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His as Payment

Page 12

by Piper Stone

  But that wasn’t the only aspect of growing frustration.


  She also had no fear of facing punishment. Her disregard for her position was infuriating as well as enticing.

  She was getting under my skin.

  “A casino. I should have guessed,” she said quietly as she leaned forward in her seat. Even with her chastising tone, I could see excitement in her eyes, shining like glitter.

  “You’ll find this much more than simply a casino, Caroline. There is very little that isn’t offered, every passion ignited, and desire fulfilled.”

  She laughed as an answer, the sound hell bent on driving me wild.

  I almost turned her over my knee, giving her a severe spanking. She was goading me as usual, tempting both my anger and my libido. However, tonight was about business.

  As Bruno came around to her side of the SUV first, I gripped her wrist once again. “I meant what I said, Caroline. You’re going to meet some very powerful people. If anyone approaches you and I’m not around, seek out Bruno. You stay where he can see you at all times. You have no idea how many enemies I have, and word of your existence will get around very fast.”

  Her eyes trailed down to my hand then back up, giving me a slight nod and a hint of her sparkling laughter. “I’ll be a good little girl and the perfect eye candy, just like the devil requires.”

  Damn the woman. She would need to learn a hard lesson, and that would come later. I clenched then flexed my fingers before shifting my aching cock.

  I held my breath as Bruno helped her out of the vehicle, easing out into the snowy evening. There were hundreds of cars in the above ground parking lot, even more protected in the secured underground facility. Everything about the casino catered to the upper echelon of society, providing high rollers with expansive suites and utter decadence. There was also a very special menu for the most discerning customers, one where they could opt to obtain almost anything or anyone they desired, including the darkest forms of kink.

  For a hefty price of course.

  After climbing out, I adjusted my tux jacket and scanned the surrounding area. I’d done as much digging as possible about what we’d been calling street thugs. From what I’d been able to piece together, they were well organized in both plan and execution. That negated the concept they were nothing but stupid kids banding together for a cause.

  The threat was increased significantly. We’d had some issue with drug cartels before, able to squash their infiltration quickly, but the timing was terrible. Tonight would be prime for the perpetrators to infiltrate drugs, even calling the cops after vacating the premises. However, my gut told me there was a more exclusive reason they were ceremoniously terrorizing my mules. Time would tell.

  I held out my arm toward Caroline. She was dazzling and certainly much more than eye candy. “Who’s here tonight?” My question was directed at Bruno.

  “Angelo and his entire crew. Jasper and his boys are scouring the streets, Jo-Jo taking control.”

  “Good idea. Make certain they do continuous sweeps. If they see anything, and I do mean anything out of the ordinary, let me know immediately. Is the manager also aware?”

  Bruno slanted his eyes in her direction. “As much as is necessary. There are some heavy influencers here tonight.”

  “As I would expect.” I felt her tensing. “Your number one job is Caroline’s protection tonight.”

  “Yes, boss.” Bruno didn’t hesitate. There was no emotion, no arrogance, and certainly no push back. He was the perfect employee. If only I had a few others like him.

  “I can take care of myself. I’m a big girl.” Caroline remained haughty.

  “Don’t forget our rules, sweet Caroline, because I won’t hesitate to discipline you in front of others if necessary.”

  “I don’t believe you. Tonight holds some level of significant importance to you. I highly doubt you’ll interfere with your stellar reputation by bothering to discipline me.” Her words were laced with ice but said oh-so sweetly.

  “I will do as necessary and every day of my life has importance. Now, shall we enjoy the evening?” I was amused when she plastered on the same smile I’d seen at her father’s function, holding her head high as I escorted her inside. I could tell she was impressed, the single breathless sound pushing past her delicate lips as provocative as always.

  “Mr. Lugiano. Welcome. We’re very happy to have you here.” The girl’s voice held genuine surprise. “Please, allow me to take your guest’s coat.”

  “Thank you, Melissa, and this amazing woman isn’t simply my guest for the evening. This is my fiancée.” I eased the coat from Caroline’s shoulders, curious to see her reaction.

  Caroline held out her hand, every bit as regal as I imagined her to be. “Caroline Hargrove.”

  “Oh. My.” Melissa almost dropped the coat in her effort to shake Caroline’s hand. “You’re Senator Hargrove’s daughter. I’m thrilled, I mean for you both. Wow, this is amazing. Your usual table is prepared, sir. Would you like me to escort you?”

  “That won’t be necessary, Melissa, but if you don’t mind, send over a bottle of Krug. A 1995.”

  “Absolutely, sir. And again, congratulations.” Melissa was far more excited than she should be and if my calculations were correct, the information would become public knowledge within a matter of minutes.

  “Thank you,” Caroline answered as she felt for the necklace, her eyes sweeping the entire room.

  “Already royalty,” I whispered, taking my time and leading her through the foyer. “When my father purchased the casino, it was completely run down. It took crews almost two full years to bring her back to her prime. We added a wing of suites, as well as private high-stakes games and brought in the finest chefs from all over the world. As I said, this is far more than just a casino.”

  “Impressive, but I have to ask, is there legitimate money being made?”

  Sighing, I could tell the night would prove to be interesting.

  “Dominick Lugiano. Slumming it tonight, I see.”

  I shook my head, hearing the man’s voice. “Dick. I certainly didn’t expect to see you here. How is that special task force you developed on organized crime?” I kept the grin on my face as we shook hands. While everyone wanted to believe that Dick was just another nemesis, he’d become more of an ally during the last two years.

  Especially since I supplied certain proclivities the man craved, keeping his very dark secrets.

  “Going very well,” he said, winking. “And who is this lovely lady?”

  “Caroline Hargrove, meet Dick Markus.” I watched her expression, the almost immediate recognition. I was well aware that Dick and Drummand were golfing buddies, even sharing some of the same kinky tastes.

  “Caroline, I...” Dick swallowed, shooting me a very painful look. “You’re even more beautiful than the pictures on your father’s desk.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Markus. I see you know my fiancé well.” She fell into the part in such a perfected manner than my balls immediately tightened.

  “Fiancé,” Dick breathed. “Well, that is some interesting news. Your father didn’t mention your upcoming nuptials at lunch today. I’m... surprised.”

  “A whirlwind romance,” I said with no inflection. “She is quite irresistible as you might imagine.”

  “Dominick is a very powerful man, refusing to take no for an answer,” Caroline added, dropping breadcrumbs. I had to admire her tenacity. “And my father certainly doesn’t have an interest in my life. He already has enough on his plate.”

  Dick’s face flushed, a line of sweat forming over his mouth. He’d used Drummand’s coattails to influence his own career over the years. This would certainly prove to be fascinating fodder on the golf course. He glanced at Caroline’s hand, no doubt searching for a ring.

  That would come at the perfect moment.

  “We should find our table, Caroline. Time for celebration.” I grasped her elbow, tugging with just enough
force she shot me a dirty look.

  “Wonderful to see you, Dominick. Say hello to your father for me,” Dick said, moving in the opposite direction, no doubt to refill his drink for the fifth time of the night.

  “I absolutely will.” I chuckled as I led her into the main dining room, parading her in front of the happy and influential couples. Every one of them tipped their heads in our direction, a mixture of shock and awe crossing their faces. The news had indeed traveled fast.

  “Is there anyone you don’t have your clutches into?” she asked, practicing her polished smile once again.

  I leaned down, keeping my voice velvety smooth. “If by that you mean does my family also have many powerful friends? The answer is yes. My father has been in control of New York for some time, preferring to convince his enemies that it’s in their best interest to assume a codependent friendship.” I noticed at least one of Angelo’s soldiers in the room, casually sipping a drink at the bar. At least he’d dressed the part for a change.

  “In exchange for keeping both them and their families alive. Correct?” She laughed, pressing her hand over her lips as if I’d just whispered sweet nothings into her ear. Several of the beautiful people lifted their glasses as we walked by, a sign of respect.

  As well as fear.

  A new regime had been born, created at just the right time. They and their companies, careers, and political advances could all go up in flames with a simple phone call.

  The table was in an alcove, sequestered away from the others and allowing me to see the entire room. The champagne was already open and within seconds of us being seated, the waiter had arrived, pouring two flutes.

  “They’re all staring at us. Am I nothing like your other... girlfriends?” She lifted her glass, swirling it back and forth in her attempt to look bored. She gazed at the piano player, the blues style singer providing a perfect backdrop for the evening.

  “I’ve never brought another woman to this establishment or any other for that matter.”

  “Ah, you’re just the fuck them and leave them type. What a shame.”

  Using just my index finger, I slid the tip down the length of her arm, enjoying the way goosebumps followed my trail. “I prefer intellectual conversations more than basic sex, but I will admit, there are exceptions. Tell me, did you enjoy our time in your studio?”

  Caroline pursed her lips, but I noticed a slight quiver. “I didn’t know that you were a flagrant asshole, Dominick, or I would have never gotten into a car with you and certainly wouldn’t have brought you to my studio.”

  I took a sip of the champagne, savoring the flavor before responding. In the warm glow of the candlelight, she was even more beautiful. “Is that really the case, Caroline? I didn’t force you by any means nor did I attack you while behind closed doors. If that’s what you’re telling yourself, then I’m surprised. You are many things, but a liar isn’t one of them.” I sat back, drumming my fingers on the table. I noticed Angelo popping into the room, his face pensive. When he noticed me, he gave a single nod. At this point, there was no sign of intruders.

  I motioned to Bruno, my hand gesture the only thing that was necessary.

  “One of your goons? Just how many follow behind you on a regular basis? Poor Bruno, your basic lap dog.”

  “I assure you that Bruno and all my employees are paid well.” I watched as he weaved his way through the crowd, pulling Angelo into the hallway.

  She sipped her champagne, closing her eyes as the bubbles floated across her lips. “You do have excellent taste. Amazing music. Delicious champagne. You certainly have your fingers in everything.”

  “A compliment. The men I employ have several jobs, security only one of them.”

  “Why won’t you tell me anything about you? What am I going to do, run?”

  My cock stirred again, the longing dipping into my deepest desires. “And I guess you’ve already read every newspaper article and internet garbage on the Lugiano family. What do I have left to share with you?”

  She laughed, resting her chin on her hand. “You’re right. I like to know exactly who I’m getting into bed with. Educated at Harvard, graduating Cum Laude with a degree in business and a minor in political science that only took you three years to accomplish. You’re a trained marksman, a sailor, and can speak three languages. You have been seen on the arm of several celebrities, even attending the Grammys one year. You’re an accomplished crook.”

  “You have been searching. Nicely done.” Her biting words were doing the opposite of what she hoped. I wanted nothing more than to take her to one of the suites, licking every inch of her luscious body.

  “I take after my mother, Dominick. Cunning and brilliant. And you need to tell me about her. Where is she or was this just some elaborate hoax like everything else about you?”

  “In due time, my sweet angel.” There hadn’t been a word from my father and I doubted there would be for some time. My father was very careful, refusing to make rash decisions. What I’d already found out made my skin crawl, but there was a significant piece missing, a terrible secret that Caroline and her mother paid dearly for.

  Snorting, she jerked her head away, still fiddling with her necklace. “I hate you. I want you to know that. All the furs and jewels, expensive champagne and cars aren’t going to change that. To me, you’ll always be a monster.”

  “Tell me about her.”

  “You don’t deserve to know anything about her,” she retorted.

  “I’m not your enemy, Caroline. You’ll realize that soon enough.”


  Bruno took purposeful steps back into the room, shaking his head as he came close. The night was quiet, which made me even more nervous, my skin crawling. I was never wrong and my instinct was on high alert. He leaned over, whispering in my ear.

  “We have an interesting guest.”


  “Lorenzo Francesco.”

  A snarl pushed to my lips. Damn the man. He was the last person I wanted to see tonight. “Wherever he is sitting, make certain you send a bottle of the special merlot.”

  Bruno chortled. “As always, boss, the consummate professional.”

  “Secrets, Dominick. One day they’ll destroy you,” she said absently.

  I took another sip, studying the people on the dancefloor. She was right. There had to be a reason for Lorenzo’s presence. His own casino was one of the affected, even raided the night before last. He would certainly be on edge, ready for retaliation, not jumping on a plane. After a few seconds, I tossed my napkin and stood, immediately reaching for her hand. “Dance with me.”

  She seemed taken aback, the same sneer on her face. “You really want everyone to know we’re together, don’t you?”

  “While I certainly value our relationship in that manner, I simply want to dance with the lady in my life. Will you indulge me?”

  Inhaling, she glanced around the room, finally allowing me to take her hand. As I led her out to the dancefloor, I felt something that was unusual for me. Pride. I was very proud of having her with me, enjoying the way other men longed to be the man holding her hand. I pulled us to the middle of the dancefloor, tugging her into a tight embrace. The feel of her breasts crushed against me was more powerful than having my cock buried deep inside, although my needs would be fulfilled tonight.

  The subtle yet effective change in music, the soft strains alluring, was perfect for my mood. I kept my hand on the small of her back, listlessly fingering her soft skin. She’d selected an exotic perfume and as the scent filled my nostrils, I attempted to forget who I was, even if for a few minutes.

  She finally relaxed in my arms, tilting back until she could look into my eyes. “You were different in my studio. I enjoyed spending time with that man.”

  “As I said, I have many sides.”

  “But which is more dominant? Which would you prefer to be, a decent man with a family or a murderer who uses revenge as a basic tool?”

  Now, her
words haunted me, stabbing at my very soul. She’d found a way to slide a knife under my skin, picking away at the hard edges. “I am what I was born into, Caroline. I can’t change that any more than you can with regard to your father. His hatred of the American people will surface, aborting any hopes of winning the election.”

  Her mouth twisted and she seemed to shrink in stature. “You do know him.”

  “I’m paid well to know everything about my enemies.” I cupped her face, sliding my thumb across her ruby-stained lips.

  “Am I your enemy?”

  “You’re everything I’ve needed.” I was surprised at my own words, the reality something that should bother me. She was empowering in many ways, but this could only work if she accepted my absolute domination.

  “Dominick, my friend. I must ask, may I cut in?”

  Hearing Lorenzo’s voice was enough to shut down every emotion. I eased back, eyeing his boyish grin. “You’re a long way from home.”

  “An important situation brought me to New York. Besides, I knew you’d be here, and this must be Caroline. Lorenzo Francesco. Dominick has told me all about you. What he failed to mention was just how beautiful you are. Shame on him.” He took her hand out of mine, kissing her knuckles.

  An important situation. The shit was getting deep.

  She didn’t recoil as I would have guessed, merely pushing away from me. “How spectacular to meet your friends, Dominick.”

  “One dance certainly won’t cause disruption to your evening,” he suggested, laughing as he always did at my expense. “Then you and I have business to discuss.”

  Business. I didn’t like his tone or his tactics. To find me on my own turf was considered bad form, something I would find pleasure in reminding him of.

  “Up to the lady.” I gave her an authoritative look.

  “I certainly don’t mind, darling.” Her inflection held such amusement.

  “Very well.” This would at least give me time to find out if there were any issues. I backed away, staring at them for a few seconds. There was no reason to feel threatened, but his presence was like a beacon, as if a war was about to begin. I motioned toward the door when I neared Bruno and together, we walked out of the room.


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