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Fate of Wizardoms Boxed Set

Page 91

by Jeffrey L. Kohanek

  His head hit the pillow and he closed his eyes. I live, but must do so without my leg. Which was the preferable outcome? He couldn’t decide. Set your self-pity aside, soldier.

  “I must speak with someone. We are in grave danger,” he said, his voice no more than a whisper.

  The old woman furrowed her brow. “I don’t know about danger, but you had best have a good reason for abandoning your post, soldier.”

  “Where am I?”

  “The Murguard Training Garrison, north of Anker.”


  No wonder it took me so long to find the river. Wrong river. Weary and fevered, it had taken him over a week to reach the river. He knew it was too long but had attributed it to his leg being in a splint and hobbling with a crutch. When hiding from the darkspawn, I must have gotten turned around.

  Footsteps approached in the corridor. The door opened and a gruff, middle-aged man stepped in. He had dark eyes, a thick build, and the dark skin of a Kyranni. “I am Huon-Li Kahn, captain of this outpost. What’s your name, soldier?”

  “Ki-Atti Illuokon.”

  “It has been a while since we have caught a deserter.”

  Angry, Ki-Atti sat up. “I am no deserter!” The room spun in a wave of dizziness, stirring his stomach, making him groan.

  The woman put her hand on his shoulder and pushed him back down. “Easy, soldier. You have been ill for some time and need to recover.”

  “If you aren’t a deserter, why were you found on the river with an untreated wound?”

  “I was last stationed at Chasm Sixteen, a recent transfer. Days ago…” How many days have passed? He was unsure. “Weeks ago, we were hit with a massive assault, thousands of goblins attacking at once. Worse, there were four rock trolls among the horde.”

  “Four?” the captain scoffed.

  “Yes. Enough to destroy the wall. It was madness, with blood and death ruling the night. I was knocked unconscious, my leg trapped beneath a section of the wall. I woke to darkness but was forced to pretend I was dead while wave after wave of monsters climbed over the rubble and slipped into the jungle. The next day, when I was sure it was safe, I started to dig myself out. It took a full day before I could free myself.

  “Once finally freed, I found my leg badly damaged. I bandaged it the best I could and made a splint. Armed with a spear I used as a crutch, I limped around camp in search of survivors. I found none. With nobody to turn to for help, I loaded a pack with food and filled two waterskins before making for Chasm Seventeen. Wounded as I was, the short trip took a full day. When I arrived, I found everyone dead, the post destroyed. Faced with a difficult decision and my leg growing increasingly worse, I decided to head south for the river. There, I planned to build myself a raft and float downriver.

  “I traveled by day and huddled in fear at night, barely avoiding discovery by roaming darkspawn on several occasions. This went on for days, me surviving on water and jungle fruits after my supplies had been exhausted.” He shook his head. “Lost in a haze of pain and fever, I must have grown confused in my directions. I had planned to take the Nalta River to Prianza, but somehow wound up on the Anker River, which brought me here.”

  The captain stared at Ki-Atti for a time, measuring him with a heavy gaze. “You say Sixteen and Seventeen have fallen. What of the other posts?”

  “I… I do not know. I fear the breach at Sixteen was planned. From what I saw at Seventeen, the monsters attacked from the jungle, not the chasm.”

  The man jerked with a start. “You believe the monsters are intentionally attacking from the unprotected side of each post? We have never seen evidence of strategic planning from darkspawn.”

  “I know, sir. In my experience, they are mindless, save for the shaman. You kill them, and the others collapse. Even so, the shaman seem to do little other than point their host in a direction with the goal of capturing prisoners to be used as sacrifice to the Dark Lord.”

  “If the other posts have fallen, there is nothing keeping the darkspawn from wreaking havoc across the Eight Wizardoms.”

  Ki-Atti nodded. “May the gods have mercy on us.”

  The Fate of Wizardoms epic continues with Objects of Power, releasing in May 2020.

  Note from the Author

  I hope you have enjoyed the story thus far. The Fate of Wizardoms will continue, and I would love for you to join me for the entire saga.

  Not only does this adventure continue in Wizardoms: Objects of Power releasing May 2020, there are other tales to tell, including three companion novellas featuring Jace, Narine, and Brogan, each set long before Lord Taladain’s death.

  I give those stories out for free to anyone who joins my author newsletter. In those emails, I share exclusive insights on my characters, my stories, and myself in addition to weekly giveaways and fantasy book promotions. If you are interested, proceed to

  Best Wishes,


  Also by Jeffrey L. Kohanek

  Fate of Wizardoms

  Book One: Eye of Obscurance

  Book Two: Balance of Magic

  Book Three: Temple of the Oracle

  Book Four: Objects of Power

  Book Five: Rise of a Wizard Queen

  Book Six: A Contest of Gods

  * * *

  Warriors, Wizards, & Rogues

  Runes of Issalia

  The Buried Symbol: Runes of Issalia 1

  The Emblem Throne: Runes of Issalia 2

  An Empire in Runes: Runes of Issalia 3

  Rogue Legacy: Runes of Issalia Prequel

  * * *

  Runes of Issalia Boxed Set

  Heroes of Issalia: Runes Series+Rogue Legacy

  Wardens of Issalia

  A Warden’s Purpose: Wardens of Issalia 1

  The Arcane Ward: Wardens of Issalia 2

  An Imperial Gambit: Wardens of Issalia 3

  A Kingdom Under Siege: Wardens of Issalia 4

  ICON: A Wardens of Issalia Companion Tale

  * * *

  Wardens of Issalia Boxed Set




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