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His as Payment

Page 7

by Piper Stone

  The words stung, taking a full minute to register. Then I reacted, jerking up from the table. “You can’t own a person. I don’t know who you think you are, but this isn’t happening. How dare you, Father. You’re a horrible fucking excuse for a human being. I hate you and you will never see me again.” I took long strides, not caring who’d heard my outcry. I made it outside, storming toward the curb. There had to be a way to get the fucking hell out of here.

  Within seconds, I felt his hand wrapped around my arm, much like it had before. Dominick jerked me to his side, his fingers digging into my skin.

  “While I understand your disgust in what your father was required to do, there is no other choice if you want your father to live.”

  I managed to slap him across the face, wrenching away from his hold. “You bastard.”

  He barely reacted, only closing his eyes for a few seconds. When he stared at me, crowding my space, there was no need for him to hold me physically. His eyes were intense, the danger exploding in his irises. “I’ll let that one pass, sweet Caroline, but you will never strike me again or the punishment you receive will be severe. There will always be consequences for your actions, just like your father’s. Get used to the fact that I own you. After tasting you, the deal shouldn’t come as that much of a shock. Whether or not you agree to this transaction no longer matters. This is the way of business, my family’s business.”

  The breath was knocked out of me, the terror real. He would have my father killed, everything in my life destroyed and even then, there would be no recourse. He’d played me, purchasing my art, seducing me as if I mattered to him. Everything had been a giant game.

  I was now his property.

  I would run, finding a way to expose my father and all his criminal activity. No one would ever own me. The thirty thousand would help. Unless he stopped payment. Jesus. Christ.

  “There is nowhere for you to run and no method of doing so. I know where your girlfriend lives, Audrey, isn’t it? Lovely girl. And the money I paid you? Forget about it, at least until you earn the right to have your own money.”

  The fucker had read my mind. I was sick, my head aching. “You’re a horrible... fuck.”

  Another dark chuckle but one laced with amusement.

  “Remember what I promised you, utter pleasure as long as you obey.” His voice filtered into my system.

  “You’re fucking crazy.”

  “You’ll think otherwise soon enough, sweet, sweet Caroline.” He brushed his knuckle down my cheek, offering the same sensual smile that I’d seen two nights before. He slid it around my lips, taking his time. I shivered to the very core, horrified that my body was responding in any manner other than abhorrence.

  But it had.

  My pussy clenched, my nipples aching. The jolt of electricity from the simple touch infused the hunger burning deep within my belly. But I would fight him. I would never succumb in any manner to him again, no matter what he did to my body or how he fucked with my mind.

  Then stop craving. Stop longing for the fucking monster!

  As if my little voice had any control.

  “What makes you think I won’t find a way to run, getting as far away from your hell as possible?” I challenged.

  Dominick tipped my chin, taking his time before pressing his lips against mine. I could taste the wine, a hint of raspberry and every part of my body shuddered with desire. The kiss was gentle, far too much so for a man of his nature. He forced his tongue against mine, fisting my hair as he dragged me into the heat of his body. I was lost, overcome with grief and fear, my hands pushing against his chest. Even my fingers tingled, shame and guilt coursing through every vein and muscle. How could I desire such a horrible beast?

  When he broke the kiss, he cupped my face, keeping his voice little more than a whisper. “Because, my lovely submissive, your mother is still alive. I will take you to her at some point just as long as you’re a very good girl.”

  The shock and horror of what he’d said exploded in my brain. Visions of the last time I saw her rushed into the forefront of my mind. I could see her smile and dancing eyes when she laughed, could hear her stunning voice as she sang her favorite tune when she thought no one was listening. This couldn’t be true. My father might be many things, but lying about her death was abominable, far too low even for him. “You’re a liar. You’re a motherfucking horrible person.”

  “Am I a liar, Caroline? As yourself why your father never talks about her and why you weren’t allowed to come to her funeral. That’s because there’s no body buried in her ornate casket.”

  The information was far too much for me to handle. I was sick to my stomach, my head aching. “My father isn’t a monster. Certainly not like you.” This was crazy. This was unbelievable.

  He allowed me to read his eyes. The cold and very dangerous man held a glint of sincerity. There were no words, no comprehension of what he was telling me. I opened my mouth to retort but lost my voice. This couldn’t be true, but what if he wasn’t lying? What if my mother was being held prisoner somewhere, praying and waiting for someone to rescue her? What if I was the only person who could free her from her prison?

  “Your father was lured by money and power. He and I aren’t that much different.”

  “You’re nothing like him.” But the differences were almost impossible to decipher. “And what happened to you after last night? You were kind and caring and...” I wasn’t certain I wanted to remember that person; dominating in every manner, awakening the woman inside. Hell, no. I wasn’t going to do it.

  “Was I? Don’t fool yourself, Caroline. What I offered you was a key to unlock the dark cravings you’ve had the majority of your life. I exposed the truth hidden behind your quiet demeanor and studious ways. I’m the only man capable of handling you. What you gave me last night was your permission.”


  He laughed, shaking his head. “Consequences. A word you will come to respect.”

  “Why are you being such an asshole?”

  Dominick smiled, his whisper deadly in its seduction. “Last night was just the beginning and both of us have two sides, Caroline. That much you can’t deny no matter how hard you try.”

  My skin crawled, my stomach lurching.

  “Now, I suggest you come with me back inside. We’re going to share a nice lunch, an excellent bottle of wine and talk. Then you’re going home to gather your things. Tonight, we begin your new life. Make no mistake, Caroline, I’m a brutal man.” He let me go, undressing me with his eyes and waiting for my next move.

  I shrank back, tears forming in my eyes. I was teetering on running, getting as far away from this madman as possible, no matter these consequences. Where could I go that he wouldn’t find me?

  “Oh, and Caroline, any infraction will be dealt with severely. You will learn about harsh discipline as well as absolute obedience and your training begins tonight. I am your master and the man who will eradicate the chains suffocating you, exposing the woman inside and freeing your deepest inhibitions. You will become my lover and eventually my wife, but never forget, I own every inch of you, body and soul. And in time, I will break you.”

  Chapter Five


  His wife. Did the insane asshole actually think I was going to marry him? He was fucking out of his goddamn mind. I’d die first.

  Fuck the man who thought he would own me. To hell with my father.

  “Never forget... I will break you...”

  His damning words lingered, leaving a nasty taste in my mouth. I’d whispered them over and over again as I packed, unable to wrap my head around the deal with the devil. Whatever sins my father had committed, the fact he’d garnered the Lugianos’ attention had yet to be fully explained. Perhaps my father didn’t have the guts to admit what he’d done. I’d already ventured a guess. I knew about his penchant for gambling, his love of winning at all costs. This had been a lifelong addiction, something he’d argued about when my mother w
as alive.

  Oh. My. God. I still couldn’t understand anything. I was lost in a time warp. My phone, iPad, and laptop had been taken away, any chance I had of contacting the outside world eliminated. If the bastard hurt Audrey in any manner, I’d kill him. I swear to God.

  I’d sat through lunch in a fog as they discussed my transfer, as if I was nothing more than merchandise. I still couldn’t fathom how this could happen on any level. How could my father barter my body in exchange for keeping his career and his freedom?

  There weren’t enough words in the English language to describe my hatred of him. Or of Dominick. One day, I would exact revenge.

  And it wouldn’t stop with my father.

  My mind reeled with ugly thoughts, murderous in fact. I could see blood in spots in front of my eyes even as tears threatened to give away my continued terror.

  The moment I’d been led into Dominick’s glorified office, I stood gawking at the picture over the mantel.

  One of the paintings he’d just purchased. I could barely stomach seeing the steamy dark piece, very much a telling of my personality just like Dominick had managed to pick out.

  I stood in the center of an expansive room, the mahogany-lined shelves full of books, sculptures, and pictures of pretty people smiling from tropical destinations. Nothing seemed real. What little I’d seen of wherever I’d been taken was limited to this space and nothing more. I’d heard the lock click in place, the gravelly voice telling me that only after he was gone could I remove my blindfold. My fingers had fumbled in an effort to do so, stiff and cold from the ride over.

  Light snow had been falling when I left, the change in the weather forecast unpredicted, just like the change in my life. Harsh conditions. An icy reception. I almost laughed at the realization that everything I’d ever known had been swept away.

  At precisely eight in the evening, a car had arrived to take me to my new destination. My father had said nothing, only kissing me on the forehead before walking into his office and closing the door. I’d refused to cry or show any emotion. I was cold, dead inside and that would keep me very much alive. I’d been blindfolded then forced into the backseat of a car, a man I’d never seen before slipping in beside me. I’d dared to gaze into his eyes, memorizing his face seconds before he’d secured the material around my eyes.

  The brute was a solid three hundred pounds of muscle and anger.

  Had I considered going to the police after lunch? Hell, yes, but memories of my beautiful mother had kept me from doing so. If there was a chance she was alive, I refused to give into my fears. If she wasn’t, the bastard would pay. Besides, the police would never believe me. The man had purchased my paintings. I’d no doubt been seen leaving with him, in his very expensive POS car from the gallery. The man was a master player and I was simply too naïve.

  Tears slipped past my lashes and I rubbed them away in a fierce manner. The asshole wasn’t going to get to me, no matter how sexy his eyes or demanding his tone. Fuck. Him. Fuck the world. I was my own woman. He will never break you. He will never break you...

  I continued to say the words in my mind.

  I shivered even though a roaring fire was going in the stone fireplace, unable to move any closer. The room was impressive in detail and design, artistic and very masculine, but also without any sign of life. The blinds were closed, including on the massive set of French doors and I dared not touch them. Tonight I’d remain compliant, pretending to listen to him until I knew what I was facing. I made several promises to myself, finally closing my eyes and catching my breath.

  When I opened them I was calmer, able to study my surroundings. If this had been any other time, I might consider the space beautiful, but for me, this was nothing but four walls and roof.

  A cage.

  Swallowing, the bile sticking in my throat had been there since lunch, keeping my stomach churning. I’d thought through several plans, knowing that one day I would escape, but I’d have to play along. At least to a point. I’d followed at least one of Dominick’s orders, wearing a dress and heels. The entire situation was laughable. This wasn’t about a date or a round of passion, not that there’d been any real adoration in our hard fucking. Jesus. I still couldn’t believe I’d been so stupid. There was no way I could fall for the man, no matter how much he threatened me. I wiped a single tear, refusing to succumb to anything that the man had to offer. I’d made a promise to myself and I would keep it.

  Damn him.

  Damn the world.

  Damn my father.

  My real anger was directed at myself. One night of letting go had turned into this. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes. One day at a time.

  I had no idea how long I’d been forced to wait. I also had no watch on my wrist, no jewelry of any kind in fact. Dominick’s orders had been very specific about what I’d been allowed to bring, which didn’t include my paints or canvases. All the discussions about my work, my art, and what I loved didn’t matter in the least. The rest of everything I might need he would furnish, or so he’d stated almost in passing. I’d noticed the Rolex on his arm, a bold statement for a man like him. Even his less formal attire had the scent of wealth, his shoes perfectly polished. The family lived in the lap of luxury while their victims suffered.

  I was nothing to him. A commodity.

  The sound of the lock engaging forced me against the sharp edge of a desk, the pain biting. I would show no fear.

  Dominick walked in, looking entirely different than he had earlier in the day. His casual stone-washed jeans and simple polo shirt were a direct contrast to the man. They made him seem boyish, almost normal. There was nothing normal about the monster in any manner.

  He stood, gazing at me. There was no smile, no emotion of any kind, merely a look as if he was checking off a box as an order came in. He closed the door, moving toward a gothic-looking bar on the far end of the room. “Would you like a drink, Caroline?”

  “Nothing from you.” Ever. I heard him exhale, as if already disgusted with me. I scanned the room, searching for any weapons, my eyes falling on a letter opener. The thought was preposterous but tempting.

  “I expect you will attempt that one day,” he said with no inflection.

  “What are you talking about?”

  He finished pouring two drinks, the liquid the color of smooth molasses. As he advanced, his gaze was concentrated on my breasts. I couldn’t help but notice his rugged good looks and the way the tight-fitting jeans hugged every curve, accentuating his muscular legs and the thick bulge between them. Embarrassed, I looked away, mortified that I would consider him handsome in any regard.

  Or that I could actually want him.

  “Escaping. Retaliating. I would expect no less from you.” Now he seemed amused as he held out his hand, offering one of the drinks.

  “You know nothing about me.”

  His chuckle pissed me off, enough so I lashed out, knocking the drink out of his hand, glass shattering in hundreds of pieces. His reaction didn’t come for a full minute and only after he took a sip of his drink, his hand wrapping around my hair and yanking. Using the hold to force me against the desk, he slammed his glass down so hard I jumped. “I’ve accepted the fact you require harsh discipline in order to simply get through to you. I know that you believe you will find a way to gain my trust, all the while planning your escape. I also know that all you’ve ever wanted to do is get out of your father’s house and from under his control. Your paintings tell no lies. You loathe him almost as much as you hate me. Tell me I’m wrong, Caroline.”

  I abhorred the way he pronounced my name, as if everything about this situation was formal and legal. I hissed my answer.

  “When I ask you a question, you will answer. Do you understand?”

  “Yes...” The second hiss was elongated, floating from my pursed lips. I yelped when his hold tightened, and he ground his hips against my ass. His cock was thick, hard as a rock. I slapped my hands on his desk, gasping for air.


  “Yes. Sir.” I knew what he wanted, some bullshit level of respect.

  “Now, answer the question. Am I wrong?”

  He’d seen right through me, although he’d been able to pick up on my discontent from the minute he met me. “Fine. You’re right. You’re both disgusting, wretched excuses for human beings.”

  “Doesn’t that make you feel better?” he asked, laughing.

  The bastard was laughing at me. “Damn you. Damn you!”

  He intertwined his fingers in my hair. “I promised you that your first lesson in obedience would begin tonight and it will.”

  “Are you going to spank me again? Is that what you think will keep me in line?” I heard the ragged sound of his breathing matching the swift beating of my heart.

  Dominick slipped his other hand around my arm, sliding his fingers under the bodice of my dress. A slight growl left his lips as he found his way under the thin elastic of my bra, cupping and squeezing my breast. “Your nipples are hard and the scent of your sweet and very wet pussy is ripe with the kind of need that burns from deep within.”

  “No, you’re...” My voice trailed off as he flicked his finger back and forth across my hardened bud. I was stunned at my body’s reactions, at the way my pussy tingled. “Wrong,” I finished, defiance in my tone.

  “I’m always right, my beautiful Caroline.” He pinched and twisted my nipple in a brutal manner as he continued to grind against me. “And remember, I know you. Every inch of you, including the desires you’ve kept pent up for years. No boyfriend has ever been able to satisfy you, no plastic toy has been capable of producing what you require.”

  What a fucking asshole. Panting, I licked my dry lips, struggling with my own mind to try to push him away. Everything was a blur, my inability to focus jarring. And yes, I was wet. Yes, I wanted this man... this monster to fuck me. I was blinded from the raging desire sweeping into every cell in my body.


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