Dacia Wolf & the Fallen Prince

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Dacia Wolf & the Fallen Prince Page 21

by Mandi Oyster

  “Well, tell me about it.” I imagined her sitting down on the couch, folding her legs under her.

  I let out a long sigh. I wanted to tell her everything, but I couldn’t. “There’s this other guy.”

  “Oh.” The surprise in her voice was obvious. “Cody’s been there for you forever, but he’s your first boyfriend. It doesn’t hurt to keep your options open.”

  “That’s not it, Mom.” I blew out a long breath and cleared my throat. “This other guy likes me, and he’s nice. But, he’s just a friend. He asked me on a date, and …” Now, what do I say? I can’t tell her why I should go out with him. This was stupid.

  “Oh, I see. You don’t want to ruin your friendship.”

  I leaned my head against the back of the couch and stared up at the ceiling without really seeing anything. “I’m afraid that if I say no, it’s going to ruin things. If I say yes, it’ll definitely ruin things.”

  “Then you just need to decide which is more important”—her voice was matter-of-fact—“dating Cody or being friends with this other guy. I imagine you already know the answer.”

  “Yeah, I do. Thanks, Mom.”

  “When are you coming home?”

  “Hopefully, in a couple weeks, I’ll be able to.”


  I paced the room waiting for Cody to come back. When the knob turned, I tensed and watched the door. My body slumped forward when I realized it was Samantha. She looked at me, then over her shoulder. “What?”

  “I thought you might be Cody.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” She closed the door and sat her bag down. “Can’t you tell?” She tapped her head.

  I pulled my hand through my hair. “Too stressed.” I resumed pacing. “He’ll be back … Won’t he?”

  “He will.” She grabbed books out of her bag and sat in front of the computer. “Just give him some time to calm down.”


  Yes, Dacia.

  Cody …

  I saw what happened. He is fine. He will make his way back to you. Until then, Arion and I will keep an eye on him.

  Thank you. Can you keep an eye on Dan, too?

  They are together.


  By the time Cody and Dan came back, I expected to see a groove worn into the floor. Cody stood by the door while Dan pulled Samantha into an embrace. “Let’s give them a few minutes,” he said.

  Cody stayed where he was. He wouldn’t look at me. Pain tore through my chest. I tried to take in a deep breath, but it lodged in my throat. “Why … why can’t you look at me, Cody?”

  A muscle ticked in his jaw. He looked up but not at me. “Do you wanna date him?”

  “No. I decided not to. I wanted to tell you, but …” I let my sentence hang in the air.

  He shuddered as he took in a breath. His eyes met mine, and for the first time in weeks, there was emotion in them. “I’m sorry.” He crossed the room to me. “I thought you wanted him. You’ve been getting closer. I thought I was losing you.” He stopped in front of me, reached toward my face, then hesitated, dropping his hand to his side.

  “I don’t want anyone but you.” I closed the gap between us. “I thought you knew that.” I raised onto my toes and wrapped my arms around his neck. He put his hands on my waist, and I felt them trembling. Pulling me against him, he buried his head in my neck.

  “Tell him yes.” Cody lifted his head and brushed my hair back. “Not what I want but for the best.”

  “I’d rather deal with Mavros than lose you.”

  “Tell him yes.” Cody swallowed and lowered his head. When he started talking again, I had to strain to hear him. “Tell him yes. That way Mavros will leave you alone at night.”

  “Let me know tomorrow if that’s still what you want. I won’t tell him yes unless you’re sure.” I leaned my head against Cody’s chest and listened to the steady rhythm of his heart. Samantha and Dan found us that way when they came back.

  Chapter 29

  What Choice?

  I wipe my sweaty palms on my shorts for the umpteenth time. As soon as Dr. Rowan dismisses class, I have to tell Damon my decision. Bile rises into my mouth at the thought.

  Damon looks over at me and mouths, “Are you okay?”

  I shrug and go back to pretending to take notes. When class ends, Damon picks up my backpack and tosses it over his shoulder. We walk out together, finding a bench to sit on, like we’ve been doing for the last couple of weeks. He throws his arm around me, in a casual way, not an embrace. We watch students hurry to and from classes, and I begin to relax. The silence is comfortable, not tense at all.

  “Have you decided?” Damon looks at me. His dark eyes are filled with hope.

  I suck in a deep breath and release it slowly. “Yeah, uh, I’m sorry, but I can’t go on a date with you. I’m not ready yet. Can you give me more time?”

  “More time?” Anger fills his voice. “Don’t you think three weeks is enough?”

  “It’s a big step. I’m … I’m not ready.”

  “So you’ve been leading me on?” His arm tightens on my shoulders, holding me in place. “I see the way you look at me. You enjoy spending time with me. You don’t throw my arm off your shoulders or pull your hand away when I hold it.”

  “I’m sorry, Damon.” Tears dampen my eyes. “I thought I was ready, but I’m not, not yet.”

  His expression is cold and hard. His teeth lengthen into fangs. My pulse quickens, but fear paralyzes me. Damon leans in. His lips brush my neck before his teeth tear through my jugular vein.

  “I’m done being your friend.” He swipes the back of his hand across his mouth, wiping my blood away before he disappears.

  I slump forward, falling to the ground. I feel my heartbeat slow, feel blood flowing from my neck, feel my life slip away.


  I woke up in Cody’s embrace. The dim glow of the streetlights through the curtains shone on him. Blood soaked into his shirt and ran down his arms. My hand fluttered to my neck. Dried blood. No gash. “Cody,” I whispered in his ear.

  “I don’t wanna go to school, Mom,” he mumbled.

  “Cody, you’re talking in your sleep.” I gave his arm a gentle shake. “Wake up.”

  “What?” His eyes popped open. “You okay?”

  “I had a nightmare, and it looks like we took a bath in blood.” I got off the couch. “I’ll teleport you to your room so you can take a shower.”

  Cody stood and looked down at himself. “That’d be good. Can’t clean this in the sink.”

  “Sam, Dan, wake up,” I said.

  “Uhn,” Sam mumbled.

  Dan sat up in bed and looked down at us. His eyes widened, and his voice was louder than it should’ve been. “Are you okay?”

  “Bad dream,” I answered. “I’m taking Cody to his room so he can get cleaned up.”

  “Good idea.” Samantha tried to hold back a yawn.

  Aurelia, keep an eye on Dan and Samantha, please.

  Your room was blessed. They are safe there.

  I grabbed Cody’s hand. “Ready?”


  While Cody rounded up his shower essentials, he asked, “What happened?”

  “I said no.” I lifted my shoulders and tried to sound nonchalant.

  “Guess that settles it.” His hand shook as he reached for his bottle of shampoo. “You gotta say yes.” Cody’s voice didn’t show the discouragement I was sure he felt.

  I walked over to him and put my hand on his arm. “I won’t do anything that’ll make me lose you.”

  He looked me in the eyes, his face was stern, unflinching. “Tell him no and this happens, you’ll be out several days. By the time you wake up, Mavros won’t play games. Then you might lose us all. Go
on that date.”

  My chin dropped to my chest. I couldn’t see any other way out of this either. “Hopefully, that’ll hold him off for a while, but what if it doesn’t?”

  “Least you tried.” Cody pulled his shirt up over his head. His abs were flexed. A fist of desire clenched in my stomach. I turned away from him, fanning my face with a notebook I found on his desk. “I’m gonna jump in the shower.”

  I gave him a little finger wave and watched him walk out the door. When he came back, my heart flipped. He stood in front of me with nothing on but shorts. His skin was damp. I stepped up to him, placing my palms on his chest.

  Cody laughed. “Love that look, but you’re covered in blood.”

  “Oh.” I pulled away from him and heat rushed to my face.

  “Hold that thought ‘til you get cleaned up.” He brushed my lips with his thumb before kissing me softly.

  We teleported back to my dorm, and I headed to the showers. By the time I got back, Cody was asleep on the couch. With a sigh, I snuggled against his bare chest and fell asleep.

  Chapter 30

  Completely Broken

  I walked out of Shakespeare with Damon. His shoulders were hunched, lacking his usual confidence. He reached for my hand but pulled back. I saw him look at me through the corner of his eyes, but I wasn’t about to make this any easier for him.

  We sat on our normal bench. Like in my dream, I stared off into the distance. I knew what I needed to do, but my heart told me not to.

  Damon turned toward me and grabbed my hands. “Have you decided?”


  “Yes, you’ve decided? Or, yes, you’ll go out with me?” Hope widened his eyes and brought a slight smile to his lips.

  I opened my mouth, but the words fought to stay inside. You can do this, Dacia, I thought. I opened my mouth again, and this time, they came out. “Yes, to both.”

  His smile broadened, lighting up his entire face and making my heart do a somersault. “You’ve made me the happiest man on campus.” He leaned forward and brushed his lips along my neck.

  My body tensed in response. I clutched the bench, waiting for his teeth to sink in, but that didn’t happen.

  Instead, his hand caressed my cheek. “Thank you.” His husky voice murmured in my ear.

  My heart raced, and my body softened. A nervous laugh escaped my lips. “I’m glad you’re happy,” I whispered and was ashamed to admit I meant it.


  Dan and Samantha were curled up on the couch. Cody stood at the window, staring outside. His shoulders hunched forward. “How’d it go?”

  “He didn’t kill me—” I set my backpack down and leaned against the wall “—but …”

  “But what?” Samantha knelt on the couch, peering over the back at me.

  I tugged my hand through my windblown curls. “But nothing.” I remembered Damon’s hand brushing my face and wondered what was to come. “I just wish there was another way.”

  “There isn’t.” Cody turned. His body was tense, and his blue eyes were icy. “This is the only way.”

  I walked toward him, slowly stretching my hand out like I would with a frightened animal. “Let’s go out tonight. Just the two of us.”

  Cody smiled a sad smile and shook his head. “I’d like that … more than anything, but … no.”


  “Mavros can’t see us out. He can’t know it’s a farce.” He stepped around me, refusing to look at me. “See if Arion can watch me? I’ll sleep in my room.”

  “Oh.” My legs wobbled. I sank down against the wall and lowered my head to my hands. “Oh.”

  “He watches.” His voice was ragged. “You understand that; don’t you?”

  “I …”

  The door clicked. I looked up. Cody and I were alone. He sat in Cookie Monster. His elbows rested on his knees. He studied his feet. “He’ll know if we’re together. It can’t be both ways.”

  I covered my face. “Then I want you.”

  “We know that can’t happen.” A tear rolled down his cheek and dripped off his chin.

  Holding back a sob, I knelt in front of him and put my hands over his. “I’m sorry, Cody. I’m sorry I’m always hurting you.”

  “Coupla weeks.” He attempted to smile, but it looked more like a grimace.

  I looked down, shaking my head. “That’s the thing.”

  He tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. “You’ll defeat him.”

  “Maybe, but … I should’ve told you earlier. Aurelia doesn’t think it’ll change. She thinks I’ll fight one monster after another.” I took a deep breath and tried to keep my voice steady. “It’s never going to end … ever.”

  Cody’s thumb brushed my cheek. “Didn’t think it’d be easy,” he whispered, “but, never thought it’d be this hard.”

  I leaned into his touch. “I’m sorry. I don’t want this. I don’t want Damon or Mavros. I don’t want to see you hurt.”

  “I know. Only way, though.” He pulled his hand away. “Maybe next time, they won’t want your love.”

  “Let’s hope.”

  He leaned down and whispered in my ear, “I’m not letting go. Just stepping back. I love you.” He kissed the top of my head, got up, and walked out.


  I curled up on the couch and clutched Cody’s pillow to my chest. His scent lingered on it—a cold winter’s day before a snowstorm, fresh, brisk, and clean—causing tears to pool in my eyes. I didn’t move when the door opened.

  Samantha walked over and sat on the floor in front of me. She brushed the hair off my face. “Aurelia told us about Cody. Arion’s guarding him.”

  I nodded, unsure if my voice would even come out.

  “You can sleep in your bed if you’d like.” Dan sat in Big Bird, rubbing the back of his neck.

  I shook my head.

  “You sure?”

  “I …” My voice was gravelly. I cleared my throat and started again. “The couch smells like him.”

  “Are you okay?” Samantha’s soft brown eyes were filled with remorse.

  I shook my head. “I really don’t want to …” A sob escaped. I took a deep breath. “I can’t talk right now. I’m going to sleep.”

  I pulled Cody’s pillow closer to me and breathed him in.

  Chapter 31

  First Date

  Cody stayed away all day. I didn’t see or hear from him. I thought about going to his room, checking the basketball court, or calling him to make sure he was okay. But, why would he be? His girlfriend was going on a date with another man. No, not a man, a demon. I couldn’t understand why he’d ever want to see me again.

  Samantha offered to hang out with me, but I knew I wouldn’t be good company. “Go with Dan.” I rubbed my hand over my mouth. “Make sure Cody’s all right.”

  Instead of pestering Cody, I spent the day pretending to read. I couldn’t pay attention to the book. My insides trembled. I liked Damon, but I didn’t want to date him. I didn’t want to face the consequences of a date gone wrong. If the date lived up to his expectations, we would all be in trouble. If it didn’t, there was a possibility I wouldn’t make it home.


  Damon knocked on my door a few minutes before six o’clock. When I opened it, he said, “You look beautiful.”

  “Thanks. Samantha picked this out.” I was wearing black pants and a green silk shirt that brought out my eyes. “You look pretty nice yourself.” He was dressed all in black. His eyes were bright with excitement.

  “Aren’t you going to invite me in?” His smile lit up his entire face, tearing down my defenses.

  I started to swing my arm back in a welcoming gesture but caught myself. “Not tonight. You wanted to get off campus, remember?”
/>   “Yes, shall we then?” He held his arm out for me to take. We walked out to a black Mustang with dark tinted windows. He held the door open but stopped me before I could get in. The back of his hand brushed against my cheek. He leaned forward, closing the distance between us. “Thank you,” he breathed.

  I felt my pulse quicken. “F-f-for what?”

  “Saying yes.” He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against his body, an embrace I couldn’t have escaped from if I’d wanted to. His lips brushed across mine, curving them into a smile when I didn’t recoil. He lowered his mouth, and I was lost in a passionate, all-consuming kiss. When he pulled away from me, I stumbled forward.

  “Sorry,” I mumbled as he caught me.

  “Don’t be sorry.” He ran his thumb along my cheek. “I like this Dacia … vulnerable and passionate.”

  My eyes widened and I swallowed. No matter how much I liked Damon, I didn’t want to be vulnerable around him.

  He helped me into his car and shut the door behind me. When he walked around to get in, I felt myself come to my senses. Aurelia, I thought, I’m going to need you tonight. He’s controlling me, and I don’t know if I can fight it on my own.

  I will be nearby, she responded.

  As soon as we started down the road, Damon took my hand in his. The warmth of his skin made a tingling sensation spread throughout my body. Pleasure intermixed with fear. Fear that I might make a promise to this demon, a promise I would regret for eternity.

  I closed my eyes and tried to picture Cody’s face, the blue of his irises, the curve of his lips, but his eyes kept darkening until they were as black as night. His face transformed into Damon’s, and it became harder to remember exactly what Cody looked like.

  When I opened my eyes, Damon was watching me instead of the road. Smiling at him, I asked, “So, where are we going?”


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