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BREAKER: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance

Page 26

by Harloe Rae

  “It only takes once, baby.”

  Baby. A baby? Could it really be? I shake my head, getting way too far ahead.

  “So, no pressure or anything, but I happen to have a few early result kits available.” She points down a row to the left.

  I let my jaw drop. “You sell pregnancy tests?”

  “You’d be surprised how often they come in handy. I can barely keep them in stock.” Her grin tells me everything I would consider asking.

  I turn in Grady’s arms, peeking up at him from under my lashes. “Should we?”

  He nods and the corners of his mouth quirk. “I wanna know, Sutt.”

  “There’s a bathroom just back there,” Braelyn chimes in.

  That gets another laugh out of me. “You’re very prepared for this sort of situation.”

  She tosses her blonde hair over a slender shoulder. “Didn’t I tell you? Not the typical shopping experience.”

  “I’m definitely gaining the grasp of that.” This place and these people are earning a solid spot into our book of goodness.

  Grady grabs a box off the shelf and guides me in the direction Braelyn points. I do my business, limbs shaking to the point my knees begin knocking. The longest three minutes of my life come next.

  But the timer eventually dings. When that screen shows two pink lines, our greatest happy something to date settles into our hearts. Our future has never been brighter.


  Want more of Sutton and Grady? How about Jace? Harlyn and Foster? Well, I have two FREE stories for you to enjoy.

  Get Swiper, Jace’s short story, HERE!

  Get Some Beach, Harlyn and Foster’s book, HERE!


  Are you curious about Braelyn and Brance?

  They’re from my standalone romance, Ask Me Why. Enjoy this excerpt from the first chapter!

  After disabling the alarm, I flip the lights on and watch my pride come to life. I pour everything into this space. If it wasn’t for Thicket, I’d be a lost cause. Owning this store gives me a reason to wake up and keep moving.

  Other than Sadie, I don’t have much pushing me along. My family is all out of state, too far away to be bothered. Not that I blame them. My parents have their own problems to deal with. They don’t need to take on more. And it’s better for me if they stay away. My siblings are busy finding adventure at every turn. I’m doing my best to accomplish a small semblance of that.

  With a slow spin, I take a long look around. Collections of odds and ends cover any available surface. This piece of property is all mine. Well, my name is clearly printed on the lease. But that’s a minor detail. In my mind, this space is bought and paid for. Maybe it will be one day. A girl can dream.

  That stops me short. Devon was the one who encouraged me to fulfill my fantasies. With him gone, most of those hopes were dashed. Except this one. Thicket is what’s left for me.

  The morning bleeds into afternoon as it always does. A steady stream of customers keeps me busy without pause so the haunting memories fade into the background. I’m about to start unpacking a new shipment of mugs when a twinge in my chest stops me.

  When I blink, a blur of movement outside the window catches my eye. All I see is a patch of red dashing by in a hurry. I furrow my brow and concentrate on the task at hand. After a quick beat, the welcome chime sounds and a little boy darts inside. I’m guessing he’s around four or five, hints of baby fat showing off his youth. His light eyes are blown wide open as he scans the shop from wall to wall. Something grabs his attention and he skips forward. I follow his stare, trying to figure out what he’s focusing on.

  He dashes down the far aisle in a flurry I can barely track. His tiny feet pound on the floor as he searches the shelves. He zips this way and that, a super-charged pinball darting around the confining alley. His delight is infectious and impossible to ignore. I feel my spirits lifting, just like that.

  As I continue watching him hunt, his excitement bounces in every direction. I gladly absorb it all, the layer of ice under my skin thawing ever so slightly. He’s bubbling with pure happiness and carefree bliss. I lift my lips in the most genuine smile I can muster. He makes it easier. This kid radiates everything that’s good in the world.

  Eventually he circles back and screeches to a halt in front of me, slightly out of breath. “Where is it?”

  I move from behind the counter. “What’re you looking for?”

  “Candy! I saw a lollypop on your sign.” His chubby cheeks are dented with glee and I feel my smile stretching in return. A mop of brown hair flops over his forehead and he sweeps it away with stubby fingers.

  Gosh, he’s adorable.

  This cutie pie is stealing all my attention so I don’t notice the woman standing by the entrance. Until she clears her throat, very loudly.

  Our gazes whip in her direction.

  “Oliver John, what did we just discuss?” Her mouth is set in a firm line, showing off deep wrinkles.

  Oliver’s dimples melt away, and he stares at the ground. “I’m not supposed to run off.”

  “And what did you do?”


  She holds up a palm. “No buts.”

  I watch their exchange, the need to intervene compelling me to speak up. “At least he ended up somewhere safe. It’s quite all right if he does laps for hours. I don’t mind.”

  The older woman studies me with a wary squint. “You might not, but his father will.”

  “And that makes you his…” I let my words trail off, hoping she’ll fill in the blank.

  “Nanny, yes. Although I prefer honorary grandmother. Lord knows the poor child doesn’t have any biological ones to rely on. But that’s a tale for a different day. I’m Mary, and that little rascal”—she points to the boy beside me—“is Oliver.”

  “But you can call me Ollie.” He grins up at me, the joy reappearing in his expression.

  “Nice to meet you both. My name is Braelyn, and you’re in Thicket.” I motion around the space with a limp flourish.

  Mary takes a cursory glance around. “It’s charming. There’s much to see.”

  I dip my chin under her watchful eye. “Thank you. I appreciate that.”

  “Have you been here long?”

  “About two years.”

  Mary nods. “We’ve never ventured along this street before. But I’m sure Ollie will never forget now that we’ve found this place.”

  I feel a tug on my shirt and look down. Ollie’s smile hasn’t dimmed since being rejuvenated. I find myself grinning back.

  “Will you show me where the candy is now?” he asks.

  I point behind me, to the row of tubs under the window. “Do you like taffy?”

  Ollie’s expression morphs into sheer wonder. “The super-chewy stuff?”

  “Yes, I have a bunch of different flavors.”

  He dashes toward the bins. “What’s your favorite?”

  “The rainbow swirl,” I whisper.

  Ollie lowers his face closer to the sugary treats. “What do they taste like?”

  I swallow the lump in my throat. “Happiness.”

  His button nose wrinkles. “That’s a weird flavor.”

  I pluck one from the bunch and pass it over. “Try it and see.”

  He unwraps the colorful roll and pops it into his mouth. Ollie chews loudly, his eyes sparkling bright. “Urm me gesh, whish ish so gerd.”

  I laugh at his jargon. “You like it?”

  “So good,” he mumbles.

  I tug a paper sack out of the slot and scoop in a hefty amount. This should keep him occupied for at least ten minutes. I grin at that, picturing him gladly munching away. I want to bottle a sip of his energy and drink it later when the blues return.

  I glance at him, finding him watching my every move. “This loot is for you. On the house.”

  Ollie’s lips twist in a ridiculous way. “What’s that mean?”

  “I’m giving it to you,” I explain. “For free.�

  Mary strides over. “You don’t have to do that. We can pay.”

  I wave her off. “It’s my pleasure. This little tyke has brightened my day.”

  “I have?” Ollie squeaks.

  “Absolutely,” I confirm.

  He makes grabby-hands at the bag. I hold it up and out of reach. “I don’t want to spoil your dinner.”

  Ollie pouts, his lower lip trembling slightly. Wow, he’s good. My resistance is no match for this kid.

  I pass the candy to Mary, giving her control. She mouths a silent thank you and beckons to Ollie. “We should get going. Your dad will be home soon.”

  At the mention of his father, he begins hopping in place. “Oh, I hope he brings me a surprise.”

  Mary raises a brow at him. “Isn’t this enough?” She shakes the taffy all about.

  Ollie seems to ponder that. “I guess.” His gaze swings to me. “Can I come back, Miss Braelyn?”

  The urgency in his tone takes me by surprise. “Of course, Ollie. You’re always welcome here.”

  “Maybe tomorrow?”

  There’s no denying him. “I’d really like that.”

  His grin is huge and honest. “Me too. I can’t wait.”

  As I watch them walk out the door, the storm clouds threaten to roll in. An unexpected wave crashes over me, but I’m not drowning in it today. No, I’m soaring above the violent sea.

  Without realizing it, this taffy-loving kiddo gave me a reason to smile.

  Want to read more? Ask Me Why is available now on Amazon!

  GENT: An enemies to lovers standalone

  Raven Elliot blasts into town like a wrecking ball—striking and devastating.

  With a few simple words, my reliable routine crumbles to dust.

  “Is this seat taken?”

  I could close my eyes and let her voice wrap around me like a lover’s caress.

  But this isn’t that type of story.

  And I’m sure as hell not that kind of man.

  She hovers in my space, batting her lashes and smiling shyly.

  The glimmer in her sapphire eyes is a promise of peace.

  But I’m not falling for it.

  And Raven doesn't take the hint.

  What starts as a battle of wills, explodes into a turf war.

  She stands directly in my path everywhere I turn.

  No matter how hard I shove, she won’t budge.

  Raven seems dead set on driving me insane.

  But I was here first.

  And I’m not going down easy.

  After all, no one ever taught me how to treat a lady.

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  LASS: A friends to lovers standalone

  She's the one I've been saving myself for.

  Addison Walker is every fantasy I never dared to believe in.

  Moving to this town was already monumental.

  Finding her removes any lingering doubt.

  She’s bold and vibrant.

  Beautiful and confident.

  Far too good for the likes of me.

  Luckily, I’m not good at avoiding temptation.

  But is she?

  My desire is growing beyond control.

  I’m done watching on the sidelines.

  When opportunity strikes, I eagerly take advantage.

  Signing on the dotted line before thinking twice.

  The repercussions cross my mind far too late.

  When she swiftly sticks me in the friend-zone, there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.

  Addison is just down the hall—might as well be miles away.

  Every lingering glance drives me to the edge of sanity.

  She speaks to my deepest cravings like a siren.

  Our chemistry blurs every line.

  This battle seems impossible to win.

  Yet my determination doesn’t wane.

  It only takes one night to change everything.

  After all, I didn’t wait all this time to settle for less.

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  MISS: A second chance standalone romance

  The boy she loved is gone. The man I've become doesn't deserve her.

  Delilah Sage was the first girl I loved, my first for many things, but that’s only the beginning. She was a warm embrace after especially hard nights, offering comfort where there was only pain. Delilah kept me from sinking and I promised her forever. I should have known better.

  I ruined the only good in my life. Now all I have is regret, constant and relentless. My need for Delilah hasn’t faded after all these years. She’s the only woman who understood me. There’s no moving on from that. I’ve accepted my fate of being alone. This is what I deserve.

  Until I’m handed a second chance—whether I want it or not. A job brings me back to the small town I swore would stay in my past. The memories and mistakes are waiting to greet me. I try to keep my distance, but Delilah has always been my weakness. One look won’t hurt. How quickly I forget she’s impossible to resist.

  After all, letting her go was never my intention.

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  Redefining Us

  A standalone friends to lovers, military romance.

  In order to truly save him, I need to redefine us.

  Xander Dixon was my best friend.

  Loyal and dependable.

  A brave warrior.

  A permanent presence in my life until that fateful day he boarded a plane headed overseas.

  Xander’s unwelcome silence haunted me for three years…

  Until he suddenly resurfaces.

  Blinded by misplaced fury.

  Trapped in a pool of darkness.

  Unable to escape the perpetual pain.

  Though it would be easy to walk away, I refuse to give up on him.

  I want to know his misery and torment, so I can rescue him.

  Then Xander will finally be mine.

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  Forget You Not

  A standalone sweet second chance, military romance.

  I didn’t believe in love at first sight until Lark stood before me.

  Pretty sure I would have married her on the spot.

  Too bad fate had other plans.

  Duty called and I had to answer—no matter the consequences.

  There wasn't a chance for goodbye, but I'd never forget her.

  Time has a way of creating change—but only on the surface.

  Even after all these years, I know Lark is mine.

  I belong to her just the same.

  The moment I see her again, it’s a done deal.

  All I've got to do is convince her this is forever.

  She can push but I’ll only pull harder.

  I’m not letting our second chance slip away.

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  Watch Me Follow

  A stalker, double virgin romance.

  Creep. Freak. Crazy Eyes.

  I've heard it all.

  Over the years, they've slammed me with every demeaning name in the book.

  Their taunts warped me like a steady stream of poison.

  Anger replaced anxiety as I started believing the cruelty spat my way.

  Until she showed up and changed everything.

  Lennon Bennett is pure innocence—warm sunshine breaking apart my stormy existence.

  She's everything good and maybe I can be too.

  For her. With her. Because of her.

  Lennon doesn’t know I’m beckoned closer with each breath.

  She isn't aware that I'm completely consumed with her.

  It’s become my sole purpose to protect her, by any means necessary.

  But if she discovers the depth of my obsession, it will be the end of me.

  So, I remain in the shadows.

  Waiting. Watching. Wanting.

  She'll be my first. My last. My only.

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  Book #8—
WOW! It’s surreal for me to type that out. I still can’t believe I’ve been fortunate enough to write one book, let alone eight of them. Sutton and Grady have been waiting patiently in the back of my mind since this author journey started. Their story is one I knew would leave a lasting impact on my heart. The road isn’t easy, reality isn’t fair, and happiness isn’t guaranteed. But with the right person by your side, everything is possible. I’m obsessed with how their love conquers so much.

  This journey wouldn’t have been possible without my amazing team of support. First as always, I must thank my husband. When I get sucked into deadline mode or get lost in my brain, you’re always there to work harder than you already do. This dream of mine wouldn’t be possible without your unyielding patience and understanding. You and our baby boy light up my life each day. I love you forever and a day.

  To the readers, I want to extend a huge and heartfelt bout of gratitude. I wish I could thank everyone individually. Just know how deep my gratitude goes. I'm well aware how many books are available to read. It means everything to me that you chose mine from the masses. Whether this is the first time you've read me or the eighth, thank you so very much.

  Kate, Heather, and K.K., you three are my soul sisters. I'm beyond blessed to have found you in the craze of social media madness. The friendship and support you provide me day in and out can never be replicated. I'm so damn thankful to have you in my life. Thank you for always having my back and being there for me. I love you, ladies!

  Jacquelyn and Renee, I'm not sure which of us fell for Grady first. All I know is we all called dibs. You two keep me going, giving me that push I'm too afraid to ask for. I'm forever grateful to have found you. This business can be harsh and fierce, but you two are my light. Thank you for always having a shoulder for me to lean on. Love you!


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