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New Beginnings

Page 2

by LaShawn Vasser

“You sound like you are leaving quite a bit of the make-up session out.”

  “I am. Some things are just for Jason and me.” Vicky giggled like a school girl.

  “Did you tell him yet?”

  “He’s aware.”

  “Hmmm, that’s sounds interesting but we’re going to have to finish this call up a little bit later Josh just text to let me know he’s on his way over.”

  “Are things better between you two?”

  Sandy sighed, “It’s about the same. I don’t ask for too much because I know he’s not ready to give it to me. Although, the little girl down in accounting is working my last nerves, her hints that they are messing around are not very subtle. I try not to worry about what I can’t control. When we are together it’s just us. I enjoy the time that we are together and that’s that.”

  “Well, Sandy, you deserve a fairy-tale too. I hope you find it. Please think about that. So, I’ll talk to you later then?”

  “Of course, I’ll call you later.” They disconnected and now it was really time for Vicky to take a shower and go find Jason.

  Chapter 4

  In just a few words, Vicky left a lot for Sandy to think about after they hung up. She knew Vicky meant well but after their conversation it left her feeling discontented. At the end of the day Sandy wanted what Vicky and Jason had. It wasn’t jealousy though, no, she was genuinely happy for Vicky and Jason. She didn’t know him very well but she knew Vicky was in love with him and he seemed to be in love with her. Sandy hated that Vicky was right, she did deserve more and she wanted more. She shouldn’t have even bothered to answer Joshua’s text message seeing as he stood her up last night.

  They had been seeing each other for almost two years and what direction this ‘thing’ she had with him was going or if it were going anywhere at all was anybody’s guess. Sandy was all too aware that she wasn’t getting any younger. She wanted more than he was willing to give. But, if she asked for more she knew she’d lose him completely. She deserved better but she wasn’t prepared to give him up just yet. However, something was going to come to a head soon.

  In the past, she’d been able to deal with the fact they weren’t exclusive but lately, he’d become more and more disrespectful and she wasn’t putting up with that. She’d waited for hours at the restaurant for him to show. He could have at least called or text to let her know something came up. He just didn’t show. Well, he’d better have a pretty good explanation. Short of a hospital stay won’t be good enough.

  Joshua Jones stood outside Sandy’s door. He was a bastard and he knew it. Last night was crazy. He’d meant to meet up with Sandy but he’d been hanging out with the guys at the bar and by the time he checked his watch it was already after 10:30p. They were supposed to meet up at Nick’s restaurant on 53rd at 7:00pm. He knew she was long gone by then and probably pissed. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with an angry red-head. So, he called up Alicia from accounting. That’s what he needed a woman who didn’t ask too many questions and just was ready for whatever whenever.

  He didn’t know why he was even still seeing Sandy. It could be because she was beautiful, smart, sexy as hell, and would call him on his bullshit. Who was he kidding…she was all of that but it was the sex. The sex between them was explosive. He needed to get a grip though and end it. They had been seeing each other for almost 2 years. That’s the longest he’d ever dated anyone. Typically, six months was his limit. Women started to get too clingy after that and he was nowhere near ready to settle down. However, he could tell that she was starting to get antsy. He knew the expiration date on this affair had passed but wasn’t quite ready to give her up just yet.

  Joshua rang the doorbell. She kept him waiting for a few minutes. Okay, so she was still pissed about last night and was going to let him stew for a few minutes. He guessed he deserved that. He knew Sandy was home because he’d just text her 20 minutes before and her car was in the driveway. Joshua rang the bell again. He’d heard her footsteps as she walked up to the door, then he heard her unlocked it before slowly opening it. However, Sandy didn’t move to allow him to come inside.

  “Hey babe. Sorry about last night. I got caught up.” He looked at her with this cocky grin then started to bend down to kiss her.

  Sandra stood there at the door with her arms folded across her chest. Her blue eyes were blazing with anger. She reached out and slapped Joshua across his face. She hissed at him “You had me sitting at that restaurant waiting for you and looking like a fool! I’m many things Joshua Jones but a fool is not one of them.”

  Joshua snatched her to him lightening fast. Sandra wasn’t prepared for that. He bent down and kissed her brutally hard. She initially struggled against him. But, Joshua wouldn’t let up. He continued to kiss her silly until she succumbed to being in his arms. She slightly opened her mouth for him and that was all the invitation he needed to push his tongue into her mouth. He kissed her until she couldn’t remember her own name. No one had ever made Sandy feel like this and being with Joshua was really the only place she wanted to be. Sandy stopped struggling and wrapped her arms around his neck. Joshua knew he’d won this round as he picked her up, closed the door, and carried her straight to the bedroom.

  Chapter 5

  Vicky was just leaving the bathroom when she heard Jason in the bedroom. He had finally come back. She figured he hadn’t gone too far. His back was to her so he didn’t see her coming up behind him. It sounded like he was rehearsing something and he looked frustrated that it wasn’t coming out right. He ran his hand through his gorgeous hair and turned around like he’d been caught with his hands in the cookie jar. She couldn’t be certain but Jason looked like something was off. Vicky had felt bliss for all of two waking hours. She was tired of all the drama that had surrounded their relationship and hoped there was nothing wrong. As she walked towards him, Vicky continued to towel dry her hair as if nothing was wrong. She was determined to make sure today was wonderful no matter what. Jason silently watched her walk towards him. When she stood directly in front of him, Vicky threw the towel onto the bed, wrapped her arms around his neck, and leaned her forehead into his. He pulled her into his arms and they stood together holding each other for just a few moments.

  Whatever tension she felt in his body seemed to drain away when she kissed him. When they pulled apart Vicky voiced her concerns.

  “Everything ok?”

  Jason took a deep breath and nodded that everything was fine.

  “I hope so because we deserve a little bit of peace. Plus, I just spoke to your mom and your parents are going to bring Angel home later this evening. So, until then it’s just you and me. What are we going to do with ourselves?”

  Jason loved the twinkle in her eyes. He was proud to know he was the reason. Jason pulled Vicky’s hands to his lips and kissed them. It seemed he was going to put whatever it was that was bothering him on the back burner for now.

  “I want to show you something.” Jason helped Vicky put on her robe and led her out onto the balcony.

  Vicky’s hands flew to her throat in surprise. Jason had been very busy while she’d been in the shower. “Oh my goodness Jason! What did you do?” The entire balcony was covered in flowers. There were roses everywhere. There were red roses, white roses, and pink roses in every direction. Everywhere that Vicky turned there were ROSES! Jason moved to seat her at the table and gave her one long stemmed red rose then he sat down himself.

  Jason laughed at the surprise and beauty of her face. He’d also had an amazing brunch prepared for them. “I hope you’re hungry since we missed breakfast this morning. No need to worry about working out today. You and I burned a lot of calories so eat up.”

  Vicky reached across the table and touched his cheek “You didn’t have to do all of this for me but I love it. And, yes…I am starving.” He leaned into her hand and kissed the inside of it.

  “I just wanted today to be special. I want today to be a day you’ll always remember.”

  “Do you real
ly think I wouldn’t? No one has ever made me feel the way you have Jason. I feel like my heart is going to explode. I can’t believe I wasted so much time being afraid of loving you. Well, that stopped last night. When I told you that I’m ready to fight for us, I meant every word. I won’t let anyone or anything come between us again. I promise.”

  Jason got up and went over and kneeled before Vicky “Hell, I just can’t wait. I was going to wait until later to do this but I just can’t. I won’t be able to think straight until I get an answer from you.”

  Vicky was confused. Why was Jason kneeling on the floor? And, why was he looking so nervous? His hands were shaking. This was starting to make Vicky uncomfortable “umm...Jason, what’s going on? Why are you kneeling on the floor?”

  Jason took both Vicky’s hands in his and looked deeply into her eyes, “I know that we haven’t known each other very long and it’s seemed like one thing after another with us since we met. But, the day we met on the elevator was one of the best days of my life. I fell for you immediately and completely. I know that you are the one for me. And, I couldn’t love Angel anymore than if she were my own daughter. I can promise both you and Angel that I will always be here for you, I will always protect you, and I will always love you. I’ll do my best to make you happy come whatever. Vicky Martin, if you’ll have me will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Jason then reached into his pocket and pulled out the most dazzling diamond ring Vicky had ever seen. It was huge. She was stunned. Did Jason just get down on one knee and propose? Was this really happening? She blinked a few times to make sure that what she saw in front of her was real.

  It took Vicky a minute to process Jason’s proposal. “Vicky? Say something. You’ve got me down here on one knee sweating it out for an answer.”

  “Yes.” Vicky calmly whispered before screaming to the roof tops “Yes, yes, YES! I will marry you!” Then, she grabbed a hold of Jason and rained kisses all over his face before finally resting her lips on his.

  “Let’s make this official.” Jason took the engagement ring out of the box and slipped it onto her finger. It fit perfectly. “That’s where I was all morning. Trying to find the perfect ring and making sure it fit properly. I was going to do this tonight but I couldn’t wait for your answer. I deserve a medal for trying to get your ring size while you were sleeping.”

  Vicky couldn’t stop smiling and looking at her ring. She’d hoped that marriage would eventually happen for them but she had no idea that it would happen this soon. “It’s perfect. Jason, we’ve got to call your parents!”

  Chapter 6

  Jason rose from the floor and walked back into the bedroom before commenting over his shoulder “Well, before we do, we still have some unfinished business that we need to attend to.”

  Vicky couldn’t think straight. She was going to be Mrs. Jason Kincaid Rutherford. She never thought in a million years when she met Jason that marriage would be in her future. Jason came back out from the bedroom and sat the box on the table. Vicky’s smiled faded. She jumped out of her chair as if it was scalding hot “I should have known better.”

  It was Jason’s turn to look confused. Vicky was angry that she let her guard down. “I should have known better. When something seems too good to be true it usually is too good to be true. This is why you did this isn’t it?” pointing at the box.

  “Are you serious right now? I just poured out my heart to you and because I want to know if I’m going to be a father you’re questioning my motives?” Jason took a deep breath because Vicky made him want to strangle her when she was scared.

  “Really, so that’s not the reason you asked me to marry you? It didn’t speed up the process because you think I’m pregnant? I bet the Rutherford’s have never had a bastard bi-racial child in the family before.”

  Jason just wanted to shake Vicky silly. “You know damn well that my marriage proposal has nothing to do with whether you’re pregnant or not. I’m going to ignore the bi-racial bit because I know you didn’t really mean it. I love you and you love me. We’re getting married. As far as I’m concerned the sooner the better. But, I do deserve to know if I’m going to be a father.”

  Somewhere in the background they heard Vicky’s cell phone ring. They ignored it. Neither one of them made a move to answer it. After the fourth ring it finally stopped.

  “Yes, you do have a right to an answer Jason but now? You want to ask me that question now? You just asked me to marry you in a way that women only dream about. You don’t think a woman would try and put two and two together? I don’t ever want to feel like I trapped you into marriage. We’re just trying to find our footing with each other. So, of course I’m going to wonder.”

  Vicky stared at Jason then stared back at the box. She knew she was over reacting and really had no idea why she was afraid to find out if she were pregnant especially since Jason would be the father. He wasn’t Angel’s dad. He wouldn’t abandon her. Her demons seem to always show up at the most inopportune moments.

  Her phone started to ring again. This time Vicky went to answer it. Jason stopped her. “We have more important things to discuss than whatever it is they want to talk about.” They stared each other down.

  Jason was the first to break the silence “I don’t know what you are afraid of Vicky. Don’t you want to know for sure?” he caressed her cheek.

  Somewhere in the background they heard the house phone ringing.

  “I’m not afraid of anything Jason. Fine, I’ll go take the test but just know your timing couldn’t have been worse.” Vicky snatched up the box off of the table to go take the test. She was lying. She was terrified. In her heart, she knew she could depend on Jason but memories of her first pregnancy wouldn’t go away.

  Seconds before leaving the balcony for the bathroom, there was a frantic knock on the bedroom door. Aggravated with the interruption, Jason went to answer it. Vicky, curious about who was at the door and what they wanted followed him.

  “Mr. Rutherford, it’s your father on the phone. He said it’s urgent.” Willa, Jason’s long-time housekeeper handed him the phone.

  Jason was exasperated “Hey Dad now is not a good time…what’s up?”

  “We just got a call from the police department. Son, there’s been an accident. Angels been hurt in a car accident. I’m not sure how badly she’s been hurt but you need to grab Vicky and head over to the emergency room at First Methodist Hospital. We’ll meet you there.”

  Vicky could tell by the look on Jason’s face that something was really wrong. Jason hung up the phone. “Vicky, please be calm. There’s been an accident. Angel’s been hurt and we need to get to the hospital right away.”

  Vicky’s knees buckled. Had Jason not been standing right next to her she would have hit the floor. He caught her “Angel’s going to be fine. Hurry, get dressed let’s go see about our daughter.”

  Chapter 7

  The ride over to the hospital was brutal. Jason needed to be supportive for Vicky because he knew she was a nervous wreck. She hadn’t said a word since he told her about the accident. The not knowing was torture for them both.

  They arrived at the hospital emergency room at the same time as the Rutherford’s. “Mom, dad….what happened?”

  Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford hugged them before John started to explain “We’re not sure. We just got here ourselves. We are not blood relatives so they won’t give us any information.”

  An attendant came out from behind the desk with her clipboard, “Is anyone here related to a Jocelyn Baker or an Angel Martin?”

  Vicky rushed over “I’m Angel Martin’s mother. How is she? Can I see her?”

  “I’m sorry ma’am; you’ll need to complete the registration and insurance papers for the treatment she’s receiving today. I don’t have any other information regarding the status of her condition. The emergency room nurse will be out shortly to talk to you.”

  Vicky screamed at the attendant “Well then where is the nurse? Somebody
needs to tell me something right now! I don’t even know where she is and you’re talking to me about filling out registration papers?”

  All heads turned when an elderly couple rushed through the emergency room doors screaming. “Someone please help us! We got a call that Jocelyn Baker had been brought here.”

  The attendant turned towards the older couple just as a police officer was making his way into the emergency room waiting room area as well.

  “Are you the parent’s of Jocelyn Baker?”

  “Yes. Yes we are. Where is she? Can we talk to her?”

  “I’m sorry ma’am at the moment the doctors and nurses are still with her. As soon as they can someone will come out to talk to you. In the meantime, there are some registration papers that we need for you to complete.”

  “She’s going to be ok though right?” Jocelyn’s mother spoke as if she hadn’t heard the administrator.

  The officer who had been standing in the background made himself known. “Hello, my name is officer Rubin. I was the officer who arrived first at the scene of the accident. Are you the parents of Jocelyn Baker and…” he looked down at his paperwork to make sure he got the name of the other victim correct “...Angel Martin?”

  Everyone started to speak at the same time to verify that they were the parents and grand-parents.

  Officer Rubin started to explain “Well, it appears that Ms. Baker and Ms. Martin were traveling northbound toward the 1st and Jefferson intersection. Witnesses have verified the light was green when they proceeded to enter the intersection. However, the driver of an SUV appears to have fallen asleep at the wheel and ran a red light. He went through the intersection and that is when he collided with their Hyundai Sonata.”

  Vicky felt faint, “Oh my god…my baby was hit by an SUV?”

  The officer responded “I’m afraid so ma’am.”

  Shortly after the officer responded the emergency room doors flew open and a doctor in putrid green scrubs came from behind it. He was followed by what appeared to be a nurse. Everyone fell silent as they watched his every move. They didn’t know if he was the doctor who was attending to Jocelyn and Angel. No one took a breath or made a sound. They looked exhausted and the doctor had blood all over his scrubs. Vicky’s stomach was starting to roil. She thought she might vomit. Her head was pounding.


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