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An Agent for Meghan

Page 5

by Ginny Sterling

  Jack cursed at it, stomping on it, before quickly kicking it into the fire.

  “WHATISTHISPLACETHATSPIDERSGETTHATBIG?” she screamed in full-blown panic, looking around her for more of those creatures. Backing away from the grass, she jumped as Jack quickly leapt over the fire at her and grasped her arm.

  “Don’t get close to the fire.”

  “Where do those things come from!”

  “They live out here.”

  “WHAT? What else lives out here?”

  “Meghan, Texas has all sorts of wildlife…”

  “Like THAT?”

  “You are still shouting, sugar. The spider is gone and dead now. He won’t harm you, I promise.”

  “Don’t placate me, Jack Gaines! No one ever mentioned spiders or any other vicious things like that out here,” she said hotly, jerking her arm away from him and looking around warily.

  “Meghan, did no one tell you that Texas has spiders, snakes, and scorpions? They normally don’t bother people but are much more of an annoyance to stay away from.”

  “No. No one ever mentioned spiders the size of dinner plates lived in this world,” she replied, staring at him in horror as she realized suddenly she would be sleeping on the ground and one of those things could climb on her.

  “How are we supposed to sleep tonight with those monsters around? Let’s ride on – I don’t care what time we arrive in Abilene anymore.”

  “Meghan,” Jack crooned, chuckling. She felt completely unnerved by the encounter, and the idea of waking up to see one of those things on her would be her undoing. She shivered in disgust and apprehension. He pulled her into his arms, hugging her and smoothing her hair. Meghan stiffened at the unexpected show of affection from him.

  “I will watch over you while you sleep and keep you safe.”

  She didn’t say a word. It had been so long since anyone but her sister had hugged her. Jack cradled her against him, lightly weaving back and forth as if he was rocking her.

  “I’ve got you and it will be okay.” His breath touched the top of her head as he whispered to her. She felt herself melt against him, giving in to the sensations it was creating in her at being held by a man. She wrapped her arms around his waist and just stood there for an unknown length of time, absorbing the hug and the comfort it brought her.

  Stepping out of his embrace, she coughed and cleared her throat nervously. She reached up to smooth her hair and felt her hands trembling. It’s because of the spider, she thought to herself, looking away from Jack who was watching her curiously.

  “We should eat while it’s hot.”

  “I agree. I need to turn the rabbit so it doesn’t burn too.”

  “Could you…” Meghan began, closing her eyes and pointing at the fire. She could see the singed, charred body of the spider and it was making her nauseous. “Could you get rid of that please?”

  “Of course,” Jack said quietly. “Turn away and I’ll let you know when it’s gone.”

  Meghan heard rustling and Jack moving about behind her. She stared off into the distance, trying not to focus on the dead spider being kicked away behind her. The sun was nearly gone, leaving a thin ribbon of light along the horizon. The expanse of sky above her was growing darker by the minute.

  “It’s gone.”

  “Thank you.”

  “It’s no problem. I understand completely,” he said with a smile. “Now, where were we?”

  Meghan knew he was referring to almost kissing her. She shook her head sadly, smiling at the expression on his face. That would have been a mistake to indulge in. They needed to work together to bring down a criminal, not indulge in a sweet fantasy that could never last or come true. She saw his tight nod in agreement as he looked away.

  “Jack, we need to keep our relationship as partners clean and free of any potential issues. That would be the smart, professional thing to do. Shall we focus on growing our partnership before mucking it up?” she asked, feeling nervous as she saw his expression fall just before he looked away.

  “That sounds like an excellent idea.”

  Kneeling beside the fire, he flicked open a knife, reached into the pot, and cut into the quail. Jack nudged his head over his shoulder, looking at her.

  “Why don’t you grab my pack off the horse? There’s two small tin plates inside the knapsack, as well as a full canteen of water.”

  Grabbing it, she set it on the ground and opened it up to see that he indeed did have several different supplies inside, some in pairs. He was equipped to travel with someone and looked to be prepared for any occasion. Twine, a bag of coffee, a tin of salt, and other goods were hidden deep inside. She handed him the tin and was surprised to see him prepare a plate for her first. He sliced off part of the rabbit and gingerly put the quail on there.

  “Guess we’ll have meat… and meat?” he said with a smile. “I have to admit you surprised me with this.”

  “I could tell.”

  “It was a pleasant surprise and I’m grateful. I’m starving and really sore from being on the horse all day long.”

  Meghan let out her breath and smiled ruefully.

  “I’m glad it’s not just me. Everything hurts and I’ve been trying not to walk like a duck in front of you. I’ve never been so sore in my life,” she admitted with a shy smile. Jack grinned, nodding.

  “If it’s any condolence, my backside feels like it’s on fire and I’ve got an ache running down my right leg.”

  “I hate that you are hurting, but it does make me feel a little better,” she admitted with a grin. Picking up a piece of the rabbit with her fingers, she bit into it and nodded. “It’s fantastic. Thank you.”

  “Let me get the saddles off the horses and I’ll join you,” he said, getting to his feet and stretching. She saw him wince and set her plate down.

  “You get the saddles, I’ll make your plate and we’ll eat together,” she countered, getting to her feet.

  “Meghan, I’m glad you are here.”

  “Truthfully, I am too.”

  They spent hours talking around the campfire, discussing the mission, and sharing stories. It was a lot of fun simply to be out in the open, under the stars. The sky was almost an inky black, dotted with bright stars that seemed to illuminate the world around them. The fire crackled and had died down to a dull glow as they finished eating until their stomachs were full.

  Her fingers were greasy from the rabbit and she unapologetically popped her fingers in her mouth one at a time as she saw Jack do. They were on the trail and there was no room for napkins out here in the wild. There was also no sense in wasting any of their precious water supply to wash up since the nearest creek was several miles away, according to Jack. She listened, fascinated, as he told her about Espinoza and his idea to capture the man.

  “Do you ever wish Fallon was here with you?” she asked suddenly, surprising herself and him.

  “Truthfully,” Jack said with a laugh, “No. I really don’t. Fallon is terribly sweet and nice but she isn’t cut out for this lifestyle. She’s too open without a deceptive bone in her body.”

  “And I am?”

  “You are… different,” he admitted after hesitating. “You step back and take in everything before making a move. I think that is why I laughed when you asked me about the apology. I’ve apologized several times in my life for different things – but I’ve never had anyone circumvent me so sneakily and so readily. If you were the general of an opposing army, I’d be terrified,” he confessed with a proud smile.

  “And rightly so,” she preened happily before winking at him.

  “Fallon and I got along wonderfully after things settled down between us and we became friends. I think that is why we are still friends today.”

  “What happened?”

  “Being a Pinkerton Agent is a job, not a life sentence for any of us. You can always quit a job… but you cannot quit a husband. So, when Archie decided to start pairing up partners, we agreed because there is a clause that let
s you out of a relationship if things are not working. I plan on signing those papers again to give you your freedom when this is done.”

  “You annulled your marriage to Fallon?”

  “I’d do it again in a heartbeat,” he admitted, picking up a rock and chucking it into the glowing heat between them. “Fallon and Rourke had a relationship before she joined the Pinkertons. Her heart was lost to him long ago and I don’t want to be a part of a marriage of convenience… even though I am now.”

  “I didn’t know that,” Meghan admitted.

  “You also didn’t ask,” Jack chastised softly. “There’s nothing there but I’m sure it looked like there was when I was joking around with her at dinner yesterday. I’m sorry. It wasn’t meant to make you uncomfortable.”

  “You have no reason to apologize to me.”

  “I do, because even if this is a pretend marriage between us – I still should show my current wife respect… and I do respect you. I don’t want to ruin a friendship between us before it ever has a chance to start.”

  “I don’t want that either.”

  “So, when Espinoza is captured – I’d like for us to still be friends when the annulment papers are signed.”

  Meghan swallowed hard, realizing that Jack never intended to stay in a relationship with her because he didn’t feel the same as she did. He might have leaned towards her to kiss her, but there was no true emotion in it. It was just him dallying with her in a lost moment.

  “Thank you.”

  “Of course.”

  “This seems like such an odd conversation to have,” she admitted, and saw him shrug.

  “It is, but I think it’s one that we needed to have – and we needed privacy to talk,” he uttered, staring at her. “We need to be able to talk about whatever is on our minds because it can affect things between us and when Espinoza takes you, we need to be on top of things.”

  “No emotional strings,” she confirmed, nodding. “The mission comes first.”


  Chapter 7

  Abilene was surprisingly a sprawling little town. As they drew closer, she saw that there were railroad tracks as well as large water cisterns in order to refuel the trains. Frustrated at the soreness in her body, she glanced at Jack accusingly.

  “We could have ridden the train?”

  “I already apologized,” he shrugged and she saw the twitches of a smile on his pursed lips. “Besides, you would have missed the experience of having roasted rabbit on a spit.”

  “I would have missed the spider too,” she reminded him.

  “You might have also forgone my impressive company and witty banter,” he teased, smiling at her. Meghan mockingly sighed and held her hand to her forehead in mock horror while rolling her eyes.

  “And that would have been tragic.”

  “I thought so,” he agreed before turning serious.

  “Meghan, I want you to follow this road until you see the boarding house on the right called Molly’s. Molly Hillard is the proprietor and will take care of you. Her brother, Joker, is one of my best friends and will be coming into town to help me. I will be staying low until he arrives so if you see me by accident, don’t acknowledge that you know me.”


  “It’s Joaquin Hillard, but everyone calls him Joker because he’s a prankster and a wild card. He’s dependable though and I’d trust him with my life.”

  “I understand.”

  “Now, we’ll be watching for you – for any signs of Espinoza – but I need you to make sure he sees you, knows that you are alone.”

  “Get his attention.”


  “He will capture you and then we’ll have him.”

  “Because you are going to rescue me,” she prompted as a reminder, knowing they’d had the conversation several times before. Jack smiled at her and nodded. His eyes met hers and she finally felt that burden of doubt fade away at the caring expression she saw deep down inside.

  “Sugar, I’m not letting you out of my sight. I promise.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Now, get going. Remember, you need to look utterly appealing and approachable for Espinoza.”

  “Shall I parade around in my knickers or something?”

  “Well I’d love to see that,” Jack said with a wide grin that illuminated his heated gaze. Meghan felt her pulse quicken at the desire she saw in their depths, wondering if perhaps he might actually be attracted to her despite her initial thoughts.

  “I think just being yourself is going to be tempting enough, sugar.”

  “Sounds like we’ve got a plan, partner.”

  Meghan fought the nervousness that being alone created. As she rode into town, she saw several sets of eyes on her. Straightening her spine, she nodded regally as she continued down the main street that bisected the town. She had no idea what the bandito looked like, nor how he would proceed… other than he might approach her on the street.

  Jack said it was better she didn’t know, so she could feign ignorance. Oh, she felt completely ignorant right about now too! Men were leaning on buildings, watching, and whispering among themselves… and she knew why.

  Strange women did not ride into town on their own unescorted. She would be discussed heavily among the population, wondering who she was. Seeing Molly’s name painted in whitewash against the weathered wood, she gave a slight pull on the reins to lead the horse towards the boarding house.

  He’d given her a few dollars to pay for the room easily and a little money to purchase a few things in town, if she needed them. She knew it was because he wanted her seen moving about town alone. Her heart was beating nervously in her chest and out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jack walking casually up to the barbershop. She wasn’t certain how she’d noticed him out of the busy street, but there was something about him that just drew her gaze. Just seeing him there made her feel so much better. Dismounting, she tethered the horse and stepped inside, smelling the fragrant aroma of bread baking.


  “Hello. I’m Molly Hillard, can I help you?”

  “I need a room for the week, please.”

  “Certainly. That will be three dollars. The room is made up, sheets are on the bed, and it comes with a meal. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s filling.”

  “That sounds perfect, thank you.”

  “Where are you from? You’ve got an accent that I don’t recognize.”

  “My family is from the northeast.”

  “What brings you here of all places?”

  “Adventure,” Meghan said boldly. “I heard that Texas was the place to be if you were looking to start a new life.”

  “That it is,” Molly said with a broad smile, nodding emphatically. “That it is.”

  Meghan accepted the key to her room and was grateful that it was towards the end of the hallway, away from the noise of the small dining area and bar. It was obvious that the bar collected quite a few patrons, supplementing Molly’s income. She wasn’t sure why Molly was running the boarding house on her own and it was quite surprising to see a young woman in charge. She had an easy smile, intelligent eyes, and a sweet personality that made her perfect for dealing with guests.

  Closing the door behind her, Meghan let out her breath and tried to relax for a few moments. She wasn’t sure what to do next, other than be seen. Think Meghan, think! What would get you seen and put you in the path of a bandito? Everything she could think of was safe and for her protection…when she snapped her fingers.

  She’d do the exact opposite!

  Tossing her unpacked bag onto the small bed in the corner, Meghan smiled broadly as she was about to live a different lifestyle! Rounding the corner, she saw Molly pouring a few whiskeys for gentlemen at the bar… something that women never did. Maybe a drink would give her the gumption to do the unthinkable?

  “Molly, I’ll have one please,” Meghan said bravely and ignored the curious looks as heads swiveled her way.
  “One what? A glass of water?” Molly said politely with a smile plastered to her face.

  “A whiskey please.”


  A glass was set in front of her as she stood there, one boot perched on the rail of the bar. Molly poured barely a splash in the glass and smiled brightly, causing Meghan to frown as she looked down the bar to the men that were openly gawking at her.

  “I’ll have the same amount.”

  Molly frowned heavily and pretended to ignore her.

  “Molly, I’ll have the same please.”

  “Hey Moll… the lady wants three fingers of whiskey, indulge her.”

  “Joker, that’s not even funny.”

  Meghan tried to keep from doing a double-take as she heard the name and realized it was the other Pinkerton agent. It took everything she had to keep from looking at the man towards the end. A coin slid down the waxed bar’s surface noisily, almost stopping in front of her.

  “I’ll buy too,” he said loudly, “just to see her throw it back.”

  Molly sighed heavily and stood in front of Meghan. Her eyebrow arched as the woman poured a lot more liquid in the small glass. The silence in the room was palpable as the people dining suddenly stopped. Picking up her glass, Meghan knew that despite whatever this tasted like… she was going to keep from vomiting no matter what.

  “Molly, I’m new to Abilene… are there any parts of town I should avoid while I’m here?” Meghan said quietly. “I want to be safe since I’m traveling alone.”

  “Avoiding North Main and behind the tracks would be best.”

  “Thank you kindly.”

  That was precisely the direction she was headed once she’d downed the pungent alcohol for courage. Meghan closed her eyes and quickly swallowed the amber colored liquid. Her eyes burned painfully at the nasally burn that consumed her lungs and sinuses.


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