by Mandi Oyster
Fear of what the day would bring pressed down on me. I didn’t want to flirt with Damon. I didn’t want to lead him on. I knew who he was, and I wanted nothing to do with him, but that wasn’t the plan. The plan was for Aurelia to skip classes again and for me to pretend to fall for Damon’s act.
I disentangled myself from Cody, grabbed my clothes, and went down to the bathroom to shower. By the time I got back, the others were awake.
Cody’s mask was back in place. I sat beside him, taking his hand. He rubbed his thumb along mine.
As soon as Samantha was dressed and ready for class, I teleported all of us to Cody and Dan’s room. While they showered, I paced.
Samantha walked to the window and stared outside. “He’ll be all right, you know.”
“Will he?” I thought about how he’d looked after I’d returned the other night and what seeing me in Mavros’ coat had done to him. I thought about how I’d feel if our places were reversed. “I wouldn’t be.”
On the way to class, more students milled about, discussing the black panther. Panic spread through me, tightening my chest, clenching my stomach, and weakening my legs. What if Mavros started attacking students to force me into making a decision? I only knew a handful of them, but everyone here had family and friends. Whether I knew them or not, all of their lives mattered.
“I saw it, too,” a girl said. “It just sits outside the dorm staring up at somebody’s room. It’s kinda creepy.”
“Yeah, Dave said he saw it, but when he turned for a double-take, there was nothing there but black smoke.”
“I wonder what he’s smoking.” Drew Crocus, Cody’s first roommate here, laughed. “I think it’s time someone takes that cat out.”
“That’s not a good idea.” Cody stopped. He rubbed the back of his neck. “Let Dean Aspen know. She can call the DNR or something.”
Drew smiled at him, one of those looks that promised trouble. “Where’s the fun in that?”
“Staying alive.” Cody shrugged.
When we were far enough away, I said, “I hope they don’t do anything stupid.”
“We all do.” Samantha looked over her shoulder at me.
Aurelia joined us in class since everyone else was in there with me. When Damon entered, I felt the eyes of my friends on me.
“Hi, Dacia.” He passed by my desk.
“Damon.” I nodded at him. I watched him walk away, wondering what he was up to.
He turned, saw me looking at him, winked, and smiled. He sat a few seats down from me. Throughout class, I glanced at him a few times. He faced forward, listening to Professor Granite. On the way out, he was a perfect gentleman, holding the door open for me and my friends.
“Was that for my benefit?” Cody asked when Damon was out of sight.
“I don’t know.” The relief was evident in my voice.
“I would be more inclined to believe it was for Dacia’s,” Aurelia said.
You are going to be on your own this afternoon, Dacia, Aurelia projected her thoughts to me. Neither Arion nor I will be watching over you. We need to find out what Mavros wants, and I fear the only way is to let you be on your own. If something happens, teleport back to your room.
Are you sure? I asked her. Can’t you turn invisible and make sure I’m okay?
I do not know if he can sense me. We will find out later, but I do not want your first meeting with him to be jeopardized by my presence.
Walking to Shakespeare, part of me was thrilled to be on my own, but part of me was terrified. I knew what Mavros was capable of. Without supervision, it could be like when he attacked me in the hallway. I took a deep breath and walked through the door. Damon wasn’t in the classroom yet. I sat at a table near the back of the room and pulled out my paper and a pen. I drew a lion’s head while I waited for him to show up.
He sat at the table beside me, hooked his foot around my chair, and pulled me closer to him. His leg pressed against mine. It took everything I had not to jerk away from him, but I needed him to think he had a chance.
“So, have you been thinking about me?” he asked with the confidence of someone who already knew the answer, and once again, I was thankful he didn’t try to control me in this form.
“Well”—I twirled a curl around my finger—“a little more than I’d like to admit.”
“I knew you would.” A cocky grin brightened his face.
“Class is starting.” I brought my finger to my lips. “I don’t want to get in trouble again.”
Damon rested his arm on the back of my chair throughout class. Every so often he’d play with my curls, brush my shoulder, or rub my neck. Every instinct told me to pull away from him, but instead, I leaned into his advances, allowing them to continue.
When class was over, Damon picked up my books and walked out with me. “Would you like to go to dinner with me?”
“You’re persistent.” I looked up at him through my eyelashes. “I’m not ready to do that yet. I can’t stop thinking about you, but I … I’m with Cody.”
“Won’t you give me a chance?” He looked at me like a sad puppy.
“Let me get to know you.” I brushed my fingers over his arm. “Give me some time.”
“That’s more than I dared hope for.” He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it. “Maybe I’ll see you around this weekend.”
“Maybe.” I tried to sound hopeful.
He continued walking with me. The wind blew my hair across my face, and Damon brushed it back. His hand lingered on my cheek. “Will you sit with me?” He pointed at one of the school’s many benches.
This was what I was supposed to be doing, so even though I wanted to run off in the other direction, I nodded. “For a little bit.”
As soon as we sat down, he threw his arm over my shoulders and pulled me closer to him than I was comfortable with. However, like with Mavros, it felt good to be with him. He didn’t control my mind like he did as Mavros, but I wondered if he had some control over my emotions.
“I’m glad you’re reconsidering.” He brushed his fingers along my neck, and I leaned into his caress. “There’s just something about you that makes me feel like the two of us belong together.”
Does he really think he’s fooling me? Doesn’t he realize I know who he is? “I’m drawn to you, too.”
“But,” he said. I shot him a curious look. “You forgot to say but. You know. But, Cody’s in the way.”
“If I hadn’t known Cody all of my life, maybe I would feel differently.” I bit my lip, pulling it into my mouth. “But, I can’t break his heart unless I know for sure I’m doing it for the right reasons.”
“Sit here with me for a while.” He stretched his legs out in front of him and leaned back, closing his eyes. “We don’t have to rush into anything. I just like being with you.”
While he wasn’t looking at me, I studied his features. I’m sure most girls and a lot of guys would have been flattered by his attention. He didn’t look perfect like Mavros did, but he looked real … handsome. And, even though I knew he was a demon, he was likable. I was pretty sure his true colors weren’t shining through, but … what if they were? What if he was good?
“What are you thinking?” He peeked at me through a slitted eyelid, catching me staring at him.
“Just that it’s nice to sit here with you … comfortable. It’s kind of like I’ve known you forever.”
“It does feel right.” He scooted closer to me. “I know you think Cody is what you want, but are you sure? Or, are you just going with the flow because you’re afraid of change?”
“No.” I laughed. “Change doesn’t scare me. I’m with Cody because he’s comfortable, but he’s also more than that. When I look at Cody, I see our past, our present, and I also s
ee a future with him. I know that he loves me even though I am flawed, and I love him.”
“Well, if I’m going to win you over, it sounds like I’ve got a lot of work to do.” He sighed.
Stretching my legs out in front of me, I rested my head on his shoulder. “The best way to lose me is to push too hard.”
“Thanks for the advice.” His fingers trailed along my arm. His touch was soothing. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
I was hoping that would be his response. He had no chance to win me over, but if I could make him slow down in his pursuit, things would be easier.
As I lay down with Cody that night, I hoped Aurelia was right and Mavros wouldn’t try to summon me. Hopefully, befriending Damon had been the right thing to do. I rested my head on Cody’s bare chest and snuggled up against him. As I did, a soft sigh escaped my lips.
“What’s wrong?” Cody ran his fingers through my hair.
“Nothing. That was a good sigh … a this-feels-right sigh.” I rubbed my hand along his arm.
“It does.” He kissed my forehead. “My favorite parta the day.”
“Mine too.” The lights were off, but the glow of the streetlights shone on his face.
“Except for being afraid to go to sleep.”
“My dreams haven’t been too bad lately.” I closed my eyes. “It’s been a while since I’ve been hurt in one of them.”
“Let’s not jinx that.”
Chapter 24
Learn From Your Mistakes
The panther is bigger than I remembered. It steps from the trees, prowling toward me, growling.
“Mavros, stop! If you hurt me, you will regret it.”
Flames dance in his eyes. He steps forward, closing the distance. I lift my hands, backing away.
The cat springs forward, knocking me to the ground. He stands on top of me, and his fangs press against my throat. “Please, Mavros, don’t hurt me,” I beg, careful not to move for fear of his teeth clamping down on me.
A black haze surrounds me, and the panther disappears, replaced by Mavros. His body pins me to the ground. “Some people never learn from their mistakes.” His voice is so low it sends shivers marching along my spine. “I didn’t expect you to be one of them.”
“What mistake?” I force my voice not to waver.
He whispers in my ear, “For starters, coming outside alone. Not realizing that panthers have instincts and thinking I wouldn’t hurt you in that form.” His words are quiet, but I hear the annoyance in his voice. “Those are all mistakes. Ones that you’ve made before, and now I’m thinking they’re ones you’ll make again.”
I slowly, carefully edge my hand up and touch his face. “You didn’t hurt me even though you could’ve.”
He leans into my touch. “You’re lucky.”
“Maybe … or maybe you wouldn’t hurt me.” I wrap my other hand around his waist. “You did once, but I don’t think you will again.”
“So, you trust me?” He trails kisses from my ear down my neck.
I close my eyes, hating what his touch does to me. “Yes … no … I don’t know, but you need me. It’s against your best interests to harm me.”
His eyes harden, and his lips pull back in a snarl. “So not only am I untrustworthy but also selfish?”
“No.” My heart races. My breath comes out in shallow gasps. He’s turning my words around, and I’m terrified he’s looking for a reason to hurt me.
“You’re still snuggling up on the couch with Cody at night.” He presses his teeth against my throat. “That’s another mistake … one I fear will get you both killed.”
I slide my hand under his shirt, hoping to distract him. “It doesn’t have to be this way.”
Clouds darken the sky. Lightning flashes followed instantly by a loud clap of thunder. Fat raindrops plop against the ground, hitting my face. I turn my head.
He wipes the water off my cheeks. “Yes, Dacia, it does. I have two choices—to win you over or return to the Abyss. Would you return?”
“No.” Rain pelts the ground, making pine needles and mud splash onto my face.
“What would you do to keep from returning?”
“Not what you’re doing.” I let go of Mavros and shield my eyes. “I wouldn’t threaten someone I claim to love. I wouldn’t threaten that person’s friends.”
He grabs my shoulders and transports me to the Abyss. “To escape from this, Dacia, are you sure? Is there anything you wouldn’t do to keep from returning here?”
A heavy weight presses down on my chest. Sweat beads on my forehead. I gasp for air, wanting to scream. I know Mavros feels me panicking, but he does nothing.
After what seems like hours but was probably only minutes, he asks again, “Are you sure you wouldn’t kill to keep from returning here?”
“I’d rather die.” My voice shakes.
“I. Don’t. Have. That. Choice.”
“Then yes … yes, I would kill to stay out of here.” My words are scarcely a whisper, but he hears me. Tears spill from the corners of my eyes. I hate myself for giving in, but there’s no way I could endure the Abyss.
He presses down on me. “Are you evil?”
“Y—” my voice catches “—yes.”
“No, Dacia, you’re not.” He returns me to the real world and straddles me, not touching me. “You’re one of the most decent and moral people I’ve ever met.”
He brushes my eyes and cheeks. A tingling sensation follows his fingertips. I lean into his touch, savoring it, wanting more.
His voice softens. “Would it be so bad to spend eternity with me?”
I grab his shirt, resisting the urge to give in. “No, not if that was all you wanted.” But, something tells me there’s more.
Chapter 25
Because Nice Matters
I woke up feeling awful. I’d admitted to Mavros that I’d be willing to kill to stay out of the Abyss. Did I give him a green light to kill my friends? Would he hold my admission over me? Guilt welled up inside of me. I shouldn’t have to be held accountable for my actions in my dreams, but I knew there was always the chance I would be.
“Hey, Dacia.” Cody yawned. “How’d you sleep?”
I tried to keep my voice down. I didn’t want to wake up Samantha and Dan. I didn’t want them to know what I’d done. They’d never look at me the same. How could they? “I told Mavros I’d kill to keep from returning to the Abyss. I’m not sure how he’ll use that little piece of information or if he’s even aware of it.”
“You wouldn’t. You’d’ve spared Draconian if you could’ve.” Cody brushed the hair back from my face.
My head fell forward, and my shoulders hunched. I squeezed my eyes shut. “But if my choice was to end somebody’s life or return to the Abyss, my opinion might change.”
“Really?” He lifted one eyebrow.
I rubbed my finger over it. “You don’t have to pretend to understand. I know I’m just as evil, just as hideous as the monsters I’ve faced.”
“No, you’re not.” His voice rose in anger.
So much for keeping things quiet, I thought.
I heard stirrings and knew Samantha and Dan were awake now. “You think you would, but you couldn’t. You’d never pull the trigger.”
“I’d like to think so. I don’t want to be a monster, but he took me there again in my dream. It’s a terrifying, horrible place.” I pulled my hand through my hair and looked away from him. “I think I’d do everything in my power to keep from going back there, and if that meant killing someone …” I let my voice trail off without finishing.
Cody changed the subject. “Let’s go to Althea, catch a movie, and get dinner. Maybe it’ll help.”
“If Aurelia’ll go.” I pulled the covers o
ff and sat up. Mud dotted my pajama shirt. What in the world? “You probably don’t want me going anywhere without her.”
“I’m sure she’ll go,” Samantha said, sounding sleepy. “And … for the record, I agree with Cody. You’d never pull the trigger.”
Dan climbed out of my loft. “Even I know you better than that.”
We spent most of the day in Althea. Time away from campus seemed to lift my friends’ spirits, but I was drained.
I lay down on the couch with Cody. I’d only been asleep for a little while when I woke up. I looked around, trying to discover what jolted me from my dreams about Cody, but everyone else was asleep. I heard somebody calling my name and realized avoiding Mavros all day hadn’t been a good idea.
I plugged my ears. I covered my head with my pillow. He continued to call, and I felt myself being pulled toward him. I got off the couch and headed toward the door. Knowing that if I stepped out into the hall Aurelia would be waiting for me, I teleported outside.
Mavros leaned against a tree with his hands tucked in his pockets. When I appeared in front of him, he looked stunned for a split second before changing his expression to one of smugness.
I spun around. Wisteria Hall was behind me. Most of the windows were dark, but a few night owls remained. A handful of people were still out and about. Hopefully, nobody saw me appear suddenly.
Folding my arms over my chest, I glared at him. “How did you make me do that?”
“Do what?”
“Teleport to you.”
“My secrets are my own.” He strolled toward me. “I wasn’t about to let you ignore me like you did the other night.” He reached up and caressed my cheek. Heat coursed through my body, and flames ignited under his touch. “By the way, if I were you, I wouldn’t do that again.” His hand moved down to my neck, and his grip tightened. His eyes sliced into mine before he released me, and I was free to think on my own.