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Metal Mage 13

Page 21

by Eric Vall

  “I appreciate the sentiment, but I don’t need to,” I chuckled.

  “Yes, you do,” the princess informed me. “Your eye is twitching.”

  “Cayla,” I sighed as I swiped more water off from my face. “My eye will probably be twitching for the rest of this war, but it’s still not a good time for focusing on sex. The fate of the realm is on my shoulders, remember?”

  “Okay,” the Baroness chuckled as she rose to her feet, “if anyone is having poorly timed sex with Mason while he’s supposed to be working for the good of others, it’s going to be me.”

  “But I like poorly timed sex with Mason, too,” Deya countered.

  “I know, but with the help of my powers, Mason can achieve orgasms so mind-altering, he’ll be rejuvenated for the rest of the day. Isn’t that the whole point?”

  “That is true,” Deya mused. “Your powers enhance pleasure like nothing I’ve ever experienced, and I want Mason to be prepared for our battles.”

  “He is not prepared enough,” Aurora muttered.

  “Not at all,” Cayla agreed. “We can’t send him to war like this.”

  “Mind-altering sex prepares Mason for anything, though,” Shoshanne decided. “Not that I condone working against his schedule, but as a healer, in this particular case, I’d advise for sex with Nulena.”

  I couldn’t help smiling at my beautiful women while they petitioned sex for the sake of my sanity, and even though I really didn’t need more sex, I wasn’t about to point this out. I’d just got thrown around a room more than I had in this life or the last, and technically, I had gotten a lot done while they were gone.

  Plus, mind-altering sex did tend to restore me in ways I didn’t know were possible, and gods knew I could use a reboot if I was about to wage an offensive attack against the Master’s whole army.

  But then I noticed the butler standing in the doorway and sheepishly looked down.

  “Forgive me, sir,” Alfred interrupted. “I don’t wish to pry, but I believe a trip to your sex jungle might be for the best at present. Your house is unfortunately trashed, but this, as well as your burgers, will be fully addressed by the time you return.”

  My brow crinkled as I looked up. “They will?”

  “Yes, sir,” Alfred replied, and he checked his pocket watch. “You have precisely twenty-four minutes to enjoy Lady Nulena’s company. Ladies, would you please escort Baron Flynt to his sex jungle?”

  I blinked in confusion as all my women dragged me up out of the fountain, and they shuttled me down the hall while they peeled my drenched clothes off along the way. Then they booted me into my jungle, and Nulena followed behind before they firmly shut the door.

  “I know we both like when you’re in charge,” the Baroness said as she slid one of her straps from her shoulder. “But if I’m going to restore you, you’ll need to leave this one to me.”

  I didn’t know if I’d ever experienced restorative sex before, but the concept was more than intriguing, and of any magic I’d come across in this realm, Nulena’s was definitely the most all-encompassing. Part of me wondered if I’d still be the same person once she was done with me, but either way, I couldn’t wait to find out how this worked.

  So I mumbled a “yes, ma’am” as Nulena slowly exposed herself one inch at a time, but when my eyes dropped to the sleek, ebony mound cresting her thighs, she blinded me.

  “Godsdamnit,” I sighed.

  “No peeking,” the Baroness chuckled as she led me to the pool under the waterfall, and whatever she did with the air around us made my skin tingle when she touched me. “Just sit down, and I’ll take care of the rest.”

  I swallowed hard as I stepped blindly into the heated water, and when I sat down on the ledge, I felt Nulena’s sleek pussy lips against the tip of my cock as she straddled me. Then her breath hitched as she slowly sank down, and while she began steadily rolling against me, she told me exactly which parts of her she wanted me to explore next.

  So, I focused on her velvety moans as her powers silenced my runes and every other thought in my mind, and within minutes, nothing in this realm seemed to exist except her silky body grinding against me.

  Despite the time crunch, Nulena took her time devouring my lips, jaw, neck, and eventually my shoulders, and I let my head drop back against the moss so she could do what she pleased. Being under the Baroness’ enchantments was like being wrapped in an erotic blanket that kept insisting I tease her nipples, and whenever she gasped with pleasure, my spine twitched from an extra jolt of her powers heightening my senses.

  The more I explored every inch of her, the more overcome I was by her hold on me, and I felt like I was drifting into a coma the longer she worked me over like this. When she finally slid my fingers to her sleek clit and showed me what she wanted, her moans turned into breathless whimpers, and I could feel her beginning to tremble around my shaft.

  Then we shared a climax that sent a surge of pleasure to parts of my body I didn’t know were physically possible, and I ended up shaking involuntarily as it carried on and on with no end in sight. I couldn’t believe how much cum my body could produce as Nulena kept rocking her hips through the whole thing, and she didn’t ease up until she took every drop of my seed into her.

  Even when we finally came down, she only slowed her pace enough to let me recover, and as she gently rolled her hips, my eyesight was gradually restored. The mist drifting above me was the same, and the foliage plumed down the walls like it always did, but the world felt strangely different to me, and I hazily raised my eyebrows while I processed this.

  “Holy shit,” I slurred as I came to. “How did you do that?”

  “It’s a secret,” Nulena chuckled as she brushed her lips against mine.

  I smirked. “Of course, it is.”

  “Feel better?”

  “Soooo much better,” I sighed, and this wasn’t just pillow talk.

  Every ounce of tension in my body was gone, and my left eye couldn’t even remember how to twitch. The knot in my gut had vanished, and not only did the bullshit of this day feel completely surmountable, but I felt like a new man with a clean slate. I couldn’t comprehend how I’d gotten here when all I did was let Nulena fuck me while I enjoyed every curve of her supple body, but somehow, the woman had done it.

  I’d been baptized with sex.

  There was also something about the unbelievable amount of cum I’d just pumped into Nulena that made my grin a little more lopsided than usual, and as she curled up against me with a soft sigh, a wave of contentment bloomed in my chest that made me feel more like myself than I had all day.

  Then Nulena abruptly sat up, though, and I raised my eyebrows at the possessive way the ebony woman clutched me against her.

  “That was not twenty-four minutes,” the Baroness growled as she glared over her shoulder.

  “We know, and we are not here to interrupt,” Cayla said lightly as the four women stripped down. “We only came to watch.”

  “You’re a little late,” I chuckled.

  “Oh, dear,” Deya sighed with no concern. “Well… if Mason has already filled you with his seed, Nulena, perhaps now would be a good time to discuss never drinking your tea again.”

  Nulena and I looked over with hard stares, but my women ignored this as they casually swarmed around us, and they caught the Baroness’ hips before she could climb off me.

  I tried to go limp as I realized what they were up to, but my dick only got harder as they began forcing the Baroness’ hips against mine.

  “Ladies, this is just not okay,” I announced, but my eyes were locked onto the five pairs of steamy tits surrounding me while I said this, so it didn’t sound too convincing.

  “For the last time,” Nulena groaned with irritation, “I cannot have a child with Mason Flynt, unless all of you wish to die painful deaths along with him. Do you all wish to die painful deaths? Do you want Mason to die?”

  “But don’t you love letting Mason fill you with his seed like this?�
� Aurora purred.

  “Don’t you feel like you belong to him?” Cayla murmured, and the women thrust Nulena’s hips more forcefully while she did her best to resist their hold.

  “That is not the point,” the Baroness huffed.

  “Yes, it is,” Deya assured her, “because once you’re pregnant, it only gets better! Then you don’t only feel like you belong to him, you know you do, and everything about the way he holds you proves he knows it, too.”

  “And he watches you differently, as well,” Shoshanne added. “Like nothing in the world matters as much as you and the child you’ll carry for him, and every time he makes love to you, you can’t help but surrender to this new sense of possession between the two of you.”

  “Ohhhh… possess me?” Nulena whimpered as she clutched her hair, and I tried to apologize to her, but everything my women were saying and doing with her body made my tongue go numb.

  Then Cayla and Aurora took over while the others began kissing me wherever they could, and as the half-elf detailed how she felt when I buried myself in her and let her beg me to get her pregnant, I realized Nulena wasn’t fighting against their hold anymore.

  She was actually fucking me of her own accord while her two-toned eyes held mine, and the unreadable expression I found there changed everything. At first, I thought I imagined it, but I could feel her clenching around my shaft for more, and her cheeks were beginning to shimmer like they always did when she let her guard down and opened up to me.

  My women didn’t even notice, though, because all their tantalizing descriptions were getting them too worked up, and while I was busy wondering if Nulena secretly wanted me to get her pregnant, I lost track of the situation.

  Then I tuned back in to hear my women planning out who would be next, what positions they wanted me to use, and how many times I should cum in each of them.

  “Shhhit,” I muttered as I quickly looked around.

  My five beautiful women were flushed with arousal and starving for my cock all of a sudden, and without Nulena’s enchantments drowning my focus, everything I was supposed to be doing crashed down on me again.

  Like getting my allies to their posts before they killed each other, waking up my first army of automatons to test out their new weapons, summoning the Knights of Rainard before it was too late, and generally not letting the realm fall into the Master’s hold over my libido.

  “Mason, I need you,” Shoshanne whimpered into my ear, and she forced my fingers into her taut pussy. “Will you tie me down and make me beg for it? Please?”

  “No, tie me down first,” Deya moaned. “I’ll let you do anything you want to me and more. Wouldn’t you like that?”

  “Aaalfreeeed!” I bellowed. “Code red! Code red!”

  Chapter 16

  I was drowning in naked women all begging me for sex, and while one of them was still grinding on my dick, I grappled to get a breath of air, but I couldn’t. My women kept passing my lips around, and as they kissed me without reserve, I could feel how desperate they were to make me stay.

  My mind was screaming at me to save the realm, but my dick was already gushing into the Baroness again, and while Deya and Shoshanne kept my fingers locked between their thighs, they moaned for me to make love to them next.

  Cayla told me all the things she wanted me to do to her before she began admitting everything she’d let me try, and Aurora couldn’t seem to stop forcing Nulena to fuck me even though I’d already cummed inside her twice.

  “Alfred,” I whimpered once more as the last scraps of my resolve withered away, but then my women suddenly screeched and leapt off me as a bucket of ice water drenched them all.

  Alfred caught me under the arms to drag me out of the pool, and I sprinted for the door like my life depended on it, even though way more than just my life was on the line.

  “Holy shit,” I panted as I stumbled into the hall, and Alfred swiftly shut the door behind us. “That was a close one. Way to step up, Alfred. We’ve never gone over what code red means, but you handled it well.”

  “I anticipated your meaning, sir,” the butler informed me.

  “I don’t suppose you have an extra ice bucket, do y-- ”

  I gasped as Alfred chucked a bucket over me that he’d left in the hall for this very purpose, and that did the trick.

  “Th-thank you, Alfred,” I shivered. “You think of e-everything.”

  “Yes, sir,” the butler agreed as he handed me my boots and a fresh set of clothes. “Lunch is ready in the dining hall.”

  I nodded shakily before I followed the man down the hall, and I could already tell by the delicious smell that he’d nailed the burger endeavor. The scent of grilled onions and melted cheese wafted through the mansion like a beacon of hope, and I took deep, mouthwatering breaths until I made it to the table. Then I clutched my clothes against my chest as I took in the sight of over a dozen burgers with glistening, buttered buns, two-inch thick patties, and all the fixings packed in so tight, they dripped down the sides. Extra toppings were neatly lined on platters while little bowls of what looked a lot like ketchup and mustard dotted the table, and there was even a frothing mug of ale waiting beside my place setting.

  “Alfred, how much do I pay you?” I asked.

  “An exorbitant amount, sir,” the butler assured me.

  I clapped him on the shoulder. “Double it.”

  “Certainly, sir.”

  Then I shoved my legs into my pants on my way to the table, and I didn’t bother with the rest of my clothes because I only had eyes for the five burgers closest to my plate.

  I was just sitting down when my women arrived still toweling their hair off, and all of them looked embarrassed as they shuffled to their seats.

  “We’re sorry, Mason,” Aurora mumbled. “I don’t know what happened back there.”

  “I do,” I sighed as I piled five burgers onto my plate. “We never should have decided we could go a day without sex.”

  “I agree,” Cayla said with a curt nod. “We practically dared ourselves to do the opposite.”

  I smirked. “Now, we know.”

  “Do you forgive us?” Shoshanne asked as she gingerly took a seat on my left. “It won’t happen again. We know how hard you’ve worked to organize this upcoming attack, and we don’t want to ruin it all for you. We just… ”

  “Really like when you try to get us pregnant,” Aurora finished for her.

  “I know, and I forgive you,” I replied. “Aside from the minor setback at the end, the mind-altering sex approach worked wonders. I feel like a new Mason Flynt, and I appreciate you all making me go to my jungle for a bit.”

  “You’re welcome!” Deya said with a sweet smile, and Nulena smirked as she sent me a wink.

  I grinned. “Now, let’s enjoy an amazing meal together before we get this shit show started, but first thing’s first. Cayla, update me. How’s your army looking?”

  “Mason… I don’t want to be ‘that general’ about this, but my army is way better than your army,” the princess informed me, and all of us chuckled at the greedy way she clutched the edge of the table. “Not as magical, not as well-armed, but so, so disciplined.”

  “You’re gonna love her army,” Aurora assured me. “It’s pretty awesome,”

  “I love her army,” Deya giggled. “They can shoot as fast as Cayla can!”

  I raised my brows. “No shit?”

  “Well, almost,” Aurora snorted, “but their reload time is honestly not that bad. As long as they keep their aim tight, I think they stand a decent chance.”

  “That’s fantastic,” I sighed, and Cayla glowed with pride. “I’m glad your army’s looking good. I’ll send for the knights of Rainard right now, and that should--”

  Aurora caught my arm before I could get out of my seat. “Already done. I heard Mina bitching about Pindor on our way back to the mansion, and I put two and two together. I sent an urgent notice by raven to Lord Allen requesting he send out his knights on the next train,
and they’ll be waiting at the Willis station to join Cayla’s army for the trek to the tunnel.”

  “I love leading this Order alongside you,” I told the woman as I kissed her hand. “Cayla, I’m sending Pindor south to join you, and hopefully he’ll be able to help the knights of Rainard prepare. He has more than enough experience fighting the Master’s forces, he’s only lacking a little backbone apparently.”

  “I’ll make sure he handles it,” Cayla assured me, “but Nulena has some interesting news to share as well… ”

  I glanced at the ebony woman, and the second she rolled her eyes, I knew she’d done something incredibly helpful.

  “It’s not a big deal,” Nulena grumbled. “I spoke with Temin, and he’s been receiving alarming news from the nobles about the increasing attacks. For now, their armies are on constant patrol, but he offered to pull them to Serin for you anyways.”

  I nodded, and I was about to respond when Cayla nudged Nulena in the side.

  “Aaaand… ” the princess led.

  “And I knew you’d probably say something chivalrous about protecting the pathetic citizens and all that,” Nulena mumbled. “So, I told Temin not to pull the armies away. Then I sent my own soldiers from Rajeen to the south to assist your Defenders since you need your reserves in the north.”

  My women giggled at the way Nulena avoided looking at any of us while she said this, and I stared for a long moment while I tried to decide if I should hug her or start kissing her feet.

  Then she raised a hand the second I moved.

  “Don’t!” the Baroness ordered. “It’s not a big deal, just eat your food.”

  “It is a big deal,” I chuckled. “You saved my Defenders when I couldn’t do anything to help their chances down there, and you made the right decision so the rest of the kingdom can survive the next few-- ”

  “Eat,” Nulena groaned. “I’m begging you not to talk about this.”

  “Thank you for helping,” I added real quick, and while my women all chimed in to thank the Baroness, too, Nulena sent me a murderous glare.


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