Dacia Wolf & the Fallen Prince
Page 14
The darkness overwhelmed me. My breathing grew rapid, then forced. I felt like an incredible weight pushed down on me. I tried to calm myself, to focus on my lake, but irrational fear dug its claws into me. A small whimper escaped my lips.
“Dacia.” Mavros’ voice sounded menacing here. “This is what it’s like in the Abyss. Will you send me back there for another thousand years? Have I done anything to you that would make you think I deserve this kind of punishment?”
I didn’t answer his question. I didn’t want to make him any angrier. I needed him to get me out of here before the weight of the nothingness crushed me.
“Don’t send me back there.” His words were a plea.
My heartbeat drummed in my ears. I closed my eyes and tried to master the terror. “What would you do if you stayed here?”
“No one’s ever asked me that.” He chuckled. “Well, I would make it a better place to live.”
“Better for who?”
“Are you asking me all these questions to avoid answering me?” His voice sounded closer.
I reached out, needing contact to help center me. My fingers slid through the air. I spun, feeling for something, anything. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say.” I wrapped my arms around my body, trying to hold back the horror. “You’re a demon. You’re evil. Why wouldn’t I expect you to do terrible things? Don’t demons thrive on fear and pain?” I had never been so scared in my life, and knowing that at any moment Mavros might turn on me, made it all the worse.
“Just because I am a demon, you think I’m evil?” He laughed, but it was humorless. “The world is not so black and white. I suppose you think all angels are noble?”
“Aren’t they?” My trembling legs gave out, and I fell to the ground.
“No!” The panther’s growl followed the word.
I clutched my chest. The memory of pain flared through my wounds. A sob escaped my lips.
“Isn’t your devil a fallen angel? How did Lucifer fall if he was righteous and honorable? Did your god cast him out for being too noble?”
“I don’t know.” My voice quivered. “So … you’re not evil?”
“You should give me the benefit of the doubt.”
“You attacked Arion. Then the next day you attacked me.” I stared into the Abyss, hoping to see something. “Neither of those incidents was justifiable.”
“It was instinct when I attacked the horse. And, you will never know”—his voice softened—“how truly sorry I am for what I did to you. If I could go back in time and change it, I would. I am sorry I hurt you, Dacia.”
“Sorry?” I yelled at him. “You almost killed me. I missed three days of my life, and I’m still not healed.”
“Please forgive me. I’m trying to be a better person for you.” He sounded closer.
Something grabbed my hand. I screamed in surprise and jerked away.
“I didn’t mean to startle you.” Mavros’ arms wrapped around me. He lifted me to my feet. Still holding me, he asked with his voice silky smooth, “Do I seem evil to you?” His hand brushed against my cheek.
“I don’t know.” His touch centered me, drawing out the dread from the place. I stepped closer to him, needing his warmth to burn away the chill that had settled deep inside me. “I don’t know what to think. Somehow, you control me, and from past experience, I’d say that’s not a benign quality.”
“Trust your instincts.” His breath tingled against my neck.
“Take me out of this place?” I pressed my body closer to his. “It’s closing in on me.”
“Not until you answer me.”
“If you won’t take me out of here”—I stepped back—“even though you know what it’s doing to me, then I’d say you’re not good. You may not be evil, but you’re not good.”
He growled into the darkness. A gust of air blew across my face, and then I was standing outside the dormitory again. “I want you to see me for what I am, Dacia. I want you to realize that I’m not evil, no matter what your dragon friend told you.” His eyes implored me to believe him, and for once, even though I was looking into them, I wasn’t under his control.
“So, prove it to me.” I lifted my shoulders in a shrug, raising my hands in the air. “Give me some time to come to that conclusion on my own.”
He stepped toward me. His steps were slow, measured, as if he didn’t want to startle me. He took my hand in his and stared into my eyes.
My wound pulsed, throbbing like it hadn’t for days. My fingers fluttered over my chest, and I sucked in a deep breath.
Before dissipating into smoke, he caressed my cheek and brushed his lips across mine. “If that is what you want.”
He was gone, and I was left standing there wondering what had happened. Was he not what he seemed? Was he the exception to the rule … a good demon? Was he to the devil what the devil was to God? I kept picturing his eyes before he vanished. They looked so vulnerable.
I tried to sneak back into the room, but Cody was waiting for me. “Where’ve you been?”
I considered telling him that I went to the bathroom, but I told him the truth. “I went outside for some fresh air and found out that Mavros had been summoning me.”
“Why, Dacia?” He ran a trembling hand through his hair. His sapphire eyes were wide with fear. “What were you thinking? You could’ve been killed.”
“Can we talk about this in the morning?” I asked. “We’re going to wake up Samantha and Dan.”
“Too late,” Samantha said, shaking off the dregs of slumber. “You might as well spill.”
I walked over to the couch and sat down. “I suppose it doesn’t matter what I was thinking. Does it? I was being summoned by a demon. I don’t know if I could have kept from going out there.” I looked up into Cody’s face and saw that all his anger over Mavros had been replaced with fear and concern.
“Not good.” He took my hand in his.
“No, but he let me go.” I leaned forward with my elbows on my knees and stared at the carpet while I told them what had happened. “I honestly don’t know what to think about this.”
“What do you mean?” Cody sounded incredulous. “You’re not considering his offer; are you?”
“No, that’s not what I mean.” I raked my fingers through my hair. “But, is Mavros really evil? Why would he bring me back here instead of keeping me there until I gave in and told him I’d be his? I don’t know how long I’d’ve lasted. I’ve never been so scared in my life.”
“Really?” Dan’s voice rose in astonishment. “You’ve had more to be afraid of than anybody I’ve ever known.”
“Yeah.” I finally looked up. “That’s kind of my point. I was that scared, and it’s not like I’m afraid of the dark or afraid to be alone. Even when I thought Nefarious was going to kill me, I wasn’t that scared. But tonight, I was horrified. Mavros could’ve used that terror if he’d wanted to. If he’s evil, wouldn’t he have?”
“So … uh, can’t demons bring on irrational fear?” Samantha peered over her loft railing. “Was it something he was doing to you so he could make himself look better when he safely returned you?”
“I don’t know.” I shook my head. “I suppose he could’ve. I really don’t know what to think. I don’t like that he can make me leave my room against my better judgment. I don’t like that he can control my thoughts and feelings. I don’t like that I have no idea how to stop him. I’m scared.”
“Hopefully, the amulet works.” Cody wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. “Maybe it’ll keep him from summoning you.”
“Maybe.” I laid my head on his shoulder. “Maybe it won’t do anything at all except look gaudy and out of place around my neck.”
“Have a little faith, Dacia.” Samantha grabbed her pillow and burrowed under her covers.
“I’ll do my best.” I turned off the light. “Let’s get some sleep? Maybe Mavros will leave me alone for the rest of the night.”
“Let’s hope.” Cody laid down, and I snuggled against him afraid to close my eyes.
Chapter 19
Demon Marked
As Aurelia walked me to our Shakespeare class, she lectured me about listening to Mavros. “He is playing you for a fool, Dacia. Deceit and manipulation are the areas in which demons excel.”
“But he seems so … I don’t know,” I furrowed my eyebrows and thought for a moment before saying, “sincere … convincing.”
She looked at me out of the corner of her eye. “If you knew you were going to be banished for 999 years, you would do your best to sound convincing, too.”
“Ugh! It’s not like I want to tell him I’ll join him.” I took a deep breath and said in a calmer voice, “I … I don’t know. I guess I feel bad for him. If the Abyss is what he showed me, nobody should have to go through that torment.”
“I know.” Her voice was calm and soothing. “You are a trusting person, and you have a hard time dealing with those who are not honest. If … no, when he is sent back to the Abyss, he will not stay there for long. Demons are not tied to one world as humans are. They can travel between all of them. He may have a similar curse on him in each realm, but he will not be stuck in the Abyss.”
I watched my feet as we walked. “Why would he try to manipulate me? Why not keep me imprisoned? He knew how scared I was. Why not force my hand?”
“Maybe he thought he would stand a better chance if he could convince you he was good.” She rested her hand on my shoulder, sending her energy into me.
“You don’t need to do that.” I shrugged. “It healed overnight.” I ran my hand down my face. “There’s not even a mark.”
Her eyebrows pulled together as she looked from my face to my chest and back again. “Good,” she said as she pulled her hand away, but the tone of her voice and the look on her face made me think it really wasn’t good. I wondered what she suspected but doubted she’d tell me.
“It is possible Mavros will employ other methods as the deadline nears, but for now, I think he wants you to like him. I imagine he feels it is a better way to win your loyalty, and in your case, he is probably right.”
My backpack slid down my arm. I hefted it back up, holding onto the strap. “Yeah, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. As far as I’m concerned, though, honesty’s always the best policy.”
I spent all of Shakespeare class thinking about what Aurelia told me. Was I that gullible … that easily manipulated? I never thought of myself that way before, but Aurelia had a good point. Demons thrived on fear and chaos, and right now, my world was feeling pretty chaotic. Everyone was disappointed in me for trusting Mavros. Not for the first time, I wondered if he looked more like a monster, would it be easier for me to believe he was one. I wanted to think I wouldn’t feel any different, but I couldn’t quite convince myself of it.
On the way to Sarah’s office, I asked Aurelia, “So, am I just taken in by his looks? Is that why I can’t see that he’s evil?”
“I believe there is more to it than that.” She paused. “His appearance is an obstacle, but he is trying to convince you he is good. Nefarious and Draconian did not show you a decent side. For the most part, since Mavros is trying to seduce you, he has concealed that part of himself from you, and when he was unable to hide his dark side, he came up with convincing excuses for his actions. He is trying to make you sympathize with him.”
“And, it’s working.” I dragged my hands down my face. “God, I’m so dumb.”
“Is it working?” The wind whipped Aurelia’s hair around her head. Gray clouds darkened the sky. “It is not supposed to rain today, Dacia.”
“Sorry.” I stopped and sucked in a deep breath, concentrating on my mountain lake, feeling serenity wash over me. The gusts settled to a gentle breeze.
“That is better.” Aurelia resumed walking. “It seems you are suspicious of him.”
“Yeah, I suppose I am.” I twisted my earring around. The slight action helped me think. “But, I also find myself wondering … doubting. I thought I was a good judge of character. Now, it seems like I’m a pushover.”
Aurelia opened the door to Sarah’s office and ushered me in.
“Hello, ladies.” Sarah set her papers on the coffee table and focused on me. “Is everything all right, Dacia? You look distressed.”
“Mavros summoned me to join him last night—” I sighed “—and I did.”
“Oh, dear.” She gasped.
“It’s not as bad as you think.” I put my backpack on the floor and sat down. “He was nice—for the most part. Anyway, I’m not sure which side is up anymore.”
Aurelia stood behind the couch and explained in more detail, but I didn’t listen. I thought about Mavros. He looked so vulnerable last night when he left me. Could he have been faking his anguish?
No, I said to myself, he was sincere.
The pain had been so clear in his eyes. Every emotion showed there. He couldn’t hide it when he was angry, just as he couldn’t hide his true feelings. It had to have been genuine.
Sarah walked over and rested her hand on my shoulder. “Trust your instincts, Dacia. They’ve been pretty good to you over the past year.”
She left the room, and when she came back in, she held a box with the amulet in it. I was nervous to see it. It was from a part of my life that I thought was over. I was afraid seeing the amulet would bring Nefarious back to the forefront of my mind.
She carried it over and handed it to me. I opened the box and looked down at the amulet that had protected me from Nefarious. It was a diamond-shaped pendant on a heavy gold chain. In the center of the pendant was a sapphire set to look like an almond-shaped cat’s eye with an onyx pupil. The gold around the outside edge of the pendant was smooth with diamonds inlaid on each of the four corners. The inside was rough with inscriptions that said in some ancient language, Find courage within yourself.
I took the amulet out of the box. “Here goes nothing.” I gingerly placed it around my neck. Like it had the first time I put it on, a warm sensation rushed through my body. My skin tingled and the hair on the back of my neck stood on end.
Unlike last time, the amulet glowed as if Nefarious himself was in the room with us. “It’s not working.” I pulled it forward and stared down at it.
Aurelia stood in front of me and looked at the amulet like it was a puzzle. “Sarah, will you try it on?”
I rubbed the back of my neck before lifting the chain over my head and handing it to Sarah. I had no idea why Aurelia wanted her to wear it. Obviously, it wasn’t working anymore.
As soon as it was in Sarah’s hand, the glowing stopped. She put it around her neck and shivered. “It feels weird; doesn’t it?”
“Why isn’t it glowing on you?” Pressing my hand against my chest, I wondered if my wound had something to do with it.
Aurelia nodded at me. “Dacia, touch it now.”
As soon as I touched the amulet, it glowed a brilliant blue. “Why?” A lump formed in my throat, threatening to cut my voice off.
Aurelia led me to the couch and sat beside me. “Mavros has marked you.”
“What? How?” I slumped down and dragged my hand through my hair.
“It may have happened when he kissed you or when he attacked you.” Aurelia patted my leg, but I found no reassurance in the action. The idea of being marked by a demon was repulsive and frightening. What did it mean? Could the mark be removed?
“The how and why do not matter. What matters is that you cannot wear the amulet, but maybe one of your friends can.”
Sarah slipped the necklace back in the box. “I’m not sure that’ll help.”
p; Aurelia nodded. “Mavros will most likely still be able to summon her, but hopefully, they will be able to let Dacia know if he is nearby.”
“Well, I guess that’s better than nothing,” I said with a long, drawn-out sigh. I stared out the windows at the mountains, but for once, I found no comfort in them. “What does it mean?”
Aurelia and Sarah both looked at me. Their confusion was obvious.
“That he marked me.” I flipped my hands up and frustration laced my voice. “What does it mean?”
Aurelia cocked her head and tapped her lip. “It means his essence is inside of you. It could be from his venom, or he may have intentionally tainted you somehow.” She patted my knee. “I am unsure of the repercussions of being demon marked. It may be how he can infiltrate your dreams or how he called you to him last night.”
“Great.” I leaned forward with my head in my hands. “So, does Cody wear the amulet because he’s with me more, or does Samantha wear it because she has classes on her own?”
Sarah leaned forward like she wanted to comfort me, but she wasn’t close enough. “Why don’t you let them decide that, Dacia?”
“Sure,” I agreed.
The three of us walked to the door. Sarah pulled me aside, wrapping her arm around my shoulders. “Keep your chin up. Things are going to work out. You can do this.”
“I hope you’re right.” I pulled my hand across my forehead, trying to rub the stress away. “But, I’m not too sure about that. What if he lures me out again tonight but doesn’t let me come back?” My words were rushed. I covered my mouth with my hand and took a deep breath. Tears pooled in my eyes, blurring my vision. “I’m really scared, Sarah. I have no idea how to stop him, and Aurelia hasn’t come up with anything either. If something doesn’t give, I’ll probably end up being responsible for destroying the world.”
She gave me a quick hug. “I know things seem dismal, but I have faith in you.”