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BREAKER: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance

Page 23

by Harloe Rae

  Oh my gosh, poor Grady. He had no warning that Lance was coming for him. None of us would’ve pegged this drunk doofus as a conniving villain. I glance around the buzzing space with wide eyes. My pulse rivals a raging thunderstorm. Even now, no one is suspecting a thing.

  He slams the empty bottle down and signals for another. The bartender shakes his head. Lance spreads his arms out wide. “What’s the problem? Are you taking his side? Everyone loves that cocky asshole. Did he tell you to cut me off?” He wags a sloppy finger at his newfound audience. “That’s not possible. He can’t tattletale from where I sent him.”

  The other guy rolls his eyes and walks away. Smart man.

  It’s nearly impossible to sit back and listen to him rave about this horrific accomplishment. I scratch at my crawling skin. The urge to vomit tickles my tonsils. I wrestle with instinct and exhale through the nausea.

  What is Lance doing unloading all this? The possibility that he’s feeling guilty is more insane than the man himself. His confession is purely selfish boasting. He’s probably scouting out his next victim. An eerie chill prickles at me. This is the end of all that.

  “What makes him so damn special? He’s trailer park trash. His entire life has been one disaster after another. She should be with someone on her level. That’s how it always should’ve been. But she looks at him like he hung all the stars in the universe just for her.”

  I want to smack his forehead and yell, “News flash, Lance. Get a damn clue.” He’ll never be able to see the truth. His vision is clouded by his own ego. Grady is a million times better than any man he could hope to be.

  “So, yeah, he had to go. And I finally got my chance to make it happen.” He makes a walking motion with his fingers.

  If I didn’t know how this ends, his story would be a huge clusterfuck. Maybe that’s why it appears no one is listening to his belligerent confession. That probably gives him a false sense of security. Is he stupid? I snort at that. The answer is directly in front of me, swaying on his seat. I suppose it’s hard keeping this type of fool-proof plan to himself. Such a moron.

  Too bad, Lance. I stumbled into the same bar.

  He continues prattling on without a care in the world. “I struck up a pleasant conversation with him at first. Didn’t want to seem suspicious right off the bat, you know? But then I provoked him. Talking about her really pissed him off. He still held back, though. The noble guy didn’t take my bait. I prepared for that.”

  Lance makes a spectacle of pretending to punch himself in the nose. I slap a palm over my mouth to trap my scream. This dude is straight up crazy. I gag when a loud belch rips from his throat.

  “Poor bastard never saw it coming. He just stood there with his life vanishing in front of him. I stole at least a year from him. Maybe more. I did hit myself twice just to make it look extra bad. It’s almost a guarantee they’ll be putting him away longer.”

  He sighs and slumps lower in his seat. “The entire reason I needed him gone was for a girl. She won’t even talk to me. But she’ll come around. I love her. Doesn’t she want to be happy with me? Doesn’t matter. We’re gonna get married.”

  Over my dead body.

  I cough into my fist as tears begin welling. Grady is locked up while this man is roaming free. Talk about abusing the system. But justice is about to be served.

  The phone trembles in my hand as I switch off the camera. I’ve seen plenty to put him away and clear Grady’s name. My sandals thud on the tile floor as I haul ass out of this joint. I’m not running the risk of that lunatic catching me.

  Once I’m outside, the realization of what this means really dawns on me. My knees knock together and I stumble over the curb. Grady will get to prove his innocence. He’ll be released. His redemption will be the sweetest reward.

  I almost drop my cell in the bubbling rush to find our police station’s number. The line rings twice before he answers.

  “This is Chief Wilson speaking.”

  “Hi, uh, sir. This is Sutton Olsen.” I grind the tremor from my voice. “I have something you need to see. Immediately.”

  Happy something #60: Unexplainable miracles.

  The electric hum of the locks disengaging wake me from a fitful doze. I’d finally managed to drift off, but that sound is more effective than any alarm. My system reboots and snaps alert as if a cold bucket of water has been dumped all over me. This is most likely one of their non-mandatory cell inspections. I don’t bother lifting my head off the disintegrating pillow.

  Matthews strides in and kicks the bed frame. “Get up, inmate.”

  Pretty sure it’s barely morning. This has to violate some sort of protocol. I remain slack on the mattress. “I’m sleeping.”

  He makes the sound of a buzzard. “Wrong. You’re leaving.”

  That gets a rise out of me. I sit up and nearly knock my skull on the top bunk. “What the hell do you mean? Trial isn’t for another two weeks.”

  Matthews hitches a thumb over his shoulder. “You’re getting out, dumbass. Get your ass up and get a move on. You’re burning daylight.”

  I glare at him. “Is this some sort of sick joke?”

  “Even we don’t stoop that low, Bowen. New evidence came in and cleared your name. You’re a free man.”

  I want to holler and scream, thank whatever lucky stars graced me with the light. But the thing I want most is a hug from my girl. My legs are unsteady when I stand. The relief is sinking straight to my marrow.

  “Grab your shit.”

  “Don’t have any.” Except Sutton’s letter, which is securely tucked into my waistband. This asshole will never get his paws on what’s mine again.

  “Even better.” He moves out of the doorway and motions me forward.

  I’ve never sprinted so fast in my adult life.

  “Damn fool,” Matthews mutters behind me. “Walk, don’t run.”

  All I do is wave and keep moving toward the first checkpoint.

  Being released from county jail is a zero frills affair. I’m shuffled from one station to the next as guards review different procedures and discharge orders. They hand over the clothes I was wearing when arrested. A pair of faded jeans and a white T-shirt has never looked so inviting. I strip off the orange jumpsuit, shedding that disgusting layer of skin never to be seen again. A glance in the smudged mirror shows a man I almost recognize.

  Maybe this version will be better than the last.

  I’m bouncing on my toes while waiting to pass through the security scanner. A guard manning the entrance gives me a bag of my personal belongings. I palm my phone, powering the device on. Score for me when the screen flashes to life.

  “Is someone picking you up?”

  I lift my gaze to the guard. A furrow dents my brow. “Not sure. This wasn’t planned.”

  She scoffs. “Is it ever?”

  “Good point.” I check the time. It’s just past seven. “There’s someone I can call.”

  I dial Sutton’s number. After five rings, her voicemail picks up. I try again and get the same result. Might as well add a text to my plea.

  Me: You’re never going to believe this, Sutt. They let me go. I’m free. Are you around?

  The plastic rattles in my hand while I wait for a response. Nothing pops up.

  The guard must notice a frown drooping my expression. “No answer?”

  “Nah, but I’ll keep trying.”

  “You can always get an Uber.”

  My gut tightens. How low have I dropped? That sounds miserable, but it might be my fastest option. “I’ll give her a few more minutes.”

  “Suit yourself. Exit is dead ahead. Can’t miss the sign.” She points forward. “And make sure we don’t see you back.”

  I almost chuckle. “Definitely not.”

  An invisible barrier appears in front of me. Less than fifty yards to freedom. The urge to pinch myself suddenly prods at me. The possibility of this rescue being real hasn’t quite settled in. I flick my eyes around the room, waiting
for someone to drag me under. Only a few random visitors speckle the space.

  “What are you waiting for? Off you go,” the guard mutters.

  There’s no escort in sight as I shuffle toward the door. Pounding footsteps don’t follow me. The strain that’s been holding my muscles hostage evaporates. I stride out of the front gate with a clear conscience.

  The harsh morning sun stings my eyes. I revel in the burn. A splash of vibrant color rushes toward me from the side, a high-pitched whine hammering into my ears. I pivot on my heel just in time to watch Sutton racing at full speed. In the next instant, she launches herself into the air with me as her direct target.

  I catch her easily in my arms, gripping with every fiber inside of me. She latches on with an equal amount of force, my missing piece sliding into place.

  I breathe her in, filling my lungs with a fresh dose of everything good. A moan vibrates off me and swirls around her. We’re a spinning mass of clasping fingers and desperate babbling.

  Sutton clings to me with the strength of a world champion wrestler. I wheeze, her hold bordering on choking, but press further into the embrace. A furnace of heat spreads throughout my chest. The massive knot in my throat follows right behind.

  She peppers kisses all over my face. Eventually she finds my lips, locking us together with a searing brand of passion. Once again, we’re bonded for life. Sutton begins sobbing, her body trembling against mine. Her tears soak into my shirt. I absorb the moisture into my neglected soul.

  I spear into her hair, the silky strands sliding through my fingers. “Hey, hey. It’s all right now.”

  She shakes her head. “Oh my gosh, Gray. I can’t believe it. You’re out. We’re together.”

  I tilt her chin up until she’s looking at me. “How’d you know?”

  A wobble twitches the corners of her mouth. “Lance confessed. Not on purpose, or willingly. But that doesn’t matter. I caught his lying ass on camera.”

  My grip on her tightens several more degrees. “When?”

  “Last night. I caught the whole thing on video.”

  I flare my nostrils. “That sounds dangerous and reckless, Sutt.”

  “But it wasn’t.”

  A vein in my temple throbs. “Sutton Rose, how is that staying smart and safe?”

  She rolls those stunning baby blues. “It wasn’t on purpose. I didn’t follow him there or anything. Although he accused me of that after the fact.” She huffs. “That’s beside the point.”

  “You’re gonna need to be far more specific.”

  “Don’t worry, okay? I was very safe and smart. Lance was at a bar in Acklyn—”

  “What were you doing way out there?”

  Sutton presses a finger to my lips. “Shh, let me finish. I needed out of Silo Springs for a night. A little space from the shadowed stares and forced condolences. Bumping into Lance was a total accident. He was the last person I ever wanted to see. But it turned out to be a seriously crazy amazing coincidence. He blabbed his entire diabolical plan, from start to finish. I heard the entire thing.”

  I swallow the bellow clawing up my windpipe and focus on the good. “I want to hear everything, beautiful. Keep talking to me. Your voice is a choir of singing angels. This is like walking through the gates of heaven.”

  She giggles. “I think you’re delusional.”

  “Wouldn’t surprise me.” I stroke a thumb across her damp cheek. “Tell me all of it.”

  And she does. Sutton pours out every disturbing detail. I do my best to tame the rage roaring inside of me while she recounts his purge. She finishes with a massive exhale, as if the weight has vanished off her chest. I know the feeling well.

  I press my lips to her forehead. “Damn. Where is he now?”

  She shrugs into me. “Hell if I care. Chief Wilson assured me Lance would no longer be a concern. He’s supposed to call you later.”


  “Yup. Clear the air and all that.”

  I scrub the back of my neck. “Wow, that’s heavy.”

  Sutton nuzzles against my throat. “You were wrongfully accused, Gray. The city has some apologizing to do.”

  “It’s not their fault Lance is insane.”

  “True, but they hired him.”

  “Speaking of, how’d that fly?”

  “Turns out Lance’s parents have been hiding his illness for over a decade. He’s very mentally unstable. The records are sealed tight and buried deep. That’s why he had no trouble becoming a cop. He appeared squeaky clean.”

  Another load of kindling doused in gasoline gets thrown on the fire in my gut. “What a rat.”

  She nods. “The worst kind.”

  I cool the flames in my blood with a quick drink off her lips. “I’m so thankful for you, Sutt.”

  She blinks up at me. “So, you’re not upset?”

  I lift a brow. “How could I be?”

  “Maybe I stepped a tad out of bounds?”

  That earns her a chuckle, the first genuine one in almost two weeks. “I love you so damn much, Sutt.”

  Her sigh says it all. “Love you, Gray. I can’t even describe how much. It’s beyond reason.”

  “Marry me,” I blurt. The question has been on my mind, but I didn’t plan to ask in this moment. Maybe it was meant to happen here, releasing inhibitions and setting my intention free. Nothing has ever felt so… us.

  Sutton’s blue gaze snaps wide open. “W-what?”

  I kiss her parted mouth and smile against my greatest gift. My words are shared between us. “I just survived ten days in the bowels of hell. That place is meant to break a man. But I’m looking forward, at you and us and everything we’re meant for. We’re destined for only good so long as we’re one.”

  Her lashes flutter against my cheek. I release a groan at the slightest touch from her. Our future carves a path in my mind, certain and sure. “Be my wife. Agree to be my one and only happy something, forever plus a day. Life has taught me some harsh as fuck lessons, Sutt. Reality is unpredictable and fickle and cruel. I want us to live in the stars. You’re my dream. Be my fantasy for always. I’m not taking more risks where we’re concerned. I want you tied to me, irrevocably and always. Promise to be mine for the rest of our lives. Please make me the luckiest man to walk this jaded earth.”

  Her eyes mist with a fresh wave of tears. “Y-yes. Of course, I’ll marry you.”

  I rub over the third finger on her left hand, bare and missing an essential symbol. “I don’t have your ring with me.”

  She lets her jaw hang open. “You bought me a ring?”

  “Course, baby. Remember the day I woke up with you lying next to me?”

  “How could I forget?”

  I brush my nose along hers. “Now you really won’t.”

  Sutton nods in the general direction of her car. “Let’s go home.”

  “Someone’s in a sudden hurry,” I laugh. “Are you aching?”

  She rocks her hips into mine. “Yes, so much. Aren’t you?”

  “Hell yes. I need to shower and make love to my fiancée, not necessarily in that order.”

  “Well,” she bites her lip, “good thing we discovered both of those can be done at once.”

  I kiss her again, longer this time. My tongue drags across the seam of her mouth until she opens for me. We share a groan, hands fisting any fabric within reach. I pull away before things get out of control in the jail parking lot.

  “Damn, I missed you,” I whisper.

  Her eyes are bedroom heavy and reflect the desire burning through me. “Show me how much?”

  “I gladly will. Each day for the rest of mine.”

  Happy something #2: Sutton Rose Olsen.

  I scrub a towel over my wet hair and turn toward Sutton. There’s pure fire in her tropical blue eyes. I’ve missed that fierce desire over the last ten days. But I’m home and we’re together. We’ll never be apart that long again.

  She’s perched so pretty on the edge of our bed. A slinky white dress co
vers her slim figure, but I’m acutely aware of the seductive curves hidden underneath. I lick my lips with a slow glide. Her taste still lingers there. My mouth waters for another shot of that tangy flavor.

  I prowl closer, wearing nothing except a pair of black boxer briefs. “Why’d you bother getting dressed?”

  Sutton’s gaze devours me. She doesn’t bother hiding the appraisal. I flex my muscles for her benefit. My upper body is more defined due to vigorous hours in the county gym. Jail only offers a few options for recreation. At least this gets my girl more hot and bothered, if that’s even possible.

  When only a mere foot separates us, she walks her toes up my bare legs. Her voice is all smoke and filthy promises about to be fulfilled. “What should we do today?”

  I grab her ankle and kiss along the delicate bone. “I have several ideas. All of them involve you and this bed.”

  Sutton scoots closer to the edge of our mattress. “Oh? Just this room?”

  “For starters.” I ghost my lips up her smooth calf.

  “Well, I have something in mind.”

  I reach the sensitive skin behind her knee. “Whatever it is can wait.”

  “This is a surprise.”

  Every part of my body visibly tenses. “Sutt, I’ve had my fill of the unexpected.”

  “This is a good one. I promise. Think of it as a celebration.” She holds up her left hand. Her engagement ring catches the light, nearly blinding me with all that sparkle.

  Good. I smirk at her showing off the bling. It’ll be easy for everyone to see.

  She wiggles her finger. The sapphire and diamonds glitter with her waving motion.

  “Damn, you’re a sexy fiancée.”

  She snaps the elastic at my waist. “And all yours.”

  I tower over her. “Remind me why we aren’t naked?”

  A sigh eases off her thoroughly-kissed pout. “I’m beginning to regret my other plans.”

  “Can we reschedule?”

  She gives a slow toss of her hair. “Nope, not a chance. We’ll return to this exact position in a few hours.”


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