Love on Beach Avenue

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Love on Beach Avenue Page 29

by Probst, Jennifer

  Her life sucked.

  She heard the door open and close. Great, if she had to deal with a walk-in, she was going to seriously lose it. Gritting her teeth, she popped her head out of the conference room, praying she wouldn’t have to pretend to be nice.

  Her jaw dropped.

  Lucy stood in the foyer, glancing back and forth as if trying to figure out what was going on. When her gaze snagged on Avery, her little doggy face lit up, and she began trotting toward her.

  Avery dropped to her knees and held her arms out. “Lucy! Sweetheart, what are you doing here?” She hugged and kissed the wriggling bundle of fur, savoring her sweet licks and the sheer comfort of knowing such love. God, she’d missed her so much.

  Then her brain gave her a jolt, reminding her if Lucy was here, it also meant Carter was here.

  Her body shook. It’d been more than a month since their phone conversation. He’d never called her back. The pain was brutal and swift, and she’d spent endless nights crying with a hopeless longing to beg him to come back. But she refused to be with a man who’d never give his whole heart, no matter how much she loved him. As time passed, she got stronger, but there was still an empty ache in the pit of her stomach that hadn’t gone away.

  After some more snuggles, she noticed a paper tied to Lucy’s collar. She pulled out the rolled-up note and opened it.


  Please meet me at the Merion Inn in 15 minutes. I’ll be waiting for you at the bar.

  PS: Please bring Lucy with you.

  She hissed out a breath and grabbed for patience. How dare he? By giving her Lucy, he forced her to his terms. It would serve him right if she just took Lucy home with her and ignored his note. Her schedule was already packed, and she didn’t have time to play games.

  What was he doing in Cape May?

  Anger warred with despair. Did he want to apologize? Try again? Or just clear the slate for his sister’s sake? The questions haunted her, but she had little time to think. Exactly what he’d counted on—no time to call her sisters for advice or make a quick disappearance.

  Fine. If he wanted to make nice, she’d do the same. She’d be cold, distant, and polite. She’d pretend she’d moved on. Anything to make him go away.

  She checked her hair and makeup for vanity only, then scooped up Lucy. The Merion Inn was within walking distance, and the dog’s pink leash had been attached to her collar. Though it was a gorgeous fall day, she refused to be charmed by the cooler air, the flight of crisp leaves, or the calming sound of the ocean waves.

  When she reached the Merion Inn, she walked inside. It was an odd time between lunch and dinner, and the place was empty. With the gorgeous floral Victorian wallpaper, mahogany wood, and rich tapestry carpet, the restaurant gave off an old-world, elegant charm that was a favorite for guests. A beautiful piano gleamed with high polish, empty for now.

  Carter was sitting at the bar, nursing a whiskey, his elegant fingers skimming the edge of the crystal-cut glass. Hank, the bartender, nodded to her and left his station, probably sensing something big was going down.

  Carter’s gaze delved into hers.

  Trembling, she took a step back under the intensity of those stormy blue-gray eyes. The last time she’d stared at him, his gaze had been passionate but remote. Today, a raw flare of emotion glimmered in its depths, carved out his features.

  He looked tired. Lines bracketed his eyes and mouth. He’d grown a bit of a beard, giving him an edgy, sexy look that stole her breath. No glasses. His outfit consisted of jeans, a gray pullover, and leather loafers. Her body wept to touch him just once, but she kept her distance.

  Lucy wriggled in a mad dash to be reunited with her owner, so Avery was forced to cross the room and stand near him. He picked the dog up, kissing her and calming her down, then slipped her into his carry bag.

  “Thank you for coming.” His voice was smooth whiskey and rough gravel.

  She curled her hands into fists to keep from reaching out. “You didn’t give me much of a choice unless I wanted to be a dog-napper.”

  A smile touched his lips. He was staring at her so hungrily, it reminded her of how it’d been over the summer. Pain blew the thought away, like poking a sore tooth. “I was afraid to give you too much of a choice after how we left things.”

  A weary sigh shook from her. “Is that why you’re here? To make things nice? You don’t have to, Carter. I’m not mad, I’m truly not. We tried.”

  “I didn’t.”

  Her eyes widened. “What?”

  He turned on the stool and placed his hands on his knees. His face held the resolute lines of a man on a mission. And, God, the sexual tension burned and simmered between them, trying to knock her off-balance. Damn him and his guilt. She needed to get out of here.

  “It’s simple, really,” he said. “I’m so damn sorry. You gave everything and I gave nothing. You were brave and I was a coward. When you tried to tell me, to reach out and ask why, I treated you like shit. Because I was messed up. Mixed up. Scared crapless. Pick one.”

  Her throat tightened, and her voice came out choked. “I get it. You told me why, and I thought I could just fix it by pushing you. Apology accepted. I swear, you can go home now and know I’m okay and I understand.” She turned on her heel, desperate to leave, but his next words stopped her.

  “I am home.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He waited until she turned and faced him again. “I talked to my sister. Told her everything, and she gave me a come-to-Jesus moment. I’ve been protecting a life I don’t even want anymore. So I made some changes. I sold my place and quit my job. I’m in therapy, so I can learn some tools to make sure I don’t slip into my old ways.”

  She moved close, blinking back tears. “I’m so happy for you, Carter. You deserve to follow your dreams now. Where are you going next?”

  “Nowhere. I bought a house in Cape May.”

  The shock barreled through her, and the ground shifted underneath her feet. She must’ve heard wrong. “You’re kidding me.”

  He shook his head. “Nope. Also got a new job in Atlantic City. Never thought about working for the casinos before, but it’s good money and a new challenge I desperately needed.”

  “Wait—you moved here permanently?”

  “Yep. I knew words wouldn’t be enough. Neither would intentions. Action was the only way I’d have even a chance of convincing you to take me back.” He stood from the stool and walked over to her. Gently taking her hands in his, he stared into her face. “See, I happen to be in love with you, Avery Sunshine. And I’m tired of denying it and running away. I want the chance to gain back your trust. Be part of your family. And even if you say no, I understand, but I won’t give up. I’ll be here every damn day, to convince you I’m not only ready to love you, but I’ll give you everything you ask for.”

  As she stared back into his beloved face, she saw the truth.

  He loved her. It was in his eyes, in his smile, in the tender way he touched her. But more than that, there was no barrier any longer.

  And then he sealed the deal: “I’m just a guy, standing by a girl, asking her to marry me.”

  Holy crap, he’d quoted Notting Hill. Well, kind of. He was ready to give her the gift of a rom-com in epic form, proving he was all in, offering her love and—

  Wait, what had he just said?

  She blinked through blurred vision as he dropped to one knee, took out a small box, and slowly opened it. The square-cut diamond ring sparkled and shone with spectacular glory. Shock barreled through her, tangled with a hungry need that made her entire body begin to shake.

  Oh. My. God.

  “Avery Alyssa Sunshine, will you marry me?”

  She stared back at him helplessly. “You swore you’d never repeat a line from a rom-com. Not even for a million dollars.”

  His smile was gentle. “I’d do anything for you, Avery. I know that now.”

  She choked back a sob and put out a trembling hand to tou
ch the ring.

  “You still didn’t answer my question.”

  She didn’t need another second to think. Avery flew into his embrace and kissed him. She had to give him credit—he didn’t even fall back under her joyous enthusiasm. When he finally lifted his head, she smiled. “Yes.”

  He laughed, and then he kissed her again.


  Avery took a sip of her coffee and laid out her chocolate croissant in front of her. Flipping open her laptop, she glanced around the conference table and launched into her morning-meeting ritual. “Good morning, ladies and gentleman! Are we ready to have a great day?”

  Taylor shot her a look and deliberately yawned. “No.”

  Nothing could dim her happiness today, though—not even her youngest sister’s attitude. She could tell Bella would love to utter a snarky comment, but refused to destroy her yogic aspirations. “We’ll certainly try,” she said calmly. “I’ll be able to take on a few more hours to fill in the gaps for the upcoming holiday weddings.”

  Gabe attacked his keyboard with his usual efficiency. “We’re in good shape, Bella. No holes in the schedule for now, unless Avery wants to throw us another of her famous curveballs.”

  Taylor grunted. “I think she’s learned her lesson. Now that she found her Prince Charming, maybe she’ll actually start saying no to last-minute weddings.”

  Hmm, Gabe’s and Taylor’s comments seemed like a perfect segue to her announcement.

  Savoring each moment, she took her time with the first bite of her croissant. The flaky, buttery crust melted in her mouth, replaced with the rich chocolate that sang in her blood. Sheer heaven. She blotted her mouth with a napkin and smiled. “Funny, it’s like you’re both mind readers. Something did pop up, and it was impossible to say no.”

  The three of them stared back at her. “What are you talking about?” Taylor asked in a threatening voice.

  She refused to be bullied. Not today. “We need to add a wedding for September twentieth to next year’s schedule. The groom was desperate and refused to wait any longer, so the bride agreed. Nine months should be doable.”

  Bella sighed, already flipping through her planner. “Avery, I wish you’d speak with us first before agreeing to cram in another wedding during high season. That was the only weekend we were keeping open for Mom and Dad to visit to celebrate their anniversary. Don’t you remember?”

  Taylor threw up her hands, gearing up for bitch mode. “No. I don’t care how bad the groom wants to wed her. They can wait another damn six months when we have a decent opening.”

  “Too late,” Avery practically sang. “I said yes and it’s booked. I don’t think Mom and Dad will mind at all.”

  Gabe used to remain quiet and let the sisters battle it out, but as a full partner now, he seemed ready to jump into the fray. “I agree with the majority. We say no. Call the bride and groom back and get us out of it.”

  “I can’t. He’s too damn stubborn.”

  “You live with a stubborn man!” Taylor growled. “Use your experience with your new fiancé and stand up for your family. We don’t want another client.”

  “Even if it’s me?” she asked softly.

  Silence fell. Avery studied the people she loved and pegged the exact moment understanding dawned.

  “That’s your wedding date?” Bella breathed out in wonder.

  Damned if silly tears didn’t fill her eyes, but she was too happy to be embarrassed. “Yes. We finally picked the day, and Mom and Dad were thrilled we’ll be sharing their wedding date.”

  Taylor grinned. “You got us good, babe. I was ready to blow.”

  Gabe slammed a fist on the table in celebration. “Carter didn’t even tell me, and I got him pretty drunk last weekend. I’m so happy for you guys. That’s a wedding I’ll be happy to squeeze into our schedules.”

  They got up from their seats and gave her big hugs, and for the next twenty minutes, they spoke nonstop about the wedding in all its detail. When she glanced at the time, she realized they only had a little while left to talk business. “Okay, guys, I do have a few things to go over before we break. Unfortunately, we did get a cancellation for the Neeleys’ New Year festivities. Seems like they decided to call the whole thing off.”

  “That’s so sad,” Bella murmured. “But I never liked him, so is it wrong to be glad?”

  Gabe turned to her. “I never knew you didn’t like him. How come?”

  Bella’s cheeks turned a slight shade of pink. “Well, he kind of liked to flirt with me. It made me uncomfortable.”

  Gabe scowled, and his voice iced. “You should have told me. I would have taken care of that immediately.”

  Avery glanced at him in surprise. Gabe was always laid-back and charming, and rarely lost his temper. Kind of like Bella. But she caught a swirling anger beneath the surface that told her if someone messed with one of his people, he’d get mean.

  “I handled it myself,” Bella said dismissively. “There was no need to tell you.”

  His entire body stiffened, as if he were trying to hold back his temper. “I respect you can handle it. I’m just pointing out that I’m here to support you.”

  “Thank you,” she responded. But Avery could tell she had no intention of leaning on anyone, especially Gabe. The glimmers of frustration shooting from his aura told Avery he wasn’t too happy about it, either.


  Avery cleared her throat. “Well, no one get too excited over the cancellation, because I had Eloise Royal on the waiting list for a postholiday wedding, so she took their place. The bride and groom love Christmas so much they want to do it all over again.”

  “Yay,” Taylor grunted.

  “It’s definitely a ‘yay’ for you, T, because I have you down as away that weekend to attend the wedding expo in Atlantic City. We get a ton of business from that, and Mom and Dad have had a booth there forever, so you need to cover it.”

  “I won’t argue with that assignment.”

  Gabe laughed. “Gambling, alcohol, and hot men figuring out they just want to be single after all? We’ll never get you back.”

  Taylor stuck out her tongue.

  “Bella, Gabe, I need you both to work that wedding. Carter and I are flying out to Texas to visit Ally that weekend, so I won’t be around.”

  Her sisters gasped. Gabe’s jaw dropped.

  “What?” Avery asked.

  “You’re taking an entire weekend off during holiday-wedding season?” Bella asked.

  It struck her full force how much her life had changed since the summer. As much as she loved work, she didn’t want to live for it any longer. She wanted to enjoy Carter and Ally and Lucy. And she realized the world wouldn’t fall apart if she took a few days off.

  “That’s right,” she said. “If you’re okay to cover me.”

  “Good for you, babe,” Taylor said.

  Bella nodded. “Of course. I’ll handle everything.”

  Gabe gave her a pointed look. “We’ll handle everything.”

  Uh-oh. Something told her change was on the way—a slight simmer of tension, a swirl of emotion, and the way Gabe looked at her sister, like he was finally tired of being ignored.

  She wondered what was going to happen next.

  Avery finished the last of her chocolate croissant as her phone flashed. She smiled as she adjourned the meeting and took the call from the man she loved, pushing Bella and Gabe out of her mind.

  For now.


  I’ve mentioned some real businesses in Cape May and created some fictional ones for convenience.

  I began traveling to Exit 0 in my late teens with my best friend. From the moment I visited, it became a magical place for me. Every year we’d go down for a week and made a solemn vow on our friendship that no matter what happened—whether we were married, had children, or moved away—once a year we’d meet again in Cape May. We never broke the vow, even when our children were a few weeks old and we were terrified
to leave them with our husbands!

  One day I will own a house there and sit out on my rocker, listening to the horses’ hooves clap past, the ocean roaring in the distance, and be at peace.

  I’ve wanted to write a story in this setting for years, but like everything, patience is key, along with the right story.

  This one was it.


  A huge thank-you to Catherine Walton from Weddings by the Sea for helping me learn the lingo and advising me on all the complicated details that make up being an amazing wedding planner. I’d definitely hire you if hubby and I decide to renew our vows! Any mistakes I’ve made are truly mine.

  I want to thank the entire team at Montlake, especially Maria Gomez, and my AMAZING editor, Kristi Yanta, for whipping this book into the best it can be. A special shout-out to the team at Social Butterfly and Nina Grinstead, my go-to person for all things PR. Also to Kiki Chatfield at Next Step PR for her support and much-appreciated help. Thanks as always to my agent, Kevan Lyon, for all her advice and career guidance. A big thanks to my new assistant, Mandy Lawlor, for keeping me organized and supported on all fronts.

  I adore my Probst Posse reader group and the Ladies Who Write. They inspired me by sharing all their wedding disasters for use in this series! Look for two of their stories in the next installment of the Sunshine Sisters series.

  Finally, to my loyal, supportive readers who allow me to tell stories for a living.

  Thank you. None of this happens without you.


  Photo © 2012 Matt Simpkins

  Jennifer Probst is the New York Times bestselling author of the Billionaire Builders series, the Searching For series, the Marriage to a Billionaire series, the Steele Brothers series, the Stay series, and the Sunshine Sisters series. Like some of her characters, Probst, along with her husband and two sons, calls New York’s Hudson Valley home. When she isn’t traveling to meet readers, she enjoys reading, watching “shameful reality television,” and visiting a local animal shelter. For more information, visit her at


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