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Kray (Broken Deeds MC, #6)

Page 3

by Esther E. Schmidt

“Then what are you?” Her eyes bounce between the both of us as she waits for one of us to answer.

  We don’t have to think twice and answer in sync, “Brothers.”

  Her delicate finger points at our cuts. “The biker kind, yes. Not by blood, right? ‘Cause you two are way freaking different and Kray mentioned the two of you have known each other for twelve years.”

  “Noticed that, did you?” North chuckles.

  “Not very hard with the whole twelve years together and stuff.” She shoots him an easy smile.

  North’s eyes saunter over her and it makes unease settle in my gut. I clear my throat and decide to expand some more. “We share the same cheating ex and it’s the reason we met all those years ago. I went to a bar after I dumped her. North here came up and offered me a beer in exchange to look like we were having a good time since he noticed his ex, heading straight for us. That’s when we realized we shared the same ex.”

  For the first time I hesitate about finishing the story. In no way am I ashamed but...shit. I seem to like this woman for more than some one-time fun. And this could potentially ruin my shot at making her mine.

  “Don’t stop now, Kray. You’re gettin’ to the good part,” North chuckles and takes over. “So, our ex strolls up right when a little chick pinballs between us. You know how crowded a bar is, a few drinks, all fun and easy. Well, the chick was up for some fun and with her standing in between us the hunger was set for sandwich time. We put our ex in place...well, the little chick in between us did with the whole ‘I’m getting some action from these two guys at the same time tonight’...the whole ‘you snooze, you lose’ shit. And our friendship was born. After, we hightailed out of the chick’s apartment too since she turned out to be a clingy bitch. But damn, what a night.”

  Her glass is empty again and she fills it right back up, points it at North and asks, “How does the whole two cocks work? Don’t you go all my cock touched his and now I’m freaking out or do you two play together too? Like, go all hot kisses, take turns stroking, fondling, while the chick watches or...oh,” Vienna breathes and her eyes slide into the distance. “What if one of you is underneath and the chick know, the whole sixty-nine thing and you have her pussy in your face while the other pounds into’d have his balls knocking on your forehead, right?”

  North’s head tips back and laughter rips out while I’m afraid to take a gulp of fuckin’ air into my lungs. Dammit. If this talk continues along with the flow of scotch, we’ll end up showing her exactly how it works.

  “Aren’t you a curious one?” North finally says all husky.

  A growl rumbles low in my chest. “No,” I snap.

  “No?” North drags the word out and locks eyes with me to see if I’m sure.

  It hasn’t happened a lot in the twelve years we’ve been doing it but it has happened. Mainly coming from North since he really dislikes chicks with an attitude, but this here is a whole different reason why I’m cock blocking the both of us. I give him a slight shake of my head, letting him know how shit’s going to be and he gives me a tight nod in return.

  “We don’t kiss and tell, darlin’,” North now easily supplies. “In fact, we don’t kiss at all. On any of the lips for that matter. Sorry to burst your whole bubble of balls slapping foreheads.”

  “Aw, shoot,” she sighs and places her empty glass on the table. “I can’t have any more of that stuff. I still need to get home later.”

  “You’re staying here ‘cause for damn sure you’re not getting on your bike after all those damn drinks,” I growl.

  “I thought you just made it clear...” North starts, but I cut him right off.

  Anger surges up and freely courses through my veins, making me thunder, “In the fucking guestroom, asshole. My damn guestroom. Not yours. Am I crystal fuckin’ clear now?”

  “I’m just messing with you, brother.” The corner of his mouth twitches. Fucker. “You can’t blame me with this being the first chick in between us a whole different way and all. You should see your’s as if my balls did slap your forehead just now.”

  Vienna’s laughter flows through the air and that shit is doing some seriously funny things to my body. Until she goes very quiet and says, “The easy banter between you two...I seriously miss my sister. I’m so scared I won’t get to see her alive again.”

  I don’t think twice and get up, sit next to her, and drag her into my arms. She doesn’t even fight me but cuddles against my chest. North mimics my actions and sits on the other side of her.

  His voice is soothing when he asks, “What does she do for a living? What’s her specialty? She’s an agent, right?”

  “She normally stays in the background,” Vienna starts. “Computers. She loves those things more than humans. But she’s’s not like she dislikes people or shies away from them, it’s more like she’s so consumed when those fingers fly over the keys she neglects everyone around her. Even if she has more online friends than real-life ones...everyone on the team likes her.”

  I feel her body tense in my arms. I connect my gaze with North and with one damn look he’s just as alert as me. While I’m the one comforting her, he’s the one who can push; who needs to give her the little shove she needs to get the truth out.

  “Everyone? Are you sure?” North asks and throws an arm over the back of the couch, allowing him to lean in closer to the both of us.

  Vienna surges up—a little too fast—and is not expecting North to sit close enough so their noses are almost touching. “Crap. Who knew you were the sneaky one,” she mutters, but doesn’t move back.

  Their faces are mere inches apart and I hold my damn breath ‘cause it would be damn easy for either of them to lean in and fuckin’ kiss. We don’t kiss. Not fucking ever. I shouldn’t worry North would do it but the unease is filling my veins again.

  “You’re cute when the scotch takes the edge off. Still not a ten plus for me, though,” North chuckles and leans back to create distance between them. “But we were talking about your sister, was there one or more who had you doubting?”

  “Yes.” She cuddles back against me and continues. “The case our team was working on has to do with one of the major players in an online black-market. We need to close in and get the major player and those working with him out of the running. Reva was so close to finding a backdoor, so to say. She worked all night and when I came in early one morning, she inhaled the coffee I brought her and told me she caught a break and called in a meeting to discuss her findings. She said it called for donuts and went out to get them. I wanted to go with her but Wyman stopped me and demanded I looked at something. A bullshit thing he could have handled himself.” I can feel her breathing go choppy for a moment before she continues. “After forty-five minutes worry started to settle in, and I knew in my gut something wasn’t right. I called her phone but she didn’t answer. And it’s not like Reva not to answer her phone. Seriously, she’d rather drop the donuts than not answer the damn thing. Especially if it’s me calling. They told me it must be busy at the donut shop or how she was holding the box of donuts while walking back, but after an hour I went to check myself but I couldn’t find her anywhere. Then finally they jumped in and started retracing her steps and when I got to her desk...her computer was shut down. It wouldn’t restart. We called in the tech guys but they couldn’t get it back up and running either. Ten freaking days and we’re still exactly where we started. She’s completely wiped her freaking computer.”

  Her face is now buried against my cut and by the way her body is shaking I know she’s letting go of her emotions. I reach out and drag her legs up so she’s now sitting on my lap. I connect my gaze with North and I damn well know he wants to comfort her in some way but everything in me resents his offer.

  I’m sure he can read the emotion clearly on my face ‘cause he stands and takes out his phone. “I don’t care what time it is. I’m calling Deeds to let him know we’re taking the case. Get things rolling. Chopp
er will be able to gain some access and do some digging. I’ll make some calls myself to see if we can get all the files about the case she was working on. Hell, I might even demand they bring her fucking computer, maybe Chopper, Nash, or I can make the thing sing again.”

  “Thanks,” I tell him and lift my chin.

  And I am more damn thankful than the single word can express. By the way he gives me a smile and a slight bob of his head, he knows it too. Norths points in the direction of his house and slips away.

  We’ve only recently moved in here after we had it built to our specifications per our own preferences. Both houses are the mirrored versions of one another and yet the interior is completely different and reflects our own personal taste in style. The enclosed space in between is a shared living room along with an extra open kitchen.

  The both of us enjoy each other’s company but also need our own place. This was the perfect solution. Still, we’ve never brought a woman here. If we were in the mood, we’d rent a room or sometimes tag along to the chick’s house, but never here.

  Hence the reason why we got into an argument...twice. But holding her in my lap makes me realize it was more than worth it. And like North said, we got it all off our chest and then it’s done; we don’t hold grudges.

  Dammit. The way her body shifts and goes slightly rigid? Yeah, she’s regretting letting go of her emotions—or realizes she’s on my lap—hell...both, whatever. But I’m not going to let her fake appearances or crawl back into herself.

  “North is getting the club updated on the situation. You and I will join them in the morning but tonight we’re going to talk some more and have a few hours of sleep. I have a guestroom upstairs with a lock on the fuckin’ door if you need it. But it’s too late to have any second thoughts about the way you feel right now or the things you said or us taking this case. It’s a done deal; you will accept our help and in return you’ll be kept in the loop. Understood?”

  “I need another drink,” Vienna grumbles.

  “Not a chance, Vienna,” I tell her and with a finger underneath her chin I tip her head back to show her I mean it. “You’ve endured ten intense days followed by an eventful night. You’ve pumped enough alcohol inside your body to crash for a few hours. In the morning we’re going to need you with a clear head.”

  She snorts very unladylike. “If I had an eventful night, I would be naked and well sated.”

  One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi. Nope. That shit doesn’t calm me the fuck down.

  “Yeah, see? Now I’m getting the whole no more alcohol thing,” she mutters and sags against me. “Maybe it’s better this way. Though I am damn good at the whole sex thing, I have some serious qualities and flexibility. You’re missing out. And no way am I a girl for two guys. Besides...North doesn’t like me anyway. And he’s too...I don’t know but there’s something about him that weirds me out. Not in a wrong way...just not sexual. Now you on the other hand...”

  “Oh, do tell,” I urge, highly entertained by her tipsy or slightly drunk ramblings.

  “No, no.” Her head shakes overdramatically. “I changed my mind. You’re mean, ‘cause you told me no more booze.’re not getting any.” There are some mumbled words after and it takes a few breaths for my mind to process them.

  I highly doubt you’ll be able to fit that dick inside me anyway. That’s what she fucking said.

  “Naughty little pixie,” I grumble and tighten my grip to take her with me as I stand and stalk to the stairs. “I’m only giving you one fair warning. Speak those fucking words on a dare again and I’ll gladly prove you wrong.”

  There’s a glint in her eyes and her lips part. I damn well know she’s going to repeat her mumbled sentence and I can’t bury my cock inside her. Not with the case we took. Not for the first time in over twelve damn years will I take a woman by myself without talking things through with North. Seems like it’s all about crossing boundaries tonight because I surprise the hell out of myself when I lean forward and catch her lips with mine.

  Blame it on the fact I had no other choice or me holding her close so my hands were occupied; I don’t fucking care. But for the first time in years I’m tasting a woman and it’s as if the essence of pleasure is tainting my body. Dammit. If she was a ten plus with just her looks, she now has bonus points for lighting my body on fucking fire with the mere touch of her lips and a few swirls of her tongue.

  Reluctantly I pull away and grip her tight to dash up the stairs. I need to get her into the guest bedroom and fast. The only time the room is used is when we might have a few brothers over for a barbeque or a sports match. But tonight—another first—it’s going to be occupied by a woman.

  It’s located right across from my bedroom. In the guestroom there are two single beds against a wall I’ve covered with dark gray wood. I’ve made it a theme-room, forest like with fur rugs on the floor. Damn comfortable when you’re walking around barefoot.

  I place her on the bed and stalk toward the window to close the curtains. They’re a thick velvet fabric, same color as the wooden wall to keep the light out since this window catches the sunset perfectly. I hear some stumbling and when I turn, I’m just in time to see a bare ass sway into the bathroom.

  “Motherfucker,” I growl underneath my breath and glance at the clothing Vienna draped all over the floor.

  I hear the water running and so is my mind. What the hell am I going to do? Leave? Head into my own bedroom and lock her in here? Head downstairs and finish the whole fucking bottle of scotch? My head is still reeling when the water is shut off. I keep staring at the door, my cock is trying to point into the direction it wants to—needs to—go.

  And my options are all in the wind as my breath is knocked right out of me when she strolls back into the bedroom without one damn care in the world. Perfect tits that would overflow my hands. Nipples all perky and pink. Cunt half bare, with a landing strip for rough ride instructions. As if my cock would have fuckin’ trouble sliding home.

  But I’m mostly intrigued by her ink. On one leg there’s a thick, yet delicate garter belt of flowers and all black lines with some shading. The other side has the same theme of flowers and lines but it travels from her hip all the way up to her side and wraps around her arm in a half sleeve.

  My head gets dizzy from the way this woman affects me. Her beauty, her attitude, her mouth, her body. Fuck. If there are any more qualities added to the long fucking list my head is throwing at me, I might need to grab her by her spiky hair and get the both of us on the next plane to Vegas.

  And suddenly my chest gets hit by a jolt of frozen water. What the hell is happening? This isn’t me. This can’t be me. It would not only impact my whole way of life but it would crush North and rip my brother away from me. ‘Cause this woman will be in between us a whole different way.

  Not one taking our cocks, but pushing in between to form a solid barrier. All because she should be mine. Completely, and solely mine, and mine alone. And I’m not alone. I haven’t been for over twelve fucking years.

  I can’t.

  I won’t.

  My chest tightens to the point where my lungs burn with every inhale. I spin on my heels and fight my body whose instinct is to get into the bed with this woman and make her mine in every way...but one door after another falls shut behind me as I retreat inside my own bedroom and lock myself in.

  Anger overtakes me and I punch the wall to blow off some steam. Once, twice, a few more times until blood is staining the walls and my knuckles, taking away some of the pressure caged inside my chest. But it all too soon starts to flare back up again.

  I glance at the bottle of scotch on the minibar I have in the corner of my bedroom. Stalking to it, I don’t even bother with a glass but gulp down some and head for the bathroom. Taking turns with sips and ripping off my clothing, I turn on the water and let steam fill the room as well as the alcohol filling my veins.

  Fuck. Out of all the things I want to do tonight...this
surely wasn’t one of them.

  Chapter Four


  I could say “That was weird.” But to be honest? This whole night has been one huge disorienting flow of events. I wasn’t even supposed to be at the bar and was lucky enough to overhear Wyman and the chief talk about the meeting concerning Broken Deeds MC.

  A meeting I initiated when I mentioned Broken Deeds to the chief in an effort to get my sister back. I had to take a chance to get to the meeting point first to become their contact person. I don’t trust Wyman and I had to try and get in on their investigation.

  At this point I don’t even care about my job or if I’ll get fired because of my actions. I have to do something to get my sister back. No. Not something; I’m going to give everything I have left in me to give. But then I became absolutely sidetracked by that damn biker and my traitorous body.

  I glance down at my naked self and to the door Kray slammed shut behind him. Sounds of someone pounding the wall burst through the air and my hand automatically covers my mouth. What the hell is he doing?

  I have no clue what I should do. Dammit, the one night I decide to drink, it had to be tonight. I close my eyes in an effort to focus but my head starts to spin. Oh, yikes. Good thing Kray cut me off when he did or I’d be puking on the floor by now.

  Must be the dragging ten days where I hardly managed to get any sleep or food and have been working nonstop in an effort to get my sister back. Well, I’ve done great till now, right? Dammit. My throat clogs up and tears start to stain my cheeks. I’m such a mess and no help to Reva whatsoever. Great, the booze is making me all emotional along with it.

  I decide to crawl underneath the covers and try to get some sleep. I need a clear head to get my bearings and start fresh in the morning. Kray told me how North was already setting things in motion for Broken Deeds MC to jump into my sister’s missing case.

  I can take this night to get my bearings and recharge. I need a few hours of sleep and drift off knowing a whole club is going to be there for Reva when I wake up. They have an outstanding reputation when it comes to solving cases and getting justice.


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