Dacia Wolf & the Fallen Prince
Page 28
“What will happen if I say yes?” There was no way out of this. No way that my friends would walk away unharmed. No way for Cody and I to remain together.
Surprise flickered across his features. “Your power will sustain us for eternity. You will want for nothing.”
“How much longer?” I dropped my head and rubbed my face. A world without Cody wouldn’t be worth living in. Could I choose Mavros to keep him alive?
I don’t know where it came from, but I found the answer I’d been waiting for. I knew how to defeat Mavros. I just wasn’t sure if I had the strength to do it. It was one thing to face death head-on, but it was another thing to take a life.
Looking at Cody hanging limply in Mavros’ clutches, I knew Mavros wouldn’t wait long to hear my decision before he killed him. Seeing that, I made up my mind. I had no other choice. I’d take a life, and I’d deal with the consequences later if I could.
I had to time it just right. If I acted too early, nobody would be saved. If I waited too long, Mavros would kill Cody. My plan depended upon surprise. If Mavros suspected my actions, I’d fail. My life and the lives of my friends would be forfeit.
As the light faded from the sky, I sensed Mavros’ urgency. “Mavros!” I shouted. “Don’t hurt him.”
“Will you be mine, Dacia?”His voice was silken once again, and his eyes filled with hope.
“What would you do to stay?” A field of boulders separated us. I needed him closer.
He lowered Cody slightly. A look of confusion crossed his face. “Anything.”
“Then come to me now.”
He dropped Cody and strolled toward me, scrambling over the rocks. “Your wish, my command.”
When he was closer to me than to Cody, I held up the golden dagger Aurelia had given me. It felt strange in my hand. It didn’t belong there, but what choice did I have?
“What are you going to do with that little toy?” Mavros’ laughter echoed through the valley.
I didn’t respond to Mavros. Instead, I projected my thoughts to Aurelia. Aurelia, I need you and Arion to get them out of here, and I need you to promise to keep them safe.
What are you doing, Dacia?
Mavros’ features distorted. He was no longer the beautiful man. He looked like the demon he was. “The dragon cannot interfere!”
“Not with you and me.” I shook my head, then thought to Aurelia, The only thing I can. I’m sending Mavros back to the Abyss, saving the world, and saving my friends. I couldn’t let her talk me out of it. I couldn’t feel her sympathy for me. I had no other choice. It was the only way.
Dacia, no! her voice echoed in my head.
There’s no other way. Please, please keep them safe. Tears ran down my cheeks, and I knew it was time.
“Mavros, you messed with the wrong person this time.” I lifted the dagger in front of me with both hands to let him know I was serious.
“No, Dacia,” he yelled as he sprinted toward me.
I saw defeat in Mavros’ eyes, and that gave me the strength to do what I needed to. “Please let this be the right choice,” I whispered to God.
The sunset turned the sky a brilliant pink as I plunged the knife into my heart. My friends screamed. Mavros roared. Arion’s wings beat against the night sky. I imagined him carrying Samantha and Dan to safety.
Mavros knelt beside me. “Finally, a worthy opponent.” He brushed the hair back from my face. His hands were tender.
Each beat of my heart pulled the tip of the knife farther into it, cutting and tearing the tissue. Piercing pain erupted in my chest. Blood gushed from my mouth.
Darkness wrapped its cold arms around me.
Chapter 41
Death’s Doorstep
A golden light shone above me.
This is different.
The other times I’d died, I’d stood on the shore of Falcon Lake awaiting a boat to carry me off to who knows where. It’d been peaceful and relaxing. After experiencing it, I was no longer afraid of death. As long as it was for a good cause, I welcomed it.
But, what was with this light? Is this what other people described? Should I head toward it? How, though? I couldn’t feel my body. I wasn’t even sure if I had one anymore.
The light didn’t go away. It hovered right above me. “Dacia,” a distant voice said. “Dacia.”
I didn’t have the strength to answer. I didn’t even know if I’d be able to. It kept repeating my name, but it grew softer and softer until I drifted off into nothingness once again.
“Dacia.” The voice was warm but unfamiliar.
I opened my eyes. I was sprawled out on the beach. Waves caressed the shore like a long-lost lover. The sound relaxed me. The air smelled cool and refreshing. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes and relishing the feel of oxygen in my lungs. When I opened them again, Death stood above me. Even from below, I couldn’t see his face underneath the cowl. “Oh, uh, hello.” I sat up, brushing the sand off my arms. “So is this it?”
“You sacrificed yourself to save your friends.” His voice was soft and compassionate.
“Yes.” I stared out over the water. “I didn’t know how else to defeat Mavros.”
He knelt beside me. “Few would have found the courage. Now you must choose.”
“Choose?” My eyebrows pinched together, and I bit my lip. “Choose what?”
His hand rested on my shoulder, surprisingly warm and soothing. “You walk a fine line between the worlds. You may choose to go back to your life, or you may begin your journey with me.”
Looking at the boat, I remembered the serenity I’d felt when it came for me before. The faces of my friends and family reflecting in Falcon Lake’s water caught my attention. I was torn between peace and love. Turning to Death, I said, “As much as I’d enjoy the tranquility you’re offering me, I should go back. Aurelia says the world needs me.”
He bowed his head. “A wise decision.” He stood and lowered his hand to help me to my feet. “Fare thee well, Dacia Wolf. We will meet again someday.”
Chapter 42
Life After Death
My body shuddered as fresh, pine-scented air returned to my lungs. I opened my eyes to see a billion stars twinkling above me. Sitting up, my muscles ached like the day after a vigorous workout. My shirt was soaked in blood. As I stood, I noticed the moonlight glint off the blade of the knife Aurelia had given me. I picked it up and replaced it in the scabbard hanging on my belt. After one more look at the night sky, I projected my thoughts to Aurelia. I’m alive.
Her thoughts came back to me, and I felt all her emotions in them—excitement, relief, respect, and affection. Thank God. Is Mavros gone?
I think so. He said he only had until sunset.
Stay there. We will return to you.
Moments later, my friends surrounded me. Looking into their tear-streaked faces, my stomach churned. “I’m sorry.” I looked down at my hands. “It was the only way.”
Cody closed the distance between us. “Never do that again.” He lifted me into his arms.
My feet dangled above the ground as Cody pressed his lips against mine. Flames shot through me, warming my cold body. I pushed back, looking him in the eyes. “I’m so sorry, Cody.”
He pressed his forehead to mine. “You couldn’t help it. He controlled you.”
“No buts. I was a jerk. If I’d’ve dealt, we would’ve been together. He wouldn’t’ve kidnapped us.” He set me on the ground, keeping his arm around my waist, and looked at Dan and Samantha. “Forgive my stupidity?”
Samantha’s lips curved upward. “Of course.”
“Sure, Bro.” Dan punched Cody’s shoulder.
Samantha wrapped her arms around m
e. Since Cody wouldn’t let go, it was a little awkward. “We thought you were gone.”
“I was.” The blood on my clothes was evidence enough. I pressed my hand to my chest but felt no pain. “You were wrong about me.”
“What do you mean?” Samantha frowned.
“I pulled the trigger.”
Samantha shook her head. “That doesn’t count. You knew you’d live.”
“Nope.” I made a popping sound with the p. “I hoped I would, but I didn’t know. Aurelia’s never been able to tell me for sure.”
“Why’d you do it then?” Dan wrapped his arms around Samantha and rested his head on top of hers.
“It was the only thing I thought might save you.” I shrugged like it was no big deal. “Saving the world and saving you three seemed more important than saving me.”
Cody pulled me tighter against his side, wrapping both arms around me. “Not sure ‘bout that.”
I slipped my arms around his waist and nodded at Aurelia and Arion. “Thank you for getting them to safety.”
“You are welcome,” Arion said.
“It was the least I could do—” Aurelia hung her head “—after endangering their lives to begin with.”
“Wasn’t your fault.” Cody’s voice was low and steady. “Mavros was taking us no matter what.”
My eyelids drooped, and I stumbled backward, nearly pulling Cody over.
“You okay?” He steadied me.
I opened my mouth in a wide yawn. “I’m dead tired.”
“Not funny.” Cody lifted me into his arms.
I laid my head against his chest. “A little funny.”
Chapter 43
The Fat Lady Sang
Sunlight streamed in through the window. I snuggled against Cody, relishing the feel of him beside me. “Morning.”
He looked at me—his eyes shining—and chuckled. “Morning’s come and gone.”
“Oh.” Images from last night flashed through my mind. “It’s over; isn’t it?” I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath. I couldn’t remember much of what had happened after coming back to life. I didn’t remember showering or climbing into Cody’s bed. “It wasn’t a dream. It’s really over.”
“Yeah, it is.”
“We made it.” I couldn’t believe it. It didn’t sound real. Mavros was gone, and I was in Cody’s arms. “So, you’ve just been lying here with me all morning?”
Cody traced my collar bone with a delicate touch of his fingertips. “No place I’d rather be.”
Stretching my arms over my head, I exposed a strip of flesh along my stomach. Cody’s hand slid along my bare skin. My heart fluttered, and I leaned into his touch. “Can we stay here all day?”
“I’d like to, but they’re waiting.” He started to get out of bed.
I flattened my palm against his chest. My gaze never left his eyes as I brought my lips to his. He rolled onto his back, pulling me with him. The kiss started slow and gentle but quickly became searing. His hands ran up my spine and along my shoulder blades, pressing me tightly against him. A moan escaped from deep within my throat. Cody pulled his mouth away from mine, kissing my chin, my neck, and my ear.
“None of this would have happened if we’d been together.” My voice was ragged.
“Yeah.” He trailed his fingers along my hairline and then followed my jaw.
I closed my eyes and softly moaned.
“Won’t happen ‘til you’re ready.”
I rolled back onto the bed, propping up my head on my hand. “I know. I’m just saying it’s weird that one little thing … one left turn in Albuquerque … could’ve changed everything.”
“Okay, Bugs.” Cody laughed. It was a wonderful sound, one that I’d missed over the past month. With Mavros out of the picture, I hoped it would come easier to him now. “So … want to get married before something else happens?”
“No.” I looked away, not wanting him to see the sadness in my eyes. “I want to marry you, but I don’t expect you to. I’d understand if you never want to.”
He jerked back like I’d slapped him. “Why?”
“My life isn’t exactly the kind of thing I would wish on anybody … especially not someone I love as much as you.”
“I accepted that.” He turned my face toward his. “I don’t want anybody else.”
I bit my lip, not wanting to ask but needing to. “Even with all that I’ll put you through?”
“Another girl’d be boring.” He smiled, brushing his hand over my cheek. “I love you. Forever. You wanna get married today, we can.”
My heart swelled. Somehow, after everything I’d put him through, Cody still wanted me in his life. “We can wait, but when that day comes, it’ll be the best day of my life.”
“Mine too.” He brushed his lips over mine. “Shall we go?”
“Yeah.” I sighed. “I’m sure they’re wondering where we are.”
We climbed out of bed, and I stood in front of his mirror, combing my fingers through my hair while he threw a t-shirt on. “Okay.” I grabbed his hand and teleported into my room. Samantha and Dan were curled up on the couch together. Aurelia, we’re here if you would like to come over.
An instant later, Aurelia and Sarah stood beside us. “Did you sleep well?” Aurelia asked.
“Like I died.”
Cody groaned, Dan chuckled, Sarah tilted her head, and Samantha said, “Too soon.”
Sarah held up a sack filled with sandwiches and chips. “I thought you might be hungry.”
“Always,” Cody said.
I walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed drinks for everyone. Then I piled on the couch with Cody, Dan, and Samantha, leaving the chairs for Aurelia and Sarah. I picked up a sandwich and took a bite. “Well, where do I start?” I asked no one in particular.
I popped the top on my soda and took a drink. “I wasn’t surprised when Mavros showed up as a three-headed dragon.”
Aurelia’s head snapped toward me, and she growled. “That was not a dragon.”
“Sorry.” I held my hands up. “I didn’t know what to call it.”
“A demon.” Her voice was feral.
“Well, I wasn’t surprised. I think he was going for shock and awe, but I saw it in my dream. Anyway, I had no idea what to do. In fact, Tuesday night, I told Aurelia that I might have to promise to be with him.” I looked down at my hands not wanting to see their reactions. “I didn’t know how to stop him or how to save all of you.”
“He’d’ve killed us.” Cody placed his hand over mine.
I shook my head. “You don’t know that.”
“We do.” Dan pulled Samantha closer to him as if shielding her from the memory.
“Yeah, he told us that no matter what it was our last night.” Samantha’s face was ashen. “I’m glad to be sitting here.”
“Wow.” I closed my eyes and dropped my head to my chest. “I’m sorry I ever thought he could be good.”
Cody caressed my hand. “Don’t have to be. You saved us.”
“Maybe not, but I am.” I tugged my other hand through my hair, wondering how I could be such a fool. “Where’d he take you?”
Samantha visibly shuddered, and Dan rubbed his hands over her arms.
“I’m so sorry. He only threw me in his version of the Abyss for a few minutes at a time, and it about did me in. I can’t imagine what you went through.”
“We had each other.” The color had drained from Dan’s face. “You were by yourself.”
“Can we just forget about it?” Samantha’s voice shook.
Cody’s muscles were tense, his eyes wide. “Love to. Don’t think it’ll happen.”
Understanding that they needed the subject changed, I said, “Anyway, Aurelia gave me that
knife. I knew I wouldn’t be able to use it against Mavros. I tried in my dream, and you all died. I couldn’t see a way out. I was still contemplating saying yes.”
“So, you killed yourself.” Cody shook his head. “Lucky it didn’t work.”
I snorted. “What makes you think it didn’t work?”
“You’re sitting here.” Samantha waved her arm, gesturing toward me.
By some miracle or the grace of God, I was sitting with them, but it wasn’t because I hadn’t died. I glanced at all of their faces and felt my heart swell. The people sitting here with me were some of the most important ones in my life. I’d be eternally grateful for their love and support. I focused on Aurelia. “How long between me stabbing myself and telling you I was alive.”
“Almost two hours.”
My mouth fell open. “Oh, wow.”
“We were …” Cody cleared his throat and started again. “We were going back at midnight.”
“Aurelia thought we should wait to make sure Mavros was gone.” Samantha’s shoulders slumped.
“I was dead.” My voice wobbled. “For almost two hours.” The reality sank in, leaving me feeling numb. I wondered what the light I’d seen meant. Had Mavros tried to save me, hoping I’d change my mind and choose him after all?
“Dacia?” Cody’s voice was soft, hesitant.
My lips hinted at a smile. “Death gave me a choice. I chose to come back. I was scared you’d still hate me”—I took Cody’s hand in mine—“but you didn’t.”
“I never hated you.” His forehead creased, and pain filled his eyes. “I was a jerk. I couldn’t handle it. I’m sorry.”
I squeezed Cody’s hand. “He told me we’d meet again.”
“Who did?” Sarah leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees. “Mavros?”
“No.” I shook my head. “Death.”
A slight smile tugged at Aurelia’s lips. “You made the right decision.”