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Page 8

by Harley Wylde

  “Appreciate it,” I said. “I’ll mention it to Pepper, but I don’t know how she’d feel about speaking to a counselor. She prides herself on not needing anyone. Even the night she came here, she was full of sass.”

  “I’m sorry for what I said in Church,” Tank said. “Even though I was worried about my family, all our families, it was out of line. I could have handled it better.”

  “We’re all responsible for Pepper’s current situation,” Torch said. “I gave the order for Wire to dig up shit on her. The only one who tried to protect Pepper was you, Flicker. Well, and her daddy. We’ve already spoken to Sarge and smoothed things over.”

  “I understand the club takes priority,” I said. “But I was officially claiming her, which makes her part of the Dixie Reapers. As an officer, I shouldn’t have had my woman questioned like she was a common criminal. Even if I didn’t know much about her, my word should have been good enough. You didn’t object even a little when I said I was claiming her, until that shit was brought up. Other than Bull, none of us had seen Ridley since she was a kid, but when she showed up no one questioned her or made her feel like she’d done something wrong. Yet Sarge’s daughter comes to us, and you make her feel like she’s trash.”

  Tank shifted in his seat, and I held the gaze of every man at my table. I’d done a lot for this club, bled for them, broken the law countless times, and when I’d needed them to back me up, they’d nearly driven away the woman I wanted to keep. It wasn’t something I would forget anytime soon. They were my brothers, and I would die for them, but I was pissed as fucking hell. No amount of apologizing would make Pepper’s pain go away.

  Speaking of my sexy woman, she padded into the kitchen, her hair mussed and her eyes still shut. I smiled, not having a clue how she hadn’t walked into a wall by now. She yawned and rubbed a hand down her face, then continued across to the room to the coffeepot. I watched her fumble with the cabinet door and reach in for a mug before pouring coffee into it. She took a large swallow, then sighed, her body slumping against the counter.

  “Baby girl, you should probably go put on pants,” I said, just grateful she hadn’t wandered in here completely naked. My shirt did an adequate job of covering everything important, and Wire was the only single guy here. I noticed he kept his eyes averted.

  She mumbled something and drank more coffee.

  “Pepper.” I barked her name in a sharp tone that had her lifting a hand and giving me the finger.

  Torch coughed to cover a laugh and I saw Venom’s shoulders shaking with silent merriment. I flipped them off before looking at my woman again.

  She tipped her head back and drained the cup before pouring more. When she turned, her eyes narrowed and her lips in a snarl, she froze as she noticed the other men in the room. Her eyes went wide and she gave a cute squeak.

  “Like I said, you should probably go put on pants,” I said.

  “You could have fucking said we had company!” She stomped out of the room, her coffee sloshing over the rim of the cup and splashing onto the floor. The bedroom door slammed and both Torch and Venom burst out laughing, apparently unable to contain themselves a moment longer.

  “You’re going to have your hands full,” Torch said.

  “Glad my sweet Emmie isn’t like that,” Tank said.

  “Speaking of Emmie,” Wire said, “what’s the latest on that she-devil sister of hers?”

  “Lupita isn’t a devil. She had some issues to work through, but she’s doing better. I think. We haven’t seen her since the day she left here to go detox down at the beach,” Tank said.

  “Think she’ll come back?” Wire asked.

  Tank snorted. “Why? You want to try and take her on? I’m pretty sure she’d eat you alive.”

  “No, not even a little bit. Not my type. I just wondered if we’d see her around sometime since your woman is related to her. How can she stay away from those adorable nieces she has?” Wire asked.

  “Whatever demons Lupita is fighting, I’d rather she not do it here,” Torch said.

  “I second that.” Venom tapped the table. “There’s a difference in our women being in trouble and actually being trouble. And Lupita is trouble with a capital T. I know she saved Wraith’s ass, and we’ll always be grateful, but that shit she pulled later isn’t something I want to deal with again.”

  “Anyone else wonder if Sarge knocked up another woman? I mean, if he had Pepper and didn’t know about it, isn’t it possible she could have a brother or sister out there? Maybe even more than one? Preferably a sister. Just wondering if we should expect more to show up,” Wire said. “It would be hard as fuck to trace unless he was on their birth certificates.”

  “Preferably a sister.” I snorted, seeing exactly where he was going with that one. And if she did have a sister, no way I’d let any of the fuckers who hurt Pepper anywhere near them.

  “Most states require the father’s signature,” Torch said.

  “I know you’re pissed at us,” Tank said, “and you have a right to be. Just know that if anyone comes for Pepper, we’ll have your back, and hers. No one is going to take her from you.”

  “Wire, did you look into Leon Parsons some more?” I asked, changing the subject.

  Wire nodded. “He’s at the High Desert State Prison. I checked into their correctional officers and anyone else higher up the chain of command. They’re all squeaky clean, so if you’re wanting something to happen to dear Mr. Parsons, no one who works there is going to help or look the other way.”

  Just fucking great. Of all the places for that asshole to be sent, it would have to be one of the prisons that wasn’t corrupt. It wasn’t going to make it easy to get to him, but I’d find a way. One way or another, that man would pay for what he did to Pepper and those other girls. His prison sentence wasn’t anywhere near good enough. I wanted him to suffer, to hurt, to live in constant fear for however long he remained breathing.

  Pepper wandered back into the room, this time wearing a pair of leggings and a tank. It wasn’t perfect, but at least she was fully clothed. I didn’t like that anyone would be able to see down her shirt if she leaned over, and I could damn well see that she wasn’t wearing a bra. As she sank onto my lap and I gripped her hip, I realized she wasn’t wearing panties either. Fucking hell. I closed my eyes and tried to count backward from one hundred. Anything to stop my cock from getting harder than it already had. Not that it took much. Pepper could just be in my general vicinity and I wanted her.

  “Morning, Pepper,” Torch said. “I hope we didn’t wake you.”

  She shook her head and leaned against me.

  “We were just discussing some business,” I said, “but they’re on their way out. Aren’t you, brothers?”

  Tank nodded and stood, the others following his lead. When the front door had closed behind them, I could feel the tension drain from Pepper. I hated that she didn’t feel at ease around them, but they only had themselves to blame. After everything she’d been through, it wouldn’t be easy for them to win her trust.

  “I should spank your ass,” I said.

  She jolted and looked over her shoulder at me. “Why?”

  “Because you came in here practically naked, then came back not wearing a bra or panties. You think I didn’t notice?” I asked, sliding my hand across her hip and reaching up to cup her breast. “I’m intimately familiar with this body, baby.”


  I swatted her thigh. “Up. Stand up, Pepper.”

  She stood and turned to face me.


  She audibly swallowed and slowly removed her shirt and leggings. When she was bare and her nipples were pebbling in the cool air, I spread my legs and motioned to my lap.

  “Face down, baby girl.”

  Heat flared in her eyes as she settled across my legs, her ass in the air. I felt her wrap a hand around my leg as she anchored herself. The little tease spread her thighs a bit, letting me see her pretty pussy. I brought my hand d
own on her ass, the loud crack making my cock jerk. There was a pink handprint on her ass cheek, and I smiled, knowing it would be a lot redder before I was finished. I landed blow after blow on her pale skin, feeling the heat coming off her. Pepper started squirming, and fuck if she wasn’t getting wetter by the second. I paddled her ass until I knew she’d think long and hard about this moment every time she sat down for the rest of the day.

  She wiggled again and I realized she was trying to get some relief. Naughty little girl. Not on my watch! I pushed her thighs wider apart and there was a hitch in her breathing. I lightly smacked her pussy, making her jerk. When I did it again, she moaned, just like I thought she’d would. Oh yeah, she liked it. I swatted her harder, not enough to really hurt, more of a stinging sensation, but it was definitely turning her on.

  I spread her pussy wide and saw how hard her clit had gotten while I’d spanked her ass. I pinched down on it and Pepper thrashed on my lap as she started to come. I backed off, and smoothed my hand over her thighs.

  “Don’t come until I give you permission,” I said. “If you come before you’re allowed, then I’ll have to punish you.”

  “Flicker, please,” she begged.

  I swatted her ass. Hard. “Who am I when it’s just us?”

  “Daniel,” she said, then squirmed some more. “I need you. Please!”

  I rubbed her clit, light strokes that nearly made her detonate the second I touched her. I grinned as she came, a loud keening sound coming from her, and earning her more spankings -- something I enjoyed giving her. My jeans were soaked from her release, but I didn’t fucking care. She whimpered and cried as my hand cracked against her ass several more times.

  “What did I say? You didn’t have permission to come, did you?”

  She shook her head frantically. “No.”

  “I should leave you like this, all needy and aching for my cock.”

  “Daniel, please don’t. I want you so much.”

  “Then show me.”

  She practically fell off my lap she tried to get up so quickly, then she dropped to her knees between my legs. Pepper quickly unfastened my pants and pulled out my cock. I reached out and fisted her hair, making sure she looked me in the eye. I could see the desperation in her gaze, and fucking loved that only I could do that to her.

  “I’m going to fuck your mouth, Pepper. You’re going to give me complete control, understood?”

  “Yes,” she said, her voice breathy as she squirmed some more.


  Her lips parted and I painted them with pre-cum before shoving my dick into her mouth. I nearly groaned with how good it felt. She sucked as I fucked her with long, deep strokes.

  “That’s it, baby. Take all of it,” I murmured, loving the way her lips stretched around me.

  I saw her hand slid between her legs and I abruptly pulled from her mouth.

  “No touching, Pepper! You don’t come unless I say you can. If you can’t follow the rules, I’ll tie you up and do what I want with you.”

  Her eyes dilated and she panted. Fuck! After hearing what had happened to her, I’d felt like a sick bastard, an asshole for having tied her to the bed our first night together. But I was quickly learning that she needed to be bound, craved it as much as I craved her submission. She trusted me, knew I wouldn’t hurt her, and that was the biggest fucking high I’d ever felt.

  “Do you want to be tied up, Pepper?” I asked softly.

  “Please, Daniel.”

  I let her hair go and tipped her chin up. I caressed her lips and softened my voice, “Do you need it, sweetheart? Do you need me to be on control, to take away your options and use you how I see fit?”

  She nodded. There was a flash of shame in her eyes and I leaned down to kiss her, hard, tasting both of us in the process.

  “Nothing we do together is wrong, Pepper. I will always give you whatever you need. If it’s a spanking, you’ll get it. If it’s being tied up and fucked hard, then I’ll gladly do it. Never feel ashamed of what happens when we’re together. Understood?”

  She nodded again.

  “Is that what my woman needs? To be bound and fucked?” I asked.

  “Yes, Daniel. It makes me feel…” She bit her lip.

  “You can tell me, sweetheart. Whatever it is, I won’t judge you.”

  “Free,” she said softly. “It makes me feel free. I don’t have to worry about what I’m doing. I can just focus on everything you do to me, and knowing it’s you tying me up makes me feel… protected, I guess. It’s hard to explain. Maybe I’m just crazy.”

  “Go to the bedroom, Pepper, then kneel on the bed with your hands behind your back.”

  She shot to her feet and took off to the bedroom. When I’d wanted to keep her, I never thought for a second she’d let me do any of these things to her. At least not on a regular basis, but she seemed to crave it as much as I did. I’d always been careful with the club whores, just giving them a quick fuck to blow off steam. It had been a while since I’d been able to bind someone. No one knew about my needs, not here at the club anyway. I wasn’t ashamed by any means, and had heard rumors that Zipper took things even further than I ever did. It was just something private that I’d never felt the need to share.

  I stood and made sure the doors and windows were locked before I went to the bedroom. Pepper was kneeling in the center of the bed, wrists crossed at the center of her back. I’d only bound her hands before, tying them behind her or to the bed. I wondered if she needed more than that. She’d mentioned the ropes made her feel protected. I eyed the closet and decided to find out how far she’d go before she freaked out.

  I pulled a bag off the top shelf and removed the long length of silk rope. I’d bought it years ago, but never had a chance to use it. Some part of me had hoped I’d find the perfect woman and get to use it on her, but that woman hadn’t shown up until now. I smoothed my hand down her hair and pressed a kiss to her temple.

  “Do you know what a safe word is, Pepper?” I asked, my heart pounding in anticipation.

  “Y-yes.” She glanced at me.

  “I need a safe word, Pepper. A word you can say when you want me to stop, and I will cease what I’m doing immediately. There’s a bit of discomfort at times, but I don’t want to do anything that scares you or hurts you.”

  “You don’t secretly have a dungeon hidden in this house, do you?” she asked.

  “No, baby. I have plenty of new sex toys I’d like to use on you, lots of rope, but that’s it. I’m not going to hit you with a paddle, shove a ball-gag in your mouth, and I don’t have a special room. I’d much rather spank that ass with my hand.”

  She seemed to relax a bit. “Red. My safe word is red.”

  I ran the rope through my hand and contemplated her from every angle before deciding for certain what I would do. It was too soon for anything overly complex. I needed to go slow with her, ease her into things. She’d been a fucking virgin and here I was wanting to tie her up in knots, the kind that would take hours. I shifted her body so that her back was straight and I could pull her arms farther behind her. I positioned her exactly the way I needed her, then I started at her upper arms, wrapping and knotting until I’d reached her wrists.

  I ran my hand down the center of the knotwork and smiled. Looking over at the mirror on the door, I admired how fucking beautiful she was. Her eyes were closed, her lips parted, and there was a look of complete serenity on her face. I pressed in behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I kissed her temple, then her cheek, and her neck. Her pulse fluttered against my lips.

  I slid my hands up her torso until I cupped her breasts. Her nipples were already hard little points and I pinched down on them, tugging until she made the sweetest sounds. I worked those pretty pink tips, wondering if I could make her come like this. Her body trembled and I rubbed my cock against her ass. Pepper thrust her breasts harder into my hands. I pulled, pinched, twisted, and tugged on the sensitive peaks until she was screaming m
y name.

  Smiling at how beautifully she’d come apart, I decided to give her a reward.

  “What do you want most, Pepper?” I asked.

  “I want you to take what you need from me,” she said, her voice soft and slurring a bit, as if she’d gotten high off the pleasure I’d given her. “Fuck me, Daniel. Give me your cock however and wherever you want.”

  I chuckled darkly. “Probably shouldn’t offer me things like that.”

  “Why?” she asked.

  I thrust against her ass, wedging my cock between her cheeks. “Because I’d really like to fuck you here. Hard and deep. Ever since you bent over in that little striptease, I’ve wanted to pound this ass, give it a thorough fucking.”

  She shook harder in my arms and fuck me if it didn’t seem that she liked what I was saying. Maybe my dirty girl wanted that as much as I did.

  “Do you want my cock in your ass, Pepper?”

  “Please, Daniel.”

  I reached into the bedside table drawer and pulled out the lube. I coated my fingers liberally before I started to prep her. Ideally, I’d have preferred if she’d worn a plug for at least a few hours. I wasn’t a small man, and the last thing I wanted was to hurt her. Her body resisted, just as I’d known it would. Fuck me. Virgin ass. Virgin pussy. Virgin mouth. And it was all mine. I’d gotten to claim two of the three so far, and today I’d take the last of her innocence.

  I worked my fingers into her, scissoring them, pumping them in and out. Her breathing was choppy and sweat coated her skin. She never said the safe word so I kept going. When I felt I’d prepped her as much as I could, I slicked my cock and spread her cheeks wide. My dick twitched as I started to push inside, and I knew I would remember the way she looked, accepting me into that tight little hole, for as long as I lived.

  “Fuck, baby. So God damn beautiful. And so fucking tight!”

  Once I’d sunk all the way inside of her, I shifted our bodies, adjusting so that I’d have better control and be able to take her deeper. I wrapped my arms around her torso and stroked in and out of her. Slowly at first, hoping like hell I wasn’t hurting her. Pepper didn’t sound distressed, so I kept going. She’d say the word if she needed to.


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