The Lost Savior

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The Lost Savior Page 29

by Siobhan Davis

  I don’t have a second to even draw a breath before I’m pushed back against the closed door and his lips smash against mine. He ravishes my mouth, kissing me passionately and aggressively, sucking and biting on my lips, allowing anger and lust to compete in a heady mix. I should push him away, especially after my parting comment, but I’m kissing him back with the same intensity, taking every soul-sucking kiss he’s giving and returning it with more of the same. We are practically eating one another, and I’m on fire, consumed in his kiss and his touch and the feel of his hard, solid body close to mine. My whole body is alive, thrumming pleasantly, the connection purring like a cat being petted.

  Suddenly, he pulls back, exhaling heavily while I focus on keeping my legs from buckling underneath me. He weaves his hands through my hair, gripping my neck as he bends his head, staring directly into my eyes. I lock on, unable to look anywhere but at him. His face is flushed, his eyes dark with desire, his gaze seeking something in mine. Our chests inflate and deflate in sync, and the sound of our joint ragged breathing is the only sound in the room.

  Moving his other hand to my waist, he slowly draws me in completely flush against him. A little satisfied whimper slips out of my mouth before I can stop it. His lips fight a smile while his gaze darts all over my face. He rubs the pad of this thumb back and forth across the sensitive skin along the nape of my neck, and I shiver all over. I’m about two seconds away from jumping his bones, and I’m clinging to the last vestiges of my willpower, trying to hold onto some morsel of self-respect. There is barely any space between us, and the connection is freaking out.

  Along with me.

  “What are you doing?” I whisper.

  His eyes glimmer with renewed determination as he closes the gap, fusing our mouths again. This time, his kiss is urgent but tender. He worships my lips, and I almost melt into him. Then he angles his head, deepening the kiss, totally taking it there while grabbing me firmly around the waist. There’s no easing into this on his behalf—he’s going all out—not that I’m likely to complain. I couldn’t fight this if I wanted to.

  My hands climb up his chest, circling his neck, and he lifts me up, walking to the table and setting my butt down. Still kissing me, he parts my legs and settles in between them. I crush my chest to his when his lips flick at the seam of my mouth, demanding entry. I open for him, and our tongues explore in a frenzied coupling that is unlike anything I’ve experienced before. It’s as if my entire body is engulfed in flames and only Dane can extinguish them. Keeping one hand wrapped around my back, he moves his other hand lower, slipping under the hem of my top.

  I gasp into his mouth when his skin touches mine. Fireworks detonate inside me, and I instinctively lift my legs, wrapping them around his waist and pulling him in close. The evidence of his arousal presses against me as he slides one hand up my side, his fingers caressing my skin in feather-like strokes that have me panting beneath him. I run my hands through his hair, grabbing fistfuls and tugging. I should be embarrassed by the greedy way we’re ravishing one another, especially because it’s Dane, the one guy I haven’t formed a true connection with, the one brother who seems to resent me, and it’s only been a couple weeks since I ended things with Jensen, but with the way the bond is blissfully spazzing out, and the sheer thrill of contentment coursing through my blood, there’s no way I can regret doing this with him.

  Not when it feels so unbelievably right.

  My lips are swollen from his demanding kisses, but I still can’t get enough. We devour one another, our mouths feasting in a marriage of lust, frustration, and raw anger. The primitive noise he makes at the back of his throat has my core throbbing in painful need, and I grind against him, sliding my hands under his shirt, exploring the silky-smooth hard, toned muscles of his back.

  When he cups my breast through my bra, I almost shoot off the table.

  I want him.

  I want him so badly.

  The thought should upset me, but it only serves to excite me.

  He kneads my soft flesh through the cotton bra, grazing his thumb along the peak of my hardened nipple, and an embarrassing loud moan erupts from the back of my throat.

  Without warning, he rips his lips from mine, stumbling back a few steps. My chest is noticeably heaving, and I’m struggling to recalibrate my breathing as the cloudy haze of lust clears from my mind. His hair is strewn all over the place, his lips puffy and wet, and his eyes are thick with lust and a myriad of other emotions while he stares at me. He adjusts himself in his jeans, never losing eye contact with me.

  My body aches at his loss, the bond crackling and whipping in the space between us, totally pissed at both of us. I don’t know what caused him to pull back, but I’m glad he did. I was on the verge of losing all control, and I know I’d only regret it if we’d taken things further.

  He stands tall, and a familiar mask appears on his face.

  I brace myself for whatever hurtful words are going to spew from his mouth, because I know they’re incoming.

  Cocking his head to the side, he makes no effort to hide his smirk. “I think I’ve just proven the point.” Then he walks out of the room, leaving me stewing in a pot of rage and self-loathing.

  Chapter 37

  “What happened between you and Dane Friday night?” Maddox asks Sunday afternoon as we’re going head to head on the wrestling mats in the gym.

  Hopping from one foot to the other, I try to anticipate his next move. I dart to my right as he lunges for me, evading his reach. He grins before lunging at me again, but I was expecting it and I drop to the floor, sliding underneath him, coming up on the other side of him. Before he knows what’s happening, I jump on his back, wrapping my arm around his neck like he’s shown me, yanking tight until I’m restricting the flow of oxygen. A garbled sound emits from his mouth, and I mentally fist pump the air. I press my fingers to the side of his neck, right where his carotid artery is. “Two jabs right here, and it’s lights out, motherfucker,” I say.

  He laughs, reaching behind and flipping me over his head. I shriek as I’m airborne, butterflies flooding my gut. When he places my feet on the mat, I jokingly punch him in the stomach, losing my balance as my fist meets a wall of solid resistance. I tumble to the ground, pulling him down on top of me. At the last second, he rolls us over so he’s underneath me and I’m the one lying sprawled on top of him.

  We’re both laughing, and the mood is lighthearted until awareness floods the connection. Our bodies are strategically aligned in all the right places, and suddenly it’s not so funny anymore. My hands are resting on his impressive chest, and his heart thuds wildly against my palm. The hard length prodding my stomach tells me he’s feeling this too. We stare at one another, and my fingers itch to touch his handsome face. The connection starts stirring shit, but I hop up before I do something crazy.

  Like kiss him too.

  He jumps up, with remarkable grace for a guy of his stature, rubbing a hand across the back of his neck. “I think that’s enough for today.”

  “Okay. Great. Thanks, Mad Dog.” I keep my eyes glued to the ground.

  He groans. “Not you as well.”

  “It’s a compliment,” I tell him, finally risking a look at him. His hazel eyes twinkle with unspent desire, matching my own, no doubt. “You were hot as fuck that day you were fighting Dane in that field.” I don’t mention that I was equally terrified because that wouldn’t do his ego any good. He smirks, and I clamp a hand over my errant mouth, the statement doing little to diminish the fissure of lust sparkling between us.

  He almost chokes on a laugh, grabbing a towel and tossing it to me. “Thanks.” His mouth contorts into a goofy grin. “I think.”

  “You’re welcome.” I smile. “And I won’t call you that anymore. Not if you don’t like it.”

  His features soften, and he sends me a grateful smile in return. We walk back to the house this time, needing to cool off in more ways than one.

  “You never answered my question. W
hat’s up with you and Dane?”

  I groan, throwing my eyes skyward. There’s a distinct chill in the air, and, even though it’s February and it should be getting warmer, I swear I sniff snow. “What’s he said?”

  “Nothing, but he’s moodier than usual, stomping around the house like someone kicked his puppy.”

  I snort, and Maddox’s grin stretches out.

  I like that I’m not the only one affected by what went down. Every time I think of that night, it feels like my ovaries might explode. Damn, it was one of the hottest experiences of my life. It was also one of the most infuriating ones, and it’s why I stayed at home yesterday, refusing to come here, and sticking two fingers to my schedule. Take that, Dane. I bet he’s freaking out because I’ve messed up my routines for the week, but I couldn’t care less right now.

  Childish attitude, but it was hugely satisfying.

  Kylie and I spent the day in our jammies, watching back-to-back romantic movies, gossiping, and gorging on candy, and it ended up being exactly what I needed. While I’m not as riled up today, I’m still nowhere near ready to forgive him for humiliating me a second time. I would rather chop off a tit than kiss him again.

  Maddox is waiting for an answer, and I sigh. “Let’s just say he used me to prove a point, and now I’m pissed as all hell at him.”

  “He did what?” Maddox roars, immediately charging toward the house.

  I grab his arm before he can do the superspeed thing. “Wait up!” I shove at his chest, pushing him back a little. Steam practically billows out of his ears, and his face has turned an unflattering shade of red. “Don’t go charging in there like a bulldog in heat until you’re privy to all the facts. It’s not what you’re thinking.” I blow air out of my mouth, inwardly cringing as I explain. “We made out, and it was pretty hot and heavy, but he stopped it before it went any further, okay? I don’t want to be the root of another argument, so please just calm down and drop it. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  “We can’t keep secrets from one another, Tori. That’s not how this works.”

  “Fair enough. Well, now you know, and it’s no biggie.”

  Taking my hand, he starts striding toward the house again, towing me with him. After a couple minutes, he throws back his head, and a raucous laugh rips from his throat.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Coop is going to lose his shit when he discovers this. I so want to be around for that showdown.”

  “I don’t see why.”

  “Come on, princess.” He jostles me in the shoulder. “Don’t play dumb. You know exactly what I mean. You’ve seen how he is around you, and the guy’s ego is through the roof. I know he assumed he’d be the first to kiss you.”

  I yank on his arm, stopping him. “What do you mean, the first?”

  His look softens. “Princess, you’ve got to know how we all feel about you.”

  I know it’s kinda the norm on our home planet, and that Dane alluded to this very thing Friday night, but the way Maddox is talking, it’s as if this has always been part of the plan. I’m not sure how I feel about that. “But aren’t you supposed to be, like, my brothers?”

  He guffaws, slinging his arm around my shoulder and pulling me in to his side. He presses a hard kiss to my temple. “Trust me when I say what we feel for you is anything but brotherly.”

  Over the next few days I become skilled in the art of evasion, avoiding both Dane and Cooper like they’ve got the plague. Maddox thinks it’s hilarious, but I’m treading on eggshells around the house, and I bury myself in meditation, studying the histories of our home planet, learning more about the bond and our gifts, and spending hours in the gym pushing my body to its limit.

  I’ve developed muscles in places I didn’t think girls had muscles, and there’s no denying I’m much lighter and more agile on my feet. Now that I’ve gained more muscle, enhanced my inner strength, and learned the core moves, Maddox is going to progress to weaponry training next week, and I’m chomping at the bit, itching to get started.

  It’s after dinner, and I’m lying on my bed in my bedroom at the Roth house, finishing my homework before I head home, when there’s a knock on my door. I already sense who it is. “Are you decent?” Coop hollers.

  “Yeah, come in.”

  The door swings open, and he saunters into the room like he owns it. “Pity.”

  I close my book, laughing as I twist around, sitting cross-legged on the bed. “What’s up?”

  “Nothing much. The others are gone out and I’m bored.”

  I swat him with a pillow. “I’m not here to relieve your boredom.”

  “But you’re such a pretty boredom reliever,” he teases, kicking off his shoes and bouncing on the bed. “Whatcha doing?”

  “Studying for the math test tomorrow. I seem to spend every waking minute studying something or other these days,” I grumble, lying flat on my back. “It’s all work and no play.”

  He’s hovering over me in an instant, eyes flaring mischievously. “I can help rectify that.” He holds his body over mine, and his body heat crashes into me, instantly turning me on.

  Every inch of my body is primed and waiting, and my core pulses with need. “Coop.” My eyes flash a warning, which he duly ignores. My heart starts racing around my chest as he lowers his head toward mine.

  “You’re so beautiful, Tori. And I’m not just talking about what’s on the outside.” He places his hand over my chest, right where my heart is trying to beat a path out of my ribcage. “I spent years imagining what it’d be like when we reconnected, but I never imagined it could be like this.”

  His touch floods my body with liquid desire, and I squirm a little as the ache intensifies in my lower regions. His eyes bore into mine, and his chest rises and falls in exaggerated movements as he caresses my flesh. His gaze dips to my mouth.

  “I suppose that depends on the interpretation.” I’m deliberately flippant, trying to defuse the growing charge in the air. “I fail epically as an alien. I can’t even master basic mind control, and I’m still moving things unconsciously with my mind and terrified I’ll kill someone by hugging them one of these days.”

  “It’s not surprising with the amount of pressure Dane’s putting on you. He needs to ease off and let things happen more naturally. Besides,” he says, running the tip of one finger across my clavicle, eliciting shivers all over my body. “We’ve had years to train, you’ve had weeks. I think you’re doing amazingly well.” His voice is deep and seductive, and it’s doing funny things to my insides. A lustful shiver tiptoes over my body. He lowers his head, pressing a kiss to the hollow at the base of my throat, and stars burst behind my eyes. I feel that soft touch in every single part of my body, and I’m horny as hell. I giggle inside at the thought that Coop might have super seductive skills.

  “Alinthia.” Cooper says my real name with so much tenderness and reverence it unravels me. He stares at me expectantly, and the longing on his face lowers my defenses.

  “Yes.” My tone is breathy and soft, and I’m struggling to breathe under the intensity of his gaze. His gorgeous blue eyes are swirling with desire as he watches my reaction.

  “Can I kiss you?” he whispers. I’m surprised when anxiety trickles down the line, because Coop is always so cocky and confident, and this vulnerability is new.

  “I want to kiss you but …”

  His hand sweeps along my body, his fingers brushing casually against the side of my breast, and I gasp. “But what?”

  “You know I kissed Dane?” My voice shakes, and I might be embarrassed if I wasn’t so turned on.

  His lips curl into a snarl. “Now is not a good time to remind me of that fact.” He runs his fingers up the side of my neck, sending a flurry of delicious tingles zinging all over my skin.

  “Does it help that I wish I could scrub the knowledge from my mind?” I pant.

  He tilts his head to the side. “A little, but I still don’t get your point.”

I can’t kiss you too! What would the others think?”

  I can almost visibly see the stress leaving him. He moves off me, lying down on his side, and I mirror his position. He threads his fingers through my hair, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead. I sigh in contentment. “The others won’t think any differently of you, and they want the same too.” My eyes pop wide, and he chuckles. “We explained how this is quite the norm on Verron, so I’m surprised you haven’t given this any thought.”

  “I’ve been a little busy and upset over everything that went down with Jensen,” I truthfully admit.

  “That’s understandable, but you can’t put something like this on hold indefinitely. We all have feelings for you, and I suspect you’re the same.” He runs his hands from my hair to my neck and down to my shoulders, massaging the tight knots he finds there. “And there’s nothing wrong with it. We share an intense connection, and it’s bound to happen one way or another. Besides, you can’t deny how much happier you are around us no more than we can.”

  “I can’t. I am happier when I’m near you.”

  “Move in with us, beautiful. Let us take care of all your needs. Let’s all figure this out together.”

  To hell with it. There’s no point fighting what’s written in the stars. “Okay.” I’ll find some way of squaring it with my parents.

  He sits bolt upright, pulling me into his arms. “You mean it?” His eyes radiate with excitement and happiness and it melts my heart.

  “Yes.” I weave my fingers through the longish strands of his hair, closing my eyes as his scent swirls around me.

  His lips brush against mine, in an achingly soft, all too brief caress. My eyes flick open, and I’m drowning in the lovesick look in his eyes. “You complete me, Alinthia.” He pecks my lips with infinite tenderness. “You complete all of us. Don’t fight what’s meant to be.”

  “I don’t think I have the strength to anymore,” I admit before planting my mouth on his. I tighten my arms around his neck, and he holds me firmly around the waist as we kiss. It starts out slow and sensual, gradually morphing into something hotter. Coop lays me down on the bed, crawling over me as he peppers kisses in a trail from my mouth to my jawline and down to my neck. Sucking on the sensitive spot just under my ear, he drives me crazy with desire, and I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him down properly on top of me.


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