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12 Months of Temptation: MFM Menage Romance

Page 25

by Bailey James

  “About five years now… They like to keep a low profile, don’t like flashing the cash, so to speak. Becks, they are rather well off and high up in the business world you know. I think there are a few things, Becks, that they haven't told you. They are great big fat hypocrites, if you ask me. But I never said that."

  "They did try and tell me a few times recently, but I didn't want to know because of my own issues."

  "Becks, I knew your parents, you know,"

  "You did?"

  "Yes, I used to work at the businesses they managed, I drove them to meetings during office hours. They used to speak of you lots. I knew of many the games they got you to play. They were nice people, I don't think they meant to make your life unpleasant, Becks. I think they would be very proud of you."

  "I don't," I say. At the end of the day I am angry with my parents that they have made me choose money and possessions over two men I love. That doesn't feel okay, that's not how the movies play out.

  We get to Gavin’s house, it’s a house in the country, and he has three amazing children. They are 5, 7 and 9 years old, two girls and a boy.

  I spend the rest of the day playing with children and talking to Gavin and his wife, Mia. Gavin gets a phone call later on in the evening.

  “Becks, that was Logan, I pointed him to the tablets, Google search history.”

  I don’t understand for a moment, but then I realise what Gavin meant. I never cleared the google search. So, everything I had googled that night I had the tablet would still be in the history. Which might make them think about what it is I can’t tell them, and they may connect the dots. I also remember what else I was watching, oops. That’ll be an interesting conversation. Well, I bet they watch porn too.

  Sunday evening, when Gavin drops me off, I send a group message to both of them.

  ‘I understand I set off your triggers, and you think I've hurt you, but I'm not Carrie! It really has been out of my hands, I need you both to trust me. You are both my world, and I would do anything for either of you. I would never dream of hurting you. I hope you come to realise that. Please, open your eyes and read between the lines, there are clues, the answer is right in front of you. I just can't spell it out. Until Monday anyway. I love you always Becks xx

  I read it a thousand times, then I send it to Logan and Landen’s mobiles. It was a restless night, and I don't get a reply.

  Landen Johnson


  “FUCK,” I shout as I slam the door on Becks face, her pretty gorgeous face that I don’t want to forget. Part of me wants to open it again and apologise. The other part of me is convinced she’s up to something that is going to hurt me on purpose.

  “I’ll ring Gavin, lock down our banks, change the locks at the house. Secure business documents,” says Logan.

  “I can’t believe she could do this, I can’t fucking believe it,” I say.

  If Logan is on high alert, then I really did need to be worried. I haven’t overreacted. Which just makes it all the worse. She seriously is screwing us over.

  Maybe she’ll come back, give it an hour she’ll crawl back and tell us everything. I grab glasses and a bottle of whiskey and start pouring. Knocking back at least 3 before taking a breath.

  What is it about us, how can two grown businessmen, who have relatively decent looks and money coming out of our ears still get fucking done over by women? Money grabbing, business wrecking women. How are we so easily done over?

  I don’t think I fall in love easily, I don’t think I’m stupid and let down all defences with one look of a pretty girl that made me laugh. Maybe I’m wrong, perhaps I’m one of those people who is stupid in love. Blinded by it, not able to see the signs before it all comes crashing down around my feet. My heart feels like it’s been stomped on multiple times.

  Logan takes down three shots alongside me and pats me on the shoulders. He looks as angry as me. Fuck, I want to punch something or someone hard.

  “Let’s hit the gym?” I say to Logan.

  “Yes,” he says, “come on, lets both work this off.”

  A good long work out later, another bottle of whiskey pissed away, and I’m about to pass out on our bed. Becks, Becks who? Who am I kidding!

  Becks Winter

  September - my 30th birthday

  I don’t sleep all night, I’m a mess of emotions. I decide at 5am it’s pointless, and I get up and spring clean the whole house, I need something to do. At 9am I get ready and head out to town in my car. My appointment isn’t until 12pm, but I’m not going to risk it. I check my phone, no messages, no calls. My 30th birthday and what a year it has been. Not that I feel like celebrating. I feel like shit, I’m alone and single after messing up the best relationship I ever had. Pants. But at least this birthday inheritance isn't hanging over my head anymore. It will finally be done, well I hope. There better not be any more conditions.

  After grabbing myself a large coffee there are still no messages from the twins. But I have noticed that both messages have been read at 6am in the morning. I bet they’re out drinking and fucking. My stomach drops at that thought. I want to cry again, I don't think I could possibly cry any more than I have done this last 24 hours, but it seems I still have more to give. A few tears slip out before I stop them, and I tell myself to get a grip.

  I reach the lawyer’s office early, but that’s okay, I’m here at least. The lawyer takes pity on me and calls me in early.

  “Okay, let's get this over with, shall we, Miss Winter, bet you’re glad you’re finally free of it?”

  I nod. “Yes, it's been a nightmare.”

  "Okay, the conditions of your inheritance have all been met, so I’m pleased to say…” He types on his computer, “That your house is now your own, and a lump sum of one million pounds has just been put into your bank account.”

  My mouth drops on the floor. “How much?” I squeal.

  “One million pounds,” says Mr Simmons calmly.

  There’s me thinking it would be just a few thousand. One million pounds?

  “Did you know all along how much?” I ask.

  “I will admit, Miss Winter, I knew it would be a significant amount, but no idea how big. But your parents had particularly said you weren’t to know and to make out it was going to be a low amount.”

  “Oh my, I’m in shock.”

  The lawyer chuckles. “Is there anything else I can do for you, Miss Winter?”

  “Where did they get all that money from?” I ask not quite believing this.

  “Miss Winter, they had a lot of stocks and shares all tied up in various businesses. Your mum traded them all in after your dad died.”

  “No… Is that it now. No more games?” I ask hopeful, I don’t think I could take any more games ever.

  “Well, that’s it for you. I do have an incentive trust here if you ever have children, it’s another large pot of money,” says Mr Simmons.

  “You’re kidding me,” I say shaking my head.

  “No, I’m not,” he chuckles.

  “Please tell me the conditions aren’t ridiculous,” I ask worried.

  “No, they seem fair, but you worry about that another time. You keep in contact. Now go enjoy your money and, Miss Winter, happy birthday.”

  I walk out the lawyer’s office, still dumbstruck by the amount of money I have in my account. But my heart is still broken, and it hurts like hell. I don’t even want to go shopping.

  I'm depressed, and it's my birthday I want to cry again. I ring Sophia, at least I can tell her everything now.

  "Happy birthday to you,” she starts singing, then goes serious. “You okay. I have heard from certain people there is trouble in threesome heaven, you’re going to get your butt around here and spill."

  "Yes, thanks, Sophia I have so much to tell you, shall I bring lunch?"

  "Yes, Becks, and lots of alcohol. Just hurry."

  I arrive at Sophia’s half an hour later, with food and alcohol. “Okay, it's a long story, Sophia. It started w
hen my parents died.”

  “We have all day, come on spill.”

  “When my parents died, they left me an inheritance, but it had conditions,” I tell Sophia the whole story. I don’t finish until hours later.

  “Fuck, Becks...” says Sophia and then nothing.

  I begin laughing, and she gives me a look.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” I say wiping tears from my eyes from laughing so much.

  “Why are you laughing?” she says.

  “I’m just always in awe of your words of wisdom. They never fail to cheer me up,” I say bursting out laughing again.

  “Yeah, sorry,” she says laughing herself.

  “Hey, you cheered me up, that’s a good thing.” I laugh.

  “Fucking men!” Sophia says shaking her head.

  Making me laugh more. It takes a while until we’ve both calmed down.

  “Right, I think all you need is a better list of temptation, don’t you? Because that last one is clearly lacking.”

  She gets up and goes to the kitchen. I don’t even want to think about men right now, but I’ll go with it. Sophia comes back with a bottle of wine, two glasses, a pad of paper and a pen.

  After pouring me a glass, I knock it back, and then she pours me another. We get down to business. She writes the heading:

  List of Temptation. 1.

  We both look at each other in silence for a long while. I knock back a second glass.

  “It’s obvious, no men ever again,” I say.

  “No!” says Sophia. “We are women, we have needs. You can’t block all the D.”

  I sigh, she has a point. I guess, I might want some, eventually.

  “What about using my philosophy?”

  “Philosophy?” I say, giving her a look.

  “Yes, one fuck then that’s it, out. Worked for me, well until…”

  “Until what?” I say noting her hesitation.

  “I might of...”

  I shriek, “You fucked someone more than once?” Oh, this is big.

  She screws her nose up. “Yep, sort of.”

  “Who? Oh, come on, you’ve been holding out on me, spill it.” I say excited for her.

  “You already know them, that’s why I didn’t tell you. I was sort of worried.”

  “Who?” I say trying to rack my brain.

  “Cooper,” she says, I shrieked cutting her off.

  “Cooper, oh fuck, really,” I say hugging her.

  “And Hunter,” she says in a whisper. Making me scream. She giggles at my reaction.

  “Fuck, Sophia, have you taken my advice?”

  “Well, it seems your little, ménage a trois has influenced us all, Becks,” she says looking embarrassed.

  “Sophia…” I sit thinking about it for a moment. “Do the twins know?”

  “No, no, we’ve kept it quiet, it just sort of happened.”

  “I’m so happy for you, Sophia,” I say hugging her again.

  “Anyway, back to you. You really think you and the twins are over, over?”

  “Yeah,” I say. feeling down again.

  “But once they find out the truth,” says Sophia.

  I huff. “Let’s say for argument sake they come running back open arms. Then what? They can’t trust me, they don’t trust me. They are both waiting for me to deceive them, they are just expecting it with everything I do. I asked them to wait till Monday. I told them I’d tell them everything. But they couldn’t, Sophia. Where are we going to go from here? I just can’t see a future. Every time something happens they immediately jump to the conclusion I’m going to fuck them over. I know Carrie hurt them I know.” I begin crying, and she puts her arm around me. “I know she messed them up, and I know they would never go back to her. But a part of them, a small part is still fucked up over her, and that voice is in their head telling them it’s going to happen again and again with every woman.

  Sophia squeezes me harder. Tops my glass up and then says, “Fucking men.”

  “There is something about writing it down. Because Landen certainly fell into my lap after making that list. And he ticked every damn box, arsehole.”

  Sophia giggles topping up my wine then grabbed a pen. “I know number 1, I think at least 7 inches is still a top priority. Maybe we should increase it to 8 inches.

  I snort out my wine. “Do Cooper and Hunter meet the standard?” I ask wondering.

  She raises her eyebrows. “Fuck yes, best cocks I’ve had in years, why do you think I went back for seconds?”

  “Okay, it can stay, but number 2 needs to be something deeper.”

  “What, like anal or something?” Sophia says with a serious face.

  “No.” I laugh. “Deeper. Not so superficial, on appearances. I mean he can look like a fucking god. But he could still be an arsehole.”

  “Okay, okay.” We sit in silence thinking for a bit.

  Sophia finishes her glass and shakes the empty wine bottle. “No, I’ve got nothing. More wine needed,” she says getting up to go into the kitchen.

  I grab my phone and note the lack of messages which makes my mood sink. Then I type into google.

  Sophia gasps walking in quickly pouring out more wine.

  “You better not be texting them.”

  “No. I’m Googling, and Google doesn’t know either.”

  “Know what?” she says looking completely confused.

  “How to avoid arsehole men. How to not get your heart broken.”

  “Did you seriously just Google that?”

  “Yes, look.”

  She looks and reads out loud, “One way to avoid getting your heart broken is to realise that men have flaws. Hey, were ahead of the game, we knew that. That can be number 2.” She grabs the pen and writes, ‘Look for flaws, no human is perfect.’

  “Won’t work,” I say gulping back my wine. “I did that, I look for flaws but the multiple orgasms and good sex sort of cancel them out.”

  “Mmh, okay what else does it say. Ooh.” Sophia says.


  “It says you should have multiple men.”

  We look at each other, and both burst out laughing. We give up after that and drink.

  “Oh fuck, I nearly forgot.” I suddenly say standing to reach into my bag.

  “What?” Sophia says.

  “I have something for you,” I say.

  I hand her a card and she gives me a look.

  “It’s your birthday, not mine.”

  “Just open it,” I say.

  She opens it, reads it, then gasps.

  “No, I can’t, I can’t.”

  “Oh, shut it, Sophia, I have money coming out of my ears it seems. Fuck, it feels good to say that. Anyway, pay off all your bills from the wedding and some.”

  “Yes, but this is more than enough.”

  “I know, with the rest put some into your business. And blow the rest, do whatever.” She gets up and hugs me nearly knocking me off the chair.

  “You sure? Ooh fuck, Becks,” she says beginning to cry.

  “No problem, I’m only glad I can help. You’re my best friend, Sophia, I want to help, and now I can.”

  “Okay, the list, the list,” she says picking up the pen

  “Are we really only on number 3?” I say.


  Trouble is the drinks kicking in, and we’re finding it difficult to write now.

  “Ahh, fuck the list,” I say waving my hands about in my drunken state.

  “Let’s drink to the positives,” Sophia says raising her glass.

  “Which are?” I say raising mine not thinking of any.

  “To being young, ish, free, single and loaded. To finding more enormous cocks.” She grins.

  I shake my head and laugh. But my heart is broken, and I feel like crying. Suddenly there’s a knock on the door, I panic it could be the twins. Hope and pain flood over me, and I feel like curling into a ball and crying. But then Sophia announces very loudly, “My enormous cocks have arrived
with pizza.” I know it must be Cooper and Hunter.

  “You two sound drunk,” says Hunter smirking as he walks in.

  “Sound drunk? They look drunk,” Cooper says laughing.

  “Us? Whatever do you mean?” I say innocently.

  “No, we have only had.” Sophia starts counting the bottles and miscounting before having to restart.

  “Sophia, you're proving his point, shhh.”

  “Did you do what I asked?” she says smiling. They nod and produce two large pizzas. “Excellent, then you may enter… But no upsetting the birthday girl,” I hear her say as we all head into the kitchen.

  We eat pizza, stay up talking, and I sense they are all staying over too. So, I say I’m going to bed and hope to hell I don’t hear them fucking.

  I go down for breakfast the next morning, and Sophia immediately scoops me up into a big hug and hands me a cup of tea.

  After I have a good few mouthfuls, she starts talking.

  “I'm so sorry, Becks, so sorry those twins are idiots. They don't deserve you, considering they tell you to trust them but don't tell you who they are themselves. Hunter and Cooper say that Logan and Landen were big businessmen, they aren’t just normal truck drivers, Becks.”

  “I sort of knew, but I didn’t ask questions because I didn’t want them to dig deeper into my life, so I avoided it, they did try and tell me on several occasions recently. To be fair to them, I was just stalling them until this inheritance thing was out of the way. I’ve been so wrapped up in myself I might not have listened to stuff they were telling me.

  “Well, by the looks of them last night, they are seriously regretting it now, they looked lost, Becks, truly lost.”

  “They were here?” I say hopefully, for what, I don’t know, they have obviously found out the truth, but it still doesn’t change anything.

  “Yes, turned up after you’d gone to bed. I called you, but I think you must have passed out from all the wine… Right, I have to go to work today, you coming?”

  Landen Johnson

  I wake up to blinding sunlight, I realise how Becks must have felt. Fuck her. Logan hands me a coffee and I thank him. “How long you been up?”


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