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The Core Four Series

Page 58

by Stacy Borel

  Amy gathered a little more gel and moved to the other side of my stomach.

  “Awe, what a perfect little profile. Would you like me to print one out?”

  “Yes,” Dodger replied.

  More clicking sounds and a printer started up. She didn’t hand us the photo, probably because she was going to print us a few more. Amy pointed out a hand and a tiny foot. The both of us stared at the screen with adoration. It was the sweetest thing I’d ever seen, aside from I’m sure, the actual baby.

  “Okay, you ready know the sex? Baby is being super cooperative and its legs are wide open.”

  Dodger grasped my hand tightly. I felt a little tremor, like he was shaking in nervousness.

  “Any guesses?”

  “I say girl,” I stated.

  He looked at me. “Really, you think it’s a girl?”

  “Mhmm, I do.”

  “What about you?” Amy asked.

  “Ummm . . .” Dodger was trying to hide his smile. “I’m going with boy. That way our bases are covered.”

  Amy laughed. I shook my head and grinned at him.

  “Real slick there, sir,” I teased.

  “Okay, moment of truth.” She shifted the wand in the correct position and there it was. I knew right away what I was looking at.

  “Oh my god.” I couldn’t catch my tears fast enough.

  A cheerful and expectant Dodger became concerned.

  “What? What’s the matter?”

  I shook my head and laughed. “Nothing’s the matter.”

  “Congratulations, Dodger. It’s a boy,” Amy announced.

  He whipped his head back to her so fast, I’m surprised he didn’t hurt himself. His hand was squeezing the life out of mine, and I had to wiggle my fingers to get blood flowing again.

  “A boy? You’re sure?”

  “Mhmm. See this right here?” Her cursor pointed on the screen. “It’s definitely a penis.”

  “That whole hamburger and hot dog bit you learn in school and all that.” I laughed some more.

  “What?” he asked.

  Sniffling, I was over the moon. “In elementary school, they teach you that girl parts are like a hamburger and boys are like a hot dog.”

  I was getting looked at like I was insane.

  “No? Just me that picked up on this? Okay then.”

  Dodger continued to stare at the screen like it would possibly disappear if he so much as blinked.

  “Holy shit, a baby boy.” He coughed. “Shit, I’m sorry. I cursed, and did it again.”

  Amy giggled. “Believe me, I hear all sorts of reactions in here. It’s the fun part of my job.”

  Oh, I bet it was. I’m thinking I was in the wrong profession. Well, I get some pretty good ones too when a baby is being pushed out. I call us even.

  “Anyway, I’ll go ahead and print out a couple of these for you to keep and possibly frame. Then I’ll get the paperwork sent over to Doctor Carrie and he will discuss anything further with you at your next appointment. I’ll leave a clean towel here on the end of the bed, and if you both think you can find your way out, I’ll just step out and leave you to it.”

  We both nodded.

  “Okay then. It was a pleasure meeting you both. Again, congratulations and enjoy the rest of your day.”

  “We will, thank you,” Dodger answered politely.

  When she left, he picked up the black and white photos and handed me the towel. I cleaned up and looked upon him as stared at his child.

  “Jesus, babe, there’s a little human being inside you.”

  A giggle bubbled up. “I’m aware.”

  “Like right now. It’s growing.”


  I was sitting on the table still when he reached his hand out and placed it on my stomach. It was such a loving and tender moment that it almost took me by surprise. His fingers spread and he rubbed his thumb back and forth. Never in all the time I’d been together with him had he showed such an emotional moment. One where he was practically sitting here with his heart hanging outside of his body expressing the love he had for his child. Times of regret and what if’s flew right out of my head to never be thought of again. I wouldn’t wonder if this baby would ever be taken care of or loved unconditionally by both of its parents. I knew he would be.

  He pulled his hand away and I saw he wiped away a stray tear, hoping I didn’t see. I wouldn’t mention it. Not that it embarrassed him, but it was him being a caring man. Those things didn’t need to be discussed. Helping me off the table, I tugged my shirt down and grinned at him.

  “Sooo, you happy about having a boy?”

  “Couldn’t be more thrilled. How about you? You said girl.”

  “Eh, it was just a guess. Goes to show those Chinese calendars are made up by bored idiots.”

  “Huh?” He was confused.

  I shook my head. “Nothing. Guess my world is about to filled with blues, and browns, and green. Oh shit, wait until we tell your mom.”

  He chuckled. “She’s going to spaz. I’m actually shocked she hasn’t been blowing up my phone asking if we found out yet.”

  “Oh, just wait. I’m sure it’s coming.”

  Just then my phone chimed. “And there we go.” I expected to see Donna’s name on the screen, but it was Keegan. “The other half of the nosey crowd is wondering.”

  “Don’t answer.”

  “What? You mean leave them hanging?”

  “Yeah. Let’s go to lunch and celebrate. Everyone else can wait. In fact, we can ask them to meet at Mom’s house this evening and we can let them know all together.”

  I exhaled. “Wow, you are a brave soul. You do realize you asking your mother to wait, she is liable to hunt your ass down and kill you for making her wait longer than she already has.”

  He grinned devilishly. “I know. And that’s just too bad.” He opened the exam door and led me out of the room and imaging area. “I’ll take the tongue lashing like a big boy. Right now I just want to take my girl, and son out on a date.”

  He didn’t have to convince me. Just the sound of those words were music to my ears. Somebody pinch me, is this how my life is turning out? Who cared about molds and expectations. Sometimes better things come from the unexpected. I knew because I had never felt better in my life.

  Chapter Ten

  A WEEK SINCE FINDING out the sex of our baby had gone by. The night we told the family, we also invited my mom and dad to come over. There wasn’t even a word in the English dictionary to express their joy when we said it was a boy. Actually, apparently Dodger had pulled Camden aside and told him before everyone else. I guess brothers needed to display some sort of male competition or dominance. He told his brother.

  “We have balls.”

  To which I slapped his arm, and Camden chuckled. Dodger had shrugged and grinned proudly.

  Donna couldn’t stop sobbing that her first grandchild was going to be a boy. My parents hugged me, confirming that they were happy with the news. Keegan gushed that she was going to be an auntie and her little man was going to have everything in the world. Then she proceeded to tell Camden her biological clock was ticking and she wasn’t getting any younger. It was all very entertaining.

  Tonight I was off after a long three-day straight work week. I hated it when they did that to me. Barely gave me time to come home, shower, eat, and sleep before I had to head back in for another twelve-hour shift. I had just put a lasagna in the oven. I’d been craving it for weeks now and just the smell of it was making my mouth water. Actually, the way I was feeling these days, I’m not sure food was what I was craving.

  Dodger came walking in, setting his keys down and removing his coat. I was in the doorway of the kitchen and watching him with rapt attention. His every movement was the most delicious thing I’d seen. Maybe I was going crazy. Or maybe I was a sex craved pregnant woman that wanted nothing more than to be sexually satisfied and spent. The last time I’d had any action was with Dodger when he put the bun in th
e oven, and I’d say I was long overdue.

  He had yet to see me standing here staring at him. I had no clue if I had marinara sauce on my face, or splatters of food on my shirt. In fact, just watching him, I wasn’t sure if I had drool forming in the corner of my mouth. The scent of him wafted in my direction and like Peppy La Pew, I fluttered on my feet toward him. His brown hair was still long and uncut. When he caught sight of me, his blue eyes sparkled, and his crooked smile made my heart flutter. I didn’t stop my forward momentum when I got right in front of him and he was about to say “hey how was your day” my mouth slamming against his halted his words.

  Dodger stumbled backwards into the wall but recovered himself, grasping a hold of me so I didn’t fall. He grunted when his back hit, which quickly shifted into a moan. There wasn’t any space between us as I assaulted his mouth. My lips shifted and moved against his as I battled to stay in control of the kiss. My tongue slipped out and touched his lower lip. He flicked his against mine, then sucked my lower lip between his teeth, letting them scrap the tender skin.

  We’d done this a few times already. Had heated make out sessions where I clawed and pawed at him, doing what I could to get him naked and inside of me. Every time he’d grab my wrists and prevent me from going further than heavy petting, then he’d tell me to go take a hot bath and it would settle me down. I knew why he was doing it. He was trying to remind me that he was the one in control of us and he dictated when any sexual acts would happen. After I’d given him my ultimatum, he wouldn’t budge. He told me he wouldn’t do anything with me until I was thoroughly begging for it. Well, I’m there. I’m begging.

  His lips lightly brushed mine as I tried my hardest to seduce him into stupidity.



  I reached down to feel his rock hard cock between us. What I wouldn’t give to drop to my knees and unzip his pants and watch him spring free.

  “Let’s play a game.”

  He chuckled, grasping a handful of hair and gently pulling me away to look at him.

  “What kind of game?”

  I smiled. “A game called ‘just the tip’. It’s loads of fun, I promise. You won’t even have to do anything. Just lay there and I’ll do all the work.”

  He barked a genuine laugh. “Macie.”

  “Dodger, c’mon. Are you still going to hold out on me?”

  I grasped him firmly in my hand a hiss came from his mouth. He paused briefly as my fingers walked up his pants and to the space between his shirt and belt line. That little bit of skin I was touching was enough for me to take as a signal to push it further. Flattening my hand, I pushed it down his pants and into his briefs. The soft skin was taut and warm. I wanted to feel him in my mouth. Taste the head of his cock as I swirled my tongue around it. I wanted to feel him writhing beneath me as my hand tenderly held his balls and touched the spot right behind them. The very thought sent a gush of wetness into my panties.

  “I’m not holding out on you, Macie. You can feel how badly I want you.”

  I slide my hand up, then down. He groaned and closed his eyes. “Then why?”

  “Because, I want you to realize you’re mine.”

  “I do, Dodger. I really do.”

  “There’s no question of whose you are. I want you begging me.”

  “I’m begging.”

  His free hand that wasn’t tangled in my hair came up and brushed my hardened nipple. My knees wanted to give out.

  “No, you’re not.”

  I leaned forward, trying to nip at him. “Mhmm.”

  “I’ll compromise.”

  I couldn’t help but whine. Damn it, the bastard wasn’t going to let me have my way. How on earth was he not dying of blue balls yet? I knew this was a hardship for him. I may be pregnant and getting rounder, but I wasn’t ugly. Nor was I so big that my belly would be in the way.

  “What kind of compromise?”

  He bent and whispered in my ear. “I’ll gladly take care of you, and your needs.”

  Music to my ears. My eyes popped open and I swear if I had a tail, it would be wagging like my owner had the world’s biggest and best stick.

  “And can I take care of you in return?”

  “I’m okay.”

  I poked my lower lip out and pouted. “That hardly seems fair. I get just as much pleasure out of pleasing you as I do you pleasing me.”

  “Not that I don’t love to hear that, I think we will just stick to my way for now.”

  We’ll see about that. I still had some sex appeal here. Maybe a little dance or wiggle? Hell me completely naked, how could he say no? He wouldn’t if I started touching myself in front of him. Stop trying to get the upper hand here, Dodger. It’s not happening. Meanwhile, the little Suzy Homemaker in me made a mental note that the lasagna had another forty-five minutes in the oven before it needed to come out and be sprinkled with more cheese.

  I grabbed him by his shirt and tugged. “Come on, big boy.”

  Walking back to our bedroom, I stripped off my top, which I wore a white camisole underneath. I wasn’t in the mood to put on a bra earlier, and I high fived myself for not having to do extra work. Dodger’s eyes traveled to my breasts, and I knew he could see the light brown coloring of my nipples as they hardened for him. I purposefully grasped both and pinched. A moan escaped my lips. His pupils were rapidly dilating, covering the blue. The strain of his cock in his pants has got to be unimaginable. He was still in the doorway, enjoying my show, while I was in front of the bed.

  “You done?” he asked.

  “Done with what?”

  Unfortunately, the bottom half of me wasn’t as sexy as the top. My skinny pants no longer fit, and I’d grown to love the use of belly bands which held up my regular pants without having to button them. Slipping them off in an attractive manner wasn’t happening. Instead, I opted for quickness and stripped them as fast as I could. Thankfully, I’d had half a mind to put on some red lace, cheeky underwear. Come hell or high water, I planned on wearing pretty underwear through my whole pregnancy.

  “I wouldn’t have minded helping you out of your clothes, you know? Although, I have to admit, it was very entertaining watching you do that. It’s been a while.”

  His grin made me blush. He began making a slow, purposeful stride toward me. My anxiety went up a notch and judging by his heated look, he fully intended on making this last. I wasn’t so sure I was going to be able to. When he reached me, he demanded my attention. His dominant stance over me, the subtle licking of his lips, he was walking sex.

  He brought his hand up and brushed a loose strand of my hair back. “You’re so beautiful.”


  “Mhmm. It does something to me knowing you’re carrying part of me in you.”

  “Well, that’s awfully caveman of you.” I smiled, pointing out the obvious.

  He touched my stomach. Instinctively, I wanted to suck in, but sucking in a fetus was sort of out of the question.

  “Caveman or not, you’re glowing. It’s like you were meant to be like this. Curves, and all of this.” He skimmed my body. “I love this shape.”

  “You mean round.”

  He chuckled. “I didn’t say round.”

  “Round is a shape.”

  He bent down and kissed me slow and easy. It felt meticulous and planned. Dodger was trying to control this, so then he could control himself. I didn’t want that. I wanted passion and wildness. I wanted unplanned and spontaneous. He was more than capable of giving it, but I’d have to really test his resolve to get him to crack. He meant it when he said he wanted me begging.

  Slipping my tongue out, I licked his lip. Reading me, he gave me more pressure. He parted his lips and allowed me to lead this moment. When I felt his hand come up and cup my breast and his fingers pinched my nipple, I nearly came undone.

  “I know what you like, Macie. Don’t tell me what to do.”

  The smart ass knew what I was up to. He was trying to stay a st
ep ahead of me. I pulled the strap of my camisole down and exposed my right breast. Heat flashed in his eyes as he took in what I was showing him. My nipple was peaked and wanted attention. And attention is what he started to give it. Dodger took my nipple in his mouth and sucked, swirling his tongue then tugging slightly. My hands dove into his hair and my head fell back. He was holding me around my lower back, as I tried to arch into him. A low “mmm” came from my throat, as I tried to verbally commend him. It was all that would come out.

  While his greedy mouth was attached to me, his other hand came up and pulled the other breast out of my top. His fingers flicked across the tight peak and my knees nearly gave out. He looked up at me and released me so that I could sit down. As he stood in front of me, Dodger grasped the edge of my panties and took them off, flinging them somewhere behind him. God, I wanted him undressed. I made eye contact with him and he knew. He shook his head no and I growled.

  “You, Macie. I’m taking care of you.”

  “Yeah?” I reached forward and took a handful of the bulge in his pants. “And I would like to do the same. So quit being so stubborn.”

  “No,” he stated firmly.

  “I’m going to get what I want.”

  “Spread your legs.”

  I did so without question. My body was being commanded and I responded like he held the controller.

  “Tell me how wet you are.”

  The rotten bastard was going to tease. “I’m very wet, Dodger.”

  “Show me. Touch yourself.”

  Taking my right index finger, I touched the lips that my clit hid behind. I pushed downward, giving myself pleasure at the same time. I desperately wanted to continue, and let him watch. Instead, I lifted my finger and held it in the air.


  I brought the wetness to my mouth and my tongue touched my finger tip.


  I smiled. “No what?”

  He grabbed my wrist to stop my motion. “You’re not the one tasting you. If anyone does, it’s me. And I want every drop to belong to me. Is it mine?”

  “Do you want it to be yours?”

  The light from the hallway made it so I could see my wetness glistening. His eyes were impossibly dark. His jaw worked as he swallowed and forced down his own need. I knew if his pants came off, he’d take no time fucking me. I wanted him to. I wanted him to stand me on the side of the bed and bend me over. I wanted to feel him gripping my hips as he drove into me. I wanted to grasp the bedding because he was pushing me forward. I need to look over and see him in the mirror as he watched with me what he was doing to me. Instead he held on to his control by a hair.


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