Dacia Wolf & the Fallen Prince
Page 22
“I packed a picnic dinner, and we’re going to Pine Ridge Park to watch the Althea Artists perform Faust.”
Hearing Faust snapped me back to reality. “Isn’t that the play about the guy who sells his soul?” I knew it was, but I wanted to see what kind of reaction I would get.
“Yes.” He showed no emotion, no familiarity with our situation.
“I don’t understand that. One lifetime.” I stuck my index finger up in front of me. “One. That’s all we have to get through to spend eternity in Heaven. Why blow it to spend eternity in Hell?”
“Selling your soul is a bit ridiculous.” My mouth dropped open at his words. “But, if you choose to live forever, you never have to leave this world behind.”
“Losing everyone you love is a steep price to pay for immortality. Isn’t it?”
“I suppose that depends on whether or not you’re alone.” His thumb caressed my hand. “If you’re with someone you love, death seems like the more costly choice.”
I shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m not afraid of death.”
His laugh was humorless. “That’s what everyone says until they’re standing face to face with Death himself.”
“I’ve stood on the shore, waiting for the boat.” I remembered climbing aboard, the feeling of peace that had settled over me.
His eyebrows rose as he turned to look at me. “You have?”
“A few times over the past year, but I really don’t want to talk about it. This is our first date.” I tried to sound excited. “Let’s not ruin it with morbid conversation.”
I’d never been to Pine Ridge Park before. It sat on a hill overlooking Althea. The peaks of the Snowfire Mountains rose behind the town. I breathed in a sigh of contentment. I could’ve sat at the park all evening just looking at the mountains. Instead, Damon spread a blanket down on the ground and pulled fried chicken and potato salad out of a picnic basket. We ate in relative silence.
When I finished, Damon stood and reached for my hand. Helping me to my feet, he bowed and asked, “May I have this dance?”
I chuckled. “There’s no music.”
“Sure there is.” He pointed to one of the Althea Artists just as he turned on a radio. Soft music drifted over to us. Damon put one hand on my waist and held my hand in his. My other hand rested on his arm. He pulled me closer to him, leaving just a sliver of air between us. Heat radiated off his body, and somehow, I resisted the urge to move closer, to press my body against his.
Damon danced like a pro, and it was easy to follow his lead. This is so different from dancing with Cody. I pictured his face for an instant before it was replaced by Damon’s dark eyes and hair, Damon’s seductive smile. I leaned my head on his shoulder and let myself get carried away by the music.
Dacia. I heard the warning in Aurelia’s voice but chose to ignore her. I was enjoying myself. Why did she have to interfere? Dacia, think about Cody. Think about your love for him. You are getting too close.
I glanced up at Damon through my eyelashes. He glared at me. Anger flashed through his eyes. I turned away, suddenly scared to be in his embrace. I took a couple deep breaths to center myself. When I looked back up at him again, his eyes were filled with affection.
Did I just imagine the anger? I wondered to myself.
Damon stopped dancing and whispered in my ear, “The play’s about to start.” He brushed my hair back and tenderly kissed my earlobe. Fire and ice burned through my body—desire and fear fighting one another. A moan of ecstasy escaped my lips, and I tilted my head back. His lips crushed against mine. My hands clutched his hair, pulling him closer to me.
He was the first to pull away. A smile engulfed his face. “Yeah, I like this Dacia.” His fingers traced my jawline and along my neck. He lowered me onto the blanket with him. Lounging on his side and propped up on his elbow, he drew me against him, his hand rested on my shoulder. Every so often his finger brushed against my neck, sending shivers of excitement through my body.
At first, I had trouble concentrating on Faust, but soon I found myself captivated by the performance. When it was over, Damon sat up and looked into my eyes. “So, what did you think of it?”
“It was really good.” I fiddled with the necklace Mavros had given me. “I never knew Faust ended up in Heaven.”
“Just because you do one thing you shouldn’t, doesn’t mean God will forsake you.” He traced a fingertip along my cheek. “It just means you followed a different path than expected.”
I knew this conversation should mean something to me, but before I figured it out, Damon leaned over me. His lips brushed against my forehead, my eyes, my nose before finding my mouth. All thought of our conversation was gone.
Chapter 32
Just Friends
Sunday morning, I woke up conflicted. Damon was everything a girl could ask for—loving, romantic, exciting, gorgeous. I felt a connection to him even though I knew I shouldn’t. My heart still belonged to Cody, but after my date with Damon, I had doubts for the first time. Shaking my head, I wondered if he still had some control over my thoughts.
I pulled Cody’s pillow closer to me. His scent barely lingered on it. The thought of losing him caused my breath to catch in my throat and emptiness to spread through my body.
I sat up and put my head in my hands. Can I fix this? I wondered. I dragged my fingers through my hair, getting ready to face the day.
“Morning,” Dan said.
I half-smiled at him. “Do you think Cody will see me today?”
“I don’t know, but I know it took all he had to stay away from you yesterday.”
“So, how did things go last night?” Samantha asked from her bed.
I looked down at my bare feet. I need to trim my toenails, I thought. “It was …” I stopped and cleared my throat. “It was easy, a perfect date. He was wonderful and charming. And, he was controlling me.” I looked up at them, my eyes begging them to understand. “I didn’t invite him in, and I don’t remember making any promises. But, I feel horrible this morning, and Cody’s pillow …” A sob shook my shoulders as it escaped my lips. “It doesn’t smell like him anymore.” My voice trailed off.
Samantha climbed out of her loft, sat on the couch beside me, and rubbed my back. “You can’t hold yourself responsible for anything you did while he was controlling you.”
I didn’t look at her. I shook my head and said, “Is that how you’d feel? If Dan was with another girl, would it matter? Even if you knew she was controlling him … that he was doing it for the good of mankind?”
She looked at Dan for a while before answering. “No, I’d be jealous, angry … hurt.”
“If you knew the way Mavros and Damon make me feel, if you knew what they make me think, you probably wouldn’t blame Cody for running off.” Tears rolled out of my eyes, pooling in my hands.
“Cody didn’t run off,” Dan said, his voice was soft and sympathetic. “He did what he thought would help keep Mavros away, and it’s killing him not to be with you.”
“Then tell him to come; tell him I need him.” My eyes pleaded with him to make it happen. “I know now that I can’t get through this without him.”
I got up, grabbed my bathroom bag, and headed out into the hall. Once there, I stared at Aurelia’s door. I needed to know what happened after the play. I needed to know if I made Damon any promises because I couldn’t remember getting in his car, the ride home, anything.
Aurelia’s door opened. “Well, are you coming in?” Her lips curled up in a friendly smile.
“I’m not sure.” I kicked my foot against the floor. “Do I want to know what happened last night?”
She motioned me in, closing the door behind me.
I held my hands over my face, covering my eyes. �
��I need to know if I’m going to cause the end of the world. I don’t remember anything after the play.”
“You promised …” My gasp stopped her sentence short. She raised one eyebrow at me and finished. “To see him again today. He will be here to pick you up at 3:00.”
“Oh …” I sank to the floor. “That’s all? I can live with that.”
“Only if you are careful.” She stared down at me with her hands on her hips and her lips pursed. “I cannot interfere, lest I cause the end of the world. You will have to keep your head today, Dacia.”
“Then I have to see Cody.” I looked up at her through my fingers. “Somebody will have to convince him of that.”
“If Dan does not succeed, I will talk to him.”
When I got back from my shower, Cody was seated in Cookie Monster. I stood in the doorway, staring at the back of his head. My heart stopped in my chest, and uncertainty filled my body. The one person I wanted to see more than anybody in the world was here, and I had no idea what to say to him or how to act. Did he want to see me? Was he here only because Dan or Aurelia made him come?
“Hi,” I said as I stepped into the room. My eyes went to Samantha for help, but she didn’t offer any.
Dan stood and reached his hand out for Samantha’s. “Why don’t we let them have some time alone?”
“No!” Cody’s voice filled the room. The muscles tightened in his neck and jaw. His eyes narrowed, daring anybody to challenge his order.
“I think it would be best,” Samantha said.
“No. Sit down. We’re all friends here, nothing more.”
The blood drained from my face. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I registered the pain I felt when my body crashed to the floor. Somewhere the sun shone and birds sang, but not for me. My world was consumed by shadows and darkness. “You … you can’t mean that. You just can’t.”
“I explained, Dacia.” Cody knelt in front of me. “Won’t work if we’re together.”
I looked into his eyes and saw the pain he was trying to hide. My hand brushed against his, and he jerked away from me. “I can’t do this.” His voice was husky. He raked his fingers through his hair, leaving patches standing on end. “I can’t touch you … look at you and then leave you. I need all or nothing, and I can’t have it all right now.”
“If you’re not with me, Mavros’ll win. I didn’t see you for one day, and when I was with Damon, I couldn’t remember what you looked like.” Tears pooled in my eyes. “If you stay away longer, he might steal all my memories of you.”
Cody sat back, making sure not to touch me. “If he knows we’re together, what’s to keep him from killing you? He killed Elizabeth.”
“Aurelia told you that you’d have to stay by her side,” Samantha reminded him.
“I will … but as her friend, with you. Can’t be her boyfriend. Mavros can’t see us like that. Can’t hold hands. Can’t hug or kiss you. Can’t hold you.” For a moment, Cody’s guard slipped. He looked as if he’d seen his favorite dog run over right before his eyes. “Don’t want this, but gotta be this way.”
“Fine.” I stood and walked away from Cody. I couldn’t stand being so close to him without touching him. “Then stay over here and hang out today like friends. I’ll sit in Big Bird, and you can sit in Cookie Monster. We can play games or watch a movie or whatever, but I need you with me for as long as you can handle it. Damon is coming over at 3:00, and I can’t face him without being with you first.”
“Aaaa, why?” His head fell forward, and he pulled at his hair.
How much of this can Cody take? How long can I fight Mavros’ hold without Cody by my side? I grabbed a bottle of water and sat in Big Bird. “I don’t remember anything after the play last night. I could’ve given him the world, but Aurelia said all I did was promise to see him again.”
Cody looked up at me, his blue eyes stormy. “I‘ll stay. No promises.”
I projected my thoughts only to him, I’m so sorry. I know this isn’t easy. I know it’s killing you. I also know I love you and only you.
He looked at me and smiled, a sad, heartbroken imitation of a smile.
The four of us played Yahtzee and tried to pretend like all was right in the world, but it wasn’t. Cody and I should’ve been snuggled up with each other. At the very least, we should’ve been able to look at each other, but every time our eyes met, Cody turned his head away.
When our game was over, Cody got up, went to the desk, grabbed a notebook and pen, and sat back down. I watched him writing. The first part came out quickly. Then he tapped the pen against his lips while he stared at the paper. He scribbled a few more things down, ripped the page out of the notebook, folded it in half, and handed it to me.
“I’ve got stuff to do,” he said without looking at me. “See you later.”
I raised my hand in a half-hearted wave but couldn’t find my voice to say anything. I sat staring at the paper he’d given to me. I wanted to know what it said, but I was terrified to open it.
“Well,” Samantha said.
Dan scribbled a note and held it up for us to read. Mavros could be watching.
“No matter how you feel about Damon,” he said, “Cody will always be your friend. He was your friend before you started dating. I don’t think anything will change that.”
I looked up at Dan and smiled. “Thanks.” I prepared myself for the worst, unfolded the paper and began reading.
This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, pretending like I don’t care, like I don’t love you. I want to wrap my arms around you and pull you close, but I know if Mavros sees us together, he’ll know you’re not serious about Damon. I can’t let him hurt you. But in trying to protect you, I’m the one hurting you. For that, I’ll be eternally sorry.
I want you to know that whatever this looks like to you, I still love you. I still want forever. I made a promise, and I have no intention of taking it back. We’re just going to have to be careful ‘til this is over.
Watch your back, be careful and don’t do anything stupid.
All my love,
I pressed the letter against my chest as tears ran down my cheeks.
“Is everything okay?” Samantha asked.
I nodded and held the letter out to her. While she and Dan read it, I said, “Cody’s stepping back so I can be with Damon.”
“Speaking of which”—Samantha looked toward the door—“he’ll be here soon. You should get ready.”
“Yeah,” I agreed but didn’t get up.
I dressed in blue jeans and a hoodie—with Cody’s note folded up in the pocket. I didn’t remember if Damon told me what he had in mind, but unless I had to, I wasn’t going to admit that to him. If he knew he had that effect on me, it could be disastrous.
I sat outside on a park bench waiting for him to show up. I didn’t want to make up an excuse for not inviting him in, and with being so close to the mountains, I could tell him I waited here because it wouldn’t be too long before the first snowfall of the year.
I felt Damon walking up but pretended not to notice. He didn’t need to know I could sense his presence. He slid onto the bench and put his arm around my shoulders. I leaned in like a normal girlfriend would do with her boyfriend, but it sickened me. “What are you doing out here, Princess?”
“Waiting for you.” I smiled up at him. “It’s a nice day, and there won’t be too many more of them before winter hits.”
“What would you like to do this afternoon?”
“Well, we should stick around here. I have some homework to finish up on tonight.”
We sat in silence. My hand was on Cody’s note. I was hoping that by having it with me I could keep control of my thoughts.
; “You seem distracted.” Damon rubbed his thumb along my neck. “Is something bothering you?”
I tried to smile at him, but it felt forced. “I’m okay.”
“Is Cody being a jerk?”
Rage filled my chest, threatening to explode from my mouth as soon as I opened it. I took several deep breaths and answered, “No, he wants me to be happy, and he wants to be friends.”
Damon’s expression darkened before he could stop it. “I doubt that’s all he wants.”
“So do I, but at least he’s not being a sore loser.” I snuggled up closer to him, in an attempt to keep him from seeing my face. “Let’s not talk about Cody. If I want to talk about him, I can sit with Samantha and Dan.”
“Okay, let’s talk about us then. How long will you have to date me before you take off his ring,” he asked, pulling on my promise ring.
“I’m not wearing it on my left hand anymore. It doesn’t have the same meaning now.” I looked down at my hand. I’d tried to take it off. I’d put it back in its box, but I couldn’t bear to leave it behind. I wanted some sort of reminder of what was real, what was important. I pulled my lip into my mouth and looked at Damon. “If you want, I’ll give it back to Cody.”
“When you’re ready.” He pressed my fingers to his mouth. “He was a big part of your life. When you’re ready to let go of him, you will.”
“Anything for you.” He pulled me to my feet. Taking my hand in his, he started walking.
“Where are we going?”
“Nowhere. I just thought you should get your mind off whatever’s troubling you, and it’s not going to happen sitting there.” He let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. At first, I dropped my hand to my side. Then I remembered we were dating now, so I slipped it around his waist.
“Did you have a good time last night?” I asked, looking up at him.
His lips formed into a crooked smile. “Yes. One of the best nights of my life. You were very passionate.”