by Mandi Oyster
I got up, pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge, and walked back to my chair. Is it really all an act? Or is he a good demon? I heard the key in the lock and realized the time for this line of thinking was over for now.
When Cody, Dan, and Samantha walked in, I asked, “How was your game?”
“We creamed ‘em.” Dan shot an imaginary basketball, then grabbed Cody’s shoulder. “I love it when Cody’s on my team.”
Cody didn’t seem to share Dan’s enthusiasm. Lines of tension spider-webbed from his eyes, and I knew what was on his mind.
Not knowing how he felt about me, I stayed sitting in Cookie Monster. I screwed the cap onto my water and set it on the floor. “I’m okay.” I looked into his eyes, hoping to see relief, but his expression didn’t change. “Nothing happened. Damon was a perfect gentleman. Cassandra saw us together and wanted to know if she could console you. He told her there was nothing going on because I was with you.”
“That’s surprising.” Samantha stood by the fridge and tossed waters to Dan and Cody.
“Yeah, it wasn’t what I expected.” I lifted my hair off my neck, pulling it into a ponytail. “He never touched me, never tried to make a move. When I told him I had homework, he walked me back. No harm done.” I knew that wasn’t the case in Cody’s eyes, and if roles were reversed, I wouldn’t have been thrilled about letting him go off with another girl.
Cody stood behind the couch and chugged his water. As soon as he finished, he walked to the door. “I’m gonna shower.”
Dan kissed Samantha, jumped up, and left with Cody.
I dropped my head into my hands. “Maybe I should’ve told him Damon was a total jerk.”
“Was he?” Samantha’s voice was soft.
“Not at all.”
“You shouldn’t have said that then.” She leaned toward me. “But, maybe you should try to sound like you didn’t enjoy being with him.”
I looked into her brown eyes, knowing she was right. “But I did.” I pulled the band out of my hair. “I didn’t think I should lie.”
When they came back, Cody was aloof. He sat in Big Bird and looked anywhere but at me.
Pretending my heart wasn’t splintering more with each beat, I worked on my homework. Samantha and Dan left with Aurelia keeping an eye on them.
I set my books on the floor and knelt in front of Cody. “Let’s get out of here … go for a walk.”
“Aurelia’s not here.” Cody shook his head and rolled his eyes.
“No.” I ran my hand along his leg, hoping he wouldn’t pull away from my touch. “Just us. I can keep us safe.”
His smile was hopeful.
We walked out of the building hand in hand. The sun was starting its descent behind the mountains. The air, though still warm, was beginning to cool.
We followed the path to Falcon Lake. By the time we got there, stars dotted the sky. Yellow streaks shot across the horizon.
Cody slipped his hand from mine and draped his arm over my shoulder. I tucked my hand into his back pocket. We meandered to the playground and sat on the swings.
Insects serenaded us. An occasional owl joined in the song. The last of the sun’s light disappeared behind the mountains. Millions of stars brightened the night sky. Their reflections danced across the inky blackness of Falcon Lake only to be interrupted as ripples crossed the surface. I felt like we were the only two people in the world.
“This is nice,” Cody said softly.
I twisted in my swing so I faced him. “From now on, no matter what monster is after me, we need to try to spend some time like this.”
He smiled at me, and it was a fantastic smile—genuine, caring, and excited. My lips curve up in response.
We lay down on the beach and looked up at the stars. I couldn’t help but compare this to my experiences with Mavros. With Mavros, I felt like my mind wasn’t my own. I was always fighting to remember what was important to me. With Cody, I felt right. I wished life could be this way all the time. I loved having Cody’s arms around me. Even though I knew he couldn’t protect me from the monsters in my life, I felt safe and loved.
A sense of peace washed over me, and my eyes drifted shut. I don’t know how long we stayed like that before Cody’s grip tightened on my waist.
My eyes sprung open, and I stared into the panther’s fiery irises. A menacing growl rumbled from its throat.
“Don’t hurt him, Mavros—” I sat up, blocking Cody with my body “—instincts or not.”
The beast’s lips curled back revealing a mouthful of sharp teeth. My body cooled, but nothing else happened. Fear clenched my heart when Mavros didn’t back away. I concentrated on ice and tried again to freeze my body.
The panther seemed to sneer before edging around me.
I circled with him, keeping between him and Cody. He stepped closer, and I realized that if he attacked, I’d survive, but Cody wouldn’t.
I lifted my hand. Ice shot from my fingertips. The cat jumped back. I grabbed hold of Cody and teleported back to my room.
Cody lay on the floor with me sprawled over his body. Both of us were breathing hard. The room was dark.
“That was close.” Cody’s voice shook.
Chapter 27
My New Mantra
Mavros leans against a tree, all long, slender muscles clad in black. He blends in with the night, a god among men.
No. I shake my head. He’s a demon in a beautiful package, not a god. Tucking my hands into my pockets, I saunter away from him.
“Dacia.” His voice is a low growl. “Don’t. Walk. Away. From. Me.”
I glance at him over my shoulder. His body is rigid, and he seems to be restraining himself with great difficulty.
Not wanting my back to him, I spin around. “What?” I toss my hands up.
“Why were you with him?” He stalks toward me.
“Because I love him.” I take a step away.
Still prowling toward me, he asks, “Why did you attack me?”
Widening my stance into a defensive posture, I say, “Really?”
He nods.
“You wouldn’t back off.”
He narrows his eyes. “I told you I wouldn’t hurt you again.”
Flames ignite in my palms. “To get to Cody, you would’ve.”
“If I’d’ve wanted him dead, he’d be dead.” A menacing grin spreads across his face. He smacks his hands together, and my flames shoot toward him, absorbing into his body.
I drop my hands to my sides, not sure what he just did. “How?” I shake my head, knowing he won’t answer anyway. “I thought you couldn’t help what you did when you were a panther. I thought it was instincts.”
“When I see you, I try to override my instincts … your safety is my top concern.” He stands with his hands behind his back.
I take another step away from him. A twig snaps under my foot. “Promise you won’t hurt Cody.” I start to look over my shoulder, but I don’t want to take my eyes off of Mavros. Unsure of what’s behind me, I stop moving.
“I can’t make that promise.” He strides forward until he stands toe to toe with me. “If you choose to let me return to the Abyss, I will hurt him. I’ve already promised you that.” The menace radiating off him is palpable.
I want to get as far from him as I can, but I need him to trust me. “Promise not to hurt any of them until I decide.” I run my fingers along his arm.
He looks from my hand to my face. Surprise shines in his eyes. “No.” He shakes his head. “I don’t make that kind of promises.”
Reaching down, he takes my hands in his. This is a dream. It’s a dream. It’s my dream, and I’m in control.
“Dacia, I want you to make me a promise.” His voice is intense, and I fight to stay in control.
I focus on the bridge of his nose, not looking into his eyes, not wanting to fall to his charms. “What?”
“Promise not to use ice against me.” He trails the tips of his fingers along my jaw.
“I …” I bite the inside of my cheek. “I can’t.” This is a dream. I repeat my mantra over and over again in my head.
He presses his thumb into the palm of my hand, blood pulses to the surface and fire surges through my veins. I drop to my knees. “Promise,” he growls through clenched teeth.
“No.” I force the word out.
The pain retreats, and he pulls me to my feet. He traces a line from my ear to my neck. I want to give into him, but I continue chanting, This is a dream, this is a dream, this is a dream …
He brushes his lips across mine. “Promise.” His voice is soft, but there’s a dark undercurrent to it.
He holds me against his body, running his hands down my back. Then he swipes his hand. Blood pours from four deep gouges across my stomach. My legs weaken, and I slump to the ground, gasping for air.
“Oh, Dacia.” Cody’s voice was a combination of grief and horror.
I forced my eyes open. I was curled up against him on the couch, and both of us were covered in my blood. Pain rippled through my body as I rolled onto my back.
“Towel.” I gasped.
Cody sprung from the couch, retrieved a towel, and hurried back to me. He eased me up and wrapped it around me. I pressed it against my stomach, hoping to staunch the blood flow.
“Need anything else?”
I shook my head, and he went to the sink to wash off. Closing my eyes, I concentrated on healing and life.
“What are you doing?” Samantha’s voice was heavy with sleep.
“Washing,” Cody answered.
She flicked her light on. “Oh, my God! Cody, are you okay?”
“Fine.” He waved at me. “Dacia’s blood. Looks like a panther attack.”
Dan jumped down from my loft and came over to me. “Are you okay?”
“Sure.” I tried to make myself smile to reassure him, but I cringed. My voice wavered. “Mavros wanted me to promise not to use ice, but I wouldn’t.” Aurelia, I need your help.
I am on my way.
“Cody, Dan, you might want to hide. Aurelia is …” She stood in front of me. “Nevermind.”
“How bad is it?” She knelt down beside me.
I lifted the towel away, and she placed her hands on my wounds. A cool sensation spread relief to my body.
“I didn’t promise.” I clutched the towel, trying to hold the pain at bay. “I kept telling myself it was a dream and that he had no control over me.”
“You did well.” Her voice changed, becoming thick. Magic emanated from her words.
Even though it went against my nature, I let my defenses down. I didn’t fight her spell. I knew she wouldn’t harm me.
“Sleep well, Dacia.”
My eyelids grew heavy, and I fell into a deep dreamless sleep.
Chapter 28
Decisions, Decisions
For the next couple of weeks, the days followed the same pattern. Cody played basketball with Dan while I spent time with Damon—always with my link to Aurelia open. We went for walks and talked. Sometimes he held my hand or threw his arm over my shoulder, but most of the time, he gave me space. As the days passed, I began counting him as one of my friends. I knew I shouldn’t. I knew he was a demon, but I couldn’t help myself. He was charming and fun to be around.
Through my link with Aurelia, I felt her discomfort with Damon, but she didn’t stop me from seeing him. She never talked to me about him after he walked me to my room. She never told me I was getting too close to him. She always closed off her connection to me as soon as he left. Mavros stayed away as long as I spent time with Damon, and that was her main concern.
Damon pulled me to one of Phlox University’s benches. I sat down, but he stood in front of me, pacing two steps in one direction and then back again and again. “Dacia, you’ve been spending time with me every day after classes.”
“Yes.” I had a feeling I knew where this was going. I’d begun to hope he wouldn’t ask. “I like spending time with you.”
“It’s been two and a half weeks.” He looked at me. His eyes held a deep sadness in them. I wanted to reach up, caress his face, and tell him things would be okay, but I kept my hands firmly at my sides. “I’ve been patient. I’ve seen our friendship grow, but it’s never been a secret that I want more. Will you go out with me this weekend? It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just dinner at The Avalanche.”
If you do not go with him, I am afraid Damon will disappear, and you will be left to deal with Mavros. In Aurelia’s words, I felt her sadness and fear.
“Can I think about it tonight and let you know tomorrow?” I grasped my arm above the elbow.
His shoulders slumped forward. “Sure.” He scrubbed his hand down his face. “I guess that’s better than no.” He reached his hand down to help me up, then walked me back to my room.
“Are you ever going to invite me in?” He stood in the hall, looking in.
“Not until I decide what to do about Cody. He’d never understand if he saw you in my room.”
“Please don’t say no.” He took my hand and lifted it to his lips before heading toward the staircase.
When Cody, Dan, and Samantha came back to the room, I was sitting with my head in my hands, trying to figure out what to do. Cody sat as far from me on the couch as he could. “Not gonna like this, am I?”
I looked up at him and saw that the expressionless mask he had donned for the last couple of weeks was firmly in place. “Damon asked me on a date. Aurelia thinks that if I turn him down, Damon will disappear and Mavros will start calling me out at night. I’m not sure which is the lesser of two evils. If I tell Damon yes, he’ll want more—more dates, more than walks, more than kissing my hand when he says goodbye. I don’t know if I can deal with more.”
Cody didn’t change expressions, didn’t move, didn’t say a word. He’d been this way since I started spending more time with Damon, and even though I couldn’t blame him, I wished he would show some emotion, show me he cared. I wished he would let me in.
“Did you give him an answer?” Samantha asked.
“I told him I’d let him know tomorrow. I wanted to know what you guys thought.”
“Difference does it make?” Cody’s voice was hard and cruel. “You’ve been dating him for two weeks.”
“Not because I want to.” My voice was low and steady, but inside I felt anything but in control.
“You like him. You enjoy spending time with him. Don’t pretend you don’t.” He got up and headed toward the door. “I’m gonna shower. Do whatever.”
Cody’s words shattered my heart, breaking it into a million jagged pieces that cut my insides to shreds. A chill shuddered through my body, and a sob escaped through clenched teeth.
Samantha sat down beside me. “You know he doesn’t mean it. He loves you, and he’s trying to deal with this.”
The dam holding my tears back was about to break. I knew that if I looked at her, it would burst. I held my head and focused on breathing. “I know it’s hard on him, and I know it’s eating him up. But, it’s not what I want either. I want to spend time with Cody. Damon is my friend, but Cody’s my life.”
Dan’s face scrunched up in disgust. “How can you be friends with Damon? He’s a demon. He’s Mavros.”
They’d never understand. They hadn’t spent time with him and didn’t see him the way I did. “I know, but sometimes it’s hard to remember that. He’s nice, polite, and funny.”
“He’s. A. Demon.” Dan stood by the sink, splashing cold water on his face.
sp; I walked to the window and looked outside. The aspen trees stood out against the pines and spruces. Their leaves were bright yellow. Too soon, they would litter the ground, and winter would be upon us. “I know”—I raked my fingers through my hair—“but are all demons evil? Obviously, all angels aren’t good, or the devil wouldn’t exist.”
“I know you don’t see it.” Samantha’s hands were folded in her lap, and she looked at them, not me. “Mavros isn’t a good guy. He’s manipulating you, trying to get you to join him.”
“How can you be so sure?” Folding my arms over my chest, I turned and stared at her. “I’ve seen his eyes, seen the emotions there.” I shook my head. I wasn’t going to change her mind. “That’s not what this is about. Do I go out with Damon in two days, or do I risk the wrath of Mavros if I say no? It’s not much of a choice; is it?”
“I think Aurelia is probably right.” Dan walked over and stood behind Samantha. His hair poked out every which way. “We’ve agreed from the beginning that Damon’s safer than Mavros.”
“If I go out with him, it could be the end of me and Cody.” I slid my promise ring up and down my finger. How could things have gone so wrong so quickly? “I don’t know if he can handle this.”
“Hopefully in two weeks, this will all be over.” Samantha rubbed my arm.
“Yeah, there’s that.”
“I’m gonna hit the shower.” Dan leaned down and kissed the top of Samantha’s head.
I pinched the bridge of my nose, hoping to hold it together. “Make sure Cody’s okay.”
“I will.”
“I’ll walk with you as far as the bathroom.” Samantha jumped up and grabbed her bag. “I need a shower, too.”
Left in the room alone, I decided to call home. “Hi, Mom,” I said into the receiver.
“Hello, dear. How are you doing?”
“I’m a little lost right now.” Tears trickled out of my eyes. “Cody and I are having some problems, and I don’t know what to do.”