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The Surgeon’s Secrets: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 69

by Michelle Love

  “Good job, Brat. Oops, I mean Britt,” I say with a smile. “Come on. We can rent that cabin that only the tourists rent when they visit our sleepy little town. Our families will get a kick out of it. It has the swimming pool and that game room. We can invite all of them to come back home for a visit. A family reunion kind of thing. I need to bury the hatchet with your family, that’s for sure. Our families need to really get to know each other, anyway.”

  “Why is that?” She looks really confused.

  “Because you and I are going to get married, duh,” I say and roll my eyes at her, then laugh.

  The laptop lid closes, and she looks at me with a very serious expression. “Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves, dearest. We’re only two days into this week-long trial project. After we see how things go, then we can plan a trip back home. Until then, I’d rather not involve too many people into our experiment.”

  “I hate that you keep thinking about us failing. We will only fail if one of us doesn’t put forth the effort to build what we have. We already have this great foundation …”

  Her hand goes up, stopping me. “This is not a great foundation, Jason. This is a very unstable foundation. Trust has to be built. Speaking of that. What do you plan on doing about your women, here in New York at least, while we give this thing a whirl?”

  “What do you plan on doing about your goon squad of boy toys?” I counter her question.

  “My men are in check. They know who holds the reins in those relationships. If you can call them that. Your women think you’re going to marry them. It’s quite different,” she points out.

  “Hence, why we should get the hell out of here for this week, sweet potato,” I say and get up to move in behind her, wrapping my arms around her, nuzzling her neck. “I want to go to a place that’s neither mine nor yours. A place we can be together, alone.”

  She looks back at me with a smile. “You don’t like my staff, baby?”

  I whisper, “Why do they not talk to me?”

  “I think because they’re shocked to see a man here. Don’t let it bother you. They probably think you’re a ghost or something like that.” She laughs and I bite her neck, turning that laugh into a low moan.

  “Go pack. I’m taking you to someplace I’ve never been. Bring a few bathing suits, the skimpier the better. Some light dresses for when we go out in the evenings. Maybe a few shorts and little tops. Sandals. You know, that kind of stuff.”

  “Island wear?” she asks as she smiles. “Now that idea, I love.”

  “Good,” I say, then kiss the top of her head. “Since I have a stalker at my place, I’ll get Donovan to pack my things and bring them here. Then he can take us to the airport.”

  “Where are we going? Should I take my passport?” she asks as she gets out of her chair.

  “Definitely. I’ll make some calls and get things going. A private jet, I’m thinking. A little mile high action in the bedroom. What do you think?” I ask, but I know what her answer will be.

  She merely nods and takes my hand, pulling me along behind her. “Come with me to help me pick things out. You can make your calls in the bedroom.”

  Moving along behind her, I notice the housekeeper cutting her eyes away from us. I hope that woman isn’t someone Britt plans on keeping around once we move in together. She gives me the heebie-jeebies and so does the cook, who doesn’t even cook well.

  We had scrambled, tasteless egg whites with one piece of bacon each and a small glass of milk for breakfast. It was terrible, and I’m starving to death.

  One hour later, we’re in my car heading to the airport with reservations for a bungalow in Bora Bora. Brittany is nestled into my side as she looks at her phone at the site I sent her so she can see where I’m taking her.

  “This is going to be so much fun, Jason!” Her eyes move over the screen full of crystal clear water. Then she looks at me. “It’s been a secret wish of mine to go there.”

  “I remembered how much you liked to go to the beach back home. We’d take that five-hour car trip down to the coast, and you always lit up like a sparkler when you saw the water. I can’t wait to see your eyes when you see where we’re going.” With a little squeeze, I kiss her cheek and she squeals.

  To make her happy is a thing I always loved to do. She’s easy to please. I could show up with a pint of Blue Bell ice cream and she’d make the same sound.

  Her face goes all serious all of a sudden as she asks, “You’ve never taken anyone there before, have you?”

  I hold up two fingers on my left hand and place my right hand over my heart. “I swear to you, I have never taken anyone there. I’ve never been to Bora Bora.”

  She smiles and relaxes again. “I know if this works out we will end up going places where you’ve been with other women. Just do me a favor and pretend you never went anywhere with anyone else but me. You’re a liar, so you can do that for me, can’t you?”

  “Whoa! I’m a liar?” I ask with a lot of indignation.

  She nods and looks at me with an expression of surprise. “You are. What do you call what you’ve done all these years, Jason?”

  “Um, I call it protecting people’s feelings. Not lying. God, you make me sound like a horrible person.” I take my arm off her shoulders and look out the window.

  If she really thinks I’m so bad, then how is this going to work?

  “Jason, you do lie to women. Like a lot. You have to know that you’re a liar.” She stares at me with a blank expression.

  “Then so are you,” I say as I look right back at her.

  Her hand goes to her chest and her voice goes very high as she shrieks, “Me?”

  I nod. “You lie, Brittany. Don’t deny it.”

  To say she looks appalled is a complete understatement. “Take me home.”

  “Why?” I ask, as she saw nothing wrong with calling me a liar, but when it's flipped around on her she gets mad.

  “I am no liar. I am a terrible liar. You can ask number seventeen on your app about that.”

  I look out the window, then back at her, as two and two come together. “How do you know that Pamela is number seventeen?”

  Her cheeks go pink. “Oh, well … Damn it! Your phone rang last night, and I looked at it. Okay? See, I can’t lie to save my life. Well, maybe if my life really depended on it I could. But the way you lie, no, I could never lie like that.”

  “So you looked at my app, then,” I say quietly. “And you still agreed to give me a week to prove to you I want something more with you and only you. That’s amazing, to tell the truth.”

  “Yeah, forty-eight women are a major stumbling block. But, then again, so is one. So why count them, is what I was thinking. And sorry about invading your privacy like that. If the shoe was on the other foot, I’d have been furious at you,” she concedes.

  I put my arm back around her and pull her in close. “Come here. I’m sorry I called you a liar. I didn’t know what to call you. I had to say something. You aren’t perfect either.”

  “I never said I was.” She looks up at me. “I am a hypocrite. I came to terms with that last night. I sat there and said things to you that also pertain to me. It seems we both have things to work out. Both of us have problems that stem from way back.”

  “Mine started with insecurities. I knew you were going to make something of yourself, and I thought you’d leave me behind. I never had faith you’d keep me around once you got to where you were going,” I confess.

  “And now that I’m here, and still want you, does that make those insecurities vanish? The truth, Jason.” She drums her fingertips on my leg as she looks at me.

  “None of my insecurities have vanished, no. But I have this new thing inside of me that really wants you in my life. So, for the first time in my life, I have something to work for. I have a reason to stop my philandering ways. I hope you do too.” I take her hand in mine and raise it to my lips. “I love you, Brittany. I always have and always will. I know it in my heart.”
  She looks at me with what I think is hope. I have a feeling she is hoping I will change. Hoping I will be the man she needs me to be. Hoping we can have what we both thought in the back of our minds we always would. A life together.

  Donovan pulls into the busy airport and it seems that we still are on for the trip. Our little argument seems to have passed like a storm in the night. I have a feeling there’s no way we’re going to get through this week without a few of those things.

  It’s to be expected when trying to get over a past that’s so flawed and away from lives that are also terribly flawed. I’m praying we can get through this tough stuff and get to the creamy center of life.

  It occurs to me, as we sit in the line of cars waiting in lines like we do for everything in New York City, that this is not a place I want to have a family. “Are you dead set on living in New York, pudding pop?”

  With a shrug, she asks, “Not sure. Why?”

  “It’s a terrible place to raise kids. I think somewhere more rural is better. Don’t you?” I run my fingertip along her thigh, moving the short skirt up a little.

  “There you go again, jumping the gun. I swear, can your mind stay in any place for very long? Let’s get through this week and see if there’s a future for us. And here’s another newsflash for you, stud muffin. Even after this week is up, there’s still going to be a period of time before I can make the type of commitment you’re talking about.”

  I keep my mouth shut. This woman is a big talker. She acts like she’s so different and so in control.

  I’ve been paying attention to her actions. She is still the same girl underneath this façade she’s created to make her think she knows best about everything. So I’ll let her hold onto that little unreality for a while longer.

  Brittany has always given into my wants, every last one of them, and she’ll give into my want to marry her sweet little ass at the end of this week.

  You can count on that!

  Chapter 7


  For the first hour of our twelve-hour plane ride to Bora Bora, Jason has eaten like a starving man and force fed me as well. Now that we both are full, a nap seems like the thing to do to pass the time.

  The private jet he chartered is at the top of the charts in the luxury department. The bedroom has a queen-size bed that’s calling my name. I lean my head on Jason’s shoulder as he leans back in the leather chair next to mine and looks out the window.

  “What do you think about going to the bedroom?” I ask him.

  “I think that’s a fantastic idea,” he says as he gets up and surprises me by picking me up and carrying me to the back of the jet. “I think I’m going to keep you naked for the rest of our trip, my little apple tart.”

  Laying my head on his wide chest, I sigh. “You make me feel so special, Jason.”

  “Good.” He opens the door and puts me down on the bed. The man has my clothes off in no time at all.

  I’m panting a little as I move back to get underneath the blanket and watch him pull his clothes off. It’s amazing how his stomach shows no signs of all the food he ate in the last hour.

  “How does all that food not show?” I pull the blanket back, exposing my little food bump in my stomach, and frown.

  As he climbs onto the bed, he says, “It’s my tight muscles, buttercup. And I like seeing you with some curves. You can plan on gaining at least ten pounds this week. I’m going to be feeding you like the queen you are.”

  “Jason, really. I …” I have to shut up as he’s decided no more talking, only kissing.

  As our mouths meet, my arms flow around his neck and pull him to me. Chest to chest, we kiss, and suddenly the fattening food I ate is far from my mind and all I can think about is how good this man tastes.

  We finished our long meal off with a delicious red wine and it’s lingering in his warm mouth. I make a moan as our tongues move around together. Jason and I used to kiss forever.

  He is by far the best kisser I’ve ever had. I do wonder if that alone would be a great reason to marry the man. Knowing you’ll be kissed well all through the rest of your life has to count for something.

  He does this thing where he eases the kiss then gives me some light pecks, just before easing back into a languid and sultry kiss again. I hate to think about him perfecting this kiss with anyone other than myself and I hope one day I learn how to push all those thoughts out of my head.

  As if sensing me thinking, he moves his hands up into my hair and massages my scalp. I moan with how good it feels and sure enough, my mind focuses only on him.

  I don’t know how he does it. How he gets me off one thought and right back to him and only him. He’s amazing.

  He has me very relaxed as he pulls his mouth off mine and trails kisses down my chin, over my chest, stopping to pull one tit into his mouth and running his fingertips lightly over the other one, making the nipple spring up and beg for more.

  He only teases it, though. Tiny sparks shoot through both my breasts, going straight down south to create a heated need for him down there. I groan and writhe a bit. His hands move down to hold my hips still.

  His hot mouth leaves my breast and moves down over my stomach. His tongue slips into my belly button, running around it and sending chills through me and making me giggle a little.

  Heated sensations fill me as his fingers press into the flesh of my hips. He moves his hands around to grab my ass and lifts me up just as his mouth moves over my sex and his tongue touches my clit.

  The sound I release is a mixture of a groan, a moan, and a tiny shriek. “That feels like heaven, baby.” I run my hands through his hair and love the silkiness of his dark short waves.

  The way he kisses my mouth is the same way he kisses my intimate area. Slow, steady, wet. He takes his time with me and that is a thing which is greatly appreciated.

  Maybe it’s his giving nature that makes other women come up to him and seek his attention. And here I go again, thinking about things that are going to make me angry.

  I wish I could stop!

  His tongue moves back and forth over my clit. Then he spins his tongue in lazy circles around it, over and over, until I’m arching up and screaming his name as I pull at his hair.

  The climax is like a slow wave moving through my body and crashing right at the end of it. He doesn’t stop his kiss. He keeps it going until I’m a shaking mess and begging him to get inside of me.

  The way he smiles at me with a lopsided grin as he ends his sweet kiss and moves up my body makes my heart beat even harder for him. His hands slip over my cheeks as he holds my face between his palms and moves his hard, long, wide cock into my quaking body.

  Our eyes lock and I see his deep blue eyes go a shade deeper as he goes into me. “I love you, Brittany.” His words are intense. It’s almost as if he’s brainwashing me in a way, giving me intense pleasure and adding the words at precisely the right moment to get them etched into my brain. I can see exactly what he’s doing, but feel powerless to stop it from happening.

  I grip his wrists as he continues to hold my face and make me look at him as he makes slow strokes inside of me. I try very hard not to let him get all up in my head, but as I look into his eyes, I just can’t do it. “I love you, Jason.”

  The words slip off my tongue on their own. No real thought goes into them. But my heart sends them out, not my brain. My brain knows this can’t last. My heart prays it does.

  A tear falls from my eye and he smiles. Another falls right after that and he kisses it away. His lips graze over my cheek to my neck. He makes little nips and sucks all over one side of my neck as he makes slow strokes into me.

  The softest whisper comes from him. “Feel me, baby.”

  His chest is against mine and I can feel his heart beating. Then I notice mine changes in small increments to beat at the same speed his is. His body all over mine is all-encompassing and seems to be pulling me into him even more.

  Another soft breath warms my
earlobe as he whispers, “Touch me, baby.”

  My hands move over his rigid back. The muscles are tight and make small hills all over his back. I let my hands move fluidly over it, memorizing each peak and valley.

  Pulling my right leg up, I graze his side with my knee, run my heel over the small of his back and rest it there, then do the same with my other leg. My legs wrap tight around him as I arch up to him.

  I can feel him go a little deeper inside me and he moans with the sensation, “Baby, you feel like home.”

  “I am your home,” I moan out.

  My eyes open, as I didn’t know I was going to say anything at all. How the hell do these things just come slipping out of my mouth? Does my heart have more control than my brain?

  I know I have to keep some of my guard up with this man. I know what he’s capable of. I know he can make me think he’s changed when he really hasn’t. What’s wrong with me?

  His teeth press into my neck and he makes a hard thrust, and a grunt comes out of me as the wind is forced from my lungs. Three more hard thrusts as he bites me hard have me screaming as an orgasm ignites inside me.

  He growls and jerks out of me, flipping me over and yanking me back, then slamming into me. His large hands move up my back and grip my shoulders as he holds me still while he slams into me over and over, making the orgasm go deeper and stronger and making me scream for mercy.

  Maybe I’m getting too loud, as he pushes my shoulders down and my face plants into the mattress, where I continue to scream and shout occasional cuss words as the intensity climbs even higher inside my body.

  I can hear him making loud animal sounds himself, as he violently rams his cock into my soaking wet depths. His fingernails rake over my back and it sends my body into a frenzy of desire and lust. “Jason!” I scream as I turn my face to the side. “God, baby, please!”

  Suddenly he pulls out of me and flips me onto my back and drags my body down the bed as he stands on the floor and spreads my legs open. He’s at the right height to go right inside me and he plunges back into me with a loud groan.


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