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The Black Flame

Page 22

by Stanley G. Weinbaum

  He pressed the pale flesh of the girl's arm, parted the closed lids to gaze into unseeing eyes. Finally, in the familiar manner of an ancient physician, he placed thumb and forefinger on her wrist, frowning as he felt for the faint throb of her pulse.

  "Suffocated," he repeated. "Asphyxia." In an agony of apprehension, his eyes blurred, Connor watched the slow rise and fall of her breast. Twice he fancied that the movement had ceased, and each time with an almost inaudible gasp, the labored breathing recommenced. Then it did cease; he was positive, and a great wave of despair engulfed him.

  "Her heart's stopping," Martin Sair said briefly.

  Dying! Tom Connor gazed wildly about the corridor. Uncomprehending, he saw the grim light of triumph in the face of Evanie Sair as she looked coldly down on the fading glory of the Black Flame.

  That such beauty should perishbe thrust into the earthturn into a heap of crumbling bones!


  "Dying!" Connor croaked. "Dying!"

  Martin Sair said only, "Now! Cardiacine! And get the oxygen mask ready."

  "Dying!" he croaked again.

  The Giver of Life glanced coldly at him.

  "Dying!" He echoed impassively. "No. Dead. What of it?"

  The Master turned grimly away and passed silently into the Throne Room with a word of brief command to the guards. They thrust Evanie Sair and Jan Orm before them, but Tom Connor did not miss the backward glance of triumph which the girl flung defiantly at him.

  Connor gazed desolately on the lovely clay that had been the Black Flame of Urbs, wondering dully why Martin Sair still bent so attentively above her, still kept the pale wrist in his hand.

  He started when the austere Immortal moved, placed his lips close to the cold ones of the girl, and rapped out:

  "Now! The mask!"

  The Giver of Life jammed a cone over the still face. There was a moment's silence; nothing happened. The scientist bent closer. Abruptly he placed his hands about the waist of the Princess, shook her violently, until her head rolled from side to side. He slapped her breast, her cheeks. And then, like the faint sighing of evening wind, she breathed.

  A thin, muffled gaspno more. But lifebearing oxygen flowed into her lungs, and the suspended metabolism of her body resumed its interrupted chemistries. Her breathing strengthened to a labored, whistling, panting.

  "ChainStokes breathing," muttered Martin Sair, whose genius had recalled a spirit already treading the pathways of eternity. The Black Flame, rekindled, burned dimly and flickeringlybut burned!

  It was past Connor to comprehend. The transition from the depths of desolation to the peak of hope was too vast to span in a moment. He merely gazed blankly on the maskcovered face of the Princess.

  When realization began to dawn, the cry of amazement and ecstasy strangled in his scarred throat and became only an inchoate gurgle. He managed a choked question.

  "Will shelive?" He moved as if to clasp her in his arms.

  "Don't!" snapped Martin Sair. "On your life, don't touch her yet. Give her red corpuscles time to oxygenate. The girl's asphyxiated, suffocated, strangled! Do you want it all to do over again?" His eyes perceived the anguish in Connor's face, and he softened. "Of course she'll live. Did you think Death could so easily defeat Martin Sair? He has beaten me many a time, but never in so mild a contest as this!"

  The great Immortal again bent over the girl. Her breathing had eased. For a terrible instant Connor thought it was ceasing once more. Martin Sair lifted the mask from the pallid, perfect features, still quiet as marble save for the sighing of her breathing.

  "Now the elixir vitae," he said. "That will put fire into this chilly blood."

  He took a phial of ruby liquid from the hand of his silent assistant, the same potent stimulant, it appeared, that had roused Evanie from the deathlike sleep of the Messenger.

  The Princess was far too deep in unconsciousness to swallow. Martin Sair poured a tiny, trickling stream between her lips, no more than a few crimson drops. It was enough. As it made its fiery way down her throat she moaned and her exquisite face twisted as if in agony. The limp hands clenched convulsively into white fists. Martin Sair rose.

  "You see," he said to his grave assistant, "there was nothing organically wrong. Oxygenstarved, that was all. The organism was undamaged. The blood had not even begun to coagulate. It was simply necessary to start the body machine working, since it was in perfect running order."

  "Cardiacine is a gamble," his assistant said slowly. "I've had it rupture the hearts in some cases."

  Martin Sair snorted. "Not with proper precautions. Daturamine and aminohyoscine first.

  Cardiacine is powerful, of course." He mused. "I've seen it produce pulsations in the heart of a man ten days dead."

  Connor ceased to listen. Cases! As if this were a medical case, this miracle! They droned on without even a glance at the painracked, exquisite face. Tom Connor touched her cold cheeks, kissed the sootstreaked forehead.

  "Careful!" warned Martin Sair.

  "But she breathes!" Connor whispered exultantly. "You're surecertain she'll live?"

  "She'll be conscious in ten minutes. A little sick, but conscious." The scientist's tone softened again.

  "In two days she'll be as bright as ever. After all, her body is the body of a twentyyearold girl. She has youth, resilience. You can stop worrying."

  Someone touched Connor's shoulder; a guard, who began droning, "Orbis Terrarum Imperator "

  "I won't go!" Tom Connor blazed. "I'm staying here!"

  "She's out of danger, I tell you," insisted Martin Sair. "If she were ever in dangerwith me at hand!"

  Hesitantly then, Connor followed the guard, glancing apprehensively back at Margaret of Urbs, prone on the stone floor of the corridor. Then he reluctantly went on into the Throne Room.



  IN THE THRONE ROOM the ventilators, had drawn out the steam and smokepoisoned air, but moisture dripped from the walls and gathered in pools on the floor. The terrific destruction of the blast was evident everywhere. No single hanging remained on walls or windows. Everything inflammable was in cinders, and the very floor was still almost blistering hot.

  The far end was a mass of indescribable ruin, debris from the shattered wall, even fragments of the diorite bases of the thrones. The air, despite the humming ventilators, was stifling in the radiations from floor and walls. The Master sat upon the halfmelted wreckage of his throne, his stern eyes on Evanie and Jan Orm, who stood between guards before him.

  The frightened look oh Evanie's face moved Connor despite the injuries she had done him. After all, she had nursed him out of the very grave and given him, penniless and strange, a home and a place in this bizarre world. She was clinging frantically to the arm of Jan, who stood morose and impassive before the Master.

  "Thomas," the ruler said, "I can get nothing from this sullen pair. Tell me what you know of this."

  Connor met Evanie's terrified gaze, and it wrung pity from him. He owed much to this girl. Was it any more than right that he help her now? At least he could confuse the issue, prolong it until he could obtain the aid of Margaret of Urbs.

  "I did it myself!" he said promptly. There was no change in the Master's face. "You?" he repeated mildly. "How?" "I made the bomb in Martin Sair's laboratory," Connor said, with a quick warning glance at Evanie. "I made it at night, and smuggled it in here during the darkness. That's all."

  "Indeed? After your oath, Thomas? And I had flattered myself that you were my friendmy esteemed friend."

  There was something inscrutable in the Master's face. The grave eyes surveyed Connor sorrowfully as he fingered a beampistol.

  "I think," said the Master, slipping out the weapon, "that I will destroy you once and for all, Connor." He leveled the gun.

  "Wait!" shrieked Jan Orm. "He didn't do itI did!" He paused as the Master's cool eyes shifted to him. "I had it made in Ormon and smuggled here to me. I hid
it in the Throne Room early this morning, before any one was about!"

  "Well," said the Master slowly, "I might believe that both of you had a hand in it."

  His eyes flickered over Evanie.

  She drew herself erect.

  "What's the use?" she said dully. "I won't have you two shielding me. I did it. I had the bomb smuggled to me by an amphimorph, who rode a bubble down the mains to the pool in the Gardens.

  That's the truth."

  "Suppose, then," said the Master, "I destroy all three of you, and thus assure myself that the guilty one is punished."

  "I don't care!" Evanie flung out defiantly. "I'm sorry I failed, but at least I've extinguished the Black Flame of Urbsand I'm glad!"

  The ruler's eyes held a curious light as he gazed over their heads. A step sounded behind them.

  Connor whirled to see Margaret of Urbs approaching, supported by the arm of Martin Sair.

  Sootstained, the whole slim length of her right leg red and blistered by the blast, her right cheek inflamed by the contact with the steaming floor, she was yet so incredibly lovely that she was breathtaking. Tom Connor sprang to her side, slipped a steadying arm about her as she swayed willingly against him.

  Evanie, so pale she seemed about to faint, was leaning weakly against Jan Orm.

  "What's all this, Joaquin?" asked the Princess.

  "Merely an attempt to fix responsibility for the bombing, my dear."

  "And have you fixed it?"

  "All three claim the honor."

  "I see." She paused. "Well, I can throw some light on the mystery. / am responsible for the bomb explosion. It was an accident. I was watching some detonol crystallize, in Martin Sair's room, and forgot to take it off the burner. I was stunned by the concussion, and Thomas Connor rushed in and guided me out. Somewhere in the Throne Room I suppose I must have been overcome."

  She paused again, staring back at the Master.

  "Don't you see? Each of these three suspects the others and each is trying to shield his friends. But I did it; it was an accident."

  She slipped from Connor's arm and sank wearily to the steps that led to her ruined Throne.

  "I burn!" she muttered, and sipped the goblet of water that a guard held to her lips.

  Quizzically, the Master gazed down at her.

  "You know," he said, suddenly stern, "that to me the one unforgivable sin is the thwarting of my plans. Not even you, my sister, may stand in the way of them. While I live, I am the Master. I shall yield only when a power arises strong enough to overthrow me, for that will tell me that my work is done.

  When that occurs, I shall have guided humanity as far as I am able along the path of Destiny, but until thenI am the Master."

  His face, austere as an image in basalt, loomed over them. For the first time Connor glimpsed dimly the colossus behind the mild mask, the diamond hardness below the silk that sheathed it. Then the ruler smiled.

  "I suppose I cannot doubt my sister's word. I release all of you."

  He arose and descended from the throne.

  Connor followed a step or two. "I'm interested to learn," he whispered, "which of us you believe."

  The Master smiled again. "Haven't I just said?" He turned away. "Of course, if I were curious, I could ask you and Jan Orm how you knew what time to set the blast. I hadn't decided on a time for the Conclave until I had it announced in the corridors, and the bomb must have been placed between that moment and the arrival of the guards."

  "Or the Princess is telling the truth," suggested Tom Connor.

  "Some day Margaret shall explain why detonol causes a cloud of steam," observed the Master. He continued absently, "Evanie has good blood in her. So has Jan Orm." Then he was gone, followed by Martin Sair and the guards.

  Connor returned to Margaret of Urbs. Evanie's incredulous eyes were fixed on the Princess as she whispered:

  "Why did you do that?"

  "Because I thought it would please Tom Connor," Margaret of Urbs said frankly.

  Evanie stared at her with dawning comprehension.

  "The Black Flame herself burned 1" she murmured wonderingly. "I see now why we can still learn from the ancients. They're miracle workers." But the next instant her brown eyes glittered vindictively.

  "I'm glad at least that the conquest of the Flame was during my lifetime." She bowed half in wonderment, half in mockery, before Connor. "I salute the Prince consort of Urbs!"

  The Princess flushed faintly, and Connor laughed and glanced away. Something that sparkled in a pile of ashes caught his eye. He stooped to retrieve the marvelous crystalline flower, glowing brilliant and indestructible, untouchedeven brightenedby the blast.

  "What is this?" he asked.

  "My moonorchid," said Margaret of Urbs. "The only perfect one ever found."

  He grinned and turned to Evanie.

  "I promised you one. Hereour wedding present to you and Jan."

  "Engagement present, rather," said the Princess. "I owe you two somewhat more than you realize."

  She ignored both Evanie's silence and Jan Orm's protestations of mingled embarrassment, thanks, and refusal as he held the priceless thing. "Tom," she murmured, "would you mind if we werealone?"

  It was dismissal. Jan and Evanie backed away with halfawestruck glances at Connor. He dropped beside the weary Princess of Urbs, slipping his arm tenderly about her scorched shoulders. Even in the sultriness of that blasted chamber she shivered, her teeth chattered, so recently had the icy face of death withdrawn.

  He drew her close, then halted as he heard a distant, thin clamor beyond the windows.

  "What's that?" he asked sharply. "Another revolution?"

  "Just the newspapers, I guess. You've been in them frequently of late." She smiled wanly. "As often as I, this past week. The Weed who sustained the ionic beams revealed as a living ancientproclaimed for immortalitythe rescuer of Margaret of Urbsand now" She quoted ironically, "Margaret to Wed? Romance Rumored with Rescuer!" She nestled closer to him. "Oh, the downfall of the Black Flame will be well publicized, never fear! Let them add this to their pictures and vision broadcasts. I don't care!"

  "Pictures? What pictures?" He glanced about the vast deserted chamber.

  "From the seeing room, of course! Don't you suppose we were watched all during the blast, even in here, as much as the steam permitted? Don't you know we're being watched now, photographed for papers, and broadcasts? You're world news, Tom." She frowned. "They must have thought me mad to rush into that inferno with you, out of safety. WellI was mad!"

  "You can't even die in privacy here!" Connor said bluntly. "Do you suppose"his voice dropped to a whisper"they heard what youwhat we said?"

  "Above the roar of the blast? No. I thought of that when Isaid it."

  He smiled at that. It was so typical of the utterly strange and fascinating character of the girl. He drew her against him, and felt the pressure of something hard in his beltthe ivory Venus, still safe, still immaculate in its perfection, since it had been on the left side, shielded by his own flesh when he passed the blast.

  "I know what I shall give you as a wedding present," he said slowly. "The original Venus de Milo.

  The most beautiful statue of the ancient world."

  She smiled and a trace of the old mockery showed. "And I know what I shall give you," she said. "Life!" "Immortality?"

  "Not Immortality. Life." She turned her emerald eyes on him. "Tom, is it very hard to give up the idea of children? Men want children, don't they?"

  "Most of us dobut it's a happiness well lost for you." He glanced down at her. "Listen, can't this immortality thing be undone? Wouldn't it be possible for Martin Sair to render you mortal fora few years?"

  "Of course. Further exposure to the hard rays will do it."

  "And then," eagerly, "could we" The smile she flashed at him had in it a touch of heaven.

  "Yes," she said exultantly, but instantly a cloud chased away the smile. "But don't you remember what sort of children women bea
r who've been too long hi the ray? Would you like to be father to a little amphimorph?"

  He shuddered. "Thank you. We'll do as we are then."

  She burst suddenly into laughter almost as mocking as her old self. Then she was as suddenly serious, tender.

  "Tom," she murmured, "I won't tease you. That will be my gift to you. Martin Sair can do what you wish. There is some leeway to the processenough, perhaps, for a single time. My permanent age is twenty now; it will be twentyfive then. But who in all the world could have anticipated that the Black Flame would assume motherhoodand like it? Tom, that's my gift to youlife! Kiss me!"

  For a moment of ecstasy he felt her lips quiver against his.

  "Two boys and a girl!" she murmured. "Won't we, Tom?"

  "And can Martin Sair," he asked ironically, "fix that for us, too?"

  "Of course. Two boys like you, Tom." She was suddenly dreamyeyed.

  "But not a girl like you."

  "Why not?"

  "Because," Tom Connor laughed, "I don't think society could stand a second Black Flame!"




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