Chronicles of Eden - Season II - Act I

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Chronicles of Eden - Season II - Act I Page 26

by Alexander Gordon

  “As long as this spirit lives within me, how can I truly guarantee your safety with me?” Daemon asked. “When I first lost control this monster killed my entire clan. Tore my mother to pieces, slaughtered my father and all the warriors we had, and what remained of my brother makes me shudder to think of what I may have done to him in my crazed state. I cannot let that happen to you, Sasha. I cannot let that happen to anyone else ever again.”

  “But, master,” Sasha began to protest.

  “And just now,” Daemon continued. “I kidnapped you, whisked you away to some forgotten corner of Eden, all while unaware of what I was doing. The demon within me would have done more than removed your clothes, Sasha. It would have peeled you apart and coated the ground with your blood.”

  “But you’re in control now, master.”

  “And what about the next time it breaks free from my grasp?” Daemon questioned. “What will happen to you then? Or Rulo? Or any of the girls if they’re unlucky enough to be near me? I could have just as easily ripped your innards out with my bare hands as I did flying away with you like I had. The only thing that may have saved you from such a dire fate was that the demon inside likely had its fill of destruction momentarily after fighting Cataclysm. If it wasn’t for that…”

  “I don’t care,” Sasha boldly told him. “Listen to me, master. I’m not scared. I’m not. I don’t care what that monster in you is capable of or what it might do to me, I’m not going anywhere. I will never leave your side, I will never give up on being your mate, and I will never stop loving you. I don’t care what the dangers are, I still want to be yours and yours alone. You are the only one I will bear children for, and the only one who may have my body.”

  She scooted closer and held his cheeks, staring deeply into his glowing blue eyes as she smiled assuredly without any fear for what was staring back at her.

  “You pulled it back, just like I knew you could. You regained control and kept it from harming me. I know you, master. I know how capable you are and how much strength your spirit has. You can keep your inner demon sealed just as you will with the Dark Queen. I trust you with my life, I always have, and I always will.”

  Daemon closed his eyes as he took a slow breath, the scales on his face and chest slowly fading away while his wings began to shrink back into his body. Sasha admired his form and muscles as the reptilian scales receded, all except those that covered his right hand which always remained. His hair turned black again while his eyes that slowly opened showed they no longer had a glow to them, the bones protruding from his arms drawing back beneath his skin as he suppressed his monster aura and appearance once again. With his wings vanishing into his back he stretched his arm out with a small crack, taking a moment to breathe steadily as he remained kneeled down with his reptile girl atop the grassy knoll before noticing the loving gaze she constantly held on him.

  “You will succeed with your quest,” Sasha promised him. “You will succeed with keeping your demon under control. I’ll be with you every step of the way to help make sure of that. I swear to you, my life and strength are yours, I’ll always be here for you and do everything I can to help you. You don’t need the Archlight’s Blade anymore, you have something far better; me. So please, I’m begging you, breed me, master. I can’t hold these feelings back any longer, I can’t keep quiet about this anymore, my body craves you more than I can bear. Please do me the honor of mating with me. Please.”

  She slid her hands down her chest and torso, unbuckling the armor on her hips that she let drop to the ground beside her. Her breathing became ragged with quiet hisses escaping her lips, her blush never fading while her eyes conveyed a surplus of carnal desires slipping through her normally focused demeanor.

  “I am so hot right now, master,” Sasha panted. “Please… I can’t bear this anymore… I need you…”

  “How very shameful for a reptile girl to beg as such,” Daemon remarked. Sasha whimpered and lowered her head with closed eyes, knowing his words to be true. She then jumped with a gasp as she felt Daemon bringing her closer, an arm holding her from behind while the other caressed the back of her head. Holding her near with his nose touching hers Daemon witnessed the reptile girl squirming in anticipation while offering no resistance to him at all, her eyes staring deeply into his with a pleading look that she never revealed to him before.

  “I’m sorry, master,” she breathed out.

  “Don’t be,” Daemon replied. “It’s my fault for bringing you to this point. This isn’t your doing, it’s mine. You’ve done nothing wrong. You’ve been more than patient with me all this time even though it’s been burning you up inside all the while.”

  Without warning Sasha then felt her shirt being ripped right off her, her startled yelp being followed by Daemon pushing her back down onto the ground by the shoulder. She locked up completely, eyes wide in surprise as she saw her master holding her ripped green shirt aside while keeping her pinned on the grass. Her legs were frozen in place in the air on either side of him while her tail remained still beside her. The moonlight allowed the surrounding waves of leaves atop the trees to glimmer with a warm, colorful glow, and also bloomed off Sasha’s exposed breasts and belly as her arms were frozen in place at her sides. Admiring his reptile girl beneath him Daemon then turned his gaze to match hers, her lips quivering as she faintly tried to speak to no avail.

  “As have I,” he continued, his hand moving from her shoulder onto her neck that he held with a gentle yet firm hold. A dazed smile slowly came across Sasha’s face, her hips trembling now as she felt her inner nature blanketing all other thought in her mind from her beloved’s touch.


  “I’ve watched you grow and blossom into a beautiful woman,” Daemon said, tossing aside her shirt and reaching down for her soaking wet panties. “A skilled swordfighter, a loyal follower, a devoted ally.”

  As Sasha had prayed for he then ripped off her pants and tossed them aside, her eyes showing a hungry leer in them now as she felt her body heating up and craving her master even more.

  “And someone who I would want to bear my children in life,” Daemon finished. Upon uttering those words Sasha felt her inner nature spike and completely overwhelm her, the world around her vanishing into a hazy fog as the only thing she could think of was the man gazing down upon her.

  “Master…” she lustfully purred. “Please, breed me… grant me my only wish… make me yours forever.”

  Leaning down close to her face Daemon held his reptile girl by the waist, her arms quickly clasping around his back while her legs held onto him for dear life. Brushing aside her hair the cambion witnessed Sasha’s true feelings for him finally showing after all the years they spent together, her inner nature having been freed and running uncontrollably as she became fixated on mating with him no matter what. The feeling of her breasts pushing against his bare chest, her claws that scratched and dug into his back, her legs that hugged him tightly, and the immoral look in her eyes that never averted from him once. There was no use or reason to put it off any longer.

  “Wish granted,” Daemon said, and then kissed his reptile girl that moaned heavily into his mouth as her heart fluttered like never before.


  Running swiftly along the ground Mika kept pace with Hollia beside her, the two racing across the empty fields of grass and fallen timbers while the human’s feet let off a trailing golden light in her speedy wake.

  “Where is he?” Mika asked, searching the sky frantically as was Hollia. “I know he flew off in this direction.”

  “Dammit, I’ve lost sight of him,” Hollia cursed as they leapt over a small creek and continued their pursuit. “What is my knight doing? Why did he take Sasha away like that?”

  They came to a stop near a crossroads of dirt roads shaded by a lone tree, both quickly searching the surrounding landscape for any sign of the missing cambion and reptile girl.

  “Does he usually just… take off like that?” Mika asked.r />
  “I’ve never seen him do so before,” Hollia answered shaking her head. “We’ve always been expected to keep pace with him during his travels, but he’s never just abandoned us so suddenly like this.”

  “Hey!” Rulo called out. The girls turned to see the orc and Forrus quickly approaching them, the four women gathering in the crossroads as Rulo came to a sliding stop with her heavy stride while Forrus nimbly joined them with a wagging tail.

  “Where is he?” Forrus asked. “Where did he go?”

  “We lost him,” Hollia sighed.

  “What the hell?” Rulo yelled out. “Why did he just fly off like that? Where were they going to go? Did he mention anything to us that we just didn’t hear?”

  “They had to have come this way, I’m sure of it,” Forrus said looking around sharply. She then coughed and waved a hand in front of her before turning to Rulo with a growl. “I would normally be able to track him down no problem by his scent, but it’s currently being overpowered by local odors.”

  “Take the hint, Hollia,” Rulo flatly told the centaur. “You stink.”

  “I bathed yesterday,” Hollia dryly retorted. “Though I can honestly say I’ve never seen you do the same for as long as I’ve known you.”

  “Must be the smelly human then,” Rulo snorted at Mika.

  “She bathed with me,” Hollia argued. “And also she’s not the one flies are hovering around at this very moment.”

  “Whatever,” Rulo scoffed, smacking a fly on her shoulder before averting eye-contact with the girls. “Still really weird the way she did that. First she’s hunting our kind then she’s getting naked and bathing with us. Either she’s a pervert or a freak.”

  “If I want to avoid smelling like you then what choice do I have?” Mika commented, earning a furious glare from the orc. “Besides it’s not like we washed each other. I just cleaned up when she was already in the river. That being said, when was the last time you bathed?”

  “That’s none of your business, bitch!” Rulo shouted back.

  “If you three are about done,” Forrus interrupted. “We still haven’t found my lord or where he took Sasha. Maybe that should be our focus right now?”

  “Yeah, no kidding,” Rulo grunted, quickly turning away from them with a flustered growl while Mika and Hollia watched her with dull looks.

  “I believe he went that way,” Forrus mused, stepping away from the girls and pointing ahead. “He was flying straight through the night sky before I lost sight of him.”

  “But straight to where?” Mika wondered. “Where is he going with Sasha?”

  “That’s what we’re going to find out, dumbass,” Rulo scoffed, taking off with her charge again and bumping past the human. As Mika stumbled aside with Rulo and Forrus resuming their chase Hollia shook her head with a twinge of her nose at the orc before seeing the sorceress brushing off her shoulder with an annoyed scowl on her face.

  “I know orcs are known to be crude monsters, but she’s always such a bitch,” Mika said.

  “At least she doesn’t hate you now,” Hollia reasoned with a shrug. “I believe she’s accepted you into our little circle.”

  “What are you talking about?” Mika asked as she turned away. “Everyone hates me, and rightfully so.”

  “We don’t hate you, Mika.”

  “Sasha and Rulo issue me death glares if I get near them,” Mika argued at her. “Forrus growls at me like a rabid dog. Tabitha threatens to take my head for a bounty reward. Scay… well I’d rather not approach her if I don’t want to be stabbed. Saffron just glares at me in silence, not like I could understand anything she might say to me anyway. And you… you keep your distance from me as well.”

  “I wasn’t repulsed to bathe with you in the river the other day,” Hollia mentioned.

  “Whatever,” Mika sighed. “I’m not expecting to make friends with anyone. I deserve everything that gets thrown at me.”

  “You can’t keep beating yourself up over what you did.”

  “I let the Dark Queen of Time out of her prison,” Mika sternly retorted. “My actions got Nuci captured and those three desuwraith sisters killed. I’ve endangered the world by letting that monster go free. And I attacked all of you like a mindless puppet under her order. I’m lucky my sire even lets me accompany him after everything I did. I’m… I’m like a curse. I’m just like a jinx, bad things happen to those around me.”

  “Mika…” Hollia said, then fell silent as she couldn’t exactly argue any of her points. “Well, look at the bright side. At least you didn’t really rape your little brother like you thought you did. That’s something to be happy about, right?”

  “That’s not enough to comfort me after all the mistakes I’ve made,” Mika sulked. “I need to do something right with my life to atone for my sins. As it stands, I can’t face Max all the same because of everything wrong I’ve done. I don’t have him anymore. I don’t have my sisters. I don’t have anyone.”

  She swung her sword down to cast her enchantment spell of haste, the casting ring lighting up below her before Hollia grabbed her shoulder and earned a downtrodden glance from the woman.

  “If the girls truly hated you, then you would be dead by now, Mika,” Hollia lectured. “Rulo would have smashed you into the ground and Sasha would have sliced you into tiny pieces. Tabitha would have sold your corpse in a monster city. Saffron would have blown you to bits in your sleep. Scay… you’re right, keep some distance from her, but otherwise she seems okay with having you around. As am I. I don’t hate you, Mika.”

  “How could you not?” Mika sniveled. “You have every reason to.”

  “Because you’ve suffered enough,” Hollia answered, with Mika turning to her in question. “You told us what happened with Aeon and what she did to you. She exacted a lifetime of penance from you by the sound of it, torturing you in ways we couldn’t even imagine for what must have seemed like an eternity to you. You lost your family and home. You lost your eye. You lost your pride. We all saw it. You were broken, much worse than any of us could have done to you.”

  Mika lowered her head with a closed eye, her magical casting base wavering below her as she took a slow, shaky breath.

  “We don’t exactly adore you, Mika,” Hollia continued. “But we don’t hate you. You’ve suffered enough to be given a chance at redeeming yourself. That’s why we allow you to join us. Why my knight has accepted you as one of his followers.”

  “Great,” Mika muttered. “You all pity me.”

  “Well there’s plenty of reasons to pity you,” Hollia smirked, with Mika nodding to that with a faint smile herself. “Though thankfully, your smell isn’t one. Truth be told, I remained here with you not only to tell you this truth, Mika, but also because I did not want to be running behind Rulo.”

  “Yeah,” Mika coughed. “You can really taste it in the back of your throat when she’s nearby.”

  “Be thankful she doesn’t truly hate you otherwise she would sit on you,” Hollia mentioned as she trotted off. She stopped for a moment then looked back to see Mika watching her curiously while her casting circle faded away beneath her.

  “We’re still a little cross with you because of what you did, but we don’t despise you. If anything, I actually respect you even more now.”

  “Why is that?” Mika asked.

  “You’ve endured such shame, such pain, such loss, and yet here you are, still standing,” Hollia commended. “You have the strength to keep moving forward no matter what and the will to correct your mistakes by any means necessary. That alone is admirable.”

  “I don’t have a choice. If I give up my sisters would kick my ass in the afterlife,” Mika quipped with a small smirk. “They wouldn’t accept such a thing from me.”

  “Then I’ll be happy to kick your ass in this life should you start whining and giving up,” Hollia replied with a chuckle. “Your sisters shouldn’t be the only ones who get to motivate you after all.”

  “I appreciate the sentiment
,” Mika teased, the two laughing a bit as tension was eased from the sorceress. Their moment was then interrupted by wild laughter quickly approaching, the two women now noticing Scay rapidly slithering erratically across the grassland towards them. As the naga raced up and halted beside Mika they noticed she wasn’t alone, as a neko was holding onto her shoulders for what looked to be dear life with a terrified expression frozen on her face.

  “Yay!” Scay cheered with a joyful hop. “We found you girls! I was afraid we would have lost you. Look, Tabitha, we caught up to them. I knew we could. Tabitha? Tabitha?”

  “You alright there, Tabitha?” Hollia asked.

  “No I’m not alright!” Tabitha yelled back. She stumbled off Scay, dropped onto her rear with her swords clanking against the ground, struggled to catch her breath which appeared to evade her quite well, then finally scrambled onto her feet and started shaking Scay by the shoulders that the naga only smiled curiously at in response.

  “Goddammit, Scay, I kept telling you to stop!” Tabitha cried out. “Do you have any idea how hard it is holding onto you when you’re zig-zagging all over the place like that? I’ve got whiplash from that terrible ride!”

  “Why were you riding on her back in the first place?” Mika asked.

  “She wouldn’t hold still when I tried carrying her,” Scay answered with a shrug. “So I hopped her onto my back so she could relax on the way here.”

  “Relax?” Tabitha shouted at her. “Relax? How could I relax when I had to hold on for dear life? I didn’t know which would happen first, my neck snapping from being jerked side to side like that or my neck being broken from being flung off your back at high speed! How the hell is your head still attached to your neck after all that yanking about anyway?”

  Scay merely giggled at her with an eye rolling back into her head before she gave a strained grunt and began tugging on her hair with a twisted grin on her face. Tabitha yowled in exasperation, throwing her arms up in defeat before she started stretching out a crick in her neck with a strained grunt.

  “You’re just lucky I managed to stow Cataclysm’s spear in my vault before you carried me off like that,” she muttered. “That’s the only thing that’s made this horrible night worth it. And the next time I say, ‘Scay, put me down right now’, I expect you to put me down right away!”


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