by Mandi Oyster
Staggering back, I rubbed my throat. “I need to sleep at night. Sometimes, I’m going to ignore you.”
“It’s not the fact that you ignored me.” His eyes narrowed. “It’s the method you employed.”
The campus lights shone down on us, stretching our shadows across the ground. “I told you from the beginning what Cody means to me. It’s not like you didn’t know.”
“No.” He paced like a big cat at the zoo, reminding me he was a top predator. “You’ve never hidden the fact that you would choose him over me, but that doesn’t mean I enjoy seeing you and him together.”
Trying to stay warm, I rubbed my arms. If Mavros was going to keep drawing me out, I needed to start sleeping in a sweatshirt. “I also believe I told you that I don’t want you watching me in my room.”
“Yes, you did.” He reached out and took my hand in his. As soon as he touched me, I forgot our argument. I forgot everything except how beautiful he was. “What would you like to do tonight?”
“As long as we’re together, I don’t care.” I snuggled against him, and he draped his arm over my shoulder.
He held me against his body, and mine reacted to him. My pulse quickened, my breathing increased. I longed for him to kiss me. Instead, wings sprouted from his back, and we flew off to Falcon Lake. We lay on the beach, my head resting on his chest, and stared up at the night sky. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore relaxed me even more.
“How do I prove my love for you?” Mavros ran his fingers through my hair then down, along my arm. “What will it take?”
“This is a good start.” Goosebumps trailed his hand. “Just laying here with me, holding me, not trying to manipulate me … that all helps.”
“What else?”
“I don’t know. I’ve only been in love once.” I lifted onto my elbow, looking down at him. His expression was peaceful and calm. “Cody and I were friends forever. Our relationship grew from there and became what it is now. I don’t know how it happened; it just did. One day, we realized how much we were giving up by ignoring our feelings. Suddenly, it was worth risking our friendship because what we were losing by not trying meant so much more. When I’m with Cody … You don’t want to hear this. I’m sorry.”
“If it helps me win your heart, please continue,” Mavros said. I was surprised by the tenderness in his voice … surprised there could be so much compassion there.
“Okay, well, when I’m with Cody, I feel safe and comfortable.” I thought about all the little things he did for me on a daily basis. Carrying my backpack, holding the door open, just sitting quietly with me when he knew I was too overwhelmed to do anything else. “I know he’ll do whatever it takes to keep me safe. When I look at him, I see our future together.”
He ran his hand through my hair. “What do you see when you look at me?”
“A bad boy … someone dangerous.” I bit my lip, not sure how he’d take my answer. “I see somebody who would steal my heart only to turn around and break it.”
“That’s not what I want.” He sounded distressed. “I want forever … not just a human’s version of forever. I want an eternity with you by my side.”
“And, you wouldn’t break my heart?” I trailed my hand over his body, feeling hard muscles through his silk shirt.
His eyes fluttered shut. “I’d do my best not to. I can’t see the future. I can only promise my heart and hope you take it. I won’t push you, but I’d like to spend more time with you. I’d like to see if you could learn to love me as I love you.”
“Thank you for not pushing.” I kissed his cheek. Then I wondered why I’d done that. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew he must be controlling me, but I didn’t care.
“I should get you back before I cause too much trouble.”
Mavros held me against his body and flew me back to campus. He set me on the ground in front of the dormitory and tilted my chin up. “May I?” His voice was soft.
I cupped his face in my hands and nodded. His mouth crashed down on mine, and his arms wrapped around me. I moaned against his lips, tangling my fingers in his hair. He chuckled and pulled away.
Looking up at the building, he said, “Your friends are waiting for you.”
A shadow passed in front of my window, and my stomach dropped. “I should go.” I turned and ran inside.
Nobody was around, so I teleported into my room. Cody pulled his hands through his hair, then punched the wall.
“Cody, I’m sorry.” I crossed the room to him.
He jumped in the air and spun around. Surprise registered on his face. “You’re okay.” Tension eased from his body, relaxing his shoulders. He opened his arms, and I ran into them.
“I’m so sorry.” I pulled him against me. “He didn’t want me to ignore him, so he …” I looked up at him. “He made me … I teleported to him, Cody. How’d he make me do that?”
“It’s okay, Dacia.” He pulled me against him, clinging to me. “I thought he’d hurt you. I thought we’d find you too late … if at all.” He stepped back and swiped at his eyes. “Let Aurelia know you’re safe.”
Holding onto Cody’s hand, I let Aurelia know I was back.
Samantha and Dan sat together in Big Bird, watching Cody and me. I led Cody to the couch. As soon as we were situated, Samantha asked, “So, what did he want?”
“He said he wanted to see me.” I hoped Cody could handle hearing about Mavros and knew that if roles were reversed I wouldn’t be able to. “He didn’t try anything. He flew me to Falcon Lake, and we watched the stars.”
“You should be doing that with me.” Cody sounded hurt, and he had every right to be.
“I’m sorry, Cody. I would’ve rather been with you. Please know that.” I clutched his hands and willed him to know the truth.
“I do, but it couldn’t’ve been me.”
“What do you mean?” I jerked back.
“We can’t go on our own.” Cody stood and walked away. When he turned back, his lip was pulled up in a snarl. “Who knows if we’ll ever be able to be alone.”
I reached out, hesitating to touch him. He stepped closer, taking my hand in his. “We could, Cody. If it was just the two of us, I could keep you safe. I can’t protect everyone all the time, but I could protect any one of you.”
Samantha cleared her throat, drawing my attention. “Are you sure about that?”
“If you don’t think I can, why do you keep telling me I’ll get through this?” I snapped.
“Keep your voices down or Marcy will come knocking,” Dan said.
“You’re right.” Leaning back, I closed my eyes and rubbed my forehead. I needed to calm down. “But, how can you say you have faith in me and not believe I can keep one of you safe? I don’t understand.”
Dan’s voice was soft and filled with concern. “Maybe because Mavros attacked you in the hallway.”
Cody and Samantha nodded.
“He surprised me. That experience taught me that nowhere is safe from him.” I dragged my hand through my hair. “I won’t make that mistake again.”
Chapter 26
Accidental Meeting
Shortly after Cody and I woke up Sunday morning, Aurelia came over. She sat in the chair and leaned forward, whispering, “Dacia needs to spend time with Damon today. Otherwise, Mavros will come calling again tonight.”
“No.” Cody shook his head. “She needs to stay away.”
“Cody”—I fought to keep my voice steady—“she’s right. If I stay away, he’ll do whatever it is he did last night.”
“You’re killing me.” He groaned and turned his back on me.
I put my hand on his arm and felt him tense at my touch. “I don’t want this. I’d rather be with you, not him, but you’re more likely to lose me if he calls me away a
t night.”
“I hate this.” He looked over his shoulder. His face twisted in pain.
I knew he wasn’t mad at me, but I felt so guilty. It wasn’t fair for him to have to deal with this all the time. He deserved a normal life with normal problems just as much as I did.
“Why don’t we get Drew and some of the other guys together and go shoot hoops?” Dan suggested. “You can take your frustration out on the court.”
Looking up at the lofts, I rubbed my eyes. “I’m sorry we woke you up again.”
“It’s okay.” Samantha yawned. “But, what am I supposed to do all day?”
“You can be on my team.” Dan shot her one of his amazing smiles.
She laughed. “I suck at basketball.”
“Cheer me on then.”
“That is a good idea.” Aurelia nodded at Dan. “I will keep an eye on Dacia and bring her back safely.” She turned to me. “When you are with him, I want you to keep a connection open with me. That way if things start to get complicated, I can help you.”
“Do you think he’ll be able to sense you?” I asked.
She shrugged her slender shoulders. “We will find out.”
“When?” Cody’s voice was emotionless, his face a blank mask.
“The sooner she sees him, the sooner she can get back here.”
I pulled my hand through my hair. I hated what I was doing to Cody, but I couldn’t see a way out of this. “I’ll be ready in about a half-hour.”
Dan and Samantha left to round up people to play basketball, and Aurelia went back to her room to give Cody and me some privacy. I sat down with him and pulled his arm over my shoulders, snuggling up against him. I traced my fingers along his jaw and down his neck. He put his hand on top of mine and held my eyes with his. “Promise you’ll be careful.” He lifted his hand to my cheek and caressed my face with his thumb. “Promise you won’t take any risks or play hero. Promise to come back.”
“I promise.”
August mornings in the mountains tended to be chilly. I threw a hoodie on over my t-shirt and went outside.
I stood just outside the door, trying to decide where to go to find Damon. Shoving my hands into my pouch, I walked toward the green space.
Damon sat on a bench with his arms spread across the back of it. He was wearing a charcoal sweatshirt and blue jeans. When he saw me, he smiled a warm, welcoming smile I couldn’t help but return.
He looked all around. “Alone? Where’s your entourage?”
“Playing basketball.” Slowing my pace, I walked toward him. “Normally, I’d be with them, but I wanted some space.”
“Admit it; you were thinking about me.” He winked.
“A bit cocky, aren’t we?” I raised my eyebrow at him and laughed. Then remembering what I was supposed to be doing, I lowered my head and looked through my lashes. “It’s hard not to.” I thought about Mavros and Damon all the time, but I gave him a different reason for it. “Have you looked in a mirror lately? You’re gorgeous.”
“Thanks. So does this”—he pointed to the two of us—“mean you’re considering changing your mind?”
“I’m keeping my options open,” I replied without making any promises. I had to be careful what I said to him because even in this form, a promise to him was a binding pact.
“I’m glad to hear it.” He stood. “I’d hate it if I didn’t stand a chance with the prettiest girl on campus.”
I felt myself blushing. What is wrong with me? He’s a demon.
Nothing is wrong with you, Dacia. Aurelia’s voice startled me.
If nothing is wrong, why am I blushing? Why am I flattered by a demon’s comments?
You are human, and he is charming. You are doing fine.
Damon tilted his head like Aurelia does when she’s listening to Arion, I wondered if he could somehow hear Aurelia’s thoughts, too.
He brushed his hand up against mine. “So, what do you want to do?”
“We could go for a walk. It’s a beautiful day, and I love to look at the mountains.”
“You should’ve come out earlier. There was a herd of elk grazing over there.” He pointed to the valley they frequented.
“I could watch them all day, and I love it when moose come down.” Excitement rushed my words. “It’s amazing how they adjust from having no antlers to having those huge racks. You’d think they’d get headaches or stiff necks from holding their heads up.”
Damon walked next to me but not uncomfortably close. “You have a deep appreciation for nature.”
“Yeah.” I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and wondered how he could be so easy to talk to. “I respect all life—plants, animals, even insects. I am astounded how some of them can survive up here in the mountains. I love the krummholz.”
His eyebrows pinched together, and he cocked his head.
“Oh.” I laughed. “Sorry. The stubby, gnarled trees that live up at the higher elevations. If they had grown down here, they would be some of the tallest trees around. Instead, they fight for survival every day. It makes my life feel a little insignificant.”
“Nothing about you is insignificant.” He shot me a sideways glance. “I’ve only known you a few days, and I know that much.”
Trying to hide the stupid grin his words brought on, I looked away from him. “You have to stop complimenting me. You’re embarrassing me. I’m not all that.”
“You can say that again.” I recognized the voice before I turned to see Cassandra behind us. “Where’s Cody?” She fluffed her hair. “Maybe I can go console him.”
“Cody’s not available.” Damon’s voice hardened. “Dacia and I are walking together. Nothing more.”
“Then why don’t you walk with me?” She offered her arm to him.
“No, thank you. I’m enjoying Dacia’s company.”
Cassandra spun on her heel, but I reached out and grabbed her arm. She stiffened, and I realized that no matter how she treated me, she hadn’t forgotten what I was capable of.
“Cassandra, I don’t know if you realize this or not, but the perfect guy for you is Bryce. He’d do anything for you.”
“Bryce?” She chewed on her lip and twisted her earring. “We’ve been friends forever.”
“So were Cody and I. Maybe you should give it a try. How many other people call you Cassi?”
“Whatever.” She stomped off.
Damon watched her walk away, then turned toward me. “She hates you. Why would you try to help her?”
“Because I don’t believe in hate.” I lifted one shoulder toward my ear.
“You really are amazing.”
“No.” I shook my head. “I just try to be the best Dacia Wolf I can be. Nobody else is going to do it for me.”
He jogged a couple of steps to catch up to me. “You do a good job.”
“Some days I don’t, but I try.” I bumped my elbow into his arm. “Anyway, enough about me. What brought you here?”
“Fate … I’m hoping.” He stuffed his hands into his pockets. “I love the mountains, and this is a good school.”
We walked through the green space. Then followed a path along Rose River where the forest surrounded us. Without being under his control, I would’ve been terrified to be alone with Mavros like this, but Damon didn’t make me feel that way at all.
We hiked in a comfortable silence. I couldn’t believe how at ease I could be with him since he didn’t seem to be influencing me in any way. He never tried to touch me. He wasn’t staring into my eyes. If he would’ve come to me like this to begin with, he’d have had a better chance of stealing me away from Cody. Damon was likable, and he didn’t scare me like Mavros did.
Be grateful he was not aware you would feel this way, Aurelia said.
r /> Believe me, I am, I thought back. I just feel really guilty about feeling anything but hatred toward him.
You do not believe in hate, she reminded me. You did not just say that for his benefit. You are a good person who believes there is good in everyone else. You would not be who you are if you believed differently.
“What are you thinking?” Damon’s eyes seemed accusing, but maybe it was a result of my guilt.
“Well …” I stopped to look at a mushroom growing near the base of a tree. “Just that I’m enjoying myself.”
A smile brightened his face, crinkling the corners of his eyes and stealing my breath.
The sun beat down on us. I took my hoodie off and tied it around my waist. The morning had slipped by in a blur. “I should go back. I’ve got homework to do.”
He put his hand on the small of my back, turning me around. The panther pendant bounced against my chest as we walked.
Damon glanced at it. “Cool necklace.”
“Thanks.” My fingers went to it unintentionally.
“From Cody?”
“No.” I tucked it under my shirt, feeling it warm my skin. “Mavros gave it to me.”
Rubbing his neck, he said, “And … it’s complicated.”
When the dorm was in sight, he said, “I’m glad I got to spend time with you today. I didn’t expect to see you until class tomorrow.”
“Yeah, it was nice,” I said and actually meant it.
Damon and Cody were alike on one point. Neither of them believed in leaving me without walking me to my room. He held the door open for me and headed off down the hallway.
This is where I leave you. Aurelia sounded irritated.
Thanks. I grabbed a book off my shelf and plopped down in Cookie Monster, fully intending to read. Instead, I thought about Damon and Mavros. How can someone with a smile like that be a demon? I knew it was shallow, but a great smile should mean a great person. Evil shouldn’t be able to be housed behind a friendly mask.