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BREAKER: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance

Page 19

by Harloe Rae

  I brush against him with my hip, grinning with the flirty nudge. He buries his nose into my hair and drags in a deep breath. The rumble that follows has another shudder wracking my limbs.

  “Missed you, Sutt.”

  “Right here, Gray. I’m never far,” I murmur.

  He kisses my temple. “You know what I mean.”

  And I do. Those cherished romantic moments that aren’t tainted with darkness. “The night is young.”

  Grady flicks a glance at my parents and Jace. The other guests trickled out after the ceremony. “I want us to be alone. I don’t give a shit if that’s insensitive or selfish.”

  I nibble my bottom lip. “You’re excused. Pretty sure you have a pass for just about anything.”

  His emerald gaze latches onto my mouth. Grady bends lower and groans in my ear. “Then it’s time to collect.”

  I tug on his shirt. “Let’s go home.”

  His eyes flash with molten fire. There’s my Grady. “My girl knows just what I want to hear.”

  I almost yelp when my father suddenly appears in front of us. His chuckle suggests that he’s been spying on us. I try not to wither while my stomach turns. Dammit.

  My dad claps Grady on the back. “You hanging in there, son?”

  His nod is delayed. “Doing my best. Sutton helps.”

  “I can see that.”

  The temperature spikes one-hundred degrees and my face goes up in flames. “Dad,” I complain.

  He winks at me. “You kids need each other. I’m not trying to intrude. You’re adults. Be grown and live happy.”

  The corners of Grady’s lips curl ever so slightly. “Thanks, Barry.”

  Jace nudges his friend. “I’m gonna get piss-ass drunk. Interested?”

  Grady strokes his stubbled chin. “That’s tempting, but nah. I need lowkey. We’ll paint the town a different night.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.” My brother takes a step backward.

  “Are you two interested in dinner at our house?” The question comes from my mother. She’s still wrapped in my father’s arms. They’re the epitome of a blissful marriage, even after thirty years.

  One look at Grady’s somber expression and I have my answer. “We’re going to spend the evening alone.”

  Her smile is soft and kind. “I think that’s best.”

  We part ways after a round of hugs. My palm is safely nestled inside of Grady’s much bigger one. We took my car here, but I very willingly let him drive. Handing over the reins to Grady is strictly for my visual benefit. Giving him complete control is drool-worthy. He reclines low in the seat with his left arm hanging loose on top of the steering wheel. Swagger oozes from his massive frame. My inner muscles clench on nothingness. The missing piece is sitting a foot away. I want to straddle his lap and show him how hot he makes me. Not sure that would fly with traffic laws. I tamp down the wanton fantasy and stay planted on my side of the vehicle.

  The trip home is quiet, but we find comfort in the silence. There’s been too much suffering. I can sense a change in the cool evening air. Flakes of rust and rot chip away, fluttering out the open windows. We’re releasing the toxins and leaving the pain behind us. All that’s left is good and happy. The sparking electricity between us has me buzzing on a high voltage wire. Our heated stares don’t quit. When we pull into the driveway, I’m rejuvenated and ready to combust.

  Grady guides me inside with a searing palm at the small of my back. I lean into him, preparing to claw his clothes off.

  “I’m depleted, Sutt.”

  His raspy tone is ice across my steaming skin. I release him and glance up. Those bottomless green eyes are shining. “I know, Gray. What can I do?”

  His lips dust my forehead. “I need a dozen happy somethings to refill my stock.”

  I nod into his touch. “Should we take a bath? I bought more bubble bombs.”

  “We can do that after.”

  That last word hangs between us. “What comes first?”

  “Hopefully both of us.”

  There’s no hiding the quiver that ripples through me from top to bottom. I lift a shaky brow. “Oh?”

  “Give yourself to me.”

  He says that as if I haven’t already handed over my heart, along with everything else. “Always,” I purr.

  He crowds my personal space, backing me against the wall. “I need you, Sutt.”

  There’s no protest from me. The escape we find within one another is better than a dream. I’ll gladly get lost with him until the sun rises. “Then take me. I’m yours.”

  He buries his face into my neck, nipping at the sensitive flesh. “I love you so damn much, Sutt. You’re oxygen in my lungs. The steady beat of my pulse. Sustenance to keep me strong and powerful. I couldn’t survive without you.”

  “Love you to the stars, baby.” I kiss across his angular jaw. “I’m getting the sweet Grady tonight.”

  “Only you.”

  “Good. That makes me feel special.”

  Grady scoops me up as if I’m his bride. “You are, Sutt. So damn special. I’ll never quit showing you. Every second we have left in this world, you’ll be treated as a queen.” He climbs the stairs two at once. His feet pound into the wood with an urgency I feel in my core.

  Our bedroom has become a sanctuary. Every inch is shared. The space is a blend of fresh pine and savory coconut. Symbols of our lives joining decorate any available surface. Soon the floor will be cluttered with more of us.

  Grady undresses me with the utmost care. I return his devotion, removing every scrap with soft kisses and whispers of more. Each layer is peeling away to reveal new truths. There are a few more dents and nicks than before. Those blemishes meld our bond into something more imperfectly beautiful. The grit and grime distorting our appearance disappears with the fabric. I’m left naked and bare for him, just as he is for me.

  We’re desperate to erase the space between us. He lays me down in the middle of our bed. My soul sings with the promise of eternal pleasure. I dig my nails into his back and urge him to blanket me. When his body becomes one with mine, we’re no longer alone. Nothing is broken. The sorrow of this last week melts off our entwining limbs. Together we become whole.

  Happy something #33: Picturing a life where I’m accepted. By everyone.

  Time doesn’t pause when the going gets rough. It’s been nearly a month since my mom died. I’ve been busting ass cleaning up her countless loose ends. All the messes she left behind were suddenly mine. That type of inheritance should stay buried. I wanted to burn it all to the ground and be done. That wasn’t an option—reality will never be so simple.

  The bills didn’t quit. A different unpaid notice appeared in my mailbox daily. The debts that woman owed twisted my gut into a pretzel. Sutton is by my side through it all. Her unwavering commitment has been my saving grace. She helps me sift through the piles of shit without complaint. Not sure what I did right to deserve her unyielding loyalty, but I’ll never take that for granted.

  I lose myself in her warmth every single night. She gives so freely without hesitation. I probably take too much. But the desperation is imbedded in my roots. Everything inside of me craves her with a fierce hunger that has no limits. Her radiant light recharges me. I can only hope to give her a fraction of that boost in return.

  That’s how I find myself on a cushioned stool at Bronco Buck. My girl wanted to dance. I’ll never refuse her wishes. Besides all that, an evening out to let loose is long overdue.

  I take another swig of my beer without taking my stare off Sutton. She’s shaking her ass, twirling around with Molly and Lacie. Only a few other girls are brave enough to join them. A horde of slobbering men form a half circle around them. The other women in this bar are probably scared off.

  Music blasts from the speakers. The heavy bass pumps into my veins. Sutton dips low, pointing her ass in the air. A growl rips from my throat. What the fuck is she trying to prove? Especially in that sorry excuse for an outfit. Her bandana
shirt is barely more than a triangle. Those shorts have more rips and holes than fabric. I’m shocked her thong isn’t fully on display. If that happens, she’s getting tossed over my shoulder and spanked before I haul her ass out of here. My palm tingles at the possibility. She didn’t mind the light tap I gave her the other night.

  A groan vibrates my chest when Sutton spins to face me. Her baby blues glitter from the colorful strobe lights turning this place into a chaotic rainbow. I palm my cock and squeeze the hard ridge. My jeans are restricting proper blood flow. Maybe that’s why I’m dizzy just looking at her. The denim has become uncomfortably tight, strangling my junk in a chokehold.

  A damn riot is about to ensue. Some dude with a death wish takes a step toward Sutton. Over my lifeless body will that shit fly. I prowl toward her with fire under my skin. Her responding smile tells me she finds this little act very entertaining. I tug her into me by the belt loops of those sinful cutoffs. The threadbare material nearly rips in my harsh grip.

  I dip my face into the crook of her neck, nuzzling the soft skin there. “Are you trying to drive me crazy on purpose?”

  She wiggles her ass into my dick. “Maybe.”

  “You’re doing a damn good job. I want to kick the shit out of every guy staring at you.”

  She glances around the crowded space. It’s hazy and difficult to see anything five feet away. But I’m sure she can feel their undivided attention. “They’re harmless.”

  I nip the column of her throat. “Yeah? If I wasn’t here, they’d be lining up for a shot at your panties.”

  “I’d like to see them try.”

  “They’d have broken wrists before getting a chance.” I grind into her, following the smooth flow of her movements.

  “No man has the right to roll his hips so well.” I repeat the motion and she moans. “You’re naughty.”

  “And you’re mine, Sutt.”

  “I know.”

  “Say it.”

  She peeks up at me from over her shoulder. “I’m yours, Gray. Only yours.”

  “Come home with me.”

  Her painted lips lift with a wide grin. “Well, yeah.”

  “Now.” My demand is a boom across the noisy space.

  She gasps. “Now?”

  “Did I stutter?”

  “But I’m having fun.” Sutton pouts, peeking up at me from under lowered lashes. “Thirty more minutes?”

  I’m weak for this woman. She knows that indisputable fact, probably too well. I press a branding kiss to her mouth. “Fine. I’m gonna take a piss and step outside for some air. You’ve wound me tighter than a fist. I’ll be back in five. Don’t steal any hearts while I’m gone.”

  She shoots me a wink. “I’ll only break them.”

  “That’s my girl.” I fuse our lips together once more for good measure. She smiles into me and I grab a handful of her ass. When we split, I’m a tad breathless. Damn.

  I stride backward through the crowd, keeping her locked in my sight until the swarm swallows her. The bathroom reeks like an outhouse. My boots stick to the rank floor as I rush to do my business. I don’t want to spend longer than a minute in this pit. After I’m drained, I zip up and rinse my hands. The lack of soap and paper towels doesn’t surprise me.

  I shove through the backdoor into the alley, metal hitting brick with a resounding bang. The sound reminds me of when I dragged Sutton out here to get away from Deputy Dipshit. A chuckle rises off my chest. How much has changed. A quick glance in both directions shows I’m alone. I could suggest a quickie up against the wall. Her skimpy clothes would come in handy.

  The evening air is crisp and biting. Normal functioning returns to my brain. Half hour. I can wait that long. The fire in my veins has cooled slightly. I’m about to head inside when a figure appears at the alley entrance. Lance Fucking Morris. Did my earlier thoughts summon him? I caught him hovering on the opposite side of the bar earlier. He’s been here with Molly, but was smart enough to keep his distance. That break I was granted is apparently over.

  The air shifts, sending rotten waves around us. Lance isn’t in uniform. Off-duty is easier to deal with when it comes to this asshole. I straighten and widen my stance, staring at him straight on. He smiles at me, but I see right through it.

  “Hey, Grady. Didn’t expect to find you out here.”

  I grunt at his blatant bullshit. “No? Who are you looking for?”

  He rocks on his heels. “A moment alone. Kinda loud in there.”

  “Well, I’ll leave you to it.” I take a step toward the door.

  His question halts my retreat. “How’s Sutton?”

  I squint at him, getting a good look. “Great, as always.”

  “Isn’t that nice for you.”

  “Sure is.” Pinpricks creep along my neck. I belatedly realize that he’s no longer smiling. At some point in our conversion, that grin collapsed into a sneer. His usually aloof mannerisms are absent. “You okay, Morris?”

  Lance’s tone is more of a snarl. “No, Grady. I’m not fucking all right.”

  And I couldn’t care less. Something prods at the back of my brain. I should get out of this creepy alley. But this guy clearly sought me out for a reason. “Is there something I can do for you?”

  “Get out of my way.”

  “What?” I glance over my shoulder. This dude has to be on something.

  He cracks his neck. “I figured you’d skip town once that dumpster diving piece of trailer trash died. But no. You stuck around for Sutton.”

  I narrow my eyes into deadly thin slits. “My mother wasn’t award-winning, but don’t talk about her that way.”

  He swats the air. “Who fucking cares about her. You stole my girl. I want her back.”

  “She was never yours to begin with.”

  “Was so.” Acting like a toddler must be one of his hobbies.

  “I believe you’re mistaken.”

  “She just doesn’t know about us yet. That’ll change soon.”

  Lance is talking about Sutton as if she’s a toy or some possession to own. How is this clown an officer of the law? An idea occurs to me. “Aren’t you dating Molly?”

  He shrugs. “Not sure what she has to do with this.”

  Is this dude for real? “She’s your girlfriend. Stop talking about Sutton and focus on Molly.”

  His snort echoes off the brick wall. “Please. As if that bossy loudmouth could replace true love. Molly is just a poor substitute while this Sutton situation gets sorted. She’s the one I really want.”

  What a lunatic. “Too fucking bad that’s never going to happen.”

  Lance steeples his fingers. “We’ll see about that.”

  “You’re delusional.”

  His laugh is maniacal. “I’ve been called worse.”

  “What’s your problem?” I flex my muscles, the itch for a fight screaming at me.

  He points a stubby finger at me. “You. You’re my damn problem.”

  I swing my arms out and spread them wide. “I haven’t done shit to you. If anyone has dirt on their hands, it’s you.”

  “Sutton is supposed to be mine.”

  I let my hands drop, fists forming with his words. “Wrong, buddy. Try again.”

  He watches my every move. “Getting mad? Good. Wanna punch me?”

  The answer is hell yes, I really do. But that’ll get me locked up faster than his blood spilling. A heavy exhale breezes through my clenching jaw. I force myself to relax. Sutton comes to mind and I almost smirk. She gets me even when we’re apart.

  Our silence yawns and I’m more than ready to end this exchange. Before I can get gone, sirens begin wailing in the distance. Maybe Lance will get called in and leave me the fuck alone. He stays put, squaring off against me. There’s an odd gleam in his eye. I wonder absently if he’s high. Wouldn’t that be a shit-kicker?

  A warped grin curls his lips. Out of nowhere, Lance punches himself in the nose. The crack is sickening. A river of red immediately pours down his face.<
br />
  My stomach curdles. “What the fuck, man? Are you psycho?”

  He smiles, showing off his bloody teeth. “Close, but the correct term is sociopath. The doctors would be proud to hear me finally admit it. But that’s not important. You just assaulted an officer, Grady.”

  “The fuck I did. I haven’t laid a finger on you.”

  “We’ll see who they believe.” Lance smashes a fist into his cheekbone.

  The sirens drift closer. I can only gawk at him. Startling clarity smacks me in the face. Holy shit, he’s setting me up. My heart gallops beyond reasonable rhythm. I stumble backward, already picturing how this will go.

  His eyes flare with some sort of sick excitement. “Scared now? I dare you to run. That’ll make this even better for me.”

  When a squad car screeches to a halt along the curb, Lance’s entire persona changes. He begins whimpering, folding over and shying away from me. It’s his word against mine. Fuck, I’m screwed. I’ll always be the lowlife loser who makes an easy target. There’s no escaping the stigma.

  Two officers I don’t recognize storm toward me. I hold up my palms, not bothering to fight. This will only end one way. They slam me to the filthy ground with a knee jabbing into my spine. I land with a jarring thud that radiates through my body and has me seeing stars. Cold metal slaps around my wrists, tighter than necessary. I feel my wallet get yanked out of my pocket. A set of hands hauls me off the pavement and I tilt from the force.

  The required speech starts up once their hold on me is secure. “Grady Bowen, you’re under arrest. You have the right to remain silent…” The officer’s voice drones on, but I don’t hear any of it. How the fuck did this happen? I look up and see another cop inspecting Lance’s injuries. Mother fucker hurt himself. I want to shout and fight, but that won’t help me. I’m more than aware how this goes. The echoing vibrations linger for a second or two. Dread for what’s to come rests heavy on my shoulders.


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