Chronicles of Eden - Season II - Act I

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Chronicles of Eden - Season II - Act I Page 25

by Alexander Gordon


  “So… you don’t have it then?” the nixie dryly asked.


  “You don’t have it,” the nixie sighed as she looked around the area. “Well that’s unfortunate. I had hoped to bestow that relic to my master and earn myself a lovely reward between my legs.”


  “Oh my, that was clever,” the nixie chuckled. “And here I thought you were done making me laugh with your foolish antics.”

  The minotaur roared as she tried slamming her hands over the nixie, her thunderous clap just missing the agile monster who quickly jumped high into the air overhead. She twirled around with her spinning trident before dropping down and striking her weapon into the forehead of the minotaur with a crunch, causing the brute to lock up with a hoarse gasp and twitching eye as blood ran down her face.

  “Still, you speak only blasphemy,” the nixie scorned. “We will never be ancient history, we will be the only history this world ever speaks of. This is our Eden. This is our time. Yours is long overdue for its end.”

  “You… will… fail…” the minotaur hoarsely groaned, eyes slowly rolling back into her head as her body twitched less and less.

  “When we send every last one of your sisters to the underworld to greet you, try convincing yourself of that again.”

  With a fierce thrust she drove the trident down into the skull of the minotaur, cracking the head open and silencing the brute who gave one final spasm before laying still. Standing upright the nixie yanked her weapon out with a slick crunch, giving it a sharp twirl to get the blood off it before she hopped down into the water beside the fallen beast. She poked and prodded the minotaur with a dull expression on her face, searching every fold in her skimpy outfit and the tangled locks of her bloodied hair. With a disgruntled sigh she stabbed her trident into the monster, gripping it tightly and channeling a buildup of white light that glowed from within the deceased warrior.

  “It’s not on or within her,” the nixie cursed. “I guess she was telling the truth. How very honorable of her.”

  With a sharp flash a massive torrent of light exploded from within the brute, tearing her apart and throwing the remains into the swirling stream of white energy that cleaved its way through the gorge and into a cliff. As the wall of rock was annihilated with a powerful blast of rubble and fire the nixie began walking away with a twirl of her trident, the waters below always flowing in her direction while circling her feet.

  “Well, only two left who could have it,” she reasoned with a dark smile coming across her face. “I’m feeling lucky about my next hunt. That key is as good as mine. Worry not, my beloved master, your obedient pet Ruin will not fail you.”

  Chapter 8

  Sasha’s Wish

  In the world of Eden it was every reptile girl’s dream to find the ideal man to mate with. A strong, courageous, handsome warrior who would not only display what true strength was in battle but also in spirit. Only these select males were considered good enough to bear children with for the prideful monsters, all others were merely shamed and laughed at for their inadequate masculinity. But for those who earned the respect and loyalty of these fierce ladies and could look past that they weren’t human, they came into possession of something rather incredible.

  A mate who’s love and devotion for their man was unquestioned and everlasting.


  Soaring through the night sky Daemon flapped his mighty demonic wings as he flew off from the volcanic ruins of Green Haven. In his arms Sasha was rendered stunned in shock at what was happening, feeling all too well his muscular arms keeping a firm hold around her while hers weakly held onto her beloved cambion. She couldn’t speak, couldn’t think, and didn’t hear anything but the pounding of her own heart thumping in her head. Her eyes were locked onto Daemon as she felt her inner desires burning hotter by the second, something that was evidenced by the trickling stream of excitement running down between her legs and the noticeable blush adorning her cheeks.

  Time became lost to Sasha, the world around her having faded away entirely as she focused solely on the monstrous man that was carrying her off into the unknown. Everything appeared to slow down for her, the reality of the situation becoming blurred as she admired every facet of her loved one that she felt powerless to resist.

  After what seemed forever she felt him landing down on solid ground, her senses snapping to attention as the world came into focus around her. A quick glance revealed they were standing on a secluded grassy uprising, the knoll standing tall just above the trees of a surrounding thicket that lay below them. The moonlight above cast the rolling sea of leaves into a soothing warm glow of green life, her eyes taking notice of their private lookout before turning to see Daemon staring at her with his chilling cold gaze.

  “Master…” she breathed out with a shaky voice. “What… what are we doing here?”

  Without a word Daemon tackled her down to the ground, the reptile girl letting out a sharp yelp as he pinned her hands above her head while sitting atop her. His wings arched back, blocking view of the moon while the ghostly light that danced around them darkened the cambion, all except his glowing blue eyes that continued to burn deeply into Sasha’s. She offered no resistance, her first and only instinct being to allow her master to do as he wished with her as she lay beneath him.

  “Master… I…” she panted, voice becoming lost in her rising breathing as she felt herself heating up tremendously. Holding her hands down with only one of his, Daemon began drawing his reptilian hand down along her body, brushing her hair, caressing her cheek, gripping her neck, and lowering further to fondle and squeeze her left breast. The mere touch of him doing so elected a lustful moan to escape Sasha’s lips, her eyes now begging as she could easily see what her master wanted to do with her.

  However he didn’t, as he then shut his eyes tightly and froze with a heavy growl, hands trembling at first before slowly drawing back and releasing the quivering reptile girl. Daemon shook his head and let out a ferocious roar into the air, all but taking away Sasha’s breath as she stared adoringly at her cambion. Striking his fist into the ground beside her snapped the girl’s senses back to reality, her eyes quickly focusing and witnessing Daemon snarling at her with a vicious look on his face.

  “Master?” she softly asked. “Are you… alright?”

  Daemon heavily breathed in and out as he continued to stare at her without speaking a word, the man seeming to be struggling internally with something before he struck his hands down into the dirt on either side of Sasha’s head. He drew closer to her face, lips almost touching hers as Sasha became lightheaded from growing emotions clouding her vision and thoughts, and then started to slowly pull back as he flinched with a strained grunt.

  “Get away from me, Sasha,” he deeply growled. Slowly he sat upright, pulling his fingers out of the dirt before clenching them into tight fists. “It’s not safe being near me now. Get away before I hurt you.”

  “Master?” Sasha questioned. “What are you saying?”

  “Run away from me… right now.”

  Daemon stumbled onto his feet and backed up, waving the reptile girl away from him before he began to flap his wings.

  “Don’t follow me. That’s an order, Sasha.”

  He started to take off before Sasha quickly scrambled over to grab onto his legs.

  “No, don’t go!” she implored. “Please don’t leave, master!”

  “Let go, Sasha!” Daemon yelled, grabbing her arms and yanking them off. He flapped his wings to take flight before Sasha quickly jumped up and grabbed onto him again, hugging him close with all her might while her tail wrappe
d around his leg.

  “Please don’t go, master!” Sasha begged. “Please! Please don’t leave me!”

  “I’m not in control right now!” Daemon argued as he thrashed in her embrace. “It’s not listening to me! I won’t allow you to be harmed by this thing! Let go of me!”

  “No! I’ll never let go of you!”

  “Sasha, I said run away!” Daemon ordered, his wings lifting him and the girl up into the air while she continued to hold on. Landing back down they stumbled atop the grassy knoll together, with Sasha shaking her head and refusing to release her grip on her master with heightened desperation.

  “I can’t let you go, master!” Sasha cried out. “I’m sorry, but I can’t do it! Please, please don’t leave me now! I need you!”

  “Sasha!” Daemon roared, throwing the reptile girl off him with a powerful swing of his arm. The girl screamed as she bounced off the ground and down the hill, tumbling along the grassy incline all the way to where she crashed through an old log lying on the forest floor. Knocking aside the mossy debris she got up on her hands and knees, shaking off the collision while mice scurried off into the woodland from their destroyed home beneath her. She heard Daemon roaring into the night sky atop the hill, prompting her to frantically scurry up the mound as his cries only drew out more distress from her.

  “Master! Master!” she cried out, racing back to the top where she saw him on his knees and striking his fists into the ground in his rage. His wings flapped erratically behind him, his voice strained and furious, and his fist trembled in the air before he slammed it down to where a large crevice tore apart across the hilltop.

  “You… are… done… DEMON!” Daemon yelled as he grabbed his head. “Back to the darkness from which you came! RRRGGHHHH! I said… BACK!”

  “Oh… master,” Sasha worried. She slowly crawled towards him, her tail waving behind her as she watched with a pained look the sight of her beloved cambion suffering with his internal conflict. Sensing her approach he turned his glowing eyes onto her, watching with low growls and bared teeth as the reptile girl crawled closer with a timid look on her face.

  “Master, please…”

  “Get away, Sasha,” Daemon grunted before averting his gaze. “I haven’t fully repressed this monster. I can feel it lingering throughout my body. I don’t want to harm you. Get away before I do something I will surely regret.”

  “Never,” Sasha answered, coming closer and taking hold of Daemon. She hugged him close, pulling him towards her with his head resting against her chest as she felt him shaking in her arms. “I’m not going anywhere. I will never leave your side, master. I will never-”

  “I said get away from me!” Daemon yelled, pushing her away only for a moment before she quickly darted forward and held him against her bosom again.

  “No! I will never leave your side, master!” she cried out with all her might, her voice carrying far out into the horizon. Daemon trembled with a low growl as Sasha tenderly held him close with tears forming in her eyes.

  “I don’t care,” she spoke with a shaky voice. “I don’t care what that monster inside of you may try to do to me. I don’t care if I get hurt because of my choice to stay with you. I don’t care about any of that. The only thing I care about is you, it’s always been you; you’re the only thing in all of Eden I truly hold dear.”

  She held Daemon around his shoulders, the cambion slowly raising his struggling gaze to match hers as she smiled lovingly at him.

  “I can’t… I can’t keep this dormant any longer. I’ve held my tongue for so many years, I’ve repressed my desires for so long, I’ve endured the blistering heat of my inner nature as it scorched me from inside with its impatience. With the Archlight’s Blade gone, with that damned weapon no longer keeping you from me… I cannot hold my tongue anymore. Please forgive me, but I must say this.”

  “Sasha…” Daemon growled as the cerulean glow in his eyes flickered.

  “I love you, Daemon,” Sasha dearly spoke. “My master, my king, my everything. I’ve loved you since the moment you saved my life, since you gave me a great purpose to fulfill in this world, since you helped me become the best reptile girl I could possibly be. I can’t keep quiet about this anymore, master. I love you so much, and I need you with every fiber of my being.”

  “You fool… this demon inside of me…”

  “I’m not scared,” Sasha promised, taking his hand and resting it on her cheek. “I’m not scared of what you are, of your quest, or what might happen to me being near you. I’m not scared of anything, nothing at all, except the thought of losing you. To be denied you. Nothing can scare me away from you, not even the beast you have within you. I will always be here for you. This is where I belong, where I’ve always belonged.”

  Daemon’s wings flapped then lowered down behind him, resting on the ground as he slowly regained control of himself.

  “I’ve had to keep my distance because of that holy weapon,” Sasha continued with a teary-eyed smile. “I’ve done my best to place your quest above all else, to remain focused solely on your mission, to do everything I can to help you succeed. But when that sword was broken, when it was finally removed between us, I couldn’t help but think of what could now be. Of what it meant for you and me. I can’t… I can’t repress these urges anymore, I’m not strong enough. Master, please…”

  Daemon closed his eyes as he slowly breathed out, a moment of silence following before he looked to Sasha with a more focused stare. His wings lifted off the ground and shook slightly before tucking back close to him, a knee being brought forward to properly sit up with as he held the cheek of the reptile girl who was now crying softly before him.

  “I can’t take it any longer,” Sasha wept. “Once that sword was broken I could feel all my hopes and dreams for our future flooding through me. I can’t fight this anymore, my loins are burning with more intensity than the sun ever could. If this keeps up I’ll lose my mind for certain. Please, master, I need you. I need you so badly it hurts. I can’t wait any longer, I can’t do it.”

  Choking back her sobs Sasha quickly wiped her tears away before lunging forward, embracing Daemon and clutching his back with her claws as she felt her emotions finally breaking through the mighty dam she erected for the sake of her swordsman’s quest.

  “I don’t care if that demon inside you hurts me,” she shakily vowed. “All I care about is being with you. Being your mate. Being your everything just as you’re mine. I love you, master! I love you with everything I have! Please, I beseech you, make me yours! Make me yours on this very night! I’ve waited and waited, and I fear I cannot wait any longer! Please, I beg you, tear my armor off and breed me!”

  Breaking down in her crying Sasha held onto Daemon while burying her face in his chest, feeling both the heat between her legs driving her crazy as well as shameful remorse of her carnal desires finally breaking free.

  ‘I’m sorry, master. I know I’m just a lustful monster, but I can’t help it. I can’t hold it in anymore, it’s killing me inside to keep this bottled up. Please forgive me for my disgraceful request. Please… oh god, it burns so much inside me, I can’t wait any longer… I need him to breed me right now! I need him! I need him!’

  “I can’t, Sasha,” Daemon finally said, with Sasha then feeling something surging through her without warning or control. She promptly screamed in frustration before pulling back to show her heartbroken face that had tears dropping from her cheeks.

  “Why not?” she cried out in anger. “Why, master? What’s stopping you from taking me right now? What else could possibly come between us if not for that damned sword of holy might? It’s broken now, it’s gone, you can’t use it anymore! You don’t need to remain a virgin anymore! So why won’t you rip my clothes off and fuck me? Goddammit, just breed me already!”

  She gasped with a jump before falling silent with her hand slapping over her mouth, a look of horror on her face as she realized what had been blurted out so suddenly. Daemon watched
her with a solemn look while she faintly breathed out an apology that failed to be heard. With silence filling the air between them Sasha lowered her head with a sinking feeling growing in her heart, the shame of her words and actions becoming a tremendous burden on her spirit that felt so much weaker now.

  “Why… not?” she whimpered shaking her head. “Why won’t you mate with me? Do you… do you not want me, master?”

  To her surprise Daemon lifted her chin up so as to kiss her, her eyes widening in surprise as the cambion gently held her close by the back of her head. Everything became blurred to Sasha as she felt her swordsman kissing her, a warmth she had begun to feel fading away within her now burning brightly once more from his token of affection. After the kiss ended and Sasha took a moment to come back to her senses, she saw Daemon eyeing her over while still holding her by the back of the head.

  “I’ve wanted to make you my mate for so long,” he admitted, taking Sasha’s breath away entirely as she felt her heart skip a beat from hearing that. His hand gently brushed her hair before slowly tracing down along her body to the hip atop her armor.

  “It wasn’t just the Archlight’s Blade that kept us apart,” he continued, moving his eyes back up to match hers while also noticing a bright blush on her cheeks. “It was my fondness for you that made me want to protect you from the monster I have inside me. I don’t want what happened to my family happen to you as well.”

  “You don’t need to shield me from that demon,” Sasha desperately insisted. “I trust you, master. I know you can control it. I know you would never hurt me. And even if you did, I know it wouldn’t be you that did so, it would be that monster which haunts your soul. He would be the one to blame, not you.”


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