Book Read Free

The Core Four Series

Page 23

by Stacy Borel

  Paul chuckled when Camden shrugged. “No worries honey, we all know Cam’s all bark.”

  Oh boy they had no idea there was certainly more than a bite that went along with his bark. He looked down at me, confirming that he was reading my mind. Winking at me, he got up as well. “We’ll divide the teams when we get to the field. Let’s go.”

  I started picking up my plate to take it into the kitchen when Donna put her hand on my forearm and said, “Don’t worry about that, we always clean up after we play.”

  I smiled at her and set it back down. Out in their garage were two golf carts and a couple bat bags sitting next to them. We all loaded up, Paul driving one cart, and Turner driving the other. Sarah sat on Dodger’s lap since there wasn’t enough room for all nine of us to ride over there. I was sure she was thrilled. We went about two blocks over and stopped at a baseball field that was well maintained but looked like it wasn’t used often.

  Camden spoke into my ear. “My parents bought this acreage when I was a kid because they wanted a place that they could take us to practice and not worry about us slamming any balls into the neighbor’s windows. They made it into a baseball field and opened it up to anybody that wanted to come use it. We still come out here after every family dinner and play. It’s been our tradition for over fifteen years now.”

  Unloading, we all stood near the fence that ran along the catcher’s position. “Alright time to choose teams.” Turner was taking charge. “I’ve got Mom, Dad, Keegan, and Macie. So Cam that leaves you with Wrigley, Dodger, and Sarah.”

  “Sounds fair.” He nodded.

  “Y’all can bat first. Macie, how’s your arm?”

  “Honestly, I kind of suck at throwing balls.”

  He smirked. “I’m sure you’re better playing with them.”

  She laughed, but I heard Dodger growl. “Watch it asshole, or Wild Thing might peg you in the face with a fastball.”

  “Alright, play nice boys, and Turner cut it out with the wisecracks,” Donna chided.

  “Sorry Mom,” he said. “Okay since Macie can’t pitch, how about you Keegan, can you toss a ball? You don’t have to do anything crazy, just underhanded softball pitching.”

  I had no idea whether I could or not, but I shrugged and said, “Sure, I can try.”

  “Good girl,” he praised, which made me think about Camden saying the same thing to me in the bedroom. My face reddened, but thankfully nobody noticed. “Macie you go stand between second and third base. I’ll take the spot between first and second. Mom, you and Dad go in the outfield. Everyone good?”

  We all nodded and went to our prospective positions. Everyone else was off to the side waiting for their turn to bat, while Sarah was up first. Dodger helped place her feet the correct way and put her hands on the bat where they should be. He nodded at me when she was ready. I stepped in a little closer to go easy on her. First toss, she swung and missed. We all clapped and told her to keep trying and to keep her eye on the ball. Her second swing she clipped the ball, but it was a strike. The next one I threw was way off its mark. She laughed at me, and it warmed me that she was having such a good time. Dodger stayed close to her and was coaching her when to swing. My fourth pitch, she swung and hit the ball. It went rolling on the ground, and Macie took off after it. Sarah ran to first base, and we all slowed down to let her get to the base. Dodger whooped and cheered for her. I didn’t think I’d ever seen a bigger smile on her face. Next up was Wrigley. He wound his arm around while holding the bat, warming up his arm.

  “Don’t worry pretty girl, I won’t hit it too hard,” he taunted.

  “I’m sure you don’t,” I dished. I heard Donna laughing in the outfield, and I saw Camden shaking his head.

  “Just hit the fucking ball asshole,” Camden yelled.

  I tossed my first pitch, and he swung and missed. Granted it wasn’t the best throw, but I think Wrigley had planned on swinging at everything I threw his way. The second ball, he hit, and it went sailing past my head and out toward Turner. Sarah took off running at Dodger’s command, and she made it to third base before she stopped. Wrigley made it to first base, and he looked all too pleased with himself.

  Camden was up next. When he walked up to the plate, his baseball cap shadowed his eyes, and I took my time to shake my shoulders out. When he brought his face up, and our eyes connected, I swallowed hard. Holy shit… keep it together Keegan, he’s trying to intimidate you. He nodded at me, letting me know that he was ready. Why did I love his serious face so much? I brought my arm back and underhanded the first pitch. It went wide, and Camden let his bat fall to his side as he went to get the ball. Tossing it back to me he smirked. He knew exactly what he was doing to me. Fine, two can play at this game. Everyone else was chanting, “Here batter, batter,” over and over, not paying attention to the tension that Camden and I had going on between the two of us. I kicked my feet back and forth on the dirt and held the ball up to my face. I licked my lips, knowing that he could see it, and gave my hips a little wiggle. His eyes narrowed at the movement. Throwing the second ball, he swung and missed.

  “Come on Cam!” Wrigley yelled. “This isn’t fuckin’ tee-ball, let’s go.”

  Camden flipped him the bird and repositioned himself. “One more time, Blue. Give it to me good.”

  Oh I’ll give it to you. He already had two strikes, and I was pretty confident I could get him to swing and miss a third time. His deep chocolate eyes were silently challenging me, testing me to see if I’d waver. I gave him another pitch. If a ball could move in slow motion, I swear this one did. I watched as it went straight toward home plate, Camden was focused as he brought the bat around and took a swing. The ball never connected with the wood, and I let out a “whoop.”

  “You just let a girl strike you out hot shot, good going,” Dodger grumbled.

  He said nothing in return. He simply looked at me and grinned. Why did that grin tell me that I was going to pay for that? Either way it made my heart flutter.

  “Better luck next time, hot shot.” I picked at him.

  He barked a laugh. “Yeah, we’ll see Blue.”

  The game continued on, and we played four innings. We all were having a blast, and I didn’t think I’ve had so much fun in a long time. That was until we paused because Camden’s phone was ringing. He ran over to the fence where all of our stuff was, and his smiled faded when he looked at the screen. His eyebrows came down and he brought his finger up to tell us all to hold on. He walked off the field and out toward the street, seeming tense. What was going on? I glanced at Macie, and she shrugged her shoulders. Everyone else started talking to each other as we waited for him to finish his phone call. Something about his demeanor wasn’t right. Never taking my eyes off of him, I wondered who could possibly be calling him on Thanksgiving when all of his family was out here with him. Or who could get him upset like this. When he hung up, he looked defeated. I wanted to go to him and ask what was the matter, but I could tell he was closed off. Whatever it was about, he wasn’t going to tell me. Camden had come back on the field and went directly to Dodger. He was the brother who he was closest to, and I knew they shared everything. Dodger was nodding as he listened, and I could tell that whatever this was he didn’t like either. As we started the game back up, I knew he was ignoring my questioning looks. If he thought I was going to shrug it off and act like he was bothered by something, he was sorely mistaken. The rest of the game everyone was having a good time except for myself and Camden. His mood was affecting my mood, and I was anxious to get him alone so we could talk. Thankfully nobody else seemed to notice.

  After the game, everyone packed up and loaded up on the golf carts. Camden was still holding a bat and ball when he told them, “You guys go ahead. Keegan and I will walk back.”

  Paul and Donna gave each other knowing looks, while Macie and Dodger both said, “Uh-huh,” in unison. When they all left, Camden directed his attention back to me.

  Holding the bat out, handle first he said, “Ste
p up to the plate Keegan.”

  I didn’t know whether it was his tone, or how his eyes were drilling into my own, but I gladly obliged. Taking the bat I went to home plate and waited for his next command. He walked out to the pitcher’s mound and stood with his body to the side. I almost gaped at the view. I loved the line of his back that led to his well fitted jeans. I’d never tired of his perfect body. It was a treat to look at with clothes off and on. It was getting cooler outside in the evening with the fall weather. Chills ran across my exposed skin.

  “Let’s see how you can hit when I’m pitching.”

  “I’m pretty sure I can hit it out of the park if you’re throwing.”

  Delight danced across his features. “You think so?”

  “Oh I know so. Throw the ball Brooks, I’ve got this,” I taunted. Putting the bat up by my shoulders, I place my elbows out and my feet wide.

  He tossed the first ball, and it went a little faster than I’d been expecting. Then again he threw it overhand, which was a switch up from earlier. It went past my bat, and I swung at the air.

  Quirking an eye brow he bemused, “You sure about that pretty girl?”

  “Shut up and give me another one,” I ground out, steadying myself.

  He got back into a pitcher’s pose and held the ball near his face. When he threw it, the ball went too far to the left, and I couldn’t have hit it if I’d tried.

  “You talked a big game earlier, and now look who can’t hit the ball?” He was trying to piss me off, and for some reason I took the bait.

  “It would help if you threw it over the plate.”

  “You could have it hit that and you know it.” I nearly growled. Biting my tongue I got back in position but pointed my bat out to the field. He caught my meaning and chuckled. “Okay Babe Ruth, let’s see if I can strike you out, or if you can knock it out of the park.”

  Rolling his shoulders he looked at me, his intense stare building my confidence with a drive to beat him. When he threw the pitch, I kept my eye on the ball, ignoring everything else around me. Bringing the bat down and extending my arms, the wood connected sending a stinging vibration through my hands as I followed through on my swing. The ball went sailing high up in the air and traveled to the far end of right field. A smile spread across my face, and I dropped the bat. Taking off running, I went to first base, my foot touching the corner of the padding, then second, then rounding to third. Camden was laughing at me as I slowed and skipped my way back to home, enjoying my happiness. Hopping on the dirt covered diamond I lifted my arms up in the air and let out a loud ‘woo’! Have you ever seen a football player do a celebration dance when he scores a touchdown? I thought the moment called for it. I did a little shimmy and shake humming along to the beat of my own drum. I could hear my brooding man’s laughter getting louder. He was coming toward me. Instead of letting him reach me, I wanted the chase, I needed the chase. Picking up my feet, I took off running, making my way toward the outfield.

  He was hot on my heels when he said, “I’m going to catch you, Keegan. I always do.”

  I giggled and ran a little faster. I heard the sound of his feet hitting the ground behind me, causing my heart to beat harder than it already was. I darted to the side, looking over my shoulder at him. I knew that if he wanted, Camden could catch me, he was easily faster that I was. My short stride didn’t take me near as far as his longer one did. Thinking I was being smart, I slowed myself down and waited for him to get close enough. At the last second, I switched directions and moved just out of his grasp. I was about to take off again in a sprint, but he did some crazy spin and was able to wrap his arms around me. He picked me up so that my back was to his front, and he lifted me off the ground. I was laughing so hard that my stomach hurt.

  “Gotcha!” he stated proudly.

  Between fits of laughter I said, “I totally knocked your ball out of the park.”

  Maneuvering me in the air, he flipped me over and for the second time today I was dangling over his shoulder. “Gloating is usually not a very attractive quality, but for some reason it’s cute on you so I’ll let it slide.”

  I slide my hand down the back of his pants and reveled in the feel of his firm ass cheek. “Mmm…I know something that’s cuter.”

  He slapped my butt, and I yelped. Smoothing his hand over the burn he said, “How about you not start something you can’t finish.”

  “Who said I wouldn’t finish?”

  I heard him rumble something under his breath before he set me down on my feet. My back was now up against the fence where our belongings had been, and Camden hovered over the top of me. “Never pegged you for the public indecency types, but I’m willing to go along with it.”

  I shoved his shoulder. “Shut up. You know I’d never.”

  He brought his face down to mine, causing me to tip my head back and look at him. His mouth brushed mine, and his lips feathered across face. His tongue came out and grazed my bottom lip, causing a sigh to escape my throat. His hands came up, his fingers lacing through the wire, caging me in. My eyes were still open as were his, and I felt like I was drowning in a pool of decadent chocolate. His chest rubbed against my already aching nipples each time he inhaled. Desire was pooling at my center, and everything around me revolved around this man. When Camden drew his leg between mine and pushed up against me, I closed my eyes and moaned. How bad would it be if I just rubbed myself on him until I got the relief he was building up in me?

  “Keegan look at me,” he demanded.

  I blinked them open, not realizing how lost I was. He was smiling in victory. “What?”

  “You were saying? No public fornication?”

  I rolled my eyes. “What are you doing to me Camden?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, how is it possible that I lose myself in you so easily? It’s kind of scary, it’s never happened to me before.”

  “It’s not scary, it’s a good thing.”

  “I suppose so, but what’s going to happen when this is all over?”

  He tilted his head to the side. “Who says this is going to end? We just started Keegan.”

  “Yes but we don’t even know what we are. You could choose to walk away at any moment, and I’m the poor pitiful girl who is left reeling from the ridiculously hot guy who took a chance and treated her right.” God, even I sounded whiny to my own ears.

  “Are you wanting to put a label on us?”

  “No. Maybe?” I sighed. “I don’t know.”

  That got a soft smile to grace his mouth. “What’s causing this sudden insecurity?”

  I jerked my head back. “This is sudden? Camden, you’re in a totally different league than me. I’ve been insecure from the start.”

  He clenched his jaw, the muscle ticking. “This isn’t high school Keegan. There are no leagues, groups, cliques, whatever the fuck you want to call them. There’s you and me, that’s it. And that’s all that I care about.”

  I looked down, knowing that I needed to ask him something but unsure of how to word it without sounding like I didn’t trust him. “I’m sorry. I’m ruining the fun we were just having.”

  “No you’re not. Your body, and feeling your subtle curves up against mine, is always fun.” He paused waiting for my reaction. “See? That made you smile.” And it did. “Blue, I’m with you. I’m not concerning myself with anybody else. If defining what we have here is what will make you happy, then I’m fine with that. The word ‘girlfriend’ doesn’t scare me. I’ve already been thinking of you that way since this started.”

  “You have?” I looked up at him again.

  “Yes. You were the one who mentioned not using labels, so I didn’t.”

  He kissed the tip of my nose, and I relaxed a little. Time to go in for the kill. “Camden who was it that called you earlier?”

  I watched his reaction like a hawk, waiting to see any changes that would indicate a lie when he spoke to me. His eyes darkened, narrowing at me and making me feel like I
was the one being scrutinized. I saw his biceps bulging through his long sleeves so I knew he was gripping the fence harder than he needed to. “It was nobody. There was an issue at the gym and the receptionist didn’t know how to handle it, that’s all.” He paused. “Are we going to have trust issues?”

  The gym was open on Thanksgiving? I shook my head. “No, I just noticed that you seemed upset about something, and you wouldn’t look at me when you got off the phone. I know that you have a past Camden, and I am not so blind to not think that past might want to come back around.” I was trying to give him a push to open up to me about any exes that might want him back. Particularly someone named Bree. “This isn’t about trust, but it is about you confiding in me. You can tell me things, I’m not going to judge.”

  There were a few seconds between when I spoke and when he did. “There’s nobody coming back in my life like that. There’s also no reason for you to feel insecure. I know that I don’t say a lot or maybe open up, but I know that you are here. And I appreciate that.”

  I swallowed the lump in my throat. He was hiding something. Every fiber of my being told me I was right. But I couldn’t call him out on it without getting into a huge fight right now. I’d just have to cross my fingers that at some point he’d want to tell me what was really going on and who it was that called him and had been texting him. In the meantime I nodded and gave a weak smile.

  “Okay,” I said.

  Placing his forehead on mine he repeated me. “Okay.” Giving me a quick peck on the lips, he took my hand and pulled me away from the fence. “Let’s get back to the house girlfriend, my brothers have probably already tore into the pumpkin pie, and if it’s all gone, I think I might murder someone.”

  I grinned at his now silly demeanor and followed him back to his parents.

  Chapter Seventeen

  TO SAY THAT I’VE HAD A BAD WEEK would be the understatement of the century! First it started at work with going from a paper system to an electronic one. Scanning and inputting a couple hundred patients’ records was not only time consuming, it was tedious. And don’t even get me started with having to file the paperwork that was still coming in so it could all be switched over. Then I had a pop quiz in A&P that I wasn’t even close to being ready for. We had gone over the different types of cells in the body the day before and I hadn’t had a chance to look at my notes. Sarah had called me to say that Mom had left, and she was home alone. So I had to go get her and bring her to the apartment then take her back when my mom got home. I would have just let her stay if she didn’t have school in the morning. It has been one thing after another, and I was exhausted; mentally and physically exhausted! Not only that but Camden had been working later than normal so I’d barely seen him over the past few days, and it was making me crabby. I also noticed that when he was home with me, he was distracted. It didn’t’ sit right, and I wondered what was going on. But after our talk at the baseball field, I knew that I needed to trust him.


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