been a strange old morning, and Ed has asked us both in together as there’s a special delivery to be done. This anonymous client has particularly requested Logan and me by name to do it together. Which we feel is strange. But we wonder if it’s the current owners making sure we have what it takes to run the business and do the job from bottom up.

  “So are you enjoying the fact Becks is at home, without us,” says Logan as he drives smirking, he already knows the answer.

  “Yes, I feel the happiest I’ve felt in forever, and so do you, I can tell,” I say smirking back at him.

  “I am, the horniest and sexually contented I've been in forever too,” Logan says.

  “Ahh, it must be love,” I say.

  “Yep, sure is, never thought it would be like this, Landen, to be honest, I didn’t ever imagine in my wildest dreams it could be like this.”

  “I’m with you, mate, I’m with you. Our relationship with Carrie just seems hellish now, doesn’t it? Why did we even think it was good?” I say.

  He nods. “It had its moments, Landen, but I think the best moment was over her father’s desk. So, yes, we should have left it there and saved ourselves time, heartache, money, shall I go on?”

  I laugh. “No need, no need. You pulling in to our usual services, this way out?”

  “Yep, only one around. Unfortunately, we don’t get a choice. Maybe that could be our next project, Landen?”

  “What? Truck services?” I laugh.


  “Let’s get this deal in the bag first but might be worth looking into.”

  We head into the services to grab some food, as we’re walking back to the truck mine and Logan’s mobiles ping. I bring it out and see Beck’s name. Happiness spreads through my body and then fear and pain. I look up at Logan as he must be reading the same thing I am.

  “What the fuck?” he says.

  “Shit!” I’m so focused on my phone, and my emotions are swirling through my head walking back to the truck as I try to ring Becks that I don’t notice two beefed-up giants walking past us, barging into us knocking us both flying.

  “Hey, watch it, mate!” I say.

  “You got a problem with me?” he says aggressively.

  Logan’s already squaring up against the other man.

  The two men laugh. “Yeah right, you two really going to start a fight with us, we would kick you to the curb, pretty boys.”

  “What’s your fucking problem?” I say, feeling the testosterone washing over me.

  He suddenly steps back, turns around, and they both walk off.

  I frown at Logan and I wonder what that was all about. We watch them drive off.

  “Shit,” says Logan, “They robbed us.”

  I check and notice my mobile’s gone.

  “Fuck,” I say. We head back to the truck.

  “A distraction to rob us?” I ask.

  “Yeah, I reckon. What about Becks?” Logan says.

  Then I remembered what the text had said. Can this day get any worse. “I wonder what’s happened, she was okay this morning?”

  “Maybe cold feet, it will be fine, will talk to her, I’d ring her now, but I’ve got no mobile.”


  We drive home after the day from hell. I am desperate to speak to Becks, so we went via her house, but she wasn’t there, and we wonder if she’s at ours. What we did find back at our house sitting on the steps in tears is Carrie, and she looks a bit beat up. I frown at Logan and wonder what has gone on. I also look to see if Becks car is here, it isn’t. Where the fuck is she?

  “Carrie?” I say getting out of the car, she cries louder.

  “Carrie, what’s happened?” Logan asks.

  We gesture her into the house. As we get in the door, she holds her stomach and falls to the floor.

  “I’ve lost the baby,” she says sobbing. “I’ve miscarried.” She cries louder.


  “You need to go to the hospital,” Logan says.

  “No, no I’ve been. They say there’s nothing they can do now. It’s been taken out, now it’s just blood, but there is so much blood, and I don’t know what to do,” she cries.

  I go to get her some coffee and wonder what this is all about. I feel sorry for her. Logan’s talking to Carrie as I walk back in. “Carrie, tell me the truth,” Logan says.

  “I am,” she screams.

  Logan turns to me and gestures for me to walk into the hallway with him.

  “Carrie reckons Becks beat her up and kicked her in the stomach on purpose to make her lose the baby.”

  “What?” I say not believing him.

  “Oh, it gets better, then apparently Becks demanded Carrie give her money. Then Becks would finish it with us and disappear.”

  “The text.” He nods. “I don’t believe it,” I say confused with what he’s saying and trying to wrap my head around it.

  “Reckons she has a recording of it on her phone.”

  We walk back in. “Did Becks really do this, Carrie?” I ask.

  “Yes, she attacked me then demanded I give her money, I told you. When I said no,” she sobbed a bit more, “she kicked me and kicked me, I knew I was going to lose the baby. She was determined to get rid of it.”

  “When did all this happen, Carrie?” Logan asks.

  “Early this morning, I came to give you my father’s papers and Beck
s answered the door. Then she just went off on one,” Carrie says.

  “Where is Becks now then, Carrie?”

  “I don’t know, said she would leave you both alone if I gave her some money.”

  “Let’s hear the recording,” I say not entirely convinced this is true.

  Carrie gets her phone out.

  “You just want them for the money, you bitch,” Carrie’s voice mumbles.

  “Yes,” says Becks voice clearly.

  “You never loved them, you’re just a scam artist, gold-digging bitch, were you trying to kill the baby,” says Carrie. The phone crackles.

  “Yes,” says Becks sounding annoyed. “I’ll take the money then dump them.”

  “Carrie, did you send the money?” I ask.

  Carrie nods. “I had too, or she would have killed me, I reckon.”

  We nod. “Carrie, stay here for a bit,” I say turning to leave the living room.

  “Don’t leave me, I need you two, what if she turns up?” she says looking out the window looking scared. “Have you spoken to her? I mean did she dump you?” Carrie asks.

  We nod. “We won’t be long, Carrie just rest,” says Logan.


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