The Core Four Series

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The Core Four Series Page 9

by Stacy Borel

  “No!” My answer came out more abrupt and high pitched than necessary. “Camden hasn’t been the nicest person to live with, but I’ve made do. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt he’s just my roommate, nothing else.”

  We were just pulling up to the park, and Luke parked the car. When he got out, he came around to my side and opened the door for me, holding his hand out to help me out. I asked him if he needed any help carrying the blankets or food, but he declined, assuring me that he had it. We walked a short ways to a tree that was by a pond full of ducks. Luke started unfolding the blanket he’d brought and tossed it up in the air, letting the fabric fluff out and spread out on the ground. When I sat down, I sighed contentedly. This whole place was picturesque. The grass was a deep green and cut short. It smelled as though it had been mowed recently. That was one of my favorite smells. The tree we were under was also one of my favorites. It was a weeping willow. I had wanted one in my yard as a kid, because I thought they were magical, but I’d been told by my mother that they were messy, disgusting trees, and she’d never plant one. Sitting under it now, letting the drooping branches cloak us from the beating heat of the sun, it didn’t seem as bad as she made it out to be. I found it beautiful, and a perfect place to hide from the world. There were quacking ducks in the background, along with some chirping birds, and kids playing. I felt warm and peaceful, it was nice.

  Luke opened a few of the paper sacks he brought. They contained deli sandwiches, chips, two cookies, and some sort of pasta salad. I smiled up at him, and he actually looked a little embarrassed.

  “Sorry, I know this isn’t exactly diet food, but at least it will taste good.”

  I giggled. “Just because I’m working out doesn’t mean I’m dieting. I still love food. In fact my hips and butt love food more than my mouth.”

  He laughed. “I appreciate that your hips and butt enjoy the food.”

  My face felt red, and I knew I was blushing. Luke reached over and tipped my chin up to look at him. “You’re beautiful Keegan. I like that you have curves, and you enjoy good food. Between your long blond hair, big bright blue eyes, and sweet as pie personality… you’re like the ultimate package. I couldn’t even believe that nobody had snagged you yet.”

  I shied even more. “Nobody’s noticed until you.”

  His eyes studied my face. “Well then, they are fools, and I get the prize. But I have a hard time believing nobody has noticed. Even your own roommate looks at you like I do. Hell, all of the guys at the gym practically trip over their own feet watching you.”

  I turned away from him. “Okay, now I know your lying.” I couldn’t help but wonder if he was right about Camden. I’d never noticed any looks from him other than ones of annoyance. Could he possibly be attracted to me? No, I wasn’t even close to his type, and I refused to entertain the idea. Luke was just trying to be complimentary. Camden tolerated me because we lived together, that was it.

  He casually shrugged. “Again, you’re seriously selling yourself short.”

  We both unpacked the dinners. Luke and I sat for a long time enjoying each other’s company. We talked about our college classes, and the professors we’d shared over the past couple years. He was two years older than me since he was in a master’s program, which meant, despite having the same teacher, we’d never be in class together. We talked about how we grew up. He had an older sister who he saw pretty often, and his family still did Sunday dinners. I admired that and wished that I could have had a family who was so tight-knit. When I told him about my mom and Sarah, he listened intently. I saw what looked like sympathy flash across his face at one point, and it made me withdraw slightly from my story. I kept out some of the harder details, like my mom’s dating cycle and how I was more of a parent to Sarah than she was half the time. I didn’t want him to feel sorry for me. This was the hand I was dealt in life, and I was embracing it. Regardless of the topics we shared, I was feeling closer to Luke than I had over the past few dates. We laughed at his stupid jokes, and it was turning into an all-around great time. The whole time we talked, he was touching me in some way or another, whether it was a gentle brush of my hair behind my ear, laying his hand over mine, or leaning in and kissing my lips.

  Luke was lying on his side with his body propped up on his elbow. He glanced up at me through his thick dark blond lashes. His eyes were flirty when he said, “So I brought a Frisbee out, do you want to toss it around a bit before it gets too dark?”

  My tummy did flip flops at the way his eyes were smoldering. “Sure, that sounds like fun.”

  He stood and held his hand out. When I took it his palm was slightly rough but warm to the touch. It gave me chills even though the air was muggy. I tipped my head back to look up at him. He was slightly taller than Camden, but still, I was so short I had to look up at almost everyone. Luke held my hand as we walked out to an open spot near the pond. He gave me a slight squeeze before he released me, and we walked in opposite directions.

  “Don’t go too far. I can throw a Frisbee, but I’m not sure I can promise it will make it to where you’re standing,” I casually joked.

  He smirked. “Just hold your hand out like this.” He bent his wrist and flipped it out without letting go of the plastic disc, to show me how to do it. “The Frisbee will do the rest of the work.” Luke lightly flicked his wrist and the disc came sailing in my direction. He did it so easily and precise that it came right to me, and I caught it with grace.

  I laughed. “What are you, some professional Frisbee thrower?”

  Luke’s face lit up. “As a matter of fact, in high school I won an award for the discus throw in track and field.”

  “Show off,” I shouted. I tried to mimic how he had done it only seconds earlier, but I flung it practically straight up, and it came crashing back down almost in front of my own feet. “Oh come on!” I laughed. Luke was chuckling, the back of his hand covering his mouth. “Are you laughing at me?”

  He shrugged. “Well, you’re pretty cute. You get this look of concentration, and then you somehow managed to toss it to yourself. I can go get another one if you want to play a solo game I guess.”

  I teasingly glared at him across the open space. Luke barked out a laugh. I threw the Frisbee and it at least went in his general direction this time. He caught it after taking a few steps to his left. I loved the way his eyes danced when he was playing around with me. His long tan legs easily moved around as we continued our game. Luke would brush his blond hair out of his face every other throw, and it looked so masculine that I found myself watching him, intrigued by whatever move he made next. Did he know such basic movements made women gushy? He must, by the way his stare had turned from fun and playful to heated and tense. Luke caught the Frisbee after this last toss, and he made the few short strides across the grass to stand in front of me. My heart picked up its pace. The air between us was heavy, and the feeling between my legs indicated that he was affecting me.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” Luke asked, his voice a little deeper than normal.

  “I don’t know, you’re just… beautiful,” I said breathily.

  “Beautiful?” He made it a question, but he wasn’t offended by the slightly feminine compliment.

  My head was tipped back, and I was looking into his cerulean blue eyes. I knew my chest was moving up and down with my breathing because he glanced down and then back up again. Luke brought his hand up and pushed his fingers underneath my long hair and behind my neck. We’d kissed before, but it was always short and sweet. This felt different. The way he was looking at me, I could tell he wanted me. His fingertips were lightly stroking the sensitive skin on my neck. I watched in awe as he slowly bent forward and pressed his lips to mine. It was soft at first, but when I sighed, he pulled me to him and melded my body to his. My eyes fluttered closed, and I let him set the pace. His tongue ran along the seam of my lips, and I opened, granting him access. The warmth of his mouth was inviting, and he tasted like the potato chips w
e had earlier. I licked the little bit of salt that was lingering on his lower lip. He groaned at my exploration. His kiss was adoring and passionate. It made my body respond in a way that was begging me to let him take me back home and do whatever he wanted to me. But was I ready to go there? In this moment, my answer was yes. He was attractive, kind, and he’d done nothing but made me feel wanted. This wasn’t like some high school relationship where I needed to take things slow, because I was still a virgin and wanted to save myself for marriage. I’d already been with three other guys before, and now I was in college. I was an adult, and this felt right. I made the decision quickly. Before I could chicken out, I pulled back slightly, with my eyes still closed.

  I whispered to him, “Come home with me. I need to be with you.”

  He pressed his forehead to mine, his breathing labored. I could feel how aroused he was against my stomach. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to think this has to go any further right now.”

  I opened my eyes and saw the bright shining blue of his watching me. “Positive.”

  He blew out a breath and leaned back. “Let’s pack up and head out then. Besides, it’s getting pretty dark.”

  I nodded, and we walked back to our picnic area and cleaned up. When we got in the car, he took my hand and kissed my knuckles so tenderly. I smiled at him, and we started making our way back to my apartment.

  On the way there, my mind wandered to Camden. I hadn’t really taken him into consideration when I made the offer for Luke to come stay the night with me. Was it wrong for me to bring a guy to the house with the intention of doing more than just hanging out? As quickly as that thought came into my mind, I brushed it aside. Of course it was. But Camden had already brought home at least a half a dozen girls and never once thought if I’d care that those tramps were in my space. He did whatever he wanted, so I was going to do the same. My only hesitation was when I remembered the look that Camden gave Luke in the kitchen. I didn’t want any repeat episodes of a pissing match. In fact I was hoping that he would either already be in his room, or that he’d have left to go do something and wouldn’t even see us.

  As we pulled up to the apartment, my nerves kicked in. It shouldn’t be bothering me so much that I was bringing someone home. We walked up the steps to my front door, and I quietly unlocked the door. I was trying to be as discreet as possible. If Luke had noticed what I was doing, he didn’t indicate it. I looked at him over my shoulder, and he smiled at me. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he looked a little nervous himself. What did he have to be nervous about? Luke was perfect. Perfect body, perfect looks, perfect moves…hell he was even a perfect kisser. Maybe I was just reading him wrong.

  As we stepped inside, it was notably dark, but I heard a faint beating noise from upstairs. Camden must be up in his room listening to music. I closed my eyes and exhaled. Thank God! Grabbing Luke’s hand I weaved him through the downstairs, and we climbed our way up to my room. When I pulled out my keys, Luke raised his brow in question.

  “Don’t ask,” I mumbled.

  Just inside my door I turned on the light and shut the door behind him. He was standing still, taking in my personal space, but his brows were furrowed.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Where’s your bed? In fact, where’s all your furniture?”

  I shrugged. “I’m still saving to get it all. When I moved out of my mom’s house, I didn’t take any of my things with me besides my clothes. It’s really not a big deal.”

  He regarded me carefully. “But you’re sleeping on an air mattress, Keegan.”

  “Yeah, I know. Is that a problem?”

  “Well, yeah. I can’t believe that Camden hasn’t even offered to buy you furniture. A girl like you shouldn’t be staying in a room with nothing in it. In fact, I’d be happy to go and buy-”

  I held up my hand and cut him off. “No, you’re not buying me anything. Now can we move the subject on to something more pleasant? Otherwise I’m going to lie down and get some sleep.” I didn’t like that he was even offering. What was it with all these boys trying to fix me?

  He’d been standing with his hands on his hips, trying to assess if I meant what I said. I raised my brow, silently goading him to try me. As quick as he could turn me on, this subject had been a mood killer. His graceful square jaw ticked as he clenched his teeth. I could see the war battling within him to be the hero here, but I didn’t want a white knight. I wanted him to look at me like he had out at the park. I wanted Luke take me in his arms and be with me. Whatever his decision was, he’d made it. Stepping forward he grabbed my elbow and slid his hand down until he reached my hand. He pulled me to him and wrapped my arms around his back.

  “Fine, I get that you are proud and want to do this on your own. But if you ever need any help, please know that I’m here. All you have to do is ask.”

  I tilted my head to the side. “That’s sweet, Luke. I appreciate the offer. Now can we please, like, kiss or something? My knees went a little weak in the park, and I’d like to see if you can do that again.”

  His answering grin was all I needed. His mouth came crashing down to mine, and clothes went flying. He walked me backwards until my feet hit the air mattress. When I stumbled back, and my butt hit the bed, I giggled. I was ready to enjoy this.


  The next morning I was lying there wide awake. Last night wasn’t at all what I was expecting. Luke was wonderful in every way, but when he pushed inside of me…I felt nothing. There was no spark, no chemistry, nothing! I mean, don’t get me wrong. My body responded the way that it should when it’s been touched and caressed in very intimate places. I even had an orgasm from the sensations, but it fell completely short for me. It was more like a formality than a passionate meeting of bodies. I was almost ready to cry, because something was missing. In the middle of Luke thrusting, I’d briefly wondered if Camden could hear us. I wanted to know if he was jealous, if he wished he were Luke. When Luke’s pace started to change, I put my head back in the game, because he was clearly close to coming, and I wasn’t even close to being on par yet.

  Looking up at this handsome, blond-haired man who I was entangled with, I wondered if there was something wrong with me. I shouldn’t have been thinking about my roommate while naked and going to town with someone else. That thought was just wrong! In fact, I was going to do this again. I liked Luke. He deserved to have all of my attention and not just part of it. Well, that was if he wanted to have sex with me again. I couldn’t just assume that I was all Miss Super Porn Star and everything he’d hoped for.

  “What’s going on up in that gorgeous head of yours?” Luke’s groggy voice sounded beneath me.

  I raised my head from his chest and looked at him. “Mmm…you’re awake. Nothing worth talking about.” I gave him a small smile.

  He quirked a brow. “You sure?”

  I nodded, my chin brushing the light dusting of hair on his pecs. “You sleep okay?”

  His mouth tipped up. “I slept quite well, thanks to you. In fact, maybe air mattresses are the way to go. This sucker is pretty comfy.”

  I laughed softly. “Yeah, regular beds are overrated.”

  His beautiful mouth curved into a grin, and he tapped my nose with his finger. “You’re cute in the morning.”

  I curled my lip. “Meh… I’m going to pretend that you can’t see the makeup that I’m sure is smeared under my eyes, and that it doesn’t look like a bird is nesting in my hair.”

  He shook his head. “You don’t see yourself like I do.”

  I tilted my head. “Dodger said the same thing to me.”

  Luke chuckled. “Well maybe we’re on to something.” He started to sit up, so I moved. “Listen I don’t mean to cut out on you, but I have to get to work in an hour, and I still need to go change my clothes.”

  “That’s fine. Do you want me to cook you any breakfast before you go?”

  He cupped his hand on my cheek, and I leaned into it. “Nah. I’ll grab somethi
ng on my way home.”

  Bending down he placed the sweetest softest of kisses on my lips. Luke stood up and moved about my room getting dressed. I looked at his killer body completely unabashed. I was pretty sure I sighed dreamily. He looked over his shoulder and winked at me. Busted.

  I got up from bed too and tied my ratty yellow robe on. I made note that I needed to replace this thing. It’d seen better days.

  “I’m going to walk you out.”

  Grabbing my hand we went downstairs, only to be met by the smell of bacon and a shirtless Camden and Dodger. I didn’t know why I’d forgotten that Dodger was going to be coming over to go for a run. He’d asked me to join them, and I declined, saying there was no way I could keep up. I was getting healthier, but in no way was I capable of their stamina.

  Luke bumped into the back of me when I paused at the bottom of the steps. Both guys stopped what they were doing and looked up at me. Dodger’s shoulders were moving up and down, and I knew he was laughing. I could only assume I was never going to hear the end of this from him. Camden, on the other hand, had a different expression. His mouth was closed, and his eyes zeroed in on the robe I was wearing. I caught a very subtle and brief rising of his brow, before it went away, and he looked like his usual grumpy self. Okay, keep moving, Keegan. Just as we passed the breakfast bar, Luke’s hand slid to the small of my back in a possessive manner.

  “Hey Dodge… Camden.” Luke was friendly toward Dodger, but his greeting to my roommate was brisk and cold.

  Both boys nodded at him. I made quick work of walking him to the front door so I could say goodbye. When he stopped dead in his tracks, I heard Camden quietly saying, “Nice, doing the walk of shame.” I turned and saw a very irritated Luke. Even I bristled.

  “What did you say?” Luke’s voice was low and threatening.

  Camden looked up from his cooking bacon and stared directly at Luke. “I said, how nice, doing the walk of shame.”


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