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Demise of the Demon King

Page 10

by Utkarsh Srivastava

  This attack was from the mace of Akhand. Suryam was shocked, he couldn't believe that.

  'Elder, come back to your senses, what you are doing?' Suryam tried to stop Akhand.

  'I am not your brother, I am the real successor of the Demon King Markesh.'

  On this declaration, all the demons kept their weapons, and laid down in front of him. Adheem also kept his Axe down, and welcomed him.

  'The crown Prince of Demon's race, the Yuvraj of Demons, the real strength of demons. Mahabali Akhand, we surrender in front of you, now our destiny is in your hand.'

  'Mahabali Akhand, be victorious……' The whole demon army started the slogans of acclamation for Akhand.

  'Yo Majesty, It's your welcome in the world of the Asuras.' Adheem laid down on the ground and welcomed Akhand.

  'What shall we do with this human, Suryam?' Akhand stared at Suryam.

  'O Prince. Your grandfather, the Demon King Markesh have captured around one lakh Kshatriya warriors from Prithvilok. Around two months from now, he is going to sacrifice them all. These sacrifices will be done on the full moon night, for which two more warriors are required. My suggestion is that, we should capture this human Suryam, after that there will be only one more warrior required for that divine sacrifice. Due to which your grandfather the Demon King Markesh will receive excessive powers from his Kuldevi.'

  'If that is so, then we should go on. Capture him.' The demons followed Akhand's command and rushed towards Suryam.

  Suryam stood up from the ground, and was ready to reply that attack. But before the battle starts, a mist spreaded all over between them. One unknown person grabbed Suryam's hand and pulled him away. When the mist disappeared, Suryam was not there.

  'Where is that young man? Go and search for him.' Adheem screamed.

  But Suryam was not there. The troops of Adheem searched him a lot, but they couldn't get him.

  Miles away from that place, Suryam was lying unconscious. When he gained his consciousness, he found himself lying within the shadow of a tree. He felt severe pain in his head. Thereafter, he stood up from the ground, there was a pin drop silence in all the four direction. Soon Suryam crossed the dense forest and reached in the open ground.

  'What should I do? Where should I go now?' Suryam thought in his mind, and strikes a small stone with his foot. That stone rises in air and hits an elephant, who was sleeping. When the stone hits that elephant, he got awaken. That wild elephant rushed towards Suryam. But Suryam realized it very late, that the elephant was coming to attack him. That elephant hits Suryam, due to which Suryam clashed with the tree. His mace falls on the ground. At the next moment only, he stood up from the ground and rushed towards the elephant, but soon one another elephant came in front of Suryam. Now there were two elephants in front of Suryam.

  Both the elephants rushed to attack Suryam, his mace was far away from him. He used all his strength and lifted a huge rock and thrown it towards the head of one of the elephant. And without wasting anytime, he jumped and ascended on the neck of another elephant. The elephant who was injured by stone, turned mad and rushed towards the other elephant on whose Suryam was ascended. This clash injured both the elephants severely, both the wild animal falls on the ground. This much time was sufficient for Suryam to go and pick up his mace, he rushed and picked up his mace and was ready to face those elephants. The injured elephants stood up from the ground and rushed towards Suryam, but this time Suryam strikes at the heads of both the elephants, due to which those elephants falls on the ground. But at the next moment only, both the elephants disappeared.

  'What type… of jugglery… was… that?' Suryam was astonished.

  'This was the test of your strength, as well as the presence of your mind, young man.' One old man came in front of Suryam.

  'Who are you?' Suryam asked surprisingly.

  'I am Prajapati, I have come here to help you.'

  'Sorry to say gentleman, this isPatallok. I have faced lots of deceits in this region, so I don't have any reason to trust you.'

  'If you will not take my help, then you will continue wandering in this jungle, young man. Neither you can get back the senses of your brother Akhand, nor you can return toPrithvilok.'

  'Akhand is not my brother, he is the successor of the Demon King. He is an Asura.'

  'He is not an Asura, he is a human. A human, in whose body there is a demoniac soul. That's why he got easily under control of Adheem.'

  'But he is the son of Bhanusen, who killed my tatshree (uncle).'

  'A person is recognized by his Karmasin the world. One part of the Akhand's soul is surely demoniac, but the feelings and emotion of a person is attached with their close ones, the persons with whom they spend their life. Akhand can be brought back to his sense only through these emotions.'

  'It seems that, you have really came here to help me. So now you only guide me, what should be our next step?'

  'Firstly you have to reach to the divine sword of Sage Omeshwar.'

  'Sage Omeshwar, who is Sage Omeshwar?'

  'When the time will come, not only you, whole world will get to know about him. But the fact at the present is, that Adheem could be killed only through the sword of Sage Omeshwar.'

  'If I kill Adheem, then also, how will I bring back my brother Akhand to his senses.'

  'I don't have the answer, young man. You have to find the way for it. My job was just to take you to the sword of Sage Omeshwar.'

  'As you wish. Now tell me, in which direction I have to proceed?'

  'Ten miles away, in the western direction, there is a cave. There is a statue in that cave, in which that sword has been embedded. The demons don't have capability to touch that sword. The brother of demon's mentor Bhairavnath, 'Taraknath' is the guard of that sword. You can get that sword after defeating him.

  'So it will surely happen. Now allow me, I have to step out.'

  'Be victorious.'

  With the blessings of Prajapati, Suryam proceeded towards the cave of Bhairavnath. Soon after some prahars, he was in the front of the cave of Taraknath. Without thinking anything, he entered in that cave. While entering in that cave, a large climbers bounded the legs of Suryam, and pulled him away. Soon Suryam was dragged and came nearer to the monastery of Taraknath.

  'Come young man, for what you have come here? Do you want the divine sword of Sage Omeshwar?'

  Taraknath smiled at Suryam, who was lying on the ground. He encouraged Suryam.

  'The sword for which you have come here, it is embedded in the statue of that demon. If you have guts, then take it from there.'

  Suryam turned and looked over that statue, it was around twenty yards higher. The face of that statue appeared like a demon, and the sword of Sage Omeshwar was embedded in the navel of that statue. Suryam was astonished to see that why Taraknath has told him about the location of that sword so easily. But he don't have any other option, he had to step forward towards the statue. Soon he came nearer to that sword, but Taraknath still not tried to stop him. Suryam was still in confusion, but then also he putted his mace down and touched that sword. The moment he touched that sword, the land began to shiver. Then also without thinking anything, he pulled out that sword from the navel of that statue. Taraknath stood up from his monastery and laughed.

  'You have done the job, what I wanted from you young man. This cave is under my control, and your dead body will be buried here.'

  On the signals of Taraknath, the climbers of the tree, rises from the floor and bounded Suryam's hand, the sword was pulled out from his hand. That sword rises in the air, and came nearer to Taraknath. At the very next moment, Suryam turned around. He was totally shocked, the statue which appeared to be lifeless, suddenly it shows the symptoms of life. His size was around twenty yards, and eyes were all blood red in color. That giant demon came nearer to Suryam. But Taraknath have no idea about the strength of Suryam, the climbers which bounded his hands turned into the chains. Suryam was still bounded with the two poles. He closed his eyes and
collected all his strength, and started pulling the chains. The result of his strength astonished Taraknath.

  Both the poles, through which Suryam was bounded with chains, were broken. He lifted that poles through that chains. One part he thrown towards that giant demon, and another one towards Taraknath. Taraknath was injured severely through that pole, but it doesn't effected that giant demon a little. The part of the pole collided with that giant demon, falls on the ground and was destroyed. Taraknath was lying below that pole.

  'Vakrbaahu, I have rescued you. Help me.'

  Listening to Taraknath, that giant demon turned towards him, and stepped towards him for his help. This much time was sufficient for Suryam to gain his stability, he rushed towards the divine sword.

  That giant demon (Perhaps, whose name was Vakrbaahu), lifted that pole from the body of Taraknath, and rescued him. Taraknath was in steady state now, but the divine sword of Sage Omeshwar was now in Suryam's hand.

  'Go Vakrbaahu, just destroy that young man. He is our worst enemy.'

  On the command of Taraknath, Vakrbaahu lifted a huge rock, and thrown it towards Suryam. But Suryam destroyed that rock with the single blow of the divine sword. Thereafter, Vakrbaahu rushed towards him with the unpredictable speed, he collided with Suryam. This collision blows Suryam's mind, he was thrown out of the cave destroying the walls of that cave. But the divine sword was still in his hand.

  He was injured severely, but then also he stood up from the ground. 'It seems that he have the strength of thousands of elephants in his body. Firstly I have to kill that demon Adheem, thereafter I will try to face this giant.' Suryam thought in his mind, and he decided to escape from that place. He started rushing towards the dense forest.

  'Vakrbaahu, stop him.' Vakrbaahu and Taraknath chased Suryam.

  Suryam was thinking only about Adheem. His speed was much higher than Vakrbaahu. Suryam continued running till a prahar, and soon he reached the same place, where he met Adheem last time.

  'Adheem….. Come out.' The roaring sound of Suryam was spreaded all over in the dense forest in the darkness of night.

  On listening this roaring sound, Adheem and Akhand appeared there, ascending on the higher mounds with their army. Adheem was scared to see the divine sword of Sage Omeshwar in Suryam's hand. Akhand tried to calm him down.

  'You don't worry, I will kill this boy soon. Thereafter, you'll be out of danger.'

  Adheem could feel his end in front of him. Akhand took up is mace and jumped from the mounds, and soon he was in front of Suryam.

  'Brother, please get back to your senses. You have forgotten your identity.'

  'No, I am very well aware of my identity. The fact is that, I am the grandson of the Demon King Markesh. I am the successor of the demon's race. And my first duty is to take you to the death bed, young man.'

  Soon Vakrbaahu and Taraknath also reached there, Akhand made a fierce attack on Suryam, but Suryam was not able to attack his elder brother. He falls on the ground, the divine sword falls from his hand too.

  'Wait, Prince Akhand.' Adheem stopped Akhand.

  'Why, don't you want see your foe dead?' Akhand turned over Adheem, and questioned him.

  'We'll get rid of this young man soon, Prince Akhand. But to kill this child, the crown prince of the demon's race should not bother. This giant Vakrbaahu is capable enough to kill him. Taraknath, at present Vakrbaahu is your slave, so command him to kill this young man.' Adheem turned towards the Taraknath.

  This statement of Adheem effected Vakrbaahu's mind directly. He shouted at Adheem.

  'I am not a slave. I am a debtor of Taraknath, just because he has rescued me, by pulling out the divine sword from my navel. So I am compelled to follow only his order, statements of any other person doesn't matter for me.'

  Taraknath tried to calm down Vakrbaahu.

  'Calm down, Vakrbaahu. My command to you, is same as the command given by Adheem. Destroy this young man, who is worst foe of the Asuras.'

  'If my demise is sure, then I'll be a martyr while fighting this giant Vakrbaahu. Today my elder brother has left me alone, so what I will do with this life? This life is of no importance for me in which I don't have blessings of my elder brother with me.'

  These words of Suryam shakes the inner soul of Akhand. The duel among Vakrbaaahu and Suryam begins. Suryam uprooted a whole tree and thrown it towards Vakrbaahu, Vakrbaahu smashed that tree with his fist, that tree was divided in two parts. Thereafter, both the warriors rushed towards each other. Vakrabaahu made a fierce attack on the chest of Suryam, due to which he was thrown several yards away and collided with a rock. He spilled out blood streams from his mouth.

  Surprisingly, Vakrbaahu turned into a Mammoth for the final attack, and rushed towards Suryam. But before Vakrbaahu could crush him, two of the forceful arms came and stopped him. The love of his brother defeated his demoniac soul, the pain of his brother increased the strength of his arms to such an extent, that he could resist that mammoth Vakrbaahu.

  'Har Har Mahadev……. ' Akhand raised his voice, he used all his strength and pushed back Vakrbaahu.

  The injured Suryam got back to his steady state. He stood up from the ground, picked up the divine sword of Sage Omeshwar and rushed towards Adheem.

  'Now evenBrahmdevacannot save you, Adheem. You produced a conflict between me and my brother, now your soul will surely proceed towards hell.'

  When Adheem saw the flames of Suryam's eyes, he could feel his death approaching towards him. Therefore, he rushed to save his life. Suryam slaughtered all the demon troops, who came in between. Seeing this Taraknath decided to use his elusive powers, and signaled the climbers of several trees to move towards Suryam. Those climbers stopped Suryam, and bounded his hand, the divine sword jumped in air from his hand.

  The fierce duel among Akhand and Vakrbaahu was still going on. The divine sword of Omeshwar jumped and touches the hands of Taraknath. Therefore, he got a severe shock and falls on the ground, his mind game was exposed.

  'Stop Vakrbaahu, Just look over here. This Taraknath, who cannot even tolerate the touch of this divine sword, how could you think that he can rescue you, by pulling out the sword from your navel? Although unknowingly, but I am the one who pulled out the divine sword of Sage Omeshwar from your navel, and rescued you.' This statement of Suryam stopped the duel between Akhand and Vakrbaahu.

  Suryam was disarmed, the troops of Adheem were rushing towards him. But at the next moment only, Vakrbaahu caused a huge commotion among those troops. He started crushing those demon troops. Seeing this, Akhand picked up the divine sword, which was lying near Taraknath and stepped towards him. The elusive powers of Taraknath was disabled for some time, he was lying on the ground. He was scared seeing Akhand coming towards him.

  'Forgive me, young man. I am disarmed… you can… not attack me… in this position.'

  'I am not challenging you for a war, I am punishing you for your sins. You tried to harm Suryam, and I'll never leave a person alive whoever tried to harm my brother ever.'

  The furious Akhand stabbed and bursts the chest of Taraknath, through the divine sword, the streams of blood spilled out from his body. He was dead now.

  The troops of Adheem were either crushed, or escaped. Adheem was scared, his legs were shivering. Akhand thrown the divine sword of Omeshwar to Suryam.

  'Suryam, this wretch Adheem has turned me against you. Just kill him.'

  'As you wish, elder one.'

  Suryam rushed towards Adheem. Adheem had deep knowledge about the dense forest nearer to him. He rushed to save his life, and soon he got disappeared in the dense forest. Akhand and Suryam tried much, but couldn't find him.


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